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Poll: "Sanders Makes Gains as Women’s Support for Clinton Shifts" - WSJ

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Posting the full article because of paywall:

Sen. Bernie Sanders has cut Hillary Clinton’s once-commanding national lead in the Democratic primary race by more than half over the last month, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.

Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state, drew support from 53% of people who expect to vote in Democratic primaries, while 42% picked Mr. Sanders. That 11-point spread is much closer than the 25-point advantage Mrs. Clinton enjoyed a month ago, when the poll found her ahead by 59% to 34%.

The new poll found that Mrs. Clinton holds a solid but diminished lead among her core group of supporters: women. She continues to dominate among minorities, a crucial voting bloc in coming contests in Nevada and the South.

“The race is tightening,’’ said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who helped conduct the survey with Democrat Fred Yang. At the same time, he said, Mrs. Clinton retains “structural advantages…that put her in a competitive position to be the Democratic nominee.”

The poll points to a long-term challenge for Mrs. Clinton in the continued rise of negative feelings about her among the broader electorate. Half of the people surveyed said they felt negatively about her, a record high for her. More than half said they would feel uncertain or pessimistic if she won the White House.

Peter D. Hart, a Democratic pollster who helped conduct the survey, said that Mrs. Clinton’s biggest obstacle in 2016 isn’t Mr. Sanders, but her own difficulty in winning the trust and affection of voters.

“She is running against herself,” Mr. Hart said. “When it comes to competence, temperament…she laps the field. Voters just need to like her.”

The poll, conducted Feb. 14-16, signaled continuing progress for Mr. Sanders in the aftermath of voting in Iowa, where Mrs. Clinton barely eked out a victory, and in New Hampshire, where the Vermont senator won decisively.

Mr. Sanders’s gains over the past month were due in large part to rising support among younger women. Mrs. Clinton remains ahead among women overall, but Mr. Sanders slashed her lead by 19 percentage points, to 58%-39%. Mr. Sanders leads among women under age 50, while Mrs. Clinton holds a far larger lead among those 50 and older.

A bigger challenge for Mr. Sanders has been his underperformance among minority voters. He made some gains among nonwhite voters in the new poll, but Mrs. Clinton still leads among those voters by 29 percentage points, 62% to 33%. In January, she had led by 42 points.

More Democratic voters express reservations about Mr. Sanders’s key weaknesses than about Mrs. Clinton’s. About one quarter said they were concerned about his lack of foreign policy experience, and 23% said his policy proposals were out of the mainstream.

Mrs. Clinton’s ties to Wall Street—a central line of attack by Mr. Sanders—were a concern to 22% of Democratic voters. Questions about Mrs. Clinton’s honesty and judgment related to her use of a private email server while in the government were of little consequence within the party: Only 7% of Democratic primary voters said they were concerned about it.

Mr. Sanders is winning over change-oriented young women such as LaurrenNirider, 25, a poll participant in Richland, Wash.

“I’m 100% behind having a woman president. But I’m not going to support someone just because she’s a woman,” said Ms. Nirider, who backs Mr. Sanders. “Compared to Hillary Clinton, he’s going to be able to move the country in a more forward direction. He’s rattling the cages a little more.”

Nancy D. Pemberton, 65, a college teacher in Tryon, N.C., said she thought Mr. Sanders was too inexperienced and his policies unrealistic. She saw Mrs. Clinton as better equipped for the office.

“She can get the job done, and that is the most compelling thing that I am looking at,” said Ms. Pemberton. “It couldn’t hurt to have a woman in there.”

The poll asked voters of both parties to consider hypothetical candidate matchups and found that Mr. Sanders, at least for now, seemed better equipped than Mrs. Clinton to beat a GOP opponent in the fall.

Mr. Sanders outpolled businessman Donald Trump by 16 points—53% to 37%—and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas by 50% to 40%.

Mrs. Clinton also beat Mr. Trump in a one-on-one matchup, 50% to 40%, but only tied Mr. Cruz, 46% to 46%.

Mr. Hart warned, however, that such polls this early in a campaign are poor predictors of general election matchups when a candidate is as little known as Mr. Sanders.

Gauging the public’s attention to the campaign, the poll found that Democratic voters show less interest in the election than do Republicans. Asked to rate their interest on a scale of one to 10, 77% of Democratic primary voters rated themselves a nine or 10, compared with 87% of Republican primary voters.

If the election came to a Clinton-Trump face-off, many voters would see the choice as between two unfavorable options. Mrs. Clinton topped Mr. Trump, 50% to 40%, among registered voters. But only 34% said their vote would be a sign of support for their chosen candidate, while 47% said it would be a signal that they didn’t want the other candidate to be elected.

Asked whether they viewed the candidates in a favorable or unfavorable light, voters had sharply negative views of three candidates: Mrs. Clinton and Messrs. Cruz and Trump. Some 59% of voters viewed Mr. Trump negatively.

Views of only two candidates—Mr. Sanders and Ohio Gov. John Kasich—were more positive than negative.

None of the candidates in either party inspired great confidence in voters: Asked how they would feel if each were elected president, no candidate sparked more than 21% of voters to say they would feel “optimistic and confident.”

Mr. Yang, the Democratic pollster, said the 2016 campaign “seems to be shaping up as a race to the bottom, with the more likely dynamic being why the other person shouldn’t be president.”

As far as I know, this is about a new national poll that hasn't had a thread on GAF. If I'm wrong, please close the thread.

There's still an 11% difference between Hillary and Bernie and we're getting into the heart of primary season. Obviously, the spatialization of these supporters is key, but I can see myself needing to vote in my state's Democratic primary now, rather than voting in the Republican primary like I intended.
Isn't posting a full article that you're supposed to be paying for like really bad form?


Anyway. Clinton and Sanders supporters won't really agree on anything in this thread. I wish all of us would just stop the in-fighting, expecially when Sanders gets accused of not caring about black people as if he is as bad as the right.



Anyway. Clinton and Sanders supporters won't really agree on anything in this thread. I wish all of us would just stop the in-fighting, expecially when Sanders gets accused of not caring about black people as if he is as bad as the right.

It's valid criticism when he's blaxpandering just like Hillary's criticism when she hispanders.


I think Hillary's support has been soft with just about every demographic. The more time people spend with the two candidates, the more they seem to drift away from her. Nevada and SC will be super interesting.
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