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Please don't spoil games for others.


Junior Member
I agree but You can still have fun even after getting spoiled. I've been spoiled on countless things either by others or my own doing. Don't think there's ever been a time where I don't want to watch/play/read something after being spoiled.


In the Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince game Snape kills Dumbledore.

I do my best not to do it though I sometimes wonder how people read spoilers. Maybe it is because I don't frequent reddit. For example I'm currently playing Nier: Automata and haven't been spoiled on anything story related.

What I hate is when you see videos advertised on Youtube and they list the spoiler in the title + picture.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
People shouldn't spoil shit, period.

That said, I've played games with some surprises spoiled and it didn't ruin my enjoyment of them. (Persona 4, VLR, to name a few)
Might as well not talk about stories publicly, or just spoiler tag everything.

Gameplay as well. I remember people were upset about item/mechanics """"spoilers"""" during the BOTW launch.

It's fucking stupid. People need to grow up with regards to how they interact with fiction. If you want to recapture those pre-internet days of gaming then stay off the fucking internet.

I agree that spoiling something is lame, but I do wonder if spoilers really do ruin the experience, or do they just make it a different one. For example, I listened to a whole discussion of the narrative in Braid, and I thought that it only enhanced that game.


I dodged and weaved last of us threads and I dont think ive been spoiled yet. still need to play that one.
if its a single player game, don't go online in between playing, just play it.
My brother does this to me all the time and that is with his predictions of the games I'm playing and even things we'd watch together... Sometimes I don't even want to interact with him when he's like this.


Story, combat, and characters are all equally unparalled.
Joke post? I feel like I played a different game to some people on here. I mean it was good, very good even, but I wouldn't say that the "story, combat and characters are unparalleled".

MANY games have done combat better, MANY games have done story better and MANY games have done characters better too. The Witcher 3 had better characters and a better told story in my opinion.

Combat wise.... it's good but nowhere near the realms of "unmatched in gaming" which is what you suggested.


Ah, a spoiler discussion thread. Time for people to show off how much they believe other people's feelings on things are wrong and should not be respected.


Ah, a spoiler discussion thread. Time for people to show off how much they believe other people's feelings on things are wrong and should not be respected.

Sadly your feelings cant not stop me to agree on the arbitary definition of what is a spoiler is and what not.
I have played LoZ:BotW for over 190 hours and I still don't understand the story. The less important the story is the better the game imo. I guess thats why I don't like many of the AAA budget games that go heavy on the story but the gameplay isn't much more than pressing one button to proceed through the action. Some of the games Sony showed at E3 this year were like that...


Jack dies

also if a story spoiler for a game ruins it for you, you probably don't love the gameplay that much and you just wanted to finish it XD
It's unpleasant to have something spoiled, but stories in games are universally terrible and have zero value so I wouldn't let that prevent you from playing the game if you were enjoying it before.
also if a story spoiler for a game ruins it for you, you probably don't love the gameplay that much and you just wanted to finish it XD

Or the story of the game might just be that good? There are plenty of game where the story and gameplay are closely intervened.

There's a lot of criticism against the so called spoiler culture, but is the thing of telling people how they should think about it, that much better?


Or the story of the game might just be that good? There are plenty of game where the story and gameplay are closely intervened.

There's a lot of criticism against the so called spoiler culture, but is the thing of telling people how they should think about it, that much better?

I'm not saying you can love a game for its story, but obviously, if that's all it has going for it (because you will quit without it)...


How the hell can you spoil gameplay?
Give away tricks or techniques that would be more satisfying if the player figured them out on their own. Or locations of powerful items

Mega Man 2's gameplay could easily be spoiled by telling someone to go beat Metal Man first and then use his weapon for everything

Van Bur3n

Pac-Man dies.

Getting spoiled sucks, but I never see it as a reason to drop the game. RDR got spoiled for me when I was halfway through the game which I feel is a far greater spoiler than this Horizon game. Yet that didn't stop me from playing such a good game with a remaining story that was still worth experiencing.
The thing that gets to me are the non-spoilery spoilers like when you see a thread titled "wow *game title*'s plot twist blew my mind" .. Like yeah I guess you can expect a twist from a lot of stories, but if you know beforehand something "mind blowing" is going to happen, you kinda already take in the experience different just preparing for that moment you've seen people hype up.


Pac-Man dies.

o ya? then why's there a Pac Man 2?

I'm not saying you can love a game for its story, but obviously, if that's all it has going for it (because you will quit without it)...

There are many games now that are 2-5 hours and heavily story focused, and spoiling those things could very much make me drop them.

As for longer games, less chans of me completely dropping it because of spoilers, but it can still kill a lot of the enjoyment you have for the game.

Maybe don't read Reddit/Gaf threads about games that you're currently playing?

If the reddit thread in question was for that particular game, then this is true of course though.
If you care about stories in a game you're playing, do not go to boards/threads about that game.

Especially 5 months after release.

And there it is.

You have X amount of time to experience any media, otherwise it's fair game to have it get randomly spoiled in unrelated conversations, without warning.

And you idiots posting well-known spoilers are pretty hardcore scumbags. OP, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I made a similar thread asking people to chill with spoilers, and had the exact same reaction. I had Silent Hill 2 spoiled for me at random without warning by a Leigh Alexander article. I complained about it, and was ignored. This was years ago, and I still feel some type of way about it, and about her.

Fact: spoilers improve stories.

If you're quitting because spoilers maybe the game just isn't that good?

fact: not everyone shares everyone else's idea of enjoyment.

Also, we live in an age of remakes and HD remasters. If you happen to, for whatever reason, not have played through Shadow of the Colossus yet, maybe, at this point, you're waiting for the PS4 remaster, because you know it'll likely be the definitive version of the game. Does the fact that the original version was released on PS2 over 11 years ago mean that you can just spoil its story at will? In the remaster's OT? In Gaming? Facebook? Reddit? Anywhere? Fucking no. Even if there's no remaster announcement, just mark it. You probably had the experience the way the designer intended; no need to rob others of that same wonder and discovery.


Periodically, people do scientific studies on spoilers, and the conclusion is usually that spoilers don't actually ruin someone's enjoyment of a story. They can even, counter-intuitively, enhance it. People like being in on the joke ...

The ending of Hamilton: An American Musical isn't emotionally devastating despite the fact that we know the history; it's devastating because of it. The movie Apollo 13 isn't any less suspenseful when you know whether or not the real astronauts made it home safe. And everyone knows that the cake is a lie, but it's not like anyone is going to not enjoy Portal just because they know that GladOS isn't a nice AI going in ...

That said, I think that spoiler tags are still polite, since some people get very, very upset by spoilers. But if something does get spoiled, I don't think that you need to automatically drop it, OP. Stories are often better the second time through: you actually get a sort of new game plus experience on your first play through when you know how things turn out, and can appreciate how everything gets set up.


If a game, movie, or what have you can't carry itself above some twist or major plot point, then there was something substandard or not compelling about it for you in the first place.


Sorry, that's impossible. Some people have such idiotic definitions of a spoiler that it's impossible not to spoil them.

This so much. Spoilerphobes consider the most trivial shit as spoilers that I think they might actually be clinically insane.


And there it is.

You have X amount of time to experience any media, otherwise it's fair game to have it get randomly spoiled in unrelated conversations, without warning.

And you idiots posting well-known spoilers are pretty hardcore scumbags. OP, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I made a similar thread asking people to chill with spoilers, and had the exact same reaction. I had Silent Hill 2 spoiled for me at random without warning by a Leigh Alexander article. I complained about it, and was ignored. This was years ago, and I still feel some type of way about it, and about her.

seems like you cant cope with reality that people dont organize their lifestyle around yours

sending my regards, aka Mr. Scumbag


Sorry OP, someone spoiled a fairly big late story moment of Persona 5 and it sapped so much of my ejoyment of the game I haven't touched it in months.


I spoil myself when reading books most of the time, usually because I often look up characters when I forget names and people, I spoiled myself looking up Lady Stonehart when that name got name dropped in the books, I thought I missed a earlier part in which she appeared and googled the name, quickly learning who she was before the books reveal.

Funny thing is it didn't stop me from enjoying the rest leading up to it, the twist didn't ruin anything for me.
Honestly if a single spoiler is enough for you to lose any and all motivation to finish a game, that seems like a personal issue. Spoilers just are not that impactful.


Sadly your feelings cant not stop me to agree on the arbitary definition of what is a spoiler is and what not.

Plum's Guide to Spoilers

Step 1)
Before writing a post ask yourself "Have the contents of this post been explicitly shown off or discussed in official marketing material?"

Step 2)
If yes:
Write the post.
If no:
Click the spoiler tag and then write the post.

Step 3)
Stop using fringe cases to justify you not taking the second out of your day to click the spoiler tag


Man, I don't know if I've ever played a video game with a story so good, or on the flip-side, gameplay so bad, that I'd stop playing the game simply because I knew the ending.

Even ignoring the fact that most video stories are completely superfluous shit, much more than a movie, because it's an interactive experience, games are about the journey rather than the destination.

The only game I've ever played where I felt like the story, particularly the ending, were worth a damn, was The Last Of Us. But even if I knew the ending beforehand, I like to think the experience and gameplay would have still made the act of playing the game to completion worthwhile.

(And I definitely would have kept playing just to get to the moment where Joel says, "You know Ellie, we really are the last of us.")
I'm okay with people getting upset when someone tells them "Snape kills Dumbledore!", but people need to fucking chill with the "omg I didn't know there was a forest in this game! Wow fucking asshole. Hope you get banned!" Shit.


Are people in this thread really going to pretend that HZD doesn't have one of the best science fiction stories in games?

Pretend? Lol, it's just an opinion that differs from yours if a person happens to disagree.

Honestly if a single spoiler is enough for you to lose any and all motivation to finish a game, that seems like a personal issue. Spoilers just are not that impactful.

It wouldn't stop me from finishing a game, but if I was considering buying it, I may lose the motivation to do so. Then again anything I truly want would have been gotten Day 1, so meh
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