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PlayStation 5 Reveal on June 4th Postponed


Would you please put your unproven, irrational, nonsensical, shortsided bullshit where it belongs?

To the trashcan/politics thread/resetera...

Just speaking facts, kiddo.
I'm far from a PC/SJW/Era-nerd.
Don't put it on me when you deny something that millions of people experience all too often.

I would be perfectly fine if Sony did the event after all, I actually think it's an overreaction.
But I also don't mind them postponing it.
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Im actually a technician for engine components of airplanes. Now go to the politics thread.

I actually work in the real estate business and work with many different types of people and help them buy homes. Now feel free to keep talking shit on the internet everytime someone has something to say you do not like. I hear it makes you look like a big alpha chad.
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It'd be easier to have a more positive reaction to this news, had Sony not been there bright and early on social media with their comments about this weekend's proceedings.

The PS5 presentation would have been a nice, little event to take people's minds off things, especially heading into another weekend and its potential for new riots. Postponing the event doesn't make me think any better of Sony and, along with other corporations, there social media presence from today doesn't make me want to continue supporting their products.
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No they did not.

They released a vaguely worded statement about 'voices needing to be heard' when, in actual fact, they want their voice to be heard very fucking loud and clear when they do reveal.

Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how people seem to think corporations consider any interest other than their own.

It's like Starbucks. The only reason they sell those Tranny Mermaid biscuits is so that no one on Twitter wakes up to the fact they don't pay tax.

That's such a blank statement though. Corporations are made up of groups of people whose main job is to identify what makes or does not make sense, what will, will not impact it; it's not a person so without it being what it is, it has no reason to exist, so yes, of-course, anything that it does is to ensure that, which can be considered watching out for their own interest because if it didn't, it wouldn't exist for you to even say it.

I mean, I am disappointed but I totally get it. This really isn't the time for announcing something when the world is in a bit of a mess and yes this is mostly U.S. based but are we really that blind to acknowledge that people of all types exist outside of the USA as well? The issues that plague the U.S. aren't exclusive to the U.S.
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As a black gamer with a wife and two kids where video games are our main hobby. I could care less about them postponing the presentation. Like everybody in this thread I will be pre ordering day 1. We will see the games soon enough, we already waited so long so a week or two won't hurt. I just hope everyone is safe and I hope Sony puts on a great show when they decide the time is right.
See like black gamers weren't looking forward thr event right. Nowadays everything has to become a political issue what a world
While I agree that behavior is unacceptable but did you know more white people are killed by cops per year than blacks? Just saying. Also every single time a black man dies by a white cop it isn't a racial issue. Maybe the cop is just and asshole who abuses his power and the suspect happend to be black.

Would love to see your smart ass typing here with a knee to your neck.


Neo Member
Right wing idiots show up to government buildings armed with automatic weapons "protesting" the government keeping them safe: sure go ahead

People protesting systemic racism and discrimination which causes large demographics to not feel safe in their own neighbourhoods: send in the national guard
The difference here is that the Corona protestors weren’t burning shit down and looting.


What about the Yemen war and the hundreds of children who died every day? I don’t remember Sony canceled any events.

Only when It’s bad for business.

You you got it, it's bad for business when you announce a new product which will lead social media discussion while one of your primary markets is on the edge of a civil war. But absolutely understandable. I mean, It is nothing new that the USA is a 3rd world country with the economy of a 1st world country. Now it's obvious again and the violence is not there since yesterday. On top of that, the pandemic has heated up the mood anyway ...


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
The way Trump is tweeting, it might take longer than a week.

That guy is dumber than he already seemed.
Trump should never speak in public again. The real scary thing is he maybe the best option in this election. Biden is a pervert and looks to be developing Dementia
Every day someone dies unjustly somewhere in the world. Every day people struggle against inequality.

If it was only happening this week in poor, easily ignored countries in Africa or the Middle East, then you can bet your bottom dollar the PlayStation event would go ahead as planned.

They don't give a fuck. Corporations don't have feelings. They only want that bottom dollar of yours.

It's all about public perception. The internet has conditioned a mass of people into a collective conscience of virtue signaling. Where were all these sheeple before the last week? How much did they care about racism then? Now they preach bullshit like 'silence is complicity' and all this drivel. They don't really give a shit about all these issues, they're just scoring brownie points on the internet. This is the crowd Sony are catering to.


Gold Member
Wait wait wait.

What if we're missing an obvious clue here? What if the Sony reveal has exclusive footage that includes coppers or rioting? Killzone, gta, new ip, socom, splinter cell, syphon filter...

It would be stupid to reveal a new game that ends up leaving a sour taste in people's mouths

Eh, I could see maybe Watch Dogs Legion being shown and that would probably have rioting based on the premise and info we already know and the gameplay already shown.

I doubt that's the reason though.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Would love to see your smart ass typing here with a knee to your neck.
Did you know the two knew each other before the whole incident? They had a personal vendetta and may have not been a racial issue. I do believe the cop should face murder. Ignornace and you should be banned for suggestion such a thing. You are a scumbag.
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Don't worry guys they'll be able to sell this product to you at another time and the ps5 will come out.

There is some more important shit going on in the world then being able to buy or see a next gen console

Sorry but what is more important now? A black man killed by a cop in the US? Guess what?! People die, and get killed everyday , the world is filled with evil. Does that mean we should stop our lives now and keep grieving?

I'm Sony biggest fan here, but this is just bullshit excuse and very hypocritical.


At least give us a date!
For a blazing fast SSD, the wait for this thing has been way too long...

America, please get your shit together. The rest of the world thanks you.


Funny this is, the world has seen the most fucked up event in decades yet they were fine with revealing and launching the PS5 this year.

Now one death is enough to postpone the event. Sorry, but what's the correlation. Floyd had no involvement in the video game industry. This is meant to be escapism but these virtue signalling clowns will no longer allow it to be. Politics have to be forced in to everything even when they have no relevance.

It's awful that he died and the video is heartbreaking but I'm more than capable of watching this event without it making me forget the gravity of his death.


It's all about public perception. The internet has conditioned a mass of people into a collective conscience of virtue signaling. Where were all these sheeple before the last week? How much did they care about racism then? Now they preach bullshit like 'silence is complicity' and all this drivel. They don't really give a shit about all these issues, they're just scoring brownie points on the internet. This is the crowd Sony are catering to.
You do realize MS also does it, right? Same as other companies.

People getting worked up over the delay are truly pathetic. Lol


There is a memorial service for George Floyd in Minnesota on June the 4th. I can see why they postponed it to allow more important voices to be heard.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Sorry but what is more important now? A black man killed by a cop in the US? Guess what?! People die, and get killed everyday , the world is filled with evil. Does that mean we should stop our lives now and keep grieving?

I'm Sony biggest fan here, but this is just bullshit excuse and very hypocritical.

Mate, there are riots going on and more could occur. Getting accused of being tone deaf to do what? Botch a reveal and celebrating on top of a powder keg? It is not impossible to understand now, is it?


I am not sure there are riots quite on this scale worldwide every day though. I could be wrong. Timing is vital. They felt the timing wasn't right this week.

Dude have you even heard whats happening in warzones in various places in the world? Its not a bunch of people stealing and looting in the name of "protesting". Its actually people dying in hundreds and thousands fighting for several causes.

This is just hypocrisy.


Did they specify the reason why they are postponing it?

They stated it's not a proper time for "celebration"...which is not logical at all. The PS5 event is not meant to be a celebration. This is technology related news that happens to bring people together in a positive way. That's exactly what we need right now. I honestly think this makes the overall situation worse.



Read through the posts you bum, you’ll see what I mean
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Don't kid yourself buddy.
'Worldwide institutionalized racism' is gibberish era-talk in it's purest form.
Lemme guess, you're white?
At the very least delusional if you want to deny it.

Grow up, man. How hard can it be to wait a lil while longer to see a couple of videos?
You do realize MS also does it, right? Same as other companies.

People getting worked up over the delay are truly pathetic. Lol

Yes, most companies do it these days. And the delay doesn't really bother me, it's the reasons for and the culture that influences these kinds of decisions which can be irritating.

silent head

There is major injustice in the world day in day out
These are videos of Muzaffarpur in Bihar where a child is playing with a mother at the railway station, waking her He does not know that his mother has slept forever, the hungry thirsty mother died in the train for four days in the scorching
Mate, there are riots going on and more could occur. Getting accused of being tone deaf to do what? Botch a reveal and celebrating on top of a powder keg? It is not impossible to understand now, is it?

It's the next episode of the American Clown Show. It's just a special hour long episode this time. Unfortunate America wants to push it worldwide when we don't give a fuck

Just bring on next gen already Sony
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