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Polygon Updates Battlefield 4 PS4/XB1 Review Score: 7.5 -> 4


Why are they lowering it to a 4 just now? It's a bit late, don't you think? The game has always been buggy so they should have given it a 4 in the first place.
Can't believe I actually agree with Giesy on something but I applaud this. I bought the game for Xbox one and I haven't been able to finish one multiplayer match yet. Constantly get the crash back to home screen. It's abhorrent that this was able to be released in such a condition.


This time it's justified, the game is powerfully fucked up on all platforms. I payed $110 for the premium combo and I've played all of 25hrs this month. It's just fucking broken.
Why are they lowering it to a 4 just now? It's a bit late, don't you think? The game has always been buggy so they should have given it a 4 in the first place.
I think the justification here is that its been a month to fix things and the game is still broken, thus the downgrade.

For those of you who haven't run into problems, thank your lucky stars.
AT some point we need to ask what the fuck is wrong with this industry, in all phases, that a huge company like EA can release a high profile game like Battlefield, during the holidays, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of budget, and have it be broken, and it's not even a big story. Like literally the most we get is a shitty little review score update from Polygon and not people calling for heads? Like why are we so accepting of this? It's so crazy it's kind of funny. It's the equivalent of going to watch Iron Man 3 and having the movie just cut off and glitch out halfway through or something. I don't get why things like this are not bigger stories.


I don't understand.

Did the game get worse since release? Or were these issues there since the beginning?

The way I read the update was that it's getting a lower score now because it's still not fixed. But if it's worth a 4/10 now and this is how the game was at release, why did it get a 7.5 to begin with instead of the 4? Am I misunderstanding?

Well it was reviewed with pre release code with the understanding of a day one patch. So I can understand why it would change. I'd argue that if you need a review out there day one, to withhold a score till its been played out in the open with any day one patch.


The game should have a metacritic average below 5. Fuck EA hard for forcing the game out in this state.


As I said above, it barely crashes for me and it's NOT a huge lagfest. I play Conquest exclusively and I've had one game over the past few days that was lagging really badly.

It's weird that there's such variation, though.

I've not played a single game that hasn't been laggy and had rubberbanding going on, had plenty of crashes too usually after about 3 games (that's trying out a mixture of all game types too). It feels like there's a good game underneath that but it's terrible in it's current state and deserves it's score lowered (I wouldn't recommend it to anyone).

It should never have to come to changing the score though, reviewers should seriously reconsider how they review games, just preview the game and if they're so obsessed with numbers, score the preview and then write an actual review a week after launch when they can get some real experience with it rather than in a stress free environment.


Why are they lowering it to a 4 just now? It's a bit late, don't you think? The game has always been buggy so they should have given it a 4 in the first place.

If you read their 11/27 update that tested the Xbox One and PS4 versions, they say that the initial launch was problematic, but a bunch of fixes made the multiplayer experience basically fine for them. They also added a caveat saying that players should wait anyways to see how the multiplayer stuff plays out.

And they probably thought the very first launch was fine because
Battlefield 4 was reviewed at an EA-hosted review event at EA Redwood Shores on provided PCs with AMD 8-Core CPUs and crossfire'd AMD 7970 video cards.
Battlefield has been pretty buggy for me. I've probably played it four times since I got it and it's booted me twice. It's not a huge deal since the Xbox One gets me into games faster than the 360 but it can be annoying.


I've been playing on PS4 since launch. Yes, the crashes can be frustrating as with any other game. Server stability also leaves a lot of potential fun out in the cold. Still, the game is one of the best Battlefields ever made. Easily there with BF2 and BC2.

Sometimes I feel Polygon does these review updates more for sensationalism than journalism. They can double their view count with a simple negative paragraph every few weeks. Rarely do I see a review update that's actually positive, even after the issues that undermined the original review are addressed.

It's a good site, and their reviews are generally well written, though everything is viewed through a pretentious guise that's hard to shake.


Tears in the rain
My campaign crashed a couple times already. I just hope I don't lose all my unlocked guns and collectibles jeez.


Everyone of us who bought this game should be embarrassed.

No egg on my face it's a rental. I find it funny that polygon is the bad guy here. Dice is the same company who released the buggiest pc game ever in Battlefield 2. Review scores haven't mattered to me in a long while.
Well it was reviewed with pre release code with the understanding of a day one patch. So I can understand why it would change. I'd argue that if you need a review out there day one, to withhold a score till its been played out in the open with any day one patch.

A reviewer should not just give a PR mouth the benefit of the doubt and a handshake "understanding" that everything will be okay. This should not be acceptable. It's pathetic really. Goes to show you that reviewer-->PR relationship is far more sacred then reviewer-->consumer. You are supposed to be cynical of the multi-billion dollar corporations, not the guys sitting at home reading your reviews.
AT some point we need to ask what the fuck is wrong with this industry, in all phases, that a huge company like EA can release a high profile game like Battlefield, during the holidays, with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of budget, and have it be broken, and it's not even a big story. Like literally the most we get is a shitty little review score update from Polygon and not people calling for heads? Like why are we so accepting of this? It's so crazy it's kind of funny. It's the equivalent of going to watch Iron Man 3 and having the movie just cut off and glitch out halfway through or something. I don't get why things like this are not bigger stories.

Reviewers rarely play multiplayer

Listen to a giant bomb episode and take a shot for everytime you hear the quote, " That stuff seems okay/alright". There's an accepted casual indifference to multiplayer by reviewers that barely goes beyond checking to see what new systems have been added.


It should've been a 4 when it launched. This wasn't just an overloaded server problem. The entire conquest (aka battlefield) mode was broken on PS4 and so was single player (constantly corrupted saves). They didn't even pretend commander mode worked


Dice/EA went out there and committed daylight robbery on people, took their money and ran for it. The supposed police officers aka the game reviewers are suppose to stop this, but they went along for the ride.

Now weeks later the police officer is sitting at his desk cursing that he helped the thief run into the night. The police officer is now telling the robbed civilian how big of a jerk the robber was while he waves his finger in a disapproving way.

Same thing, if not worse happened with Skyrim on PS3, none of them bothered to warn people. Only months later would they even bother acknowledging it


I've been playing on PS4 since launch. Yes, the crashes can be frustrating as with any other game. Server stability also leaves a lot of potential fun out in the cold. Still, the game is one of the best Battlefields ever made. Easily there with BF2 and BC2.

Sometimes I feel Polygon does these review updates more for sensationalism than journalism. They can double their view count with a simple negative paragraph every few weeks. Rarely do I see a review update that's actually positive, even after the issues that undermined the original review are addressed.

It's a good site, and their reviews are generally well written, though everything is viewed through a pretentious guise that's hard to shake.
  • Freezing on loading screens
  • Rubber-band lag
  • Frequent crashes
  • Campaign progress being deleted.
  • Sound cutting out (non-major)
All major, non-infrequent issues that plague the game, and this is after a patch that "fixed" things. The game is undefendable and an embarrassment for all involved.
WTF? Sarcasm?

So U don't quote my full post?

In 2013, any game getting 9's or 10's better have good ai, especially a goty single player focused stealth type game

Polygon don't follow the crowd... They obviously not bothered about upsetting a powerhouse like EA
Was it broken when the relatively small number of reviewers were playing it? Or did it only become shit when the game was released to the masses?

It is stupid to review a mp game like this or Killzone definitively after having only played several sessions of the multiplayer just for the sake of getting a review score out there in time.


I think the justification here is that its been a month to fix things and the game is still broken, thus the downgrade.

For those of you who haven't run into problems, thank your lucky stars.

But I thought the whole point of updating review scores was so that they could raise/lower the score of a game as it improves/worsens. But instead they give a game a higher score than it deserves at the beginning in the hopes that it will improve in the near future. They rated the game based on what it could be instead of what it currently is. Kinda defeats the purpose of updating scores, don't you think? They should have given the game a lower score at the beginning so that they can raise it later whenever the game improves.


A reviewer should not just give a PR mouth the benefit of the doubt and a handshake "understanding" that everything will be okay. This should not be acceptable. It's pathetic really. Goes to show you that reviewer-->PR relationship is far more sacred then reviewer-->consumer. You are supposed to be cynical of the multi-billion dollar corporations, not the guys sitting at home reading your reviews.

It is a problem. But I don't really know what options there are given game development practices. Not post any reviews till a week or two after release? Review it as if the pre release code is it and thus every game with online probably should get a 4 or less?

Maybe that would encourage publishers to wait till shits ready, I don't know.
Kids, this sort of thing is why game reviews are shit, and Polygon's reviews are shittiest. The publishers have too much control (the initial review was based on a review event hosted by EA), and games with a heavy multiplayer element are flat-out unreviewable until launch day. Hence Polygon's idea of updating scores, which would make sense if they updated the scores in any event other than "EA game is unplayable at launch", which utterly defeats the point.
They should have given the game a lower score at the beginning so that they can raise it later whenever the game improves.
No disagreement here.

In 4-5 months time I'm confident it will be awesome, at the moment though, it's just not worth bothering with.
If they also make a way to properly join games with your friends and squad up, then sure. That could happen.

But right now, even if this game worked it wouldn't work.


Was it broken when the relatively small number of reviewers were playing it? Or did it only become shit when the game was released to the masses?

It never worked


Potentially more worrisome than the pop-in was a consistent error that would dump me back to the PS4's front end. Error CE-34878-0 reared its ugly head five times during my session, and I wasn't alone – other journalists also suffered the game-crashing prompt. I was told that this signified a network error, and we were playing on EA's own internal servers, so it's hard to know if the problem will persist when the game is available to the PS4-owning public in November.

and single player was broken too


On one hand, they shouldn't have released a broken product.

On the other hand, I'm really enjoying the game. And if I had to choose between playing the game now with zits and all or waiting until say, March. I'd choose now.

Maybe they should've put this on Steam Early Access. :V
By lowering the score , Geis has lowered the score of the meta score of all released games for ps4 at a higher degree than xbox 1 due to the quantity of games released.


EA really need to do more than double exp for a bit + a free silly pistol to make up for this shit.

And the fact the patch made most of my issues 10x worse is just absurd.


Oh, another round of Polygon's "Lets change review scores to we can remain credible while not angering publishers since we are fully aware that the Metacritic score can only be submitted once"

Yep, this.

Lowering review scores so often is somehow worse than just leaving it.
Everyone should do this. I bought the game friday after they supposedly fixed some of the issues but the game is still definitely broken. There is no excuse for this. I sold the game today and will never buy it again. EA needs to give people their money back.


Yea, so NOW you update the score as if you're doing gamers a favor. I commend them from not completely ignoring the issues though...

Also, I guess framerate differences don't matter with this one. /devil's advocate

I think all devs need to be accountable for their games AT LAUNCH. Stop sucking up to the publisher and do your job because you only encourage this bullshit to happen if you don't call them on it. We see more and more games launch incomplete because they fucking get away with it.


Surprised Polygon didn't give the XB1 version a 9 and the PS4 version the 4. Why? Because, as they've laid out, XB1 is from the future. BF4, in the future, has its bugs fixed. So.. Duh.
I did not enjoy that video review, still didn't get an impression of how the game is. "It's not just clever, it's smart" Overwritten already.


Gold Member
Everyone of us who bought this game should be embarrassed.

I actually am :(

For the life of me, I can't get this game to run smooth on my PC. My mouse movements are so choppy that I can't see a damned thing and get shot before I ever knew what happened. I tried tweaking sensitivities all over the place and it's a jumpy mess.

I just gave up for the time being and will never buy a Battlefiled game so close after launch again. If ever even buy another one.
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