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"Powerless" has changed setting from an insurance agency to Wayne Corp.

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So, remember that show "Powerless" NBC had with a bunch of funny actors not really delivering the funny?

Well, things have changed a bit for it. EW says: "The network previously stated Powerless will focus on “the exceedingly average employees at an insurance company and their quest to find their own power.”" Basically, DC's "Damage Control."

The trailer which has curiously disappeared from NBC's official channels focused heavily on that part. Now, a new plot summary reveals that:
In a world where humanity must cope with the collateral damage of Super Heroes and Super-Villains, Emily Locke (Vanessa Hudgens) begins her first day as Director of Research & Development for Wayne Security, a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises that specializes in products that make defenseless bystanders feel a little safer. Full of confidence and big ideas, Emily quickly learns that her expectations far exceed those of her new boss (Alan Tudyk) and officemates, so it will be up to her to lead the team toward their full potential and the realization that you don’t need superpowers to be a hero.
It's changed completely. This also explains why its creator left the series months ago. It's scheduled to debut on February 8th, and I'm hoping this radical revamp means the show gets better, considering I remember reading a couple of mixed receptions to its pilot when it aired at Comic-Con.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Didn't you get the memo?




Well, that's... huh. Interesting change of direction.

Since it's focused around security at Wayne Enterprises, I guess that means Lock-Up could appear.
So will this be like The Office type comedy, but at Wayne Enterprises and I'm assuming superhero cameos?
Yup and yup.

I'm curious as to whether they're going to treat this as canon or not.

We've seen Supergirl introduce Superman, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that we get a Bruce Wayne e.g. handsome white male with chiseled jaw line. Considering the fact they work in the tech division too, we could see Lucius Fox as a recurring role, maybe a cameo by Tim Drake or Barbara Gordon depending on the timeline.

They could use so much of the underutilized bits of Bat-canon, it could be really cool.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
The creatively bankrupt 'ADD BATMAN' approach.


I am still waiting for Gotham to have Misfit.

Yup and yup.

I'm curious as to whether they're going to treat this as canon or not.

We've seen Supergirl introduce Superman, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that we get a Bruce Wayne e.g. handsome white male with chiseled jaw line. Considering the fact they work in the tech division too, we could see Lucius Fox as a recurring role, maybe a cameo by Tim Drake or Barbara Gordon depending on the timeline.

They could use so much of the underutilized bits of Bat-canon, it could be really cool.
I would cry if I saw a cameo of Dick, Tim, or Cass. (I'm assuming it takes place after Jason dies.)

Look DC I am so easy to please just do this and I will buy everything.
Yup and yup.

I'm curious as to whether they're going to treat this as canon or not.

We've seen Supergirl introduce Superman, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that we get a Bruce Wayne e.g. handsome white male with chiseled jaw line. Considering the fact they work in the tech division too, we could see Lucius Fox as a recurring role, maybe a cameo by Tim Drake or Barbara Gordon depending on the timeline.

They could use so much of the underutilized bits of Bat-canon, it could be really cool.

With this it could be more The IT Crowd at Wayne Enterprises. Truth is if it's funny I'll watch it.


So another Batman show without Batman?

All the good Batman characters are locked up with Gotham. How can they have a show set at Wayne Industries without characters like Lucius Fox showing up?
Hopefully it is in fact better than that original trailer, wonder how much reshooting they had to do with the pilot, assuming they didn't just scrap it.


listen to the mad man
Comic / superhero TV shows are so creatively bankrupt it's not funny so it's absolutely no surprise they discarded the whole premise but kept the show with extra shoe-horned product tie-in. Embarrassing.


I mean most likely it will

But you know this doesn't mean it takes place in Gotham with all of the Bat-lore?

Could just be a name to cement it in the DC universe... somewhere
This will be the show DC allows Nightwing in, won't it.


Ugh it's gonna be so bad. And they can't do any even marginal Batman villains because they might need them for the movie so they are stuck with shit below even Calendar Man.
Hasn't stopped Gotham and Arrow from using any Batman villain of remote interest.

Will watch if they make mention of the Wayne kids.
Cass mention and they have a permanent fan, no matter how bad it might be or get,

This looked terrible in its first incarnation which is a real shame because I like the idea and I love Alan Tudyk. That they're tying this to Batman makes my confidence drop even further.


Maybe they are scared it's too similar to damage control...

I guess the focus groups all hated it to make such a drastic change
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