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Player's that don't use mics in MP centric games ruin them


From what I've watched of Friday the 13th on youtube:

When the group actually knows each other, mic communication works pretty well.

Randoms are a den of despair. Squeaky voiced children competing with baritone infused toddlers for the best and brightest profanities, all while blaming everyone but themselves for their misfortunes.
I'm no authority on the subject or anything. But I think you'd be surprised by how many people suffer from the sort of life affecting social anxiety that makes wanting to set up a mic terrifying for them. And a community like Overwatch is the fucking last place in this world that socially awkward people want to engage in.

And, shock, some of these same people might enjoy the competitive aspect of OW. I know right? Selfish assholes.
Oh get stuffed mate.

I've always played without a mic and will continue to do so. I am in the upper 80% almost always in every match, at least.

It is not me who is ruining the matches, it is the selfish, idiotic players that wouldn't know what teamplay is even if it hit them in the buttocks with a 3 foot salmon.

Why would I want to hear immature little wieners yelling in the chat? And to listen when their mom is yelling at them because they've been mastrubating in the living room again and aunt Miles walked in and saw that?

Silence is golden, and I can play for my team really well without making idiotic sounds for others to hear. And I have a family, and it is immensely rude to yell at your PC when there is other people around.

But I'm old in Internet years, so what do I know?
As much as I agree with OP's comments, I think it depends on the game.

For example, I can play a game of Titanfall 2 without communicating with anyone and I'm fine. However, when it comes to a game like Battlefield 1, it's way better when communicating with someone.
No one should feel like they shouldn't play because they don't use a mic. That being said, if you play in a competitive mode you better use a mic.


Honestly I really miss the days before party chat.

There were entire games based around the fact that you can't communicate when dead or out of range (chromehounds, original gears of war)
Same. I love partychat but I started playing online during the early 360 days. It was fun entering a lobby and conversing with your friends and randoms simultaneously. I still feel like partychat is something i would miss tremendously if it was gone tomorrow. Nostalgia lenses etc.
If I am playing with people I know I'll use a Mic, but never with randos. Too many awful experiences to ever want to try that again.
OP I get where you're coming from, and I'm all about having good team communication. That said, after working all day at a job I hate, I can't listen to obnoxious kids yelling, playing music, or whatever. So my friends and I use private chat.


I'm sorry that I don't like talking over microphones?
Pretty much how I see it.
Even though me personally doesn't have a problem using them, I'm terrified of angering people for using them in case I come off as "annoying" or sounding like I "won't stop talking". I'd rather not take the risk and make myself feel bad.
No one should feel like they shouldn't play because they don't use a mic. That being said, if you play in a competitive mode you better use a mic.
Devs should design the game to automatically call out necessary info then.

Even in something hardcore like Siege they could have auto-callouts like "spotted {class-name} at {location}", "{class-name} down!".

Players who play together can always achieve better, but it'd establish a solid baseline for the game to be fully playable without mics.


i still have yet to EVER be in a game w/ peeps on mic doing anything but shoot the shit and crack jokes - that's all peeps want. They don't want to strategize or anything. They LITERALLY just want to talk to someone/anyone about anything... er, good luck w/ that!



Devs should design the game to automatically call out necessary info then.

Even in something hardcore like Siege they could have auto-callouts like "spotted {class-name} at {location}", "{class-name} down!".

Players who play together can always achieve better, but it'd establish a solid baseline for the game to be fully playable without mics.

To be fair, overwatch does this pretty well.


In League of legends I always play with at least 2 friends on mic (usually 4 or 5) and I hate being on a lane with a random because I wont play with him on a mic to coordinate every attack (even if he ask for our teamspeak channel).

Now overwatch?, I dont take the game as something serious enough to justify using the mic ingame (I'm usually on Ts with 2 friends). But I only play quickplay or 3v3.

Also games like overwatch do a good job at communicating with pings every info you need except for quick coordination (You have an attack ping, but it can mean Im going to attack or attack now).


You can also alt+click every ability to hsow your cooldown, your stats to say you're full/low HP/mana and even shop items to say that you need to go back to buy.


Now that said, what does irritate me is people that play online games with no sound, so they can't hear teammates in game. Example: In Dota, I call over voice chat the enemy mid is missing. Teammate gets ganked and killed by them. Teammate starts blaming me and saying "wtf you didn't call missing". I explain that I did, then they tell me I am supposed to just type apparently.

For a while I just had my name have (no monitor) in it for fun.


Ive seen this used a few times and yes, YOU may know what youre doing but neither you nor your teammates are mind readers. I have no idea whats going on in your head, when you plan to ult, whether or not you see a sombra flanking, why youre out of position, etc... Knowing all of that would invariably be more helpful then wondering why our soldier just took off somewhere.

I generally play as Mercy, so my job is to make sure everyone on the team is alive and well. I don't play ranked, so it's not some super serious game, and half of the team isn't wearing a headset either. But if the team is doing their jobs we can still work well for the most part. But if that Soldier wants to be foolish and run off somewhere I'm not going to risk the rest of the team's safety on chasing his dumbass down while he's getting murdered in some other part of the map.


You have to appreciate the irony of saying you wont talk to strangers because it ruins your experience then ruining the experience of the rest of your team because you refuse to communicate.

At some point you have to wonder who the actually toxic person is to the game.

There are people who use voice chat for toxic shit and there are people who become toxic on the mic because no one will listen. Both situations end with people who don't want to voice chat feeling convinced that they are right to not do so and leaves them feeling that the toxicity of voice chat is higher than it actually is.

If you are communicative and pleasant to play with the amount of toxic people in your games goes down. There are people who are just toxic and there are people who are toxic because they don't see a way to win but must play the match out anyways. If you take away the second group you will suddenly have a much more positive outlook because the first group is believe it or not, the minority.


Sorry people who don't use mics but I do agree. It sucks when you play with randoms that don't use mics. I understand anxiety and fear of discrimination but I wish people would try more. There are plenty of good people that will talk along with shitty people. I mute any riff raff barking up a storm.


I'm no authority on the subject or anything. But I think you'd be surprised by how many people suffer from the sort of life affecting social anxiety that makes wanting to set up a mic terrifying for them. And a community like Overwatch is the fucking last place in this world that socially awkward people want to engage in.

And, shock, some of these same people might enjoy the competitive aspect of OW. I know right? Selfish assholes.

Ok lets not be disingenuous, I never called them assholes or implied they were bad people. For some people who even the smallest insult causes them a great deal of anxiety I completely understand not even taking the chance, I think thats 100% a valid argument. For those that aren't like that, the ones who are apathetic and just don't want to communicate in competitive games, its incredibly frustrating.
I rarely voice chat with randies if at all.

But I'm usually competent enough to understand body language in a game if teammates are trying to say something or get something from me.

I usually dont care for chat as long as people generally know what they are doing. People who have no clue what they are doing or only care for their "fun" (running dumb setups for their leisure, fucking around, etc.) are what ruin games for me.


Yes, my general distaste for people acting like assholes in competitive modes means I have issues.

Nah, just makes you sound like one of the many no-lifers populating online lobbies that like to act as gatekeeper because SOMEONE HAS TO TAKE THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY!


I won't utter a peep in public spaces, especially as a woman.

I only talk with people I know personally, or trust enough that I would meet them face to face personally. Everyone else can enjoy the silence.


I generally play as Mercy, so my job is to make sure everyone on the team is alive and well. I don't play ranked, so it's not some super serious game, and half of the team isn't wearing a headset either. But if the team is doing their jobs we can still work well for the most part. But if that Soldier wants to be foolish and run off somewhere I'm not going to risk the rest of the team's safety on chasing his dumbass down while he's getting murdered in some other part of the map.

If youre not playing ranked I think we can all agree this isn't a problem. But saying that "knowing the game means communication is unnecessary" is silly. Maybe that soldier is chasing a flanker, or going after a teleporter. Without communication you have no idea. In team MP communication is always better than no communication-and that doesn't mean that toxic players and the like aren't also determents to success either.
I kinda agree, because communication and team work are very important if you want to win. Part of why I stopped playing team based competitive games is I didn't talk and didn't want to switch off my character to help bring synergy to the team I just wanted to do my own thing, and it becomes pretty boring +dealing with people who insist I switch off instead of them gets obnoxious. But at the same time I feel that if someone is so invested in winning they should probably not be playing with randoms in the first place. Play with your team, or in a ranked competitive mode maybe, I dunno. I'm on player match messing around, doesn't really seem like the right place to get on and yell about how people aren't trying enough.


I turn my voice chat off completely in Over watch, its just constant abuse and expletives not fun to listen to at all. I would rather just hear the game characters speak and read the in game chat on PC.
You have to appreciate the irony of saying you wont talk to strangers because it ruins your experience then ruining the experience of the rest of your team because you refuse to communicate.

At some point you have to wonder who the actually toxic person is to the game.

There are people who use voice chat for toxic shit and there are people who become toxic on the mic because no one will listen. Both situations end with people who don't want to voice chat feeling convinced that they are right to not do so and leaves them feeling that the toxicity of voice chat is higher than it actually is.

If you are communicative and pleasant to play with the amount of toxic people in your games goes down. There are people who are just toxic and there are people who are toxic because they don't see a way to win but must play the match out anyways. If you take away the second group you will suddenly have a much more positive outlook because the first group is believe it or not, the minority.

Oh my God this is perfect. There you have it you toxic no mic having assholes, the internet is your fault.


This is a shitty attitude. If you want to play games that seriously then join a community, find some people to make friends with, and party up together.

Some of us just want to have fun

Quick play exists people who just want to "have fun". If you're not going to try to communicate with your team you have no business being in ranked game modes.


Alot of us are 30 something and have things going on in their households. Either the wife is sleeping or the kids. Also as annoying as it is that we're playing videogames it would be more annoying if you're constantly talking at your screen.

Thats why i dont use one, it was great back when i was in school and at home.


Junior Member
I've been playing PC games since '05 and PUBG is the first game where I felt the need to use a mic, since English is not my first language it's a bit harder to communicate with people in GAF's discord channel, but it works. I've heard and read every insult you can think of while playing Rocket League, so I ended up muting everything but the emotes, because communication isn't key if you're playing unranked matches just to unwind after a hard day at work.

As other users said, it really depends on the game, if you have to coordinate precisely in order to win, a mic is a must, if you don't have one, it makes it frustrating for everyone involved.


Disabling all communication for dota 2 is the way to climb the ranks. To use any form of communication is risk the fragile balance of your team's morale. It usually leads to your team falling apart. Games should focus on integrating contextual ping systems instead of relying on VC, especially if the game design leads to a lot of anger and blaming


I feel like we've already had this thread.

I've had too many awful experiences to join open chat. I play the objective and I pick the appropriate class, but I don't want to hear singing, your crappy stereo blasting in the background, your racist tirades or your mom calling you down for dinner.

If me not joining open chat ruins the game for you, I'm totally fine with that.

Quick play exists people who just want to "have fun". If you're not going to try to communicate with your team you have no business being in ranked game modes.

Nah, I'll play whatever mode I want, thanks. Please be aware that when you're yelling about it on open chat, I won't hear whine one.


Quick play exists people who just want to "have fun". If you're not going to try to communicate with your team you have no business being in ranked game modes.

um, you are literally not the boss of anyone nor can you dictate what modes they do and do not have business in.

there's a reason why games don't have "mic required for ranked mode" stipulations, but nice try!


um, you are literally not the boss of anyone nor can you dictate what modes they do and do not have business in.

there's a reason why games don't have "mic required for ranked mode" stipulations, but nice try!

Have fun ruining team games then if you want, but people like that are just as toxic to the game as the ones that do use a mic but are an ass in disposition.
I honestly don't know how people find multiplayer like that fun these days. It's so completely removed from what it started as on XBL.


Alot of us are 30 something and have things going on in their households. Either the wife is sleeping or the kids. Also as annoying as it is that we're playing videogames it would be more annoying if you're constantly talking at your screen.

Thats why i dont use one, it was great back when i was in school and at home.

This my situation as well.


Oh my God this is perfect. There you have it you toxic no mic having assholes, the internet is your fault.

We need to stop equating people talking about this topic as if were name calling those who choose not to communicate in MP games. How you got to your hyperbolic post is beyond me when that poster pointed out, to those choosing not to communicate in a team based competitive atmosphere, they are in fact hindering their team's ability to win. Now did he/she say they were bad people because of it? No, just that it might be ruining other's experience. Again thats fine if you are concerned about any sort of negative comments and want to avoid it all together-hell I think its even fine to say "I'm not communicating because I don't want to". But it never the less does mean that those who are trying to work as a team and playing fairly are going to suffer for it in the game. Which again, is fine if the person muting everyone is honestly that concerned about social anxiety. To those that are just apathetic about it in competitive MP scenarios, I think ruin the game.


Why blame people playing a game they bought in a supported fashion? Get a group.

Bungie was right. Bungie was always right.
Have fun ruining team games then if you want, but people like that are just as toxic to the game as the ones that do use a mic but are an ass in disposition.
Yeah, the person not saying anything is just as bad as the person yelling slurs

Great reasoning there, kid


Have fun ruining team games then if you want, but people like that are just as toxic to the game as the ones that do use a mic but are an ass in disposition.

i've been playing OW ranked and Skyforge w/o a mic and had no problem. And yes, it's been fun!

i bet you are super fun to play w/ on mic...
You have to appreciate the irony of saying you wont talk to strangers because it ruins your experience then ruining the experience of the rest of your team because you refuse to communicate.

At some point you have to wonder who the actually toxic person is to the game.

There are people who use voice chat for toxic shit and there are people who become toxic on the mic because no one will listen. Both situations end with people who don't want to voice chat feeling convinced that they are right to not do so and leaves them feeling that the toxicity of voice chat is higher than it actually is.

If you are communicative and pleasant to play with the amount of toxic people in your games goes down. There are people who are just toxic and there are people who are toxic because they don't see a way to win but must play the match out anyways. If you take away the second group you will suddenly have a much more positive outlook because the first group is believe it or not, the minority.

There are valid reasons not to use a mic
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