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Point n Click Adventure GAF 2014 No longer in our dreams, memories or just Germany.


How long is The Last Express. Easy to finish in a weekend?

If you're doing everything right, it's quite short. You can finish it in one evening. However, the gameplay in this game is very trial and error. Very often you have to be in a specific location at a specific time and if you miss an important event, you will have to rewind the time.


I've finished Grey Matter yesterday and I have really mixed feelings about the game.

The Good:
- Story and themes it brings up are interesting: magic, researches on human mind, dealing with death of loved ones. Not quite as interesting as mixing historical events with super natural themes (Gabriel Knight), but good enough.
- Both Sam and David were fun and quite unique characters; although not without annoying flaws (Sam loved to jump to conclusion a lot, even without good basis to do so; and David was, to paraphrase Excella from RE5, "Laura, Laura, Laura... you're like a broken record, you know that?").
- Backgrounds, music and cut-scenes (those hand-drawn) all looked and sounded great;
- Those "magic" puzzle were fun to perform.

The Bad
- Some plot points were a little far-fetched and the twist was really easy to foresee (
It was obvious to me who was responsible for the accidents and Laura's death once I entered Angela's room and connected the dots. I was only reassured in my predictions when I saw the results of the 3rd and 4th experiment. So having Samantha still suspecting Mephistopheles, and David accusing Sam for the wrongdoings at the university was quite painful to watch. It was like on of those moments, when you would love to shout at the character in a movie to turn around, because you know a killer is right behind him.
- Puzzles were really easy. The only one that stumped me was the last last from the Daedalus' Club's second riddle (
the one about mage's name
). Also, since there weren't that many locations, and even less items/places that you could interact with, even if you didn't know how to solve a puzzle it was easy to bruteforce it.
- The ending was rather disappointing.
No real twist, no dramatic battle or anything emotion-inducting; Angela's fate was sad, but I felt the whole ending was rushed. It didn't help that the moment I got my hands on that "magical" lantern and Angela's fairy cut-out, I knew I will have to use it on Angela at one point in the game.
. Even puzzles in the last chapter weren't that hard (or deadly, given it's Jane Jensen' game). Although I must say that design wise, the locations at Daedalus' Club were beautiful.

The Ugly
- Maybe it's just me, but I think there was a lag between hovering over a hot spot and a label appearing. It was so annoying that in the end I played the game with labels constantly turned on. :/
- Characters' mugshots during dialogs were ugly. I complained about them before but I want to do so again. Even Helena, the pretty girl in the group, looked like an ordinary girl in that mugshot.
Smeared and unkempt Angela at the end of the game looked comical instead of tragic.
. Hand drawn portraits would be so much better. :(
- Loading screen. You see it every time you change a room, which means A LOT in an adventure game. After a while it was really frustrating.

To sum it up, I am a little disappointed in the game, especially since I had huge expectations about it (it's Jane Jensen after all). Fun game, but not without flaws and rather easy (although quite lengthy - it took me about 12 hours). I hope Moebius turns out to be a better game.


Made it to the last chapter of (Murder In) The Abbey, so far it's got a good story but barely any puzzles, heck one of the few puzzles I encountered was in Chapter 3
I hate moving tiles =_=
Will aim to finish it today.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Anyone know when Fester Mudd Ep. 2 is gonna be released?
I wonder how well the first part did. I'm a fan of Josh Mandel, and I got the first part for free on my tablet. I haven't heard a thing from them since, though.


Fuck p&c adventure games where you can die. >:|

I'm playing Beneath a Steel Sky and, it appears, you can die in that game. I learned the lesson the hard way (
who would have guessed that using a stolen card to go through doors protected by a body scanner will get you incinerate
). And since it's an adventure game, I haven't saved in a while (meaning: at all). :/


Fuck p&c adventure games where you can die. >:|

I'm playing Beneath a Steel Sky and, it appears, you can die in that game. I learned the lesson the hard way (
who would have guessed that using a stolen card to go through doors protected by a body scanner will get you incinerate
). And since it's an adventure game, I haven't saved in a while (meaning: at all). :/

I'm honestly surprised you didn't die
within the first 10 seconds by walking down the stairs lol.


Having finished 'Murder in the Abbey', here are my quick thoughts on it:
Great voice acting overall
Decent story, really liked the mystery of the stuff happening there
There weren't many puzzles and to advance you just need to find the right items, combine then and use them in certain locations.

Worth a one time play at least, so wait for it to go on sale over at Dotemu and snag it.


Boy, I hate to be a hater, but aside from the occassional moment of levity, I really don't see the appeal or critical praise that Kentucky Route Zero is garnering.

I suspect that these all contribute to why people like it, but they do nothing for me:

- The "Another World"-esque, nostalgic artwork
- The mature, subtle writing

And I'm out. The pace is mind-numbingly slow, the dialog is often uninteresting, the game seems to give you the runaround just so that you *too* can feel the frustration of the character. It's just not an enjoyable experience at all for me.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Fuck p&c adventure games where you can die. >:|
Ha, imagine playing an old Sierra game where they let you paint yourself into a corner by design...and then you realize you missed an item hours ago that you can't keep playing without.


I'm honestly surprised you didn't die
within the first 10 seconds by walking down the stairs lol.

using doors on the right instead of going down the stairs
was a pretty logical to do. :p In the case of
body scanner
the game did allow me to try it twice before it finally killed me. :(

Ha, imagine playing an old Sierra game where they let you paint yourself into a corner by design...and then you realize you missed an item hours ago that you can't keep playing without.

I played Leisure Suit Larry 2 and, of course, I didn't buy that big soda at the beginning of the game (why would I?). I hated that game since without a walkthrough it was essentially a trial and error type of game where you could die even by going to the wrong place or at a wrong time (without even knowing that it's a wrong place or a wrong time). And then there was also that bag bug at the end of the game. :/


Having finished 'Murder in the Abbey', here are my quick thoughts on it:
Great voice acting overall
Decent story, really liked the mystery of the stuff happening there
There weren't many puzzles and to advance you just need to find the right items, combine then and use them in certain locations.

Worth a one time play at least, so wait for it to go on sale over at Dotemu and snag it.
The game has your usual pnc gameplay, it doesn't have Myst-style puzzles but it's definitely more difficult than Broken Sword style games
(eg. obtaining all elements necessary for making the sedative isn't straightforward)
. Still, the game's all about the investigation, you quickly meet all people living in the abbey, everybody is suspicious around you and clearly hides secrets, so coming up with theories and uncovering the mystery is a lot of fun.

I played Still Life right after and even though that game is also murder mystery, chasing shadows is clearly not as interesting as pointing out the culprit among a limited population.

Oh, even though it's not a p'n'c game, everybody here - particularly those who liked The Last Express - should play Consortium.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I played Leisure Suit Larry 2 and, of course, I didn't buy that big soda at the beginning of the game (why would I?). I hated that game since without a walkthrough it was essentially a trial and error type of game where you could die even by going to the wrong place or at a wrong time (without even knowing that it's a wrong place or a wrong time). And then there was also that bag bug at the end of the game. :/
Yeah, it just happened to me in Laura Bow 2...if you don't pick up a boot, that's hard to spot apparently and only available for the blink of an eye, then when you're escaping in the next act you can't put the boot on your friend's bare foot before he stands up, steps on a nail and dies, leaving you trapped forever. Adventure games!
Having finished 'Murder in the Abbey', here are my quick thoughts on it:
Great voice acting overall
Decent story, really liked the mystery of the stuff happening there
There weren't many puzzles and to advance you just need to find the right items, combine then and use them in certain locations.

Worth a one time play at least, so wait for it to go on sale over at Dotemu and snag it.

I thought it was a great game. Agree with your evaluation on it. I want to play it again now. I'm excited for the sequel.

Anyone remember Adam Syndrome? It was one of my most anticipated games for a few years. Looks like it's almost a dead project. A real shame.

Anyone know when Fester Mudd Ep. 2 is gonna be released?

Having not heard anything about it in so long, I'm thinking it's dead. Or at least on hold.


Boy, I hate to be a hater, but aside from the occassional moment of levity, I really don't see the appeal or critical praise that Kentucky Route Zero is garnering.

I suspect that these all contribute to why people like it, but they do nothing for me:

- The "Another World"-esque, nostalgic artwork
- The mature, subtle writing

And I'm out. The pace is mind-numbingly slow, the dialog is often uninteresting, the game seems to give you the runaround just so that you *too* can feel the frustration of the character. It's just not an enjoyable experience at all for me.

It's more of a "mood piece", I feel, than anything else - I have yet to play the second episode, actually, having purchased the whole thing. It looks and sounds great and atmospheric - the actual experience of playing it is somewhat obtuse, however. I wasn't sure quite what I was supposed to take away from the first episode - which is why I haven't played the second one, I suspect!


It's more of a "mood piece", I feel, than anything else - I have yet to play the second episode, actually, having purchased the whole thing. It looks and sounds great and atmospheric - the actual experience of playing it is somewhat obtuse, however. I wasn't sure quite what I was supposed to take away from the first episode - which is why I haven't played the second one, I suspect!

I found the first episode intriguing and moody.

The second episode just felt tedious and frustrating. Partly by being more of the same


John Walker's reviews of The Raven:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Where does that leave the finished game? At £21 for the lot, it’s not bad. At £15 I’d be saying any adventure fan should get it, but the declining quality and loss of what made the first chapter so adorable makes it tougher to enthusiastically recommend at the full price. As for all the promotional nonsense that’s been taking place, with adverts in the Times newspaper appealing for the identity of the Raven, it demonstrates a lack of an understanding of how the game was poorly structured for that.
What with the game announcing who the Raven is at the midpoint, it takes away any drive from the player to know what mystery it is they’re supposed to be solving.
With better structure, or just a game that had more heavily focused on Zellner throughout, this could have been a real winner. As it is, it’s still worth playing for the lovely first half, and tolerating the second.


After playing half of Broken Sword 5 and Broken Age and loving both (both broken into 2 parts, har har), I've wanted to get back into some of my adventure game backlog but both Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis (beat all the ones after) and Deponia are kind of painful logic wise. I like Deponia's charm but I remember getting so mad at some of the puzzles before.

I played Resonance not too long ago and found it to be a nice middleground for difficulty. Are there any recent adventure games that aren't as easy as broken age part 1, but not quite Deponia-level illogical?

I remember Primordia is one I kept getting stuck in as well. Perhaps I am just bad at adventure games, but its still tied for my favourite genre.


If you haven't played Book of Unwritten Tales, remedy that immediately. Totally get where you're coming from with painful logic puzzles. IMO, Book has a near perfect PnC difficulty curve. Lost Horizon is also good with mid level difficulty, but not a masterpiece like Book.


If you haven't played Book of Unwritten Tales, remedy that immediately. Totally get where you're coming from with painful logic puzzles. IMO, Book has a near perfect PnC difficulty curve. Lost Horizon is also good with mid level difficulty, but not a masterpiece like Book.

Started Book but never got far, like much of my backlog. :p

Lost Horizon I was looking at before, but never played, will check them out, thanks.

Card Boy

Lost Horizon is amazing. The main character looks like a dweeb but they made him look like a bad ass in Lost Horizon 2 (coming out this year?) and its set 20 years later so that helps. If you want something that has that Indiana Jones feel Lost Horizon is defiantly recommended.


Man Bone: Out from Boneville is...not impressing me sad to say.
I don't like the voices, the scenes lose all the charm from the comics, and some characters don't translate well into game form.
While kids MAY like it, I would advise against getting these games and settling for the books.


Lost Horizon is amazing. The main character looks like a dweeb but they made him look like a bad ass in Lost Horizon 2 (coming out this year?) and its set 20 years later so that helps. If you want something that has that Indiana Jones feel Lost Horizon is defiantly recommended.

Lost Horizon surprised me with how good it was. Definitely getting the 2nd one.


Man Bone: Out from Boneville is...not impressing me sad to say.
I don't like the voices, the scenes lose all the charm from the comics, and some characters don't translate well into game form.
While kids MAY like it, I would advise against getting these games and settling for the books.
Telltale has made much better games.. that's a given.


My wife and I finished what's released of The Silver Lining, and I was writing about it and realized it was coming out as "It's really bad, but play it anyway." So instead I will break it down this way.

The Good:
-It feels like a full-on, classic King's Quest game. If you had told me that Sierra had reformed and made it, I would not have doubted you at all.
-The music is (mostly) great. There are one or two songs that are annoying, but the rest are phenomenal.
-An actually compelling story, especially in the last chapter or two.
-Callbacks to literally every game in the series

The Bad:
-I feel like I spent a lot of time running back and forth between the same two locations.
-The graphics are kind of a mess. The opening of Chapter 1 looks like something from the PS1.
-Chapter 4 ends with an annoyingly hard mini-game, and then goes into an annoyingly hard "boss fight."
-Chapter 4 was released over a year ago, and there's no sign of when Chapter 5 will be released.

Over all, I absolutely recommend it, but it does have it's flaws.

Card Boy

Blink Bundle

Minimum ($1.99):
Sideway New York
Archon Classic
Light of Altair
Bonus Game

Lilly Looking Through
Mutant Mudds Deluxe
Hero of the Kingdom
Bonus Game

One PnC but thought you guys would appreciative the bonus's aswell. Apparently it only had 10 screens from memory?


I am playing Broken Age atm and I like it despite it being easy, but I LOVE the graphics and characters. Not bothered at all by its episodic nature, but I find it depressing that Walking Dead could be a top 10 seller despite being episodic as well, but Broken Age barely broke into the top 10 =/

Non the less...here are other games I'm looking forward to or plan on playing soon:
Banshee's Last Call
Dangan Ronpa
Stiens; Gate

Granted these aren't PnC Adventure games BUT as is, this year may have 4 games in my GotY list be VNs and PnCs X3


What's the best or most recommend version of the following games:
Maniac Mansion
Day of the Tentacle
Zak McKraken

Is MM Deluxe worth playing over the original C64 ver. for example?


What's the best or most recommend version of the following games:
Maniac Mansion
Day of the Tentacle
Zak McKraken

Is MM Deluxe worth playing over the original C64 ver. for example?

Zak McKracken - ScummVM with FM-Towns CDDA
Day of the Tentacle - ScummVM, PC Talkie version, MT-32 music emulated with the lastest version of Munt
I found the first episode intriguing and moody.

The second episode just felt tedious and frustrating. Partly by being more of the same


The forest, eagle flying, road circle back and forth weirdness, bears, kept it far from same-y to me. Constantly cool visual illusions and imagery. I don't mind the relaxed pace, so I didn't find it tedious going up each floor of the office to understand what was going on.
Over the last month I've gorged myself on some of the adventure games in my backlog(still tons to go...) I felt like sharing my very brief thoughts.

The Lost City of Zerzuza - Quite good, I like these sorts of inventory /logic heavy adventure games. Nothing out of the realms of normal thought process. I also found it funny I carried a half an orange through the whole game even though it cleared everything else out regularly. Please grab this game off Amazon next time it's on sale!

The Raven - Mostly bad, serviceable. Good graphics and voice acting, over mostly empty rooms and bland puzzles. Felt I overpaid at the Steam sale.

TBOU Critter Chronicles - Okay. Not anywhere as good as the first game, but enjoyable enough. I liked the Mage's Tower stuff a lot. I did find some things funny, too.

Chaos on Deponia - Good. Way better than Deponia, thankfully. Had a good flow, though if I never hear that damned boat singing again it'll be too soon. Which brings me to...

Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes - Title theme song sung by the same guy....want to kill myself. Thankfully I found the game much better than the first one, which irritated the heck out of me. Same annoying elements are there(art style, voices), but refined slightly and not as grating. And in any case I actually really enjoyed the darkness of the humor and the "restrictions" mechanic in the second half. Worth playing.

Still Life - Terrible. Just terrible. And I actually solved the baking puzzle on my first try. But that lock puzzle? And if I forgot pixel hunting was ever a thing, its back with a vengeance(yes I know it's old). There were whole doorways that I couldn't see because the icon is so indistinct. Dear god I'm going to force myself through the sequel soon aren't I?

Primordia - Fantastic! Way better than reviews gave it credit for! just finished it up and loved every minute of it!

Well that's all so far. Still to come...every Telltale Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Syberia 2, the Blackwell games and eventually STILL LIFE 2! Can't forget Post Mortem as well!


Well that's all so far. Still to come...every Telltale Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Syberia 2, the Blackwell games and eventually STILL LIFE 2! Can't forget Post Mortem as well!

I've just started Special Edition of Secret of the Monkey Island, and boy, the art-style in the remake is terrible. Really, really gross. Pity there's no option to switch to old one, Dominic's voices and enhanced music make the game worthwhile IMO, but the art... ugh.


TBOU Critter Chronicles - Okay. Not anywhere as good as the first game, but enjoyable enough. I liked the Mage's Tower stuff a lot. I did find some things funny, too.
I finished the first TBOU only yesterday, should I dive into Critter Chronicles straight away?

Still Life - Terrible. Just terrible. And I actually solved the baking puzzle on my first try. But that lock puzzle? And if I forgot pixel hunting was ever a thing, its back with a vengeance(yes I know it's old). There were whole doorways that I couldn't see because the icon is so indistinct. Dear god I'm going to force myself through the sequel soon aren't I?
Interesting. I didn't bother with the baking puzzle, I looked it up straightaway, but overall the game was very simple for me once I got used to the very unorthodox inventory system. The story was decent but nothing special either. I heard the second one is much worse so I didn't bother even though I have it in my Steam library (those groupees bundles :)).

Primordia - Fantastic! Way better than reviews gave it credit for! just finished it up and loved every minute of it!
Agreed! It's almost Beneath a Steel Sky level for me!


I've just started Special Edition of Secret of the Monkey Island, and boy, the art-style in the remake is terrible. Really, really gross. Pity there's no option to switch to old one, Dominic's voices and enhanced music make the game worthwhile IMO, but the art... ugh.

For what it's worth, there's a patch to fix Guybrush's horrible hair and face in the SE: http://monkeyislandpatch.com.ar/

Here's a Facebook for the project (along with few screenshots of the new Guybrush)

It's still ugly, but with the patch, it's a little less ugly.
I've just started Special Edition of Secret of the Monkey Island, and boy, the art-style in the remake is terrible. Really, really gross. Pity there's no option to switch to old one, Dominic's voices and enhanced music make the game worthwhile IMO, but the art... ugh.

On PC doesn't F10 change art style between old and new?
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