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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale

Daffy Duck

She is weird caster. Calls everything like she sees it and doesn't try force hype that isn't there.

I like her.

Maybe I just wasn't getting her earlier based off all the other OMGZ AMAZINGS! casters I have heard on CoD stuff in the past, just really took me back with her brutal honesty. Lol.


I think that even in a best case scenario PUBG spectating will never be a particularly pleasant experience, but this is pretty trash so far. There's no information on screen (and when there is it's not presented well) and camera work is incredibly bad making it very hard to follow anything.
How-to shoehorn e-sport on a game not fit for it in the worst mode it has to offer 101

I think they saw the insane response this had on twitch and thought it would translate into e sports. After all, if people are already watching random shmucks play why wouldnt they watch good players play.

It doesnt work that way.

The current Observer isnt doing a great job of it but even if they were, I dont know how you could make a game that has 100 players active easy to follow. It is literally impossible. It is only watchable once it drops down to 10 players or so.


Huh, I always thought Third Person was like the default way of playing this game, kinda surprised by all the hate.

It is but with FPP you have to stick yourself out more to view around things and can't peek as effectively which makes the game more dangerous for you i.e. more exciting


Huh, I always thought Third Person was like the default way of playing this game, kinda surprised by all the hate.
I mean, it basically is the default as first person was only recently added, but there's no denying that being able to see around corners just cheapens fights as you could see in that final 1v1 just now. (although Break did whiff a ton of shots)


I mean, it basically is the default as first person was only recently added, but there's no denying that being able to see around corners just cheapens fights as you could see in that final 1v1 just now. (although Break did whiff a ton of shots)

Why is it cheap if everyone uses Third Person? Seems like even odds to me.


it encourages passive and defensive play, you are much more likely to win a fight if you sit behind your cover and just wait dor the other guy to get impatient and leave cover.

Yeah, I don't think it's really cheap so much as it's a bit more boring. I wish they at least had a FPP tournament also so that people could compare.


Why is it cheap if everyone uses Third Person? Seems like even odds to me.

it does, but it balances the game weirdly and results in situations that aren't fun to play or watch.

two people standing behind trees on opposite sides of a field and not wanting to move because the opponent would get free shots at them is dumb. it also encourages camping.


Does the color of the house mean anything? I thought the loot was completely random, but I keep hearing people refer to certain colors of houses, like they contain different/better loot than others.


Does the color of the house mean anything? I thought the loot was completely random, but I keep hearing people refer to certain colors of houses, like they contain different/better loot than others.

loot isn't completely random in that some areas tend to have better stuff but within that area i think all buildings are random and generally the same

i've only heard people refer to building covers wrt enemies, like "there's a guy in the red 2 story at 150" or whatever
Does the color of the house mean anything? I thought the loot was completely random, but I keep hearing people refer to certain colors of houses, like they contain different/better loot than others.

Just landmarks.

Loot is absolutely random, although some areas (like the millitary base) do tend to contain more/higher quality loot. It is never House or building specific though.


Why is it cheap if everyone uses Third Person? Seems like even odds to me.

Any system is even odds since it's shared by all players, but third person cheapens the game by making the dominant playstyle one of inaction rather than action, camping cover with no repercussions because you can see everything without revealing yourself is inherently cheap even if all players are doing it.

First person creates a scenario where you have to risk something (your presence) in order to gain information, and creates gameplay that's far more interesting to both play and watch as tactics like pushing or flanking or rushing all become viable.

Example: Two players 20m apart fight behind rocks, both players take shots and are reduced in hp.

Third person: Both players use medkit while watching to see if the other player moves, stalemate ensues basically.

First person: You must choose to medkit or peek or rush or retreat or etc, there is no guaranteed safe option. If you use the medkit the other player can choose to rush you which will probably win the fight for them, if you peek their rush you probably win the fight, maybe you use the medkit but rely on hearing footsteps and sharp reflexes? So many opportunities.

It gets even more ridiculous when you consider all the house camping scenarios 3rd person provides while first person gives attackers many more options to attack an entrenched position and reduce stalemates.

Stalemates are not enjoyable to watch or play, third person resolves them exclusively with lucky grenades OR circle positioning.


Wish I could watch but I'm not at home right now. Was actually wondering how this game would show for spectators during a tournament

Sounds like something they gotta iron out based on reactions here. Hope they have some cool ideas.


Third person is so not the way to broadcast this. I hoped people figured out by now that FPP is where this game shines.

Every time I watch a stream that's in third person I shake my damn head at the sheer nonsensical stuff going on that just breaks encounters. This game is no fun when players can just tilt the camera to look over any obstacle or inside any house or building. It also rewards campers with near 360 degree awareness without giving away their position.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I was able to sit through one whole round of a tournament stream and thats it.

Don't blame them for camping. Thats how I play plenty of times. And actual money is on the line. But its not a particularly good spectating experience.


I was able to sit through one whole round of a tournament stream and thats it.

Don't blame them for camping. Thats how I play plenty of times. And actual money is on the line. But its not a particularly good spectating experience.

Camping isn't really a problem if you have good camera operators. With 100 people in the game, you can just switch to a different perspective but either they don't have the tools to do that effectively or the operator is pretty bad.

Edit: Yeah, this current standoff is a great example of why third PP is not great. Dude on the roof is completely safe but still has full view on the man out at the trees. Move that to FPP and he has to expose himself to keep a view.


Camping will be worse in FPP in tourney, not better. FPP improves engagements, encourages mobility, but does not incline players to seek out fights. When you're in a tournament with money on the line you're not going to run around looking for action like streamers do to entertain their viewers.


Camping will be worse in FPP in tourney, not better. FPP improves engagements, encourages mobility, but does not incline players to seek out fights. When you're in a tournament with money on the line you're not going to run around looking for action like streamers do to entertain their viewers.



Camping will be worse in FPP in tourney, not better. FPP improves engagements, encourages mobility, but does not incline players to seek out fights. When you're in a tournament with money on the line you're not going to run around looking for action like streamers do to entertain their viewers.

Explain how?
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