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Phil Spencer: Gears XBO needs to "reignite franchise"; passing Rime was "mistake"; E3


To be perfectly honest, while the idea of a new Microsoft IP was enticing, what we saw didn't really hype me up in any way. Too short, little details...but I did want to know more.

I think the most exciting part about the BT reveal was the sole fact that it actually was a new IP.


Phil is awesome. Won a game off twitter from him and now he follows me.

Sort of a big deal now.

Seriously though I'm excited for another gears . Love the series.


I hope that by Gears' required growth he's referring to improving on Judgement's numbers and reception. Otherwise that blockbuster requirement has done them more harm than good. It is what is stopping us from getting more Crimson Skies, Mech Assault etc. and it is what is making them inferior to their competition. Nobody wants them to lose money on their games, but sometimes generating a profit will have to do as long as it helps to improve their portfolio and reputation as a publisher.


Ehh, a new IP can still turn out awful. I need to see something that really excites me first before jumping on the hype.

Agreed. A new IP doesn't always mean greatness. I'm fine with a healthy balance of new and old IPs. I like new games like Ryse, but also love old classics like gears and halo


There is an article on Eurogamer from a few years ago about the original Xbox in Japan, and how they missed out on having RE4 as an exclusive. Capcom approached them before Nintendo. It's a good read:


That makes zero sense. It isn't like today where the series has fallen apart- at the time Resident Evil was one of the biggest franchises around, and the new Xbox was painfully short on exclusives. Why WOULDN'T they want to lock that down and then advertise the hell out of it?
I'm probably the only one who has zero interest in Halo and Gears anymore without the original development talent behind it.

Xbox One is really coming off as a team without ideas. Just throwing money at staffs to work on stuff that ran its course last gen.
I'm probably the only one who has zero interest in Halo and Gears anymore without the original development talent behind it.

Xbox One is really coming off as a team without ideas. Just throwing money at staffs to work on stuff that ran its course last gen.

That's my biggest issue right now - the xbox's two largest franchises are being developed by teams that had nothing to do with their success on former platforms.

They might as well try to establish new franchises instead of ruin old ones.
Not too surprised they passed on Guitar Hero. Nobody could have predicted an expensive music game with a peripheral would have been that successful. Heck even Activision passed on Harmonix introducing drums and mics, and then copied them anyway after the success of Rock Band.


Phil Spencer comes off an genuine. I like that.

This really makes me wonder what the point of Major Nelson is. Can't his job just be replaced with generic press releases? At least the press release won't have ties to the terrible stigma that he has. At this point can anyone really say that Larry has the customer's best interests in hand and not the corporations? If we can't then he really is just a glorified press release.


That's my biggest issue right now - the xbox's two largest franchises are being developed by teams that had nothing to do with their success on former platforms.

They might as well try to establish new franchises instead of ruin old ones.
Teams, sure, but there are some key staff still at both, it's not wholly isolated.


If sales keep going how they're going, Gears won't be able to grow on XBO. Smaller install base means lower sales potential.

Xbox One LT is still tracking ahead of 360 though

E92 M3

Phil Spencer comes off an genuine. I like that.

This really makes me wonder what the point of Major Nelson is. Can't his job just be replaced with generic press releases? At least the press release won't have ties to the terrible stigma that he has. At this point can anyone really say that Larry has the customer's best interests in hand and not the corporations? If we can't then he really is just a glorified press release.

His director of programming on LIVE I believe. The PR schtick is secondary. I actually think Larry is a good guy; just MS PR needs to all be fired and have new people, smarter people hired.
I think they have a much better chance to create a new good series than they do of reigniting Gears. Gears had it's story; you are going to have to create an all new story and characters (mostly), just make something else and have the gameplay


I think they have a much better chance to create a new good series than they do of reigniting Gears. Gears had it's story; you are going to have to create an all new story and characters (mostly), just make something else and have the gameplay

Highly doubt they have a better chance at that. Gears is very successful. It has sold a ton and still has a solid fan base.


If sales keep going how they're going, Gears won't be able to grow on XBO. Smaller install base means lower sales potential.

Xbox One LT is still tracking ahead of 360 though

The part you spoliered is kind of the big deal. Even though it's being outsold by the PS4, both systems are doing better than their previous iterations. Sony had a rocky start with the pricing of the PS3 and Microsoft was crazy handcuffed on supply due to RRoD. Besides being outsold by the PS4, the Xbox One really isn't in a bad position at all.


probably a bit disappointing that "Will there be unannounced games at E3?" is met with "That's the plan" instead of "Hell yea!"


He seems genuine and like he really cares about games. I wish the rest of the Xbox crew were more like him.

I'm more surprised that they bought the IP without having a solid, clear plan for it first.

It's a guaranteed next gen multi-million seller that the Xbox fan base is enthusiastic about, that had the possibility of ending up on another console. What do you need to think about?


His director of programming on LIVE I believe. The PR schtick is secondary. I actually think Larry is a good guy; just MS PR needs to all be fired and have new people, smarter people hired.

I had no idea about his ties to LIVE. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone to disagree with you about finding new people to lead the image of Xbox on social media. Larry has done harm to the brand. Period. Even with the message that Mattrick had for his employees a better PR face wouldn't have come out of it so bloodied.

I'm not saying he's a bad person, I just think maybe he should focus on what he does well (Xbox Live programming) and stay away from the PR.


Sounds good to me : Gears of War is was got me into gaming as a more serious hobby. Having jumped ship to PS4 and still wanting the local co-op of WiiU's offerings that should give me time before I need to buy an XBO.

Also time to make it good.

I'm gonna go play Gears 3 now.


Phil Spencer, the only man who had the guts to announce X1's price at E3 is now the only one who can talk straight. He's just doing it right.

E92 M3

I had no idea about his ties to LIVE. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone to disagree with you about finding new people to lead the image of Xbox on social media. Larry has done harm to the brand. Period. Even with the message that Mattrick had for his employees a better PR face wouldn't have come out of it so bloodied.

I'm not saying he's a bad person, I just think maybe he should focus on what he does well (Xbox Live programming) and stay away from the PR.

I won't argue with you about that, they definitely need a new, friendly face for their PR message. They just need to hire allard as a consultant lol.
Teams, sure, but there are some key staff still at both, it's not wholly isolated.

I know there are guys like Frankie who are sticking around and trying to guide the franchise, but that means little when there's an entire team of people that have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what made the original entries great.


I'm hoping it will be November 2015 that gears comes out, but if it's 2016 that makes sense to. Would be the ten year anniversary of gears 1
Spencer is to me the only guy that is sympathetic and knows what gaming is about there at Microsoft. He has to clean the shit that Mattrick left there.
I know there are guys like Frankie who are sticking around and trying to guide the franchise, but that means little when there's an entire team of people that have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what made the original entries great.
Believe it or not there are actually still a lot of Bungie folks at 343.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
At least they got Below. That's one of the reasons why I bought an XB1.
Highly doubt they have a better chance at that. Gears is very successful. It has sold a ton and still has a solid fan base.

Yeah but a solid fan base for what? Just the name Gears of War? They need to make a new story and character anyways. I don't think trying to make a new game that's attached to the Gears franchise (somehow) is the way to go.

It feels like they will be putting in just as much effort as they would a new series


Gears needs new enemies, new weapons, destructible environments, better AI, better netcode, more horror, more gore and big bosses!

AU Tiger

If they turn Gears into a Survival Horror game I might Jump In.

That would be cool but if they stick to the typical 3rd person scheme they almost certainly would have to contend with the inevitable comparisons to Dead Space/RE.

I liked the gears trilogy though so whatever black tusk does, I hope that it's SOMETHING that breaks away from the same old thing we got last gen.


I hope it does reignite the franchise, I was getting kind of tired of Gears by the end there. It'd at least put away some of the disappointment with losing the spy game if it did try some new approaches.


I know there are guys like Frankie who are sticking around and trying to guide the franchise, but that means little when there's an entire team of people that have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what made the original entries great.
There's actually quite a few more, but I think there's always a chance breaking away from the traditions of those series is what they really need.

Also, there's the question of to what extent anyone really knows what makes certain things great. For example, it wasn't until Halo Reach when Bungie wrote fresh aim-assist code, that they realized that because the first three game's aim-assist was purely depth based, and character models have their heads at the foremost of the character model, that aim-assist favored head shots. Such a pivotal aspect of the game's design was not only unintentional, it wasn't even known till years later.

Obviously Bungie are a wildly talented team, and personally I thought Halo 4 was weak, but at a certain point, a franchise is naturally going to stagnate in the same hands, and a new, hungry staff, could be the best thing for it.

Between 4 and Judgement, those franchises might as well be over, so I'd hope it means the teams feel a real opportunity to rip them apart and build something new from the foundations. Obviously Halo is in a bit of a different situations, because it's the same team, but it's still a new generation, we know it's 60fps, it seems like they might be trying something new.
I always thought he looked like a slimy car salesman, but this definitely sounded humble. First truly good thing to come out of Microsoft since X1 was announced. Good for you Phil! Keep the honesty coming and some good games and we will talk again.

The Flash

Phil has been pretty open on twitter when it comes to questions. I noticed that the Greenberg, Pennello, Lobb and Ybarra all appeared on fans podcast for the past month.

I played Titanfall with Ybarra the other day. The guy seems really down to earth. Even admitted that he was skeptical of how good Titanfall would be.


This is one of those rare times Microsoft looks genuine. If they can make a great Gears again it might get me to want the system.
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