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Played Battlefield 5 freely via PSN plus it's devastating see Dice completely unable to send a fun solo mode


After Battlefield 1 I really don't understand what's up to Dice. It's practically from Battlefield 4 can't deliver a decent sp campaign. Finished Battlefield 1 but the 5 seems to have the same issue. Splitted scenario and characters, but more frustrating seems a big puzzle bad assembled, mainly I don't understand why the missions are segmented in such structure, place the bomb going there and so on. Seems they took the multiplayer elements and put a story behind, nothing more. A new issue in the graphic, on Pro the bounces lights now are very jaggies, I can't stop to fix them how annoying they are. But anyway I haven't great faith for the next one. I know it's quite bizzarre complaint about the sp mode in a FPS but bizzarly I love to play solo campaign in such games 🤷‍♂️


Despite however many millions of extra players reached via the freebie, I still can’t find a game of Firestorm.

The franchise is almost dead. Warzone, Fortnite, etc. has practically killed second tier shooters.

Sad, can’t see a new Killzone ever in this landscape.
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I enjoyed Battlefield 3 and 4 multiplayer but began quickly losing interest in the franchise with 1 and 5. In hindsight, the series went on a downward slope since bad company 2.
And that's a pity because tech wise it's a monster in graphic and sound. But when you start to play the single player the boredom arrive after an hour or less. And the fuck are those stupid controls of the airplane?I hated it in Battlefield 1 and they are back in Battlefield V. Christ confusing as hell It's a torture use the airplane in this game
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Gold Member
I honestly haven't even bothered with the single player. Even though the game REALLY wants me to. When you first start the game it basically boots you straight into the first SP mission, but I bailed out immediately and went to play Conquest instead.

The multiplayer is still aces. It's not Bad Company 2-tier, but it's great fun.


Gold Member
Remember booting up the first level on hardcore and it was a stupid fucking stealth level. Didn't go back to campaign after that.


Despite however many millions of extra players reached via the freebie, I still can’t find a game of Firestorm.

The franchise is almost dead. Warzone, Fortnite, etc. has practically killed second tier shooters.

Sad, can’t see a new Killzone ever in this landscape.

I hope not. I hate these battle royale style shooters. Give me the standard COD, BF, Halo, Killzone any day. But if you are right, then I guess we’ll never get the 8 player co-op from Resistance I guess....


I hope not. I hate these battle royale style shooters. Give me the standard COD, BF, Halo, Killzone any day. But if you are right, then I guess we’ll never get the 8 player co-op from Resistance I guess....
Game over man! Game over!
People ragged on BF4's campaign but I enjoyed it for what it was, and it was by far the best Battlefield campaign. They took steps backwards with BF1 and BFV, and not only campaign-wise, multiplayer as well.
Agreed. BF1 and BFV , with the graphics that they have, and a single player campaign similar to BF4 would be much better. For some reason I find BFV campaign worse than BF1.
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BF1 campaign was horrendous. I remember one level where the enemies just kept coming down the same path. I didn’t move and wiped them all out, leaving a huge mound of corpses.

Amateur hour for the devs.
I turned it on, played the unskipabble intro. Pressed START and waited 15+ seconds for the servers to load. Aint nobody got time for this shit...i just exited and deleted the game


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
BF single player should be scrapped imo.

The correct answer.
They are wasting resources putting together these campaigns.
Fuck these campaigns all those devs should be working on the Multiplayer.

It took Battlefield V being announce for me to finish Battlefield 1s campaign and only because I wanted the achievements and knew once BFV came out I was never going back to BF1 to get those achievements.

BFV I havent even bothered with trying to get the achievements....I just dont care about the campaign.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

If they can put in decent SP content into Battlefront then there is no reason DICE cannot do the same for Battlefield.


The correct answer.
They are wasting resources putting together these campaigns.
Fuck these campaigns all those devs should be working on the Multiplayer.

It took Battlefield V being announce for me to finish Battlefield 1s campaign and only because I wanted the achievements and knew once BFV came out I was never going back to BF1 to get those achievements.

BFV I havent even bothered with trying to get the achievements....I just dont care about the campaign.
The correct answer is, build a competent campaign. If it’s good, people will play and praise it.

Single player has a huge fan base


Some of the most memorable moments i have had in gaming has been playing Battlefields games. Unfortunately it was Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 where I experienced those. Doubt I ever will again in a Battlefield game.
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Tbh, LOVED BC2 story mode, bf3 and 4 were alright. Played some bf1 story and didn't even bother with BFV's story, its that crap. MP is fun though. Really hope the new bf is not cross gen but all signs point to it being so.


“Devastating” 😂😂😂
Not Funny Laughing GIF
Battlefied had single player campaigns?

What I do miss though is single player modes. I don't think Battlefield had them anymore? Like in 1942, Vietnam, 2, 2142 I recall I could play alone on a regular maps.
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Not only is the gameplay complete shit, but the treatment of the source material is absolutely fucking vulgar, abhorrent and offensive.
EA are a fucking horrific company.


didn’t bother with SP, jumped straight into MP and I gotta say I had more fun with BF1. If I wasn’t mysteriously permabanned from that game (honestly my PS4 account was permabanned without reason) I would still be playing.


Tried to play it last night.
Played through the Intro which was a nice attempt to present the setting, but after that intro you'll be dropped to a menu which clearly wants you to play the MP part of the game. I am not interested in BFs MP anymore, so I started the first SP mission but it felt off somehow. I played until the plane didn't explode and shot me and that was it - I quit and won't come back. The game just is no fun for me, no suspense, no interesting storytelling, no reason to invest my time. I played the game for a hour like braindead because it's not demanding in any way. BF3 and 4 where different, they where actually fun to play.
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I had sworn off the Battlefield series after BF1 and BFV (with it's messy launch). But tried BFV this week, and I hate to say it, but I like it a lot, though not more than BF3 and BF4 (which I still play from time to time). The graphics of BFV on my Pro looks impressive, and the gameplay is fun and refined after years of patches. I can't wait to see how this look on my OLED when I'm able to procure a PS5. It does run great on my PS4 Pro, AND my Pro doesn't sound like a jet taking off like when I'm playing any of the COD games.


Indeed! The last good Battlefield sp was Hardline.... Which was as not made by Dice. :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_grinning_sweat: I miss Visceral Games... :messenger_anxious:
I appreciated the try to change the setting but in the end I found it quite boring. It was too much focused to the stealth for my tastes and weapons were limited and disappointing.


The worst thing about Battlefield's single player is that they keep wasting time trying.
That said, even when it comes to multiplayer they aren't really nailing one since Battlefield 4.

First Mirror's Edge was great.
And that's it with Dice.
Stop this inane bullshit.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
The correct answer is, build a competent campaign. If it’s good, people will play and praise it.

Single player has a huge fan base

A waste of resources.
A good single player battlefield wont sell well or keep numbers or drive profits.
See Battlefield Hardline, say what you will about the limited MP (which had a great Rush mode btw) but the single player campaign of Hardline was legit good but so few people even bothered to give it a chance.

You saay Single player has a huge fan base......achievements/trophies say otherwise.
BF3, BF4 had decent campaigns but versus the number of people who actually buy Battlefield the number of people who went through them is limited.
I dont actually know anyone in the grand scheme who is buying Battlefield games for the single player.

Unless they get another studio thats solid at making single player experiences to focus on the SinglePlayer then DICE and DICE LA work fully on MP id rather they just scrap the SinglePlayer all together.
Taking talent away from DICE and DICE LA to work on SP seems like a waste.

But maybe your wish will be fullfilled as Vince might be helping with campaign at DICE LA.


Gold Member
Battlefield 3 had a decent campaign, but since that it has been awful.

Battlefield 4 has one of the worst SP campaigns of all time.


The correct answer.
They are wasting resources putting together these campaigns.
Fuck these campaigns all those devs should be working on the Multiplayer.

It took Battlefield V being announce for me to finish Battlefield 1s campaign and only because I wanted the achievements and knew once BFV came out I was never going back to BF1 to get those achievements.

BFV I havent even bothered with trying to get the achievements....I just dont care about the campaign.
Monkey's paw: wish granted--Battlefield 6 now named Battlefield Royale
They can still do top tier graphics, on PC at least, that makes a single player section a great selling point. I still remember the hype for the BF3 campaign, it looked amazing. The problem is that none of them have been good since BC2, they spend millions making a campaign with one eye on it being a tutorial and the other on it being a marketing tool. Game play seems like a distant third priority.
amen OP. battlefield 3 and bad company, the best BF games imo, had substantial single player games. bf 1 and V single player campaigns are a joke


Gold Member
BFBC SPs are the only ones of worth. at least in BFBC1 it was a sandbox SP, just go back to that.

id rather a more engaging co-op mode, i mean its already set up for it, being a squad based game

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Despite however many millions of extra players reached via the freebie, I still can’t find a game of Firestorm.

The franchise is almost dead. Warzone, Fortnite, etc. has practically killed second tier shooters.

Sad, can’t see a new Killzone ever in this landscape.
Unfortunately, I don't think Sony would let Guerilla work on a new Killzone with the success they've seen from Horizon.
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