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Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment (Kickstarter) [Up: Teaser]


ooh watching now,

btw it seems it wasn't mentioned. But PoE "delayed" till fall late 2014. Which is the time frame I assumed it was in.


No shitty romances confirmed. :)

Obsidian is the like the anti-Bioware.. I loves them so much and would totally romance Tim Cain if I could.
the more I think of it the more I would have liked having at least the option to romance somebody. not that it's essential or should be executed bioware-style, yet they keep stressing how detailed the character arcs, background stories and interactions are, so being able to engage in a romantic relationship with some of the characters is only logical and should be an option imo. I mean if they can hate you to death and leave the party why shouldn't they also be able to fall in love with you? you shouldn't center stuff around love and sex but I think it's just another nuance of possible human interaction and emotion that would have been nice to have in a complex rpg like this
anyway, not gonna cry about it, just some thoughts of mine.


the more I think of it the more I would have liked having at least the option to romance somebody. not that it's essential or should be executed bioware-style, yet they keep stressing how detailed the character arcs, background stories and interactions are, so being able to engage in a romantic relationship with some of the characters is only logical and should be an option imo. I mean if they can hate you to death and leave the party why shouldn't they also be able to fall in love with you? you shouldn't center stuff around love and sex but I think it's just another nuance of possible human interaction and emotion that would have been nice to have in a complex rpg like this
anyway, not gonna cry about it, just some thoughts of mine.

I'm not against romances but at the same time, I don't think they should add them in PoE if they don't feel up for writing them. If they had been happy to work with romances, I wouldn't really have bothered. Maybe some characters carry over to the sequel as companions and by then you have bonded so much that a romance is possible.


I'm not against romances but at the same time, I don't think they should add them in PoE if they don't feel up for writing them. If they had been happy to work with romances, I wouldn't really have bothered. Maybe some characters carry over to the sequel as companions and by then you have bonded so much that a romance is possible.

This would be pretty welcomed. Too often relations ships grow too fast in games.
new update, new sexy stuff:


cool info about rangers and more here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...eca65743c836be83ee1&ref=backer_project_update


But im seeing somehow a goatse from another angle ^^


I might implode, too much excitement between this PoE Update and the Darkest Dungeon KS... :D

Godlike Cipher, I believe this will be my character..!


The game is obviously going to be a looker, and I like a great deal of what Sawyer has been saying as far as the game systems as well.

The Sawyer videos posted earlier were also quite enjoyable. Always cool to hear talented designers share a bit of what makes them tick and how they approach their job.


All of the art they're showing for this game is ridiculously pretty. I wasn't really planning on playing a druid character, but turning into a werecat sounds pretty tempting, I dunno...


I am going to play a mage and maybe godlike depending on how the backstory, local racism/love, looks, and traits work out specifically. Starting the game as an adult character having been in the world those first two may or may not gel.


So "Winter 2014" as the current targeted release date. It might not make it into 22014 then and although I would be a bit disappointed if the inevitable delay happens, I also hope they take their time to deliver a polished product.
But all in all I very much like what I am seeing


The difficulty level issue is going to be less about how you manage your resources fight-to-fight and more about figuring out how to get through fights, period. Some of the optional fights we have in right now can only be beaten by a few people on the team, and that's with a mostly-fresh party.


our problem is - will u save this level of challenge in release version?


I'm glad they aren't going for the casual crowd for normal difficulty. That's the one I usually pick for the IE games.


Josh Sawyer embodies everything that I value in game design. I'd love to see him apply this to other genres, or maybe he can write a bible and preach to the designer masses.


new update, girls

a lot of stuff on monsters and lore and companions and stuff

also like always pretty pictures


had forgotten eric fenstermaker was working on PE

also lol

I know we suggested last week that I was going to give you a lore update, but I thought, this is a crowdfunded project. Why not completely fail to deliver on what was promised and instead give our backers something no one asked for?

in general this update's hilariously written, the whole part about the undead is amazing lol


And also, they will make a AMA at 5:30 PM PST.

Hey, everyone. This is Brandon. One last note, the Eternity team will be taking part in a reddit AMA in /r/Games. This is scheduled for today at 5:30 PM PST, so be on the lookout.

I think that is in about an hour from now.


Amazing amazing update. It's dripping on all the glory I expect to see in dusty old pixel scrolls.

Also the undead lore is pretty incredible. The attention to detail to the world building is really blowing me away. This game is the culmination of years of talent. I couldn't think of a more beautiful symbiotic relationship than they one that Obsidian has formed with through this project.


For some reason clicking the link makes it appear as though I'm logged in on your account on KS. Said I had purchased the $65 package (I selecting pleb $20 option) and I was so so confused.


I dunno I just copy pasta the link I got on my email :p


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Also the undead lore is pretty incredible. The attention to detail to the world building is really blowing me away. This game is the culmination of years of talent. I couldn't think of a more beautiful symbiotic relationship than they one that Obsidian has formed with through this project.

The undead lore is so refreshing and probably one of the best concepts for the undead in fantasy fiction (at least in games).

I have no concerns with this game as far as the writing and story will go.


I really hope to meet some of those early stage undead, see some lore about the full passage, have one in my party progress through their personal quests, or have things go bad for myself.
The undead is essentially a continuum encompassing what other franchises treat as separate undead entities. In the lore of PoE, you go from Vampire, to Wight, Ghoul, Zombie, and finally a Skeleton. It would be neat if you could get "undeadized", and then have to traverse through the game continuously eating human flesh to remain in Vampire-form (if you degrade, it's game over). Even if the devs don't implement something like that, it is a possibility through modding.

But that's just one path it seems, as they hinted at undead states being achievable through other means. I'm guessing you can bind a soul to an object, and create a Lich-like being - or maybe that just animates the object, so you get a talking book or a sword.
Will Obsidian email all backers to provide them with updated address info closer to release?

I've moved since backing the project, and I don't see an option to change my address on the KS site.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
The undead is essentially a continuum encompassing what other franchises treat as separate undead entities. In the lore of PoE, you go from Vampire, to Wight, Ghoul, Zombie, and finally a Skeleton. It would be neat if you could get "undeadized", and then have to traverse through the game continuously eating human flesh to remain in Vampire-form (if you degrade, it's game over). Even if the devs don't implement something like that, it is a possibility through modding.

But that's just one path it seems, as they hinted at undead states being achievable through other means. I'm guessing you can bind a soul to an object, and create a Lich-like being - or maybe that just animates the object, so you get a talking book or a sword.

It seems like that's kinda where Obsidian is going with their undead - the "vampire" thing where undead remain "human-like" when they eat flesh. I'm just not sure how fleshed out it'll be, but having undead consistently remain "human" by eating flesh may work against its lore eventually as there would likely not be many skeletons and other forms of undead.


It seems like that's kinda where Obsidian is going with their undead - the "vampire" thing where undead remain "human-like" when they eat flesh. I'm just not sure how fleshed out it'll be, but having undead consistently remain "human" by eating flesh may work against its lore eventually as there would likely not be many skeletons and other forms of undead.

Why is there suddenly less wolves, bears, and other beasts near the hordes of the undead.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Why is there suddenly less wolves, bears, and other beasts near the hordes of the undead.

My point was that if eating flesh caused undead to remain near human then there likely wouldn't be any advanced forms of undead.


My point was that if eating flesh caused undead to remain near human then there likely wouldn't be any advanced forms of undead.

What's the odds that people would just let the vampyrs continue to munch on people without driving them away from their food source?
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