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Police conduct 11 min search of vagina, find no drugs

That's going a little too far. We need things to change though. It feels so hopeless watching people suffer but can't do anything to change it.
It is going too far. But you can imagine why people are pissed enough to think that.
No one would like it if they abused the hell out of their genitals for 11 minutes without your consent for no reason.
It's so heartbreaking to know this is happening and that nothing is being done about it.
Side note but Reason has been doing great stuff on 4A/Police brutality/Police Militarization/Drug War issues for a long time now, it's worth digging into their older stuff.

Radley Balko (now at WaPo) especially put in a lot of work trying to get more mainstream outlets to cover these issues.
You meant to say Virginia, the State of Virginia, right?

Holy hell, I really want to get the details what took so long and how there isn't someone else in power seriously questioning this.
It is going too far. But you can imagine why people are pissed enough to think that.
No one would like it if they abused the hell out of their genitals for 11 minutes without your consent for no reason.
It's so heartbreaking to know this is happening and that nothing is being done about it.

Oh, I'm not saying people can't be pissed. I'm plenty pissed off from the news from the last few days. I do think we need to draw a line on what's acceptable way to protest, and what isn't. Advocating violence and death is wrong.
And what should be the penalty for raping a woman for 11 minutes in front of their own dash cam? For these cops, nothing. Forgive me for thinking of the opposite extreme.
I think if you have read the thread, and seen that I posted it and why, you might find the answer to how I feel.
And what should be the penalty for raping a woman for 11 minutes in front of their own dash cam? For these cops, nothing. Forgive me for thinking of the opposite extreme.

I never asked or questioned how you felt. Not sure where your getting at. People are pissed. Simple as that.
You did, in fact, ask me what the penalty should be. And I said that it's very clear from this thread what I feel should be the accountability here. I'm not sure what you don't understand. The penalty for rape or severe abuse of authority isn't death. Be mad. Be rational. It can and should be transparency, accountability, and the same or greater criminal/legal consequences for people who commit criminal acts under the color of authority.


The police state in the U.S. is so fucked up. Soft on Nazis but literally hard on defenseless black women.

And before anyone fucking says #notallcops, you cannot fucking say that until those good cops push for reform, no matter the effect on their state of employment that would have. Good cops should be acting like the Resistance right now. If that creates civil war, so what? It's better than one-sided, institutionalized oppression. We aren't going to get any better by accepting the worst.

I want my country to be what it claims to be, yet it has never once been that thing. I am fed up and pissed off and hate it.


I can only hope she's able to take them to court in a civil case, even if she deserves some actual justice. But not even this guy was able to get the assaulting cops fired, just a $1.6mil settlement
She'll win the civil case, and taxpayers will again shoulder the burden of keeping shitty cops on the street. Why do we tolerate this bullshit?

I can only hope she's able to take them to court in a civil case, even if she deserves some actual justice. But not even this guy was able to get the assaulting cops fired, just a $1.6mil settlement

This is some straight up Texas chainsaw bullshit.


Neo Member
Damn this is messed up. I don't quite understand how charges were dropped as there is no way this is legal nor following department protocol.
I can imagine the desperation was on for this officer to find something, anything, to justify the search. Turning up empty handed after putting a woman through that ordeal must feel really embarrassing/stupid.

Not trying to defend the hideous way this woman was treated btw.

Quoting myself:


What the fuck

Deputy Ronaldine Pierre was literally smiling after she raped that poor woman


What the actual fuck, how can this kind of shit keep happening all the time in the US? Is there anything close to the constant fuck ups the US Cops are involved happening in any other civilized western country? No. Seriously the whole police force needs a total reform.


Ok, um rape is a new one.

These pigs need to be punished. All those idiots throwing around blue lives matter while turning away from situations like this need to be flogged publicly as well. I will NEVER trust the police again now.


I'm kind of lost how this was cleared, when the official statement was the "suspect" is supposed to be brought into the station and checked in a private room.



If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
....wait...this cant be right ?
The OP has to be some kind of joke...no way something like this can happen in a first world country.

The US police and all systems protecting them are just sick.


Isn't protocol to use a female officer.

Fuck these rapists. Fucking hell.

Why aren't they in jail.


....wait...this cant be right ?
The OP has to be some kind of joke...no way something like this can happen in a first world country.

The US police and all systems protecting them are just sick.

First world countries usually have oversight and accountability among denouncing Nazis and other such hate groups.


All this over fucking pot? And of course they got away with it. Between this and Trump, it's clearly open season on minorities now. This is what their idealized America looks like. Where we are the second class citizens free to be raped, assaulted, killed without any doubt or consequences.


Side note but Reason has been doing great stuff on 4A/Police brutality/Police Militarization/Drug War issues for a long time now, it's worth digging into their older stuff.

Radley Balko (now at WaPo) especially put in a lot of work trying to get more mainstream outlets to cover these issues.

Surprisingly, this is the one (sole) thing that I agree with the Koch Foundation on.

They are actually on the right side of this one issue,(at least from what I heard on NPR a few months ago)


Your society allowed them to turn themselves into this


And the fact it was all over Marijuana just makes it even more insulting to basic dignity
Aggressive enforcement on marijuana was simply an excuse to mass incarcerate black people.

There are a lot of non-violent offenders spending most of their lives in our horrible prison system.
Insanely vile. There but for the grace of God go our daughters, sisters and mothers.

And don't think for a second that a sadistic cop who wants to violate a man wouldn't be able to justify an anal search just as easily.
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