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Phil Spencer: "Not a fan of marketing deals with exclusive content"


Yeah, right. What a load of balls. You just can't get such a deal because the cost isn't worth it now. Hello Tomb Raider!

Exactly my thoughts. They didn't seem to be too bothered by it when they bought Tomb Raider exclusivity for a year.
People at GAF have problems reading sentences it seems. He is talking that marketing deals making content exclusive to a game in a plataform for a given time is bullshit. "But he had a lot of launch exclusives!" Of course they had, Sony had taken almost all big titles marketing deals, MS had to show some smaller games. "But then they should invest in first-party games!" But they are. SoT, Crackdown and HW2 expansion are statements that they are. "I don't like SoT (graphics), Crackdown "seems" janky and turn-strategy games never work on consoles!" Then don't buy an Xbox. He is telling the truth, MS has no exclusive content to a game due to a marketing deal, Sony does. (they had in the past, of course, but if they are getting away from that that's good)


Kagari stated that the deal was made in the months of TR's E3 reveal in 2014. Mattrick left in 2013.

However, let's assume Mattrick made the deal, for entertainment's sake. The one who decided to lie to consumers about the game's type of exclusivity was Phil.

Yeah that was definitely a low point for him, and I think he knows it.

As for his assertion in the article that technology shouldn't be held back in contracts etc, I have 2 words for ya Phil "parity clause"

But kidding aside, most devs do what they can to maximize each platform, so I'm 100% confident 1X will be the definitive version of each multiplat when it comes to performance and visuals. There's no reason to think otherwise. Games that had MS marketing deals in the past routinely performed and looked better on PS4, so no reason to think that same trend won't continue now.
Says the guy who's whole conference was some announcer yelling exclusive at the audience for almost an hour.

Don't be a hypocrite Phil, both companies do dirty shit.
To call them journalists makes a mockery of the term. They need to keep on games companies good side to keep access.

Love to see the likes of the BBC or Metro have an interview as I doubt they'd turn a blind eye to the most obvious retorts.

ps3ud0 8)


Grim Patron 8)
People at GAF have problems reading sentences it seems. He is talking that marketing deals making content exclusive to a game in a plataform for a given time is bullshit. "But he had a lot of launch exclusives!" Of course they had, Sony had taken almost all big titles marketing deals, MS had to show some smaller games. "But then they should invest in first-party games!" But they are. SoT, Crackdown and HW2 expansion are statements that they are. "I don't like SoT (graphics), Crackdown "seems" janky and turn-strategy games never work on consoles!" Then don't buy an Xbox. He is telling the truth, MS has no exclusive content to a game due to a marketing deal, Sony does. (they had in the past, of course, but if they are getting away from that that's good)

Do you not remember Rise of the Tomb Raider? Dude is full of it.


Well, Phil, your entire E3 campaign was full of "exclusive" this "launch exclusive" that. If you can dish it out, you got to eat it up, Phil.


We shall see. Just like with the "Marketing deals are not our strategy" comes E3 has multiple games with Launch exclusivity also partnering up with a big new AAA IP. Also as expected usual suspects lapping this up at face value.

Atm it isn't but let's see later in the year/next year.
A statement prompted by financial realities and market position.
Also probably this.
W-who wants to be the market leader anyway, baka!!
Exclusive games are not exclusive content
Really now?? so locking up the entire game is better or something...

Games are apparently not content.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
He's not choosing to speak about this. He was asked. He answered the only way he could. There is no information or opinions in the answer, just PR. Microsoft have a lot of low blows to gaming culture with parity and exclusives and the like. They're not above doing nasty deals.


People at GAF have problems reading sentences it seems. He is talking that marketing deals making content exclusive to a game in a plataform for a given time is bullshit. "But he had a lot of launch exclusives!" Of course they had, Sony had taken almost all big titles marketing deals, MS had to show some smaller games. "But then they should invest in first-party games!" But they are. SoT, Crackdown and HW2 expansion are statements that they are. "I don't like SoT (graphics), Crackdown "seems" janky and turn-strategy games never work on consoles!" Then don't buy an Xbox. He is telling the truth, MS has no exclusive content to a game due to a marketing deal, Sony does. (they had in the past, of course, but if they are getting away from that that's good)


Considering that NeoGAF consists of a lot of intelligent individuals, it's part amazing and part frightening to see the collective cognitive dissonance in some threads. I mean, it's not exactly rocket science, this.

But really they were the ones that pioneered this whole thing with the biggest franchises in CoD and GTA last generation. Now there's a change of heart?

Change of leadership. But what do you think? Do you agree, that it's bad for the industry?
People at GAF have problems reading sentences it seems. He is talking that marketing deals making content exclusive to a game in a plataform for a given time is bullshit. "But he had a lot of launch exclusives!" Of course they had, Sony had taken almost all big titles marketing deals, MS had to show some smaller games. "But then they should invest in first-party games!" But they are. SoT, Crackdown and HW2 expansion are statements that they are. "I don't like SoT (graphics), Crackdown "seems" janky and turn-strategy games never work on consoles!" Then don't buy an Xbox. He is telling the truth, MS has no exclusive content to a game due to a marketing deal, Sony does. (they had in the past, of course, but if they are getting away from that that's good)

Naive as hell, seriously man, do you expect that if Xbox One were a top player in the industry and those exclusive deals helped MS sell the console, Phil gonna talk to 3rd parties: "Nah man, this is bad for the industry, we should stop this"? What do you think 3rd parties gonna do? Agree with MS or go to Sony and get the quick cash?


"We are already getting pounded this generation; so what's the point in exclusive content?"

But really they were the ones that pioneered this whole thing with the biggest franchises in CoD and GTA last generation. Now there's a change of heart?



Considering that NeoGAF consists of a lot of intelligent individuals, it's part amazing and part frightening to see the collective cognitive dissonance in some threads. I mean, it's not exactly rocket science, this.

But you don't see how holding back a whole game for say a year is worse than holding back a strike or a skin for a whole year for a consumer?
But it's not like they have a choice, this is just the path they have to take as a distant second.

MS as a market leader would have been just as bad as they were last generation with exclusive deals.
It's not what he's talking about because he'd be called out for it instead of it he did.

What? I mean it's really not that difficult to see what he means. Hacing a game exclusive to a platform (even if that exclusivity is timed) is entirely different than having games launch on multiple platforms with one having more content than the rest. That shit sucks. Both because it is needlessly taking content away from consumers and because nine times out of ten that exclusive content is worthless or pushes the entire multiplayer base to one platform when it could thrive on multiple platforms.

Timed exclusivity for entire games is also bad but it's an entirely different thing from content exclusivity


Junior Member
Phil sounds like someone who cares about "the good of the games," possibly to the detriment of Xbox's own success, based on positions like this and backwards compatibility. The only thing I've heard him recently say indicating otherwise is explaining Microsoft's 1st party focus on live-games rather than narrative games.
People at GAF have problems reading sentences it seems. He is talking that marketing deals making content exclusive to a game in a plataform for a given time is bullshit. "But he had a lot of launch exclusives!" Of course they had, Sony had taken almost all big titles marketing deals, MS had to show some smaller games. "But then they should invest in first-party games!" But they are. SoT, Crackdown and HW2 expansion are statements that they are. "I don't like SoT (graphics), Crackdown "seems" janky and turn-strategy games never work on consoles!" Then don't buy an Xbox. He is telling the truth, MS has no exclusive content to a game due to a marketing deal, Sony does. (they had in the past, of course, but if they are getting away from that that's good)
They have it in more games than Sony has it so lol

For the record I think the destiny exclusive content is bullshit, but bungie is salty at Microsoft

Also the amount of exclusives compared to the ps4 or even switch is pathetic


Neither is a good thing for the industry.

Yeah but one is clearly less of an evil that we have to live with. When destiny dropped, Xbox players weren't left in the cold. The game itself didn't suffer because of having a smaller audience. When tomb raider dropped ps4 gamers suffered and the game suffered in sales when it eventually was released to others


Felium Defensor
It would be in your best interest to STFU Phil and continue munching on that humble pie instead of crying like a salty lil bitch for shit your company pioneered in the first place.
This is rich and hilarious.


Yeah but one is clearly less of an evil that we have to live with. When destiny dropped, Xbox players weren't left in the cold. The game itself didn't suffer because of having a smaller audience. When tomb raider dropped ps4 gannets suffered and the game suffered in sales when it eventually was released to others

There's around 0% evidence, that sales struggled because of the exclusivity.


I have to disagree with him here and probably a majority here. I do not see anything wrong with such deals. These companies need to differentiate their platform from others, and exclusive content in any form is a time tested way of doing it. I do not see anything wrong with it. Be it time exclusivity for an entire game or just some DLC/maps/etc. it is just another way to make your platform better than your competitors.


Phil might be the most startlingly disingenuous person in gaming. Yes, paying to prevent other people from enjoying a game/content is bad, but he would be doing it non-stop if Xbox wasn't getting its shit kicked in by Sony. No one is tricked by this.


What the fuck is going on in here?

Do you honestly believe there is only one guy (Phil) doing marketing deals and that no other wheels elsewhere turn or have turned in the past?

And are we arguing exclusives are the same if not worse than a multi platform game holding back finished content for all but one due to being given money?

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