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Pikachu heel turn and Team Rocket merch available in Pokemon Centers this October

If you're in Jersey you could probably get away with wearing the Team Rocket stuff and people would think you're just from Rutgers.


Love the tie.

I would wear it to work no problem.

It's subtle enough to get away with it but if someone recognises it they are a fan and a good conversation starter.


Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time.
Need the tie, pins, and T-shirts


Man, I wish they had an official way to import the goods they sell at the Pokemon Center. I don't go to Japan that often, and I'm afraid all this stuff will be long gone by the next time I visit :(

They should build a Pokemon Center in the US!




nintendo making a killing off the exclusive merch. at least the pins are within reach i guess

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Anyone remember The Letter People, it was a popular literacy program in the 90s U.S. that featured anthropomorphic letters...

Anyway in Kindergarten I played the part of Mr. R, and thus needed an "r"-themed attire---I ended up wearing a white shirt with a giant red R on it and a rose attached. I know what you're thinking, "oh, makes sense, one of the biggest Pokemon fans on GAF stealth cosplayed as James from Team Rocket!" but this was '96 quite a bit before the Pokemon craze reached America. Completely coincidental, but I basically wore the Team Rocket custom uniform first.


When would you wear a gaming tie? During an interview? A Tinder date?

Well maybe the date one would work out if some setup was done first.
I like ties that have subtle details , like you need to really pay attention to know what the details are about but if people don't know they just think is a random (and good) design/pattern

I think this one is subtl


... Oh geez, those bottles looked so much different on my phone first thing in the morning. Still can't tell if it's nail polish or markers, but... Yeah. I wouldn't put them on my eggs. Or fries. Or anything else I'd put hot sauce on. Which is anything.

Those Pikachus are super cute, by the way! As well as everything Rocket themed; those guys had style.


I'm really sad that I'm leaving the country days before these come out.

I want one of those evil 'chus...
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