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Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 confirmed for Nintendo DS

I know the color difference isn't that great, but shiny Kangaskahn's have ALWAYS caught my eye - that and the fact that they're one of my favorite Pokemon of all time.

Don't even get me started on a shiny Houndoom - that MAY be my next goal... Black and blue fire dog? SIGN ME UP!!

PS - Is there no general "talk about Pokemon" thread on GAF?

I haven't seen it, and it seems one should be... created?

Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Does anyone have the urge of replaying all the games now that a new one is being released?

I tried this even without this game being released, and I made it up to Cinnabar Island in Fire Red, then died out from exhaustion, or lack of interest in grinding. Maybe because I've played that one so much I memorize it and it lost its luster. Might just move on to Emerald.

But I did pick up a copy of Soul Silver due to this announcement since I never got around to it before.


The worst shinies by far are the ones that hardly look any different. Shiny Garchomp is just awful. And shiny Lickilicky hurts my eyes, so bright.


I know I've been all over the place when it comes to speculation here, but after thinking about it and seeing what others have had to say, I really don't think this'll be much more than what'd we get from a Gray version. At this point I expect to see us travel through Unova again, with a different story and dialogue, and probably a Sevii Islands-esque area thrown in somewhere.

This'll probably be the equivalent to a third version mechanics-wise, with a new story and area thrown in the mix. Not that I'm complaining.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Pokemon is for kids?

Kids have DSs, not 3DSs?



You make it sound as if it's a cruel and dangerous place in the community threads.

Community is where threads go to die though. Nobody browses that forum and a shocking number of people don't use subscriptions, so moving to community will often instantly cut the number of posters in half and the rest slowly decay over time.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Community is where threads go to die though. Nobody browses that forum and a shocking number of people don't use subscriptions, so moving to community will often instantly cut the number of posters in half and the rest slowly decay over time.

Unless you're the Pokemon Community Thread which has a good assortment of regulars and due to new things happening in the series all the time, new people will eventually find their way there as well.

The other threads though are skeletons in a graveyard, to be sure.


The only shiny i've encountered (not even catched) in my life was a female Cubone level 18 in the cave right before Lavender Town in Pokémon Silver when i was like 10.... i was like: "WTF IS THAT?!?! OH NO I HAVE NO EFFIN' POKEBALLS :O" and thought that i might encounter it again if i made the exact same movements after entered the cave... now i always have at least 5 pokéballs with me.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm betting these will end up being November games.

October I could see too. Can't really see September, although if they are, then that'll be interesting. America would be getting a Pokemon game in September for once! :p
a september release would be oh so pleasing

I'm still holding out on my childlike belief that it will be released in late August/early September.

Sigh. Not enough good games are coming out between June and September, aside from KH3D and maybe Anarchy Reigns.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm still holding out on my childlike belief that it will be released in late August/early September.

Sigh. Not enough good games are coming out between June and September, aside from KH3D and maybe Anarchy Reigns.

Fall/Autumn starts on September 21 I think so that's the earliest these could come out. Otherwise they would have said late summer.
Fall/Autumn starts on September 21 I think so that's the earliest these could come out. Otherwise they would have said late summer.

Deus Ex Human Revolution was slated for a "Fall 2011" release, and it came out on August 24th, so I still have hope. I'm probably just delusional and nutty, though, so I wouldn't listen to my rambling, comrade.


Fall/Autumn starts on September 21 I think so that's the earliest these could come out. Otherwise they would have said late summer.

Pokemon HG/SS were announced for "fall 2009" in japan and the were released on the 12th September i think. Same with B/W, those were released on the 18th September 2010 in Japan. Fall begins on the 21st September.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Pokemon HG/SS were announced for "fall 2009" in japan and the were released on the 12th September i think. Same with B/W, those were released on the 18th September 2010 in Japan. Fall begins on the 21st September.

Japanese titles are always assumed to be September, though.

OMG Aero

When they say it will be released in Autumn they mean it will be released when it is Autumn in Unova.
So either March, July or November.


I have such high hopes for the 3DS entry...

And does this mark the dawn of a "third-version rehash"-less Pokemon generation?


I don't really like Haxorus because it reminds me too much of a Dragon Quest Monsters Monster. I know that's not a fair judgment, but it's how the cookie crumbled for me.

Vanillish and Vanilluxe are some of my favorites from Gen V

And yet both have Slime's face!


One of the reasons I love the Vanill line!


I have a few shinies, however most were gotten by using the PokeRadar in D/P, so I won't list them.

My first shiny ever was a shiny Tentacool found while surfing in Sapphire. Not that great, but it was pretty cool. It is now a mighty Tentacruel.

Next up was my shiny Wobbuffet. In the Safari Zone! (Ruby this time). Man, I was almost certain that I wasn't gonna catch it, but thankfully I did.

My third shiny is ctually prety recent - a shiny Yamask in White. One of my favorite and he is know a pinkish Cofagrigus! Very awesome :D


I bred a shiny charmander in heart gold. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Other than that I have the red gyrados and a shiny (obviously fake) gardevoir someone traded me online.
Looks to be a quick release for Black\White Version 2 in the US\Europe, Fall 2012!

That makes it sound like as in "here is version 2 of Pokemon Bianca/Nera*" as in an upgraded version rather than a new game, I can consumers getting easily confused. Its just rubs me the wrong way. Plus the whole "plays in two dee on a three deesss. why did you buy this system again?"

*-Sorry somebody said Dragon Quest...


That makes it sound like as in "here is version 2 of Pokemon Bianca/Nera*" as in an upgraded version rather than a new game. Its just rubs me the wrong way. Plus the whole "plays in two dee on a three deesss. why did you buy this system again?"

*-Sorry somebody said Dragon Quest...

the thing is, in the past 3rd versions took just as long to be brought over as normal mainline games, and there was less to translate. i'm hoping this just means they'll be localizing games much faster.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
That makes it sound like as in "here is version 2 of Pokemon Bianca/Nera*" as in an upgraded version rather than a new game, I can consumers getting easily confused.

Not consumers, freaking GAFers got confused in this very thread. Bunch of drunks and/or morons. :p

Regardless they'll never be referenced by anybody but PR guys as Black and White 2 (or Black 2 and White 2.)
Totally agree this is a very bad move on Nintendo's part during such a critical window for the 3DS. This article is dead on: Nintendo, absorb part of the cost, kick Game Freak in the pants and get these on your NEW and CURRENT system:


Is Pokemon Hurting the 3DS?

Nintendo's biggest franchise might be undermining its new portable.

February 28, 2012

by Richard George

Editor's Note: Nintendo and The Pokemon Company International requested a chance to comment on the topic of our editorial. Below are their remarks, followed by the full opinion piece.

Executive Editor, IGN.com

Nintendo's Comment
"Remember that Nintendo 3DS can also play all Nintendo DS Pokemon games. The Nintendo DS family also has a massive installed base of more than 51 million systems in the United States alone, and we are keen on continuing to deliver new experiences to this audience."

IGN's Opinion

In one of the more bizarre announcements in recent memory, Nintendo/The Pokemon Company International and GameFreak are releasing sequels to Pokemon Black and Pokemon White on the DS, a full eight years after that platform first debuted and, more importantly, nearly a year and a half into the life of the 3DS. Though Pokemon arriving on a previous generation of hardware doesn't necessarily change the fortunes of Nintendo's new portable, it certainly contradicts the company's need to maintain the momentum of its new handheld. Millions of gamers have invested in the 3DS at this point, and they no doubt expect a franchise like Pokemon to make its way to that system - and take full advantage of its strengths.

Certainly 17 months ago, even with the 3DS just around the corner, releasing another wave of Pokemon games on the DS made sense. The DS family of systems had cleared 130 million units sold at that point. That install base is far too large to ignore, particularly in the face of delaying a game's release for a platform that hasn't established itself at all. Nintendo's gamble paid off; as of April 2011 the two titles had surpassed 11 million units sold.

However there's a difference between 2011, when the 3DS was just arriving in stores, and 2012, when the 3DS is attempting to have its first full successful year on the market. By the end of Nintendo's fiscal year in April 2012, the 3DS should have an install base of about 14 million pieces of hardware. Though the system currently has a mere tenth of the sales of its predecessor, that level of sell-through should be more than enough to justify development from one of Nintendo's key teams, even if the company technically operates on its own.

There is simply no way Nintendo, as a longtime partner of GameFreak and The Pokemon Company International, should encourage this kind of development practice – or allow it to happen at all. If the primary motivation behind supporting the DS once again (for the sixth and seventh times) is financial, Nintendo should offset those costs. The time for supporting an older generation of hardware with games this significant is long past. From a long-term perspective, Black 2 and White 2 on the 3DS will pave the way for future installments. The games are certain to sell well - but only by coming to the 3DS do they ensure the next Pokemon games have bigger audiences.

While Black 2 and White 2 are in some respects forging new territory for the franchise by being numerical sequels, they are still symbolic of the larger problem the entire Pokemon series often faces – intransigence seemingly for the sake of tradition. All companies involved with Black and White knew the 3DS was on the way. They should have known a sequel on the DS would be ill-advised, undermining the 3DS's progress both symbolically and financially. These upcoming Pokemon games would do far more for the 3DS than they will the DS, and not having them is a mark against a system that has already struggled plenty. The fact that these games are published by the same company making the 3DS makes the situation that much worse.

Refusing to push the Pokemon franchise aggressively to a new platform, even for a sequel to a generation already started, would seem poorly advised at best and frustratingly oblivious at worst. No doubt many DS owners, seeing the success of the 3DS and anticipating a core series like Pokemon to make the transition, sold their systems to make way for the new hardware. These games could not arrive at a worse time.

What's perhaps most exasperating is that the Pokemon games are good RPGs. Black and White brought some very welcome alterations to the franchise, and while year-to-year those changes might seem small, the series as a whole has evolved considerably since its debut. That new games will arrive in 2012, and fail to take advantage of ideas like StreetPass, SpotPass and the advanced power of the 3DS, is a huge missed opportunity. That many of us will have to play these games on the 3DS – and experience them blurry or shrunken down because of the resolution difference – is salt on the wound. Black 2 and White 2 will likely be great – but we'll partly be wishing they were made for a different platform.


That makes it sound like as in "here is version 2 of Pokemon Bianca/Nera*" as in an upgraded version rather than a new game, I can consumers getting easily confused. Its just rubs me the wrong way. Plus the whole "plays in two dee on a three deesss. why did you buy this system again?"

*-Sorry somebody said Dragon Quest...

If consumers didn't notice the word "version" in every Pokemon title released so far I doubt they'll start noticing now.
That IGN opinion piece uses pretty over-the-top language ("salt on the wound?" Are you kidding me?) and assumes a lot of things between the relationship of Nintendo and Game Freak that really aren't true. Plus, we have no idea how long this game has been in the cooker. It could have been developed beside the original B/W.

I don't see why this is such a big deal, and articles like that are blowing the possible ramifications way out of proportion. The 3DS version is being worked on now and will come just as quickly. Trying to paint it as a point within a larger issue for the 3DS - which is only hinted at and never quite stated - is just plain bad journalism.


People love Pokémon so much they'll keep playing on DS.



y'all are as guilty as fuck as well when you said "dead platform". i know who you are there's post history now.

ign doesn't articles it just summarises opinions and turns them into features or reviews it thinks would respond best with everyone else. you made this happen.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
People love Pokémon so much they'll keep playing on DS.


It doesn't count if it doesn't happen when I say it should! It just doesn't! *stomps foot angrily*

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