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Playstation and Xbox need to UNITE in order to DEFEAT Stadia! (Avengers/GoT FanFiction Mashup ITT!)

Stadia has gotten the infinity stones right underneath our noses this whole time. Stadia plans to wipe out entire half of the gaming ecosystem with the snap/click of a finger/button.

PlayStation and Xbox need to unite together and put aside their petty issues and differences in order to defeat Thanos/Stadia.

If you think this call to unite together is impossible, then explain to me this:

Jon Snow managed to convince the Wildlings to come by his side and aid him in the coming Great War against the Night King and his army of the dead.

PlayStation can manage to convince Xbox to come by their side and aid them in the coming Great Console War against Stadia and their targeted casual gaming demographic.




No. not even close. Google becomes a threat if they start producing their OWN AAA franchises that is exclusive on their platform.


Gold Member
Eh, I wouldn't worry too much. Data caps and input lag ensure this won't be replacing any of those systems any time soon.


Stevia will never match pure sugar. Or, the whitest of white, cocaina puraaaa... PlayStation exclusives.

Codes 208

Remember when google+ was supposed to be the Facebook killer?
Yeah me neither. So I seriously doubt the stadia will put as much of an impact as Kain wants you to believe.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
To the OP’s point... I think cross-play in the long run is a good thing, and with enough interest could disrupt the Googles and Amazons in the gaming realm.
No. not even close. Google becomes a threat if they start producing their OWN AAA franchises that is exclusive on their platform.

...Which they are doing and announced during the conference.

But guess what? They still aren't doomed unless you like your fighting or FPS games to react 5 seconds after your input.
Microsoft currently don't offer enough that Onlive didn't. That's dead. PlayStation Now is alive and kicking and having tried it, it is fun. Would I buy a device specifically for it? No.

My house does not allow for fibre connection which isn't uncommon in small market towns in the UK. One moment my Internet download speeds are 5mbps and go upto 25mbps depending on time of day and traffic etc and many games complain about my NAT type also.

But i don't feel a sense of ownership there. As great as PS Now is, even with my best connection speeds it doesn't always feel... Fluid or you know its cloud gaming so you look and find that delay.

Sony should have used 2019 to curb stomp Microsoft but they didn't. The only thing that might come back to haunt Sony is not doing that because Microsoft have what those trendy southerners in London call 'bear money.'

But as someone who owned an Onlive console and tried it for a while, I still want a sense of ownership. There's far more content still stuck to physical media than there is online. PlayStation 5 with full backwards compatibility that enhances older titles like XBOX One X does would be amazing. All those old games that would be more enjoyable to play with new ones. Cloud gaming will only be wholly adopted when physical media is obsolete.

So yeah, no alliance is needed because I don't see Google winning this war because they have a promise but no delivery or commitment. No killer app. No plethora of exclusive content or in house development either.


Even if this service was free, the next Playstation and Xbox would still sell tens of millions. simply because high speed uncapped internet isn't as widespread as people thing. And thats not taking into account the fact that some people want physical hardware and games etc.
Google is a threat if they release a capable console. Right now their snap will have a 90ms input latency which will distort everything on the screen until the picture is lost.
You can't defeat the future,its were games are going,cause Stadia will succeed or not its just the beginning of this,Onlive tried it but they were ahead of their time,now almost everything is online,people buy less and less discs of games or movies,this is the natural evolution of home entertainment


Too early to say that Stadia is a threat.

-It isn’t for everyone (region, internet speed and capped internet).

-We still don’t know how we will pay and how much (subscription only or subscription+ games purchase).

-No lineup shown except for old multiplats.

As for me I’m not interested in it at all.


Jon Snow = Playstation?
Not even his games/movies will be released on Sony platform uncensored these days.
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Stadia wouldn't work outside of the US, EU, China, Japan and Australia. The rest of the world lacks infrastrucutre. And believe me, there is a huge market out there.

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe the constant poll threads aren't so bad after all...:messenger_neutral:
You know what doesn’t scare me?

Streaming services like you. You think you’re fooling anyone with that input lag?

Streaming cunt!


OP any fan of Game of Thrones is mighty fine in my book, gave me a good chuckle WHYDONTYOU.....:messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

As for the question.....I don't think any of these companies should be afraid of Google.....I think if Google offered a traditional console and pulled in their resources to source exclusive games, things could get interesting, but even then, a Company like Sony would not be phased by that either....because their WWS is not going anywhere and it's their exclusives that has won them 3 generations so far.....

Like anything else, Stadia will have to bring the games.....There will be an issue with Stadia always offering lower quality IQ with latency issues on top vs viewing the same games on a 15-18TF PS5, where no internet is required to achieve a superior picture and game response......I think the 5 seconds feature is nice, but it will be moot vs next gen consoles, because I've always maintained that next gen consoles will be decked with SSD's even when everyone thought I was crazy to even suggest that.......So loading times on next gen consoles will be just as fast, if not faster than Stadia in certain instances, whilst delivering a superior picture....

I think Stadia and PSNOW has a future, but I think Sony is doing it the right way.....Console is the main business and they position PSNOW to those who can't access their console or who have a low spec PC, they offer such persons a nice option with streaming......To offer just streaming atm is a bit too soon.......Yet it boils down to the games.....It is so much easier for someone who never bought a console or only gamed on his mobile or a low spec PC to get PSNOW, because it's the only place he could play Uncharted, Gow and so many PS exclusives......He may stream these games to his low spec PC and fall in love with these franchises and decides that he will get PS5 to play the latest entry in said franchises.....So it's a better business model, one refers you to the other, so whatever you choose can boost the other based on your circumstances......For google, if Stadia is not working for you, you have nothing to fall back to from the company if you happen to like the exclusives they will bring.....Or if streaming games is not practical for your household, whether because of data caps or too many family members using the sole internet connection to entertain themselves in different ways...(video, music, online gaming)....or even torrenting, if others are doing that and you're trying to game on stadia at peak hours, say 7pm after work, then it's going to be tough to continue to subscribe, especially if it's mostly multiplats with no big exclusives....


Stadia wouldn't work outside of the US, EU, China, Japan and Australia. The rest of the world lacks infrastrucutre. And believe me, there is a huge market out there.

I mean, repeat that slowly: US, EU, China, Japan and Australia.
And Im telling you as a Latinamerican.
Also, Microsoft have huge infra and theres plenty of great ISPs here.
Im on Argentina and have a symmetric 50/50 with no caps for 100 bucks per month. And im only at near 20s ms input lag from Brazil Microsoft Datacenter.
I mean, repeat that slowly: US, EU, China, Japan and Australia.
And Im telling you as a Latinamerican.
Also, Microsoft have huge infra and theres plenty of great ISPs here.
Im on Argentina and have a symmetric 50/50 with no caps for 100 bucks per month. And im only at near 20s ms input lag from Brazil Microsoft Datacenter.
I'm in Brazil with a high bandwidth connection. Have you tried PSNow? It's trash. I know Google has more data centers and a huge one near Sao Paulo, but even though 95% of this country would be unprepared. So repeating slowly: US, EU, China, Japan and Australia.


I'm in Brazil with a high bandwidth connection. Have you tried PSNow? It's trash. I know Google has more data centers and a huge one near Sao Paulo, but even though 95% of this country would be unprepared. So repeating slowly: US, EU, China, Japan and Australia.

Exactly, the problem is PSNow, that is not deployed on Brazil. If it were there, it would work flawlessly.
In any case, those countries / regions you listed is what? a 250+ million potential market? That looks a very interesting market to start with, dot you think so?
The Stadia will gain some attention, but I don’t think it will succeed, especially since streaming never seems to catch on and ends up with the same dismal results. Imho, the market just isn’t ready for it. We will see though.
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