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Playstation All Stars Battle Royale Discussion thread [Up: Leakfest #11]

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3rd party list generally ass. We need some characters with a bit of variety. With all these characters from shooting games, it's going to be hard to differentiate.
I call bull on that list. It completely ignores "history" of Playstation having 90% of the characters from this gen. A lot of the characters make 0 sense and while some, I guess have a relation to Playstation, are multi-plat like Lightning and John Marston. Also, the list not having Crash Bandicoot and Spyro is ridiculous. Among all the third party characters on that list, the 2 not present are the ones that SHOULD be Sony 1st party right now? No way. For God sake, Crash was the damn PS1 mascot with Spyro being very close behind due to Naughty Dog's close relationship with Insomniac.

But Paul Phoenix, Lightning, John Marston, and 3 Killzone characters? No. Just no.

Edit: Here's what I think of the 3rd party character list

3rd Party (12 Characters)
Chell (Confirmed)
John Marston (Based on a dev image saying “Marston. J” in characters)
James Bond (Confirmed)
Isaac Clarke
Captain Price
The Prince (Katamari) (Not as a playable character but background character)
Paul Phoenix
Rayman (Maybe)
Old Snake (This or regular Snake)
Agent 47 (NO info suggesting this yet)


A Portal character
A CoD character
A Assassin's Creed character
A Dead Space character
A Read Dead Redemption character
A Hitman character
A FFXIII character over one from 7, 8, or 9
Paul Phoenix out of the entire cast of Tekken
James Bond....

Rayman maybe but the games were all over the place and Snake in some form seems the best bet out of the list with Playstation starting the Metal Gear Solid series.

While the 1st party list is much more plausible, some of the characters just seem padded on there just for the sake that whoever wrote it wanted to have as many options open for a character from a game series to be on there. Don't know which Killzone character? List 3 of them, bound to get one right! Another big ehhhh.... is characters like Jak not having Daxter tagging along and Ratchet and Clank being seperate, etc. Other stuff just sounds like obvious guesses based off Smash Bros. like the Wipeout stage.

Overall, list seems like a giant ass joke to me.


Gold Member
Rico? No thanks. Radec is enough.
James Bond? I dont associate Playstation with James Bond at all.
Altair? Overused/featured in many games already.
Agent 47? Same as James bond.
Paul Phoneix feels misplaced.
Old Snake, same as Paul Phoenix.
Captain Price being in the rooster sounds kinda absurd.

John Marston and Chell sound alright.

They really have to watch it with having too many gun tooting and mature characters.

Somebody said Noby Noby boy which isnt a bad idea at all!

Endo Punk

The more I think about it the more I feel that the roster is ultimately what will make it or break it and not the gamepaly. It's not like a fighting game with unknown characters so you really have to be careful who you add. It's probably not an issue for some but its a pet peeve of mine.

As great as this game could be it would be nothing to me if characers like COD guy or someone else I really don't like just added for the sake of cross-promotion.

Sony needs to be sincere with this game and not pull any BS stunts that could be detrimental to the growth of this title. Don't add popular 3rd party characters that hold no special significance with Playstation just because you can.
can't someone ask the dev on twitter or whatever. that list is crap for both 1st party and 3rd party. although it's something that can actually happened if this come from the marketing department mainly for cross promotion stuff. which is what really scares me.
Don't add popular 3rd party characters that hold no special significance with Playstation just because you can.

There should be some rule like "all major titles of a series must have been released on a PS platform with at least one of these titles being exclusive" to warrant a 3rd party character inclusion...

Edit: on the other hand Nintendo also doesn't care about that so you might as well sell it as a cooperation with various big companies and include their most known characters to battle the Sony ones.


That list looks extremely disappointing. I really don't think Sony are that silly but anything can happen.

One Killzone character is enough in my books.

For 3rd Party characters the ones that should definitely be in are:
FFVII or X Main character - I can see FFX characters being more likely as cross promotion for the HD remake.
Tekken character from 3-5


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
That list looks extremely disappointing. I really don't think Sony are that silly but anything can happen.

One Killzone character is enough in my books.

For 3rd Party characters the ones that should definitely be in are:
FFVII or X Main character - I can see FFX characters being more likely as cross promotion for the HD remake.
Tekken character from 3-5

Dear God no. I don't want to see Meg Ryan in PSAB.


Bentley and George team? Who the hell is George?

Not putting too much faith in that list.

Why Bond? Isn't he more synonymous with Nintendo than Sony? I would take a character like Kazama Kiryu over him any day

To be fair, the same could be said about Snake when he was put in Brawl.

But yeah, James Bond is not a character I want to see at all.
There are tons of FPS characters that fit better with PS brand than James Bond.

Snake in Brawl is ok because Nintendo lack that kind of character in their first parties. But there are tons of Bond-like characters more attached to Sony brand.


If James Bond (who didn't start as a game character) can get in is it okay to start wishing for crazy shit like Batman? At least he's had a couple awesome games recently.


Ugh at that third party list. So many Killzone characters. Please redeem this by adding Donut Drake.

But seriously, why Chell, John Marston and James Bond? Makes more sense to add more Playstation exclusive characters, like Cloud from FFVII or Old Snake (or even a Gekko)... this is Playstation All Stars after all.

They might as well add Ghost from COD: MW and Niko Bellic, since the dev seems to be going after the fans and consumers of western developed blockbusters, not necessarily 3 generations of worldwide PS exclusive characters.
Calling BS on that list right now. Why?

Cause who the hell is "George" from Sly Cooper? There's no George in the franchise, there's not even one in Jak or Ratchet, so that can't be the case as with Daxter and Clank.

Oh wait, maybe they got "George" mixed up with "Murray" I forgot how much those two names look alike. XD


I'm hoping a lot of the list was filling in the blanks with guesses while they had a few real bits. I don't think they just got lucky on the Buzz answering questions, and LBP building level thing.

Looking at the date, I'm sure they got most of this info from The Paul Gale Network, and just assumed characters from watching the Micheal trailer.

Pretty sure the guy claims Chell is confirmed because of that female model we've seen on Superbot's moniters...which just looks like a female.

I'd relax if I were you, guys.


I like the list, I just think it has a few too many human characters, but hey, I'm still down for it.

For me, I'd rather see like Adam Jensen if we're talking about human characters from third party franchises.


I just realized that Sony owns the Demon's Souls IP.



There are going to be 3rd party characters of course.

Just saying this list was fake.

Oh, oh I see. That makes me happier then, but it's sad that we won't get that lit...at least most of that list. There are a definite few like James Bond or Price that I didn't care about.
Thank God it confirms that list is fake. Obviously 3rd party characters will be in as stated by Superbot, just not the stupid shit stated on that list. YAY!

Bring on Crash, Spyro, Cloud, etc.!


I know I'm rambling on about arcade stick support, but I saw this on Maj's twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/combovid/status/196912696178905088
Mr. Jones' Twitter said:
@combovid http://shoryuken.com/2012/04/28/maj...-all-stars-battle-royales-combat-design-team/ look at what I said under your comment at the top, what do u think?
Maj's Twitter said:
@HJayZ91 That's a fair request. Can't promise anything but i'll at least look into it for you.

I know that he isn't confirming anything, but it seems that it might be possible.

Also, thanks to Mr. Jones for bringing it up to Maj.


G***n S**n*bi
If Lightning somehow makes it into this game over Auron/Cloud.. ugh.. Just... ugh

A Dragon Quest character would also be pretty awesome. Yangus would wreck shit in this game.
There's some contradictory stuff going on, Paul Gale Network said Jak and Daxter fought together, but the Twitter "leak" tells us that Jak is on his own and Daxter fights with Clank. Also, that Parappa and Lammy are a duo when the former is clearly on his own.

Also it's extremely unlikely there would be so many gun characters. How would the playstyles of Bond, Gabe Logan and Agent 47 differ from each other, for example? I call trash, unless some are assist trophies, lol.


There's some contradictory stuff going on, Paul Gale Network said Jak and Daxter fought together, but the Twitter "leak" tells us that Jak is on his own and Daxter fights with Clank. Also, that Parappa and Lammy are a duo when the former is clearly on his own.

Also it's extremely unlikely there would be so many gun characters. How would the playstyles of Bond, Gabe Logan and Agent 47 differ from each other, for example? I call trash, unless some are assist trophies, lol.

Like I said, he's taking characters from the Micheal trailer and what Paul Gale Network said.

The list is fake people, c'mon GAF I know you're smarter than this. You are detectives, after all.
Unless the person who came with this shit saw Murray from Sly Cooper, didn't know the name and thought he looked like George from Rainbow (classic UK children's TV reference).


I honestly would be ok with bond being in because its so out of place. IMO they need to make the game as absurd as possible and having out of place characters would help. Its all personal opinion of how appealing that is but its another thing that sets it apart from SB where most of the characters fit in with each other.
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