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Pick a game that doesn't get the love it deserves and make a case for it


This is an easy one because I revisited it just yesterday


It's just such a charming game, and they really got creative with when they expanded the concepts and set pieces from the original. The narrator and Mickey's commentary make the whole thing feel very "Disney" as well. Plus I think it controls well and feels good to play once you're used to it. My only criticism is that occasionally the camera can not show you what's in front in time to react, and it's not very long. Other than that it's a really great game and I'd really like to see more of it.
Agree completely. Shame they botched the Vita port.
What was wrong with vita version. Is it worth picking up?

I would say Killzone Shadowfall. It gets a lot of hate. The story was a letdown but I loved the mechanics.The OWL becomes essential to surviving on harder difficulties and it also adds variety to encounters.IMO its MP feels like the perfect dark to killzone 2's golden eye. They fixed the classes and spawns. At its best Killzone is a brutally fun tactical shooter that I really enjoyed. I think if you like Killzone 2 MP you should love Shadow Fall.
Dewy's Adventure


I'm afraid a lot of people missed out on this one. It's one of the best Wii games to use tilt controls. Great graphics, arcadey music, fun level designs, cool bosses, this game definitely belongs in your Wii library. Unfortunately like so many third-party Wii games I could mention we probably won't see any sequels... besides the one for Nokia phones!


You know those games, the ones with average reviews, huge flaws, weird design choices, abysmal sales, but there is greatness there somewhere, just trying to get out

Pick a game and make a case for it

Mine is Binary Domain

It's a 3rd person shooter with a sense of humour, a fun story, interesting and diverse characters, and amazing shooting mechanics, most of the enemies in the game are robots that fall apart as your bullets rip them apart

The voice commands are kind of lame but thankfully optional, and other than a few overly long boss fights the game is a unique third person shooter that is well worth a play
Great choice.

Mine would be the new Shadow Warrior. I was discussing it over in the recent Wolfenstein TNO LTTP thread. This game is amazing and seems to be underrated. I beat it on Steam and am working through it on PS4. Any FPS fan or at least old school FPS fan should play this if they haven't already. Fun, funny, and awesome.
This is another one I really enjoyed, but I was young at the time. I rented it a few times, and beat it once or twice per rental period. Can't remember if it was actually good or not, though. I do remember it being a lot of fun, though.

Normally it would be Killing Floor, but now that it is going to be on a console every one is hyped for it after all these years.


Neo Member
Renegade Ops


Picked this one up free on PS+ last year. Had so much fun playing this with friends late night. The dialogue is so cliché and silly, like straight out of an 80s action flick.

The game play was straight up reminiscent of Jackal for the original NES.

Such a fun game to play while drinking beers with friends.


The Banner Saga

Really great strategy RPG with a good story and cool characters. Your decisions impact the overall story, npcs can leave or stay with you depending on your actions. Not too complicated to understand or level up your troops, so you are not stuck on a character profile for hours having to manage a lot of numbers. Also, the music is superb and was composed by Austin Wintory, the guy responsible for the Journey OST.


Gothic 3

For me it's one of the finest RPGs on the Market and it's greatly overlooked due to the fact that it was broken at release. Since then the Game received various Patches (by the Community ) and Updates.

- HUUGE Map, like really huge and completely OPEN. No Loading Screens at all.
- Good Story, not Great, but good.
- Huge Variety of Quests.
- AMAZING Dialogues
- Great RPG Elements
- Beautiful Game overall, it's old Yes, but its still a looker.

What makes this Game (Gothic Games in general) special is the interaction with the NPCs. They sleep eat and drink. Every NPC is unique and has somewhat a Place in the Story.

Furthermore this game has a Special "Level" System. For every Level Up you get 5 Skill Points Now the Thing is, you cannot attribute them in a "Character Screen" but you have to actually acquire them.

Example: For a HP increase you need to go to a Innos or Beliar Statue ( The Gods of the Game) there you can acquire HP.

For other Attributes like STR or DEX you have to go to Trainers, which you can find pretty much everywhere. A lot of them will ask you to do them a favour before they decide to actually train you and of course, you have to pay for it. Skills are learnt the same way and the learning is accompanied by a small explenation of the Trainer.

Here some Pictures:

Z.H.P.: Unlosing Ranger VS. Darkdeath Evilman

One of the best original games for the PSP and Nippon Ichi's best non-Disgaea title. Filled to the brim with fun characters, cheeky riffs/parodies/homages to the tokusatsu genre, a great soundtrack, and a shit ton of content. Received a spiritual successor with The Guided Fate Paradox, but outside of obvious graphical quailty is virtually inferior in almost every respect (though it's still a good game in its own right).



One of the few roguelikes that I've actually finished, and I enjoyed every minute of it!




Kerbal Space Program

This is an example of early access done right. The game is receiving consistent updates and has changed MASSIVELY since it was first launched on Steam, the developer support and community is extremely committed and friendly.

I jumped in without know much of anything about spaceflight (took me a while to figure out what periapsis and apoapsis were) and after 50 hours I landed 2 Kerbals on Duna (KSP version of Mars). It was one of the greatest accomplishments of my gaming career and as rewarding as any boss I defeated in any other game.

It's fun for the more technically proficient people but also accessible to the regular joe. You can still have a ton of fun building all sorts of crazy contraptions and flying around the ground, or just strapping more and more fuel tanks and engines to your beast of a rocket to try and break into space.

This game totally caught me by surprise and I think it's deserving of far more praise and attention than it gets. It can be a little daunting at first with all of the complex mathematical mechanics involved but there's plenty of tutorial videos out there to help you figure things out as you go.

If you have any interest in space, you should play this game. Oh and when in doubt, use more struts!!!


Ok, this is finally going on my wishlist. Your .gif is too powerful.


Dark Sector - Although the Glaive weapon is gimmicky and the story is mostly forgettable, this was a nice RE4 clone for people waiting on RE5. After Digital Extremes does more than Warframe, I would love to see them team up with Shinji Mikami for a Dark Sector 2.

Dante's Inferno - I'm glad to have the Platinum for this game and enjoyed every second of it. Very different than most GOW clones and somewhat pays attention to the poem (although the aim of the poem was political rather than melodramatic). I wish Visceral was doing Dante's Purgatorio next instead of Battlefield: Hardline.
I absolutely LOVE Clock Tower 3

As much as it has it's moments, which it certainly does, overall I found it a genuinely enjoyable game to play which keeps the genuine Clock Tower atmosphere of constantly being chased without reprieve. Yes the cut scenes are incredibly silly and the characters and voice acting are daft, but I feel like the ridiculousness of it all just adds to the charm.


What was wrong with vita version. Is it worth picking up?

Apparently it's got some blatant performance issues, among other things (same for the PS3 version from what I've heard). I've yet to pick it up, especially since I already double-dipped on XBLA. That version seemed fine to me, not sure if it's a different version or what. It did come out later on that platform.

Game itself is excellent, of course.

Sera O


Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death.

This game is pure glorious cheese, and totally knows it besides. So much fun for the teeny amount of money I paid for it.

Z.H.P.: Unlosing Ranger VS. Darkdeath Evilman.

YES! Its super-goofy story and tokusatsu homage elements were fun window-dressing, but the real draw is how much there was to play through, not even counting all the extra Dengeki dungeons that really upped the difficulty.

My candidate:

Last Remnant PC

The story may be kind of lacklustre. I don't care. The deep battle/morale system and rabbit-hole of squad leaders, abilities, combinations and options is incredibly impressive and fun to explore. I find it tough to think of a game that does sidequests and rewards for sidequests better (many opened new areas on the map, new characters, or both). It was a true surprise to me and one of my favourite game experiences of the past couple of years.

I want another Last Remnant-style game with more squads to control - it would be amazing, like managing a full army, with each soldier/squad having their own quirks. This is the only game I spent 100+ hours on and immediately started again from the beginning once I was done.


First game I got with my PS1. I stopped reading at "From the Makers of Earthworm Jim" One of my favorite games ever.

Absolutely. The graphics were awesome, and the different ways you could kill enemies made the game a blast to play. I would love an updated PSN release.

Dark Sector - Although the Glaive weapon is gimmicky and the story is mostly forgettable, this was a nice RE4 clone for people waiting on RE5. After Digital Extremes does more than Warframe, I would love to see them team up with Shinji Mikami for a Dark Sector 2.

Dante's Inferno - I'm glad to have the Platinum for this game and enjoyed every second of it. Very different than most GOW clones and somewhat pays attention to the poem (although the aim of the poem was political rather than melodramatic). I wish Visceral was doing Dante's Purgatorio next instead of Battlefield: Hardline.

I can get behind both of these recommendations. I loved the dark tone of Dante's Inferno and the mechanics were sound. Really great game.

Dark Sector did nothing for me when I played the demo, but the game dropped to $10 on Newegg really fast, so I couldn't resist. Ended up being one of the best $10 purchases I'd ever made. It was worth full price.


Jump Ultimate Stars

It was Japan only so it doesn't get much recognition but goddamn is that game fun. Smash bros with Shohen characters, customizable button screen to call in assists and add attributes to your fighter, online multiplayer, 4 player LAN.....good times.

I just wish I could of understood the text :(





When taking the franchise to a different route didn't mean pulling it away from what makes it great.

The music, ambiance and overall story arc was something i thoroughly enjoyed.




Neo Member

I thought it was an absolute masterpiece, and consider it to be a top 5 game from the last generation. Such an unbelievably fully realized world. An amazingly palpable, unique, nostalgic atmosphere, and an intelligent, unpredictable story with unforgettable characters.

I also thought the gameplay was extremely solid and had no problems with it. It's a 10/10 game for me. Liked it considerably more than the original Bioshock. And people drive me crazy when they rave about Bioshock 2 and state that it's better than Infinite. Bioshock 2 was utter trash compared to Infinite.

I loved Bioshock Infinite too but I feel like a lot of people were really critical of that game because of how Ken Levine talked it up and how hyped people were. I may be remembering it wrong but he was talking about how the game would deal with these heavy issues like religion and race and not be this "dudebro" game when I feel like these issues were presented to us but not talked about and not discussed, it just was in the game like "yeah these things happened in the early 1900s".

The whole regen-ing health thing didn't help either for it's "not a dudebro game"... marketing? And 1999 mode wasn't exactly what we thought it was going to be.

Regardless of all this, I still really enjoyed the setting, the characters, the story and even the gunplay, definitely a game that stuck with me for a while, I pretty much played that game non-stop on release. Really, really great game.


Dewy's Adventure

I'm afraid a lot of people missed out on this one. It's one of the best Wii games to use tilt controls. Great graphics, arcadey music, fun level designs, cool bosses, this game definitely belongs in your Wii library. Unfortunately like so many third-party Wii games I could mention we probably won't see any sequels... besides the one for Nokia phones!

This is from the Elebits devs, right? I've got that one in my BL and Dewy's has been on my radar as well. :)


I loved Bioshock Infinite too but I feel like a lot of people were really critical of that game because of how Ken Levine talked it up and how hyped people were. I may be remembering it wrong but he was talking about how the game would deal with these heavy issues like religion and race and not be this "dudebro" game when I feel like these issues were presented to us but not talked about and not discussed, it just was in the game like "yeah these things happened in the early 1900s".

The whole regen-ing health thing didn't help either for it's "not a dudebro game"... marketing? And 1999 mode wasn't exactly what we thought it was going to be.

Regardless of all this, I still really enjoyed the setting, the characters, the story and even the gunplay, definitely a game that stuck with me for a while, I pretty much played that game non-stop on release. Really, really great game.

I liked it as well, the gunplay/encounter design were only average really, but the world and story really pushed it a lot further than that, a lot of people can't get past that, and thats fair enough really

It's kind of the anti-Destiny, its story is great but its gameplay is meh, whereas Destiny is the opposite
Dragon Age II.
Everyone speaks about it like it's a Duke Nukem level catastrophe or like it burned down their houses or something. It's a great game, the story is really good, characterisation is great, combat is fun - it does have a pretty serious issue with repeated assets but that doesn't take away from the rest of the positives. The DLC is great too.


Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Expected this to be a decent 3rd person action/stealth game, but it turned out to be an amazing stealth game with great co-op (and it still has an active online community on PS3)
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