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PlayStation 5 Reveal on June 4th Postponed


yeah as if Palestine, Dafur or Mexico were as important of a market for them, this is about business.

Ironically, they would be if people did care about those issues.

But this is an example of companies virtue signalling from ivory towers. It's only until it affects them do they panic.
I guess starving children in Libya, dying children in Syria, imprisoned journalists in China etc etc etc are not really important enough for shit not to go down at Sony. But wait theres looting going on somewhere in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, quick cancel everything!

Edit: I'm seriously considering not buying a PS5 over this. I've had enough of their SJW bullshit.
It's not just somewhere. It's 27 cities, and now London and Canada too. Shit is crazy. The mall 10 miles from my house got looted by these barbarians (looters and violent people not talking about peaceful protesters, just so we are clear) and it's not even in the war zone city streets. Truck drivers got pulled from a truck and beaten, buildings set ablaze. Elderly lady beaten, dude defending shop beaten by mob.. Buildings burning. Reporter had gun shots aimed at house and terrorized. Roads being blocked by morons. 2 murder hits committed in broad daylight by white van to federal agent, antifa causing unrest, And 80% of reddit is actively shaming people who bad mouth rioting and violence.

These asshole redditors say you are guilty of you don't support looters...

I read a post where a teenager was upset as his classmates all shamed him for not posting virtue signals supporting looters and riots. And said his classmates were calling everyone racists who didnt speak out and are concerned about their work or home. He felt bad about the violence but couldn't express it or get ganged up on. How messed up is that.

Sorry but Sony is in the right here. If it was just one city sure but 27 cities are in flames. They would be idiots to push conference now, especially as US is biggest market.
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Of course it would be a PR nightmare and that has affected their decision but here's also a chance for them to support a movement that hopefully will have positive repercussions. Does it have to be one or the other?

Why do these companies seem only to *support* a cause when it's a big "media event"? It couldn't be because they'll get attention and make themselves look better, could it?!

Come on. You're smarter than that. This is all PR bullshit plain and simple. The rioting is in the news 24/7 and Sony will be but a spec of dust in the mass media wind with their PS5 reveal if they were to hold it
this Thursday.

It's best they *DON'T* play politics or engage in social commentary. They're in the entertainment business. To ENTERTAIN US. Not to preach, not to change minds, not to push agendas or take sides.

If anything, we could *USE* the break from the constant barrage of bad news to cheer folks up and remind us that at the end of the day, the world moves on and can HEAL.


Neo Member
Well, ready most of these moronic comments, I now see why the video game industry gets away with the trash it has become.


I don't care if anyone says something negative about Sony. Some of you read way too much into my comments, because Idc about console wars outside of a handfull of threads on neogaf around new console launches. 😉

And how is Sony saying Y lives are more important than Z lives?
That's just a narrative you're creating.
It couldn't possibly have something to do with the outcry of years of racial attacksnon minorities by the police that just happened to be triggered by Floyd, with the result of days of protests over 140+ cities in the States alone, the entire police force as well as the National Guard suppressing both protestors and the press and the US protest dripping over to Europe, where slowly riots are starting as well in London, for example.

This isn't some random mob hyvemind thingy, when you've got the higher ups of the US police openly admitting that institutionalized racism is a fundamental problem within the police force and you have mayors and governors openly attacking your president and vice versa.
You don't care, but responds with such a lengthy post?
There isn't any "some of you" there is me and having a good memory, more so when it comes to stupid people.

Since you're a fan as well I'm pretty sure you watched their E3 presser when the homo sexuals were killed.
They briefly touched up on that and the show went on, yet now the show isn't so black lives are more important than those of homo sexuals.
That is not a narrative anyone created but Sony themselves when they decided to cancel.

Before bringing up racial, attack and minority perhaps you want to look up the statistics who does what, who fills the jails the most, who kills the other color the most, who rapes the other color the most, which color steals the most, etc etc.

I'm not even from the US but even I know that much...


Every company is piggybacking off the situation to put their messages out about how much they care about black people while not actually caring at all. Sony didn't want to lose news articles and eyeballs and that's as deep as their decision went to delay this. Then, they saw an opportunity to make you feel all warm and cozy about them in the same breath and you fell for it.

Every billion dollar conglomerate under the sun did the same PR bullshit for COVID-19 and it was just as pathetic then.

Billion dollar entities tripping over themselves for the optics of looking like the good guys who care about you.

Stop eating up all the PR out there. Why do people fall for self aggrandizing PR??

It's even more transparent when it's topical. Pathetic pandering actually pleases some people and I don't know why.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
It's really fucking sad to see all the fucking console warriors and fanboys having a field day at Sonys and Americas expense when the country is in complete disarray at the moment. The anti-American sentiment on display here just because Sony postponed a fucking PS5 event is even more disgusting.
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It’s called freedom of speech. Look it up.
There are enough safe spaces on the internet for you.

Ok but how is calling Americans a bunch of inbreds who should wall ourselves off from the rest of the world really elevating the gaming section tho?

also LOL at freedom of speech being invoked on an Internet forum

lookin at Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping

When things cool down a bit or right after the 4th.

I'm hoping it's just delayed a week instead of several months.

My money is on 1-2 weeks at the latest
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Right move, if Sony did it would be diluted because of the news focus on protests they shouldn’t waste their shots, ps5 is confirmed to be released this years isn’t ? If so this will matter nothin in the long run


You don't care, but responds with such a lengthy post?
There isn't any "some of you" there is me and having a good memory, more so when it comes to stupid people.

Since you're a fan as well I'm pretty sure you watched their E3 presser when the homo sexuals were killed.
They briefly touched up on that and the show went on, yet now the show isn't so black lives are more important than those of homo sexuals.
That is not a narrative anyone created but Sony themselves when they decided to cancel, next thing you know dog A is worth more than human B (they might be right in some cases). :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Before bringing up racial, attack and minority perhaps you want to look up the statistics who does what, who fills the jails the most, who kills the other color the most, who rapes the other color the most, which color steals the most, etc etc.

I'm not even from the US but even I know that much...
Maybe if you weren't so busy digging up your memories, you too could see that I've said the delay is unnecessary on page one.
And another post where I said Sony is overreacting.

So I'm not even in disagreement with people calling bullshit on the delay. 😉


Neo Member
It's really fucking sad to see all the fucking console warriors and fanboys having a field day at Sonys and Americas expense when the country is in complete disarray at the moment. The anti-American sentiment on display here just because Sony postponed a fucking PS5 event is even more disgusting.

They need to see their next rehashed, reskinned franchise with microtransactions with glorious ray tracing damn it!


I'm pretty sure the only reason they're not doing business in those countries is because they're too dangerous.
End the war, and there's less risk.
People caring about issues =/= wars suddenly ending.
You want live in a hypothetical world, meanwhile they have to live in reality.


It sucks and I'm disappointed by this but I fully support the protests and I understand how important it is that we allow voices to be heard in the fight against injustice and police brutality.

People need to get their priorities straight. Yeah this sucks and I think Sony were thinking more about their reputation and lack of attention then for the good of black people but we shouldn't become so childish and immature about this.

Sony will likely announce a new date by the end of the week and hold the event by the end of the month so everyone needs to calm down and not show their ugly side in this trying time.


Neo Member
What's your counter argument that people need some good news in a world full of so much hardship and darkness?

Also why this event in particular should be the one Sony use as a reason to delay the conference? (which is ultimately just a video).
There isn’t an argument to be made since it assumes that the only good news out there is the PS5 reveal which it obviously isn’t. A lot of people are looking forward to it, I know I was, but there tons of ‘good’ news out there if that’s what you’re looking for during these times. Our lives and perspectives aren’t and shouldn’t only revolve around video games.

On the second point, I think it’s all about timing, the memorial I believe is scheduled on the same day which makes delay more impactful since it makes a statement that Sony is willing to give the attention to an important social issue. The cynical maybe more realistic point of view is it’s all business, which I’m sure has truth in it but we should also stop and consider that maybe Sony wants to take part in what many feel is a pivotal moment in a critical social issue that’s persisted for a long time.


So I'm not even in disagreement with people calling bullshit on the delay. 😉
No digging required, the more silly the post or person the more about them I remember. :messenger_sunglasses:
The delay itself is understandable and I'm not even upset about that, it is because they favoring one continent so much.
I mean shit look at France, they have riots more frequently than the US, but we don't see conferences cancelled.
You motherless motherfuckers! The one thing I was looking forward to for the next 2 weeks, ruined by the very thing I can't escape seeing 24 goddamm 7!


People caring about issues =/= wars suddenly ending.
You want live in a hypothetical world, meanwhile they have to live in reality.
You don't think the two aren't connected?

Consider the USA has intervened in foreign countries because the media said Iraq had WMDs or that Gaddafi had to go?

If the media started talking about the Mexican Cartel killing U.S citizens 24/7, we would no doubt hear the end of it soon.
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Interesting how all (?) Sony games have white leads though 🤫

More PR bullshit.

Ps. I would actually unironically like more black leads and it doesn't really have much to do with any SJW nonsense cuz I wanted it since I was a kid as I figured it would be different and interesting. Like I remember as a kid I always thought it would be cool if one of the main RE characters was black. And I still want that.


This is bullshit. Here in Poland, nobody cares about crazy usa people and ptsd cops killing people. We live normal lives, wait for ps5 and get shit because "WORLD".
Cmon... this year has been bad enough, 1 person dies = fuck the reveal because protests? Like... these protesters are probably not customers.
They could just say "because of covid, we cannot do it yet because we are not ready".
I don't want to be an asshole... but I just couldn't care less about american policeman killing a person.... And internet loves going on crusades.
USA is not China even if it's people think it is. There are good and bad people.... same goes for cops. No reason to destroy a fucking country
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I mean I get why they are doing it. Not because Sony cares so much about this protest shit. But because the news will barely pick up PS5 because of it. So it's a marketing decision disguised as some moral choice.

This is the only correct take here, everyone else is overthinking it. It's not about this being a good or bad gesture from Sony, it's about making sure the marketing reaches as many people as possible.


No digging required, the more silly the post or person the more about them I remember. :messenger_sunglasses:
The delay itself is understandable and I'm not even upset about that, it is because they favoring one continent so much.
I mean shit look at France, they have riots more frequently than the US, but we don't see conferences cancelled.
I know, that's why I recognise your name as well.

Nice to see you changed your tone. Take time to read the first page at least, next time. 😉


Gold Member
It's really fucking sad to see all the fucking console warriors and fanboys having a field day at Sonys and Americas expense when the country is in complete disarray at the moment. The anti-American sentiment on display here just because Sony postponed a fucking PS5 event is even more disgusting.
I mean, if it means anything, I'm not too fond of america right now. I'm from Chicago.

I'm disappointed. I get why they had to do it, but I don't think it was altogether necessary. I think we could use some good news and something to be excited about right now. Something to bring us together in some way. I'm sick and tired of worrying about Corona, worrying about my family who lives in the vicinity of these riots, worrying about how Corona will spread even further because of the riots. Something to help folks cope a bit better.

Sony is basically saying they don't want to be a distraction. We live in the information age. We consume information on a scale never seen before in the history of humanity. I think we can handle good and bad news at the same time.

Trying to look at this from all angles though...I'm sure this was as much a business decision as it was one of moral conscience. They don't want people to be distracted by the riots just as much as they don't want to be a distraction I think.

Jon Neu

Every billion dollar conglomerate under the sun did the same PR bullshit for COVID-19 and it was just as pathetic then.

Comparing some random dude murdered anywhere in the world with a worldwide pandemic that has caused more than 374.000 deaths, more than 6.000.000 people infected, thousands and thousands who are going to have sequels from it and a terrible worldwide economical crisis that is said it’s going to be similar to the great depression.

Yeah, totally the fucking same.
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