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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Pretty much. Democrats have to maintain 3 GOP Senate "allies" until such time that the dynamics change. If GOP gains Senate seats in 2018, then odds are Republicans can do whatever they want with healthcare or taxes. If McCain steps aside and gets replaced by someone more interested in political outcomes than process, same thing.

It's imperative for ACA that Democrats take back a chamber next year, assuming the GOP can't force something through before then.
I’m almost worried about them ramming something through in the lame duck out of spite should Democrats take back a chamber or both chambers. But then again, Collins, Murkowski and (god willing) McCain have no reason to fold and suddenly the 2020 class is going to start having to count down to their next campaigns.
Just looked at my CNN front page. It’s the top headline.

When I posted it was wall to wall Trump's cabinet falling into shambles. Clinton donating the money just broke. It's actual news. It should be reported. Tomorrow it will be back to Trump's presidency imploding.

There's no big conspiracy here to bring down the Democrats. Stop overreacting to any bit of maybe possible bad news for Democrats as if 2018 is over.
Something big is happening right now.

The Left is getting smacked down by the Hollywood scandals.

You already see the media narrative going around. It's the same playbook that was utilized by the alt-right when Amirox was caught, except on a far larger scale. ("Look, the left are the real scumbags here. We would never do anything like that, ever. WHY AREN'T THEY SPEAKING UP AND DOING SOMETHING")

Edit: With that said, I don't see this lasting to the midterms. Then again... I thought Emailgate and Benghazi would disappear too!
What? Hollywood getting exposed for all of their horrible shit is a good thing. Likewise it's not exclusively to the left either as Fox News has been demolished in the past year with so many people on their team being outted. Most reasonable people do not associate the left and Hollywood as intertwined. Or that shitty celebrity doing shitty things reflects on the Left. Now if it were MSNBC, that would be a slightly different story. However, as stated Fox News has ousted so many people in the past year due to similar circumstances as Weinstein and Affleck.
When I posted it was wall to wall Trump's cabinet falling into shambles. Clinton donating the money just broke. It's actual news. It should be reported. Tomorrow it will be back to Trump's presidency imploding.

There's no big conspiracy here to bring down the Democrats. Stop overreacting to any bit of maybe possible bad news for Democrats as if 2018 is over.

What? Hollywood getting exposed for all of their horrible shit is a good thing. Likewise it's not exclusively to the left either as Fox News has been demolished in the past year with so many people on their team being outted. Most reasonable people do not associate the left and Hollywood as intertwined. Or that shitty celebrity doing shitty things reflects on the Left. Now if it were MSNBC, that would be a slightly different story. However, as stated Fox News has ousted so many people in the past year due to similar circumstances as Weinstein and Affleck.

It's not like the Right has links to deep pockets with a link to sexual harassment or anything. Or like they would nominate someone for President with a history of sexual misconduct. Especially not if that person were known acquaintances with a convicted sex offender.
When I posted it was wall to wall Trump's cabinet falling into shambles. Clinton donating the money just broke. It's actual news. It should be reported. Tomorrow it will be back to Trump's presidency imploding.

There's no big conspiracy here to bring down the Democrats. Stop overreacting to any bit of maybe possible bad news for Democrats as if 2018 is over.

Did I ever say there was a conspiracy?


All I merely stated is that this was a possible narrative that could take hold.

What? Hollywood getting exposed for all of their horrible shit is a good thing. .

I never said it's not a good thing.


May contain jokes =>
He hangs out with Jared Kushner! Bannon is anti-Semitic as an ideology, not, like, as a predilection. He's happy to talk to any number of Jews, black people and gays if it will help his crusade to see them all eradicated.

"Hangs out with"? There is clearly no love lost between them. You think Bannon would have wanted to share a working environment with Kushner if he didn't have literally no choice since he's Trump's son-in-law?
Did I ever say there was a conspiracy?


All I merely stated is that this was a possible narrative that could take hold.

There was no "possible" in your post, you believed this was what was happening and your post left little to interpret.

Something big is happening right now.

The Left is getting smacked down by the Hollywood scandals.

You already see the media narrative going around. It's the same playbook that was utilized by the alt-right when Amirox was caught, except on a far larger scale. ("Look, the left are the real scumbags here. We would never do anything like that, ever. WHY AREN'T THEY SPEAKING UP AND DOING SOMETHING")

Edit: With that said, I don't see this lasting to the midterms. Then again... I thought Emailgate and Benghazi would disappear too!

Where's the "this is a possible narrative" in your post? Seems pretty clear what you were going with.





‘He threw a fit': Trump's anger over Iran deal forced aides to scramble for a compromise

He was incensed by the arguments of Secretary of State Rex ­Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and others that the landmark 2015 deal, while flawed, offered stability and other benefits. He did not want to certify to Congress that the agreement remained in the vital U.S. national security interest and that Iran was meeting its obligations. He did not think either was true.

”He threw a fit," said one person familiar with the meeting. ”. . . He was furious. Really furious. It's clear he felt jammed."

”He doesn't want to certify the Iran deal for more domestic reasons than international ones," said Vali Nasr, dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. ”He doesn't want to certify that any piece of the Obama strategy is working."


Even as a republican how the fuck do you hear that and keep a straight face like someone didn't just say the craziest fucking thing ever?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Reading that exchange between the senior republican and the reporter about Trump was incredibly frightening. Something will happen to turn many elected GOP politicians against him. I just do not know what.



WSJ article about Trump's EO that attacks the ACA.

The White House really doesn't think they are going to be challenged over this.

Health analysts predicted that Thursday’s order could tempt critics to pursue legal challenges, opening a new front in the health-care battle. But the order is likely to leave much of the implementation details to agencies, senior White House officials said Wednesday, and they said they didn’t believe the order could be litigated.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'd believe he'd go out of his way to pay women to pee on a bed once used by Obama

He seems to hate Obama to his very core.

Of course he did. How much of this was a result of Obama completely destroying him at that dinner? He is thin-skinned.


Of course he did. How much of this was a result of Obama completely destroying him at that dinner? He is thin-skinned.

Which doesn't even make sense, because the only reason Obama made fun of him was because Trump had been pushing the birther shit for years.


I'd believe he'd go out of his way to pay women to pee on a bed once used by Obama

He seems to hate Obama to his very core.

I'm still not entirely sure whether he truly just hates Obama or, since he's a moron with zero knowledge of politics, just does the opposite of what Obama has done because in his mind that's what Republicans ought to do anyway. Like, he was reportedly against Brexit until he learned Obama was also against it and then he was for it. I guess the pee pee tape would answer that question once and for all!

Also moderate darling alarm:




Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Tom Bergeron
Tom Bergeron @Tom_Bergeron
I think Sean Hannity was checking Trump for polyps tonight.


Limbaugh, who has previously expressed his concern about Trump’s tweets, made his feelings on the president’s interference in the ongoing NFL protests clear on his show.

"There’s a part of this story that’s starting to make me nervous, and it’s this: I am very uncomfortable with the president of the United States being able to dictate the behavior and power of anybody. That’s not where this should be coming from," he said.

"Trump is continually tweeting; I know what he’s doing, and I understand why he’s doing it, and his motives are pure; don’t misunderstand. But I don’t think that it is useful or helpful for any employee anywhere to be forced to do something because the government says they must,” Limbaugh added.

I am so confused by what is happening in American Politics...


Professional Schmuck
I do think this week is new territory for the Trump era. I think we're finally seeing a swifter descent. Thinking we will look back at the Puerto Rico and Corker as a real before/after moment.
The man thinks the economy of this country is like his corporation; That it's one massive bank account labeled "America" written in sharpie on the front of a piggy bank. That all the money from sources A B and C are all interchangeable somehow and can be used in any combination. He does not understand that the "stock market money" (which is actually value in private corporations and not cash!) isn't connected to the government debt money. He has no idea how trade deficits work as we've seen, where he's said that deficits with China and Mexico have contributed to the US deficit and debt.

He's is objectively stupid with economic issues. No one ever told him the correct answers and no one dare ever correct him because he'd snap at them. He's the fucking president and still no one wants to correct him. That, or they do and he simply refuses to listen.
Rush is worried that Trump might give Democrats an opening to reinstate some form of the Fairness Doctrine or otherwise clamp down on talk radio et al.
I'm still not entirely sure whether he truly just hates Obama or, since he's a moron with zero knowledge of politics, just does the opposite of what Obama has done because in his mind that's what Republicans ought to do anyway. Like, he was reportedly against Brexit until he learned Obama was also against it and then he was for it. I guess the pee pee tape would answer that question once and for all!

Also moderate darling alarm:


Is "recanting of your oath" correct? It should just be "recant your oath," right?


Professional Schmuck
Rush is worried that Trump might give Democrats an opening to reinstate some form of the Fairness Doctrine or otherwise clamp down on talk radio et al.

I think so too. Recall that Rush was maybe the very first national personality to gain from the Fairness Doctrine's removal.
Did you learn that at an elitist Ivy League school, buddy? Well Benny Sasse went to the university of Nebraska and like most Americans is too focused on the economy to properly spell every word.

That's the funny thing: Sasse went to a small great books/liberal arts college (for graduate school). He's the kind of conservative that quotes Thucydides and writes books that are about restoring civic virtue in the youth. Folksy misspellings aren't really on brand.
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