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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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I ventured into the Steam forums and saw someone saying Islamphobia doesn't exist so I'm probably gonna kill myself idk

If there's anything I find about people who say "islamophobia/racism doesn't exist!!!" it's that people who say this are usually the ones perpetuating the idea that we're "multicultural" because we live together, and disregard racial/religious tensions that exist. It's like they're living in their own bubble of delusion.


NeoGAF is the real Illuminati.

It's the only answer


I don't know who this guy is, be he wasn't part of the original Kickstarter pitch so nothing has changed in my eyes.

Plus Let's Players are already scum in my eyes, It's always a pleasure too see them excluded.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This is bait right.
Can we talk about the game again instead of yet another youtube "celebrity" loser that will never work a real day in their life?

Completely removing the racist bullshit JonTron spews, making content like he does is a lot of fucking work. But of course, because he uses the internet as his office, it means he hasn't worked a real day of his life? Come the fuck on.
Facebook comments are trash, those people literally don't understand reality, not that they'd listen to any evidence anyway.

Speaking of evidence, I've found three videos so far of Jontron casually dropping the n-word in gamegrumps videos, uncensored.


The first one I clearly hear "oh yeah this thing where it was like" being said very quickly.

In spite of not having the n-word this is probably one of the more racist things from Jon's tenure on Game Grumps, which I should add Arin also laughs hysterically at:



Even if that statistic about rich black people being more likely than poor white people to go to jail, that doesn't prove they're more prone to crime. I know that's what Jon was trying to infer but if anything it would highlight the racial discrimination at play in the justice system.

That wasn't even what I thought was the major offensive part, rather when he implied they have no one to blame but themselves. Or am I missing something?
Because we have moderation standards and just about all other major gaming communities don't. Also we were one of the major communities that rejected GG while most big communities embraced it. See all the alt accounts doing suicide drivebys in GG and the recent johntron threads.

Shit like this makes me so genuinely proud to be a committed NeoGAF member.


I can't read the article but I'm gonna guess there's a big fucking misinterpretation on his part
The article contends that black people get punished more, for the same crimes, than white people.

It's the opposite of Jon's view but he's having a hard time reading past the headline.
The article contends that black people get punished more, for the same crimes, than white people.

It's the opposite of Jon's view but he's having a hard time reading past the headline.
Yeah, it's almost like discrimination exists, who woulda thought?

Certainly not Jon


I can't read the article but I'm gonna guess there's a big fucking misinterpretation on his part

Yep. The article is showing how systemic racism doesn't even help if you're wealthy and black.

Hell, the last time a black community bootstrapped and made themselves rich, their reward was being firebombed by their white neighbors, razed to the ground, and then the white government rezoned their neighborhood to literally ban rebuilding their businesses and prevent them from restoring their community. Jafari probably would just ignore that if you pointed it out, though.


This guy mention NeoGaf in his JonTron Yookalaylee video.

I guess he's not a fan of Neogaf.

See below:
Couple of things:

1) Don't use GAF as your base to troll other places. It's not okay, and I will clip you for it.

2) Don't post links to stupid racists on Youtube just because they "called out" GAF. You're just giving them more views and encouraging the sort of stupid cross board drama that we're not particularly interested in.

Do your thing, say your piece, and ignore the haters.


The article contends that black people get punished more, for the same crimes, than white people.

It's the opposite of Jon's view but he's having a hard time reading past the headline.

The headline is truth and the article itself is fake news! Take the blinders off!

Heavy sarcasm for any that may think I'm serious


I mean Jon's logic basically means you could pass a law tomorrow saying "everyone with skin darker than a sheet of A4 paper is now charged with a misdemeanor" and he'd go "SEE I TOLDS YA THEY COMMIT MORE CRIME!". Dude is completely and intentionally ignoring context and systemic racism.


Matthew Fogg is one of the most decorated police officers in the United States, responsible for tracking down more than three hundred of the most-wanted felons in the country—from murderers to rapists to child molesters. But he was bewildered as to why his force only ever goes to black neighborhoods to bust people for drugs.

He went to see his boss to suggest they start mounting similar raids in white neighborhoods. He explained in a speech that his superior officer told him: ”Fogg, you know you're right they are using drugs there [but] you know what? If we go out and we start targeting those individuals, they know judges, they know lawyers, they know politicians, they know all of the big folks in government. If we start targeting them, and their children, you know what's going to happen? We're going to get a phone call and they're going to shut us down. You know that, Fogg? You know what's going to happen? There goes your overtime.

There's the money that you're making. So let's just go after the weakest link. Let's go after those who can't afford the attorneys, those who we can lock up."


Jon Jafari. Jon. JoJaf, can I call you JoJaf? JJ, I need you to realize something. The police? They specifically go after black people for being black. They ignore white crime because it's easier, societally, to go after black neighborhoods because of the bile, the hate, the outright fecal discharge you help white supremacists spew. In this country, if you are black you get the shit beat out of you for "stealing" your own car by driving it down the street because an old white lady called it in. You get shot dead while in the surrender position. Cops have been caught on tape doing this multiple times and get away with it.
What's great is that JonTron didn't pull that bullshit stat from a Stormfront or Breitbart article as I originally suspected... he misinterpreted the Washington Post.

Outrageous. If he took time to read the article/had the reading comprehension skills to properly understand, he would realize that's explicitly the opposite of the thesis of the article itself.

Institutionalized racism is real, and without that acceptance (JonTron: "[Oppression] doesn't exist"), there is no way that you could properly internalize the reality that those figures are demonstrating.


Can we not link to white male bigoted youtubers with video titles such as "Why apologizing to SJWs is useless"? You can't tell any of these pigs apart and there's more of them out there than I can count, the least they deserve is another platform.

It's a video that got recommended to me in my youtube feed after watching like one video about JonTron.
The article contends that black people get punished more, for the same crimes, than white people.

It's the opposite of Jon's view but he's having a hard time reading past the headline.

LOL even I only read the headline and came to the exact opposite conclusion than him, that's what I thought it'd be about.

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