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PS3 v2.70 walkthrough up!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Besides the multiple IOS versions, one for each added feature and all that implies...

THIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTx2MAOspS4

is shoddy SW engineering.

We can say all we want about the devkit and libraries available comparing Xbox 360 and PS3 (and developers could explain which one they like and which one they fight against)... but to call any of them shoddily designed from an OS point of view... is wrong IMHO.


TTP said:
With PlayTV.
If you actually used PlayTV you'd realise it's completely unnecessary. It can only record one prog at a time and has no series link. Not even the worse PVR on the UK market is that limited.

The PlayTV interface is slick though, but all it's actually doing while you're playing games is streaming MPEG2 straight to the HD. Loved messing around with it for a couple of days, then came to my senses.


Panajev2001a said:


GAF's Pleasant Genius
pswii60 said:
If you actually used PlayTV you'd realise it's completely unnecessary. It can only record one prog at a time and has no series link. Not even the worse PVR on the UK market is that limited.

The PlayTV interface is slick though, but all it's actually doing while you're playing games is streaming MPEG2 straight to the HD. Loved messing around with it for a couple of days, then came to my senses.

I find it very usable as a personal PVR :).


Have a fun! Enjoy!
pswii60 said:
If you actually used PlayTV you'd realise it's completely unnecessary. It can only record one prog at a time and has no series link. Not even the worse PVR on the UK market is that limited.

The PlayTV interface is slick though, but all it's actually doing while you're playing games is streaming MPEG2 straight to the HD. Loved messing around with it for a couple of days, then came to my senses.

I use it a lot actually. U lucky you got more than one worthy program to record in your country. :lol

I usually record what I'm seeing or stuff for kids (cartoon) to feed them later via PSP.

I don't get the MPEG2 part. That's what it does, so? Did you expect it to add commentary to Tv shows? Don't have a stand alone PVR so I dunno what else they do. I'm fine with what PlayTV does.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
TTP said:
Added upscaling and ability to start watching TV straight from the XMB (without going through software interface to select the corresponding option).

Video tutorial: http://threespeech.com/blog/2009/04/playtv-gets-software-update/

See... this confuses me... the video output is already upscaled... when I launch PlayTV the resolution is the same as the XMB one and not 480p...

Did they change the upscaling algorithm? Was it just a very basic/simple upscaling process before and now it is HQ quality (maybe using all the upscaling features they let you use for video stored on the HDD)?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Panajev2001a said:
See... this confuses me... the video output is already upscaled... when I launch PlayTV the resolution is the same as the XMB one and not 480p...

Did they change the upscaling algorithm? Was it just a very basic/simple upscaling process before and now it is HQ quality (maybe using all the upscaling features they let you use for video stored on the HDD)?

Not sure. In the video I posted they say color and contrast have improved. Update is not live yet so I can't check myself.


chubigans said:
Because they wouldn't make any money that way?

Sony knows that their OS is limited at this point because of the way they've implemented it. Technically, I doubt the PS3 will be able to feature match every single thing that the 360 has to offer. So instead, they've created an entirely new online service that's built to make money through microtransactions instead of subscription fees.

It's all about the money, and there's no money in trying to feature match the 360 at this point while charging for online since it can never get there technically.

you are talking nonsense. Sony can make shitload of money by charging for PSN.
They chose to go different route.

In fact, why couldnt Sony force future developers to have mandatory features? They could, they just dont want to.


TTP said:

I forgot "Fancy Cell based upscaling of DVD playback" as mentioned by jonabbey. Another impressive feature.

Besides, I want SETI@Home. Besides curing cancer, I want to find aliens.

Dude, finding aliens might cure cancer, 2 birds with one stone.


GAF's Bob Woodward
tinfoilhatman said:
People this so simple it boggles my mind why you don't understand.

Sony is a hardware company, I find it hilarious that there's so many dummies here that thought the PS3 was going to be able to match the 360 on what is essentially an OS for their game console.


Sony has nothing like this and will never catch Microsoft from an console OS perspective, to think otherwise just foolish and illogical.

The PS3 OS has an edge in some areas already..

I think MS's competency with general operating systems is obviously far more tuned than Sony's, but I don't think it's quite as simple as you say at all actually.

Sony was starting from a much lower base with PS3 than 360, that's for sure, but they also appear to be iterating on new features and such for the OS quite a bit faster than MS. They've added a shit ton since launch. Arguably MS hasn't needed to keep up such a pace of updates since the OS had so much sorted out in the first place, but their relative pace is arguably allowing Sony to catch up, and go well passed in other respects (as I think TTP amply demonstrated in his post). It's going to be really interesting by the end of this generation, going into the next, if Sony does the smart thing and continues to build on the same platform. Indeed it might get really interesting a lot sooner. I think you're gonna see some of these 'sureties' and 'sacred cows' like voice chat, and misconceptions, potentially blown out of the water (hint: as I said before, and have said since 05, it has nothing to do with cost).

I think the piecemeal nature of the delivery of features is causing some people to 'forget' or lose perspective a bit. Sony really is not very far now from adding anything Live has that PSN doesn't from a client-side POV (x-game voice chat and invites is about it really), while offering a lot more besides. I think there's an interesting double standard about things Sony supports in their OS being overlooked in comparison to Live/360..people seem to focus on Sony's shortcomings with their software vs 360/Live but not vice versa. Again, I think that's down to how Sony is delivering things bit by bit vs the 'big impact' standard-establishing launch of the 360 services.


Penny Arcade summed this up perfectly.

"When I see people talking about how great it's going to be creating text chat rooms on their next-gen gaming system, the extent of their Stockholm Syndrome becomes apparent."


tinfoilhatman said:
Sony has nothing like this and will never catch Microsoft from an console OS perspective, to think otherwise just foolish and illogical.

Oh. I thought it already happend. In terms of design and usability they are ahead by a good margin. Also I don't think that they are far behind regarding the online stuff. Depending on the game it may be even better. Also I think your "logic" is pretty dumb - MS could still screw up their next OS and Sony could make a big hit.


Phatcorns said:
Penny Arcade summed this up perfectly.

"When I see people talking about how great it's going to be creating text chat rooms on their next-gen gaming system, the extent of their Stockholm Syndrome becomes apparent."

That's arrogant and dumb. Why is it wrong to have an instant messenger device on your console? Of course Sony should still offer voice chat too, but that doesn't make the textchat a dumb feature. In fact I think I would prefer it in many cases to voice chat with many people because I am not always in the mood to talk all the time but if you stop talking - awkard silence.


Thrakier said:
That's arrogant and dumb. Why is it wrong to have an instant messenger device on your console? Of course Sony should still offer voice chat too, but that doesn't make the textchat a dumb feature. In fact I think I would prefer it in many cases to voice chat with many people because I am not always in the mood to talk all the time but if you stop talking - awkard silence.

Exactly. I'm tired of people crying about free features. Maybe I need to start making appearances in every Microsoft thread crying about, "MICROSOFT WHERE IS THE WEB BROWSER?? WHERE ARE DEDICATED SERVERS? WHERE IS THE FREE ONLINE??? WHERE IS THE RELIABLE HARDWARE?"

It's not voice chat, but it's a nice addition anyways. Sony adds a new feature and people cry about it not being exactly Live. PA must be mad that Sony didn't send them a duffel bag with a Killzone 2 helmet and some other Sony goodies.


Not everyone is an obnoxious neckbeard. IRC chat is a nice feature, in fact every game should have a text chat.

But I hope Sony adds cross game chat so the bitching can move on to something else.
"PS3 is heating up my apartment! FIX THIS SHIT SONY!"
I think the main beef is that they're spending resources (time and money) working on a text chat system instead of a large scale voice chat system.

It's not like the universal party/out of game voice system that Live has is some experimental feature...it works, it's awesome and it's popular. It should be copied wholesale, and it should have been worked on before PSN IRC.

Talking about the masses here...the people who are saying PSN is shit are wrong. The people that are saying PSN is fine the way it is are wrong. The competition is providing superior features in several key areas. Whether or not they charge for those features is irrelevant. PSN doesn't have an option to pay for the features I want. They simply don't exist.

Forsete said:
But I hope Sony adds cross game chat so the bitching can move on to something else.

Is there a more worthless type of post on these forums that this one? I doubt it.
gregor7777 said:
I think the main beef is that they're spending resources (time and money) working on a text chat system instead of a large scale voice chat system.

This assumes A) That software development is linear, and B) that they aren't working on a voice chat system.

A is wrong, and you have no idea if B is true.
TheSonicRetard said:
This assumes A) That software development is linear, and B) that they aren't working on a voice chat system.

A is wrong, and you have no idea if B is true.

I'm a software dev so yeah. I'm just playing the odds here that the teams working on these types of features are one and the same.

I'm willing to bet that if they are going to work on this universal voice chat system, it would be the same team that did the text version. And at the very least, it would have diverted at least some resources away from what they should be working on.

_leech_ said:
Yes, anyone who actually likes text chat is clearly suffering through some sort of mental disorder.

*slow clap*

Do you think that was the point?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Damn TTP I didn't even realize that my PS3 could do all those things. :lol

I guess I take some things for granted after having them for so long. It feels nice that I can watch videos on Hulu or go to GameTrailers and download/watch any video there. And it's crazy because the 360 can't do those things, yet people consantly say the PS3 OS sucks.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gregor7777 said:
I'm a software dev so yeah. I'm just playing the odds here that the teams working on these types of features are one and the same.

I'm willing to bet that if they are going to work on this universal voice chat system, it would be the same team that did the text version. And at the very least, it would have diverted at least some resources away from what they should be working on.

There are people like you in every PS3 firmware upgrade thread.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think that's a big assumption gregor [that they're not working on voice chat].

In fact I'd have considered the 'PSN IRC' to be a base to build on for that. There's no need to wait for voice to be there before pushing that out.

I'd also say it's not like text-chatrooms are some experimental feature either.. :) I think their utility has been proven, I think they have as much utility as voice chat to boot. Albeit each suits different contexts more. And neither to me seems out of place on a 'next generation system'. WTF do people want, platform holders to invent all new ways of human communication? :lol 'Voice chat' and 'text chat' as technologies have been around for yonks, there's nothing more inherently next gen about voice chat IMO.

I also don't think people are saying "PSN is fine, bow down bitches"..but I think there's a bit of frustration with the fairness in which PSN is weighed up. Ctrl-F-ing for 'cross game voice chat' and 'cross game invites' and bitching when there's zero results, and entirely dismissing other interesting things as a result, is ridiculously narrow-minded and Live-centric.

dfyb said:
is it max 16 people in the chat at any given time or is it max 16 people on the chat 'roster'?

Max 16 at any one time. An unlimited number (I presume) can have 'links' to a room. Lots of people have links to TTP's 'GAF' room for example..but different people are there at different times.
gregor7777 said:
I'm a software dev so yeah. I'm just playing the odds here that the teams working on these types of features are one and the same.

I'm willing to bet that if they are going to work on this universal voice chat system, it would be the same team that did the text version. And at the very least, it would have diverted at least some resources away from what they should be working on.

Do you think that was the point?

I'm also a software dev. You should know that a large scale project like an OS firmware update will have different teams working on different features. You act as though developing text chat pulls away from development from voice chat. You should know better than that.
You should also know that different technologies get built at different speeds.
mckmas8808 said:
yet people consantly say the PS3 OS sucks.

Do people really say that or is it the persecution syndrome that many PS3 super-fans seem to suffer from?

Anyone who has used the PS3 OS would agree it does at least some things right. That's obvious. I think it does a lot right, or at least on par with the 360's OS.

It is however a bit of a step back in a lot of areas coming from MS's OS.

TheSonicRetard said:
I'm also a software dev. You should know that a large scale project like an OS firmware update will have different teams working on different features.
You should also know that different technologies get built at different speeds.

Like I said, given the pace of these types of updates on the PS3 I'm just making an assumption. But if I had to place money on it, I know which way I'd be going.

You act as though developing text chat pulls away from development from voice chat. You should know better than that.

And you act as if you know that it doesn't.

mckmas8808 said:
There are people like you in every PS3 firmware upgrade thread.

Mind clarifying that post?


GAF's Bob Woodward
gregor7777 said:
It is however a bit of a step back in a lot of areas coming from MS's OS.

I think that works both ways. And I'd say PS3 is lagging 360's OS really in maybe 2 or 3 areas now. Not 'many'.


kevm3 said:
Exactly. I'm tired of people crying about free features. Maybe I need to start making appearances in every Microsoft thread crying about, "MICROSOFT WHERE IS THE WEB BROWSER?? WHERE ARE DEDICATED SERVERS? WHERE IS THE FREE ONLINE??? WHERE IS THE RELIABLE HARDWARE?"

It's not voice chat, but it's a nice addition anyways. Sony adds a new feature and people cry about it not being exactly Live. PA must be mad that Sony didn't send them a duffel bag with a Killzone 2 helmet and some other Sony goodies.

It wasn't free. It was 400+ dollars. You can say they're pushing these hardware updates as free if you want but you would be wrong. When you're competition keeps pushing updates, it's the price of doing business. Updates are part of the console this gen.

You should be demanding equal features on your consoles. You should be raising your displeasure over lack of a webbrowser or free online if that's what you really want. That's how shit gets done. That's how the Xbox 360 hardware is getting more reliable. People showed their dissent and the company had to respond. People shit on Microsoft for the lack of free online and bad hardware all the time and they absolutely should.
gofreak said:
I think that works both ways. And I'd say PS3 is lagging 360's OS really in maybe 2 or 3 areas now. Not 'many'.

I'd probably agree that outside of 2-3 areas the rest could be subjective.

Like I said before, I'm now virtually 100% a PS3 guy and I really do miss quite a few of the features for which there are no replacements.

TheSonicRetard said:
...I know it doesn't. That's not how software development works.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Are you honestly saying that software teams don't have priorities and queue's of projects?

Your entire assumption is that there is a seperate team for each of the two projects. How do you know that as fact? I know that after I'm done with my current project I have another similar project in the queue. Again, given the pace of these "types" of updates to the OS, I'm assuming there aren't as many teams as you'd have me believe.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
kevm3 said:
I think even MS is afraid to put internet exploder in, it'll be a security holeditch.

Anyways, whoever at Sony decided it was a good idea to put a 30something character limit on the chat is a dumb ass.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Aselith said:
You should be demanding equal features on your consoles. You should be raising your displeasure over lack of a webbrowser or free online if that's what you really want. That's how shit gets done. That's how the Xbox 360 hardware is getting more reliable. People showed their dissent and the company had to respond. People shit on Microsoft for the lack of free online and bad hardware all the time and they absolutely should.

What you say is absolutely true. And I don't think people should just give up asking Sony for this that and the other, I think they should keep up the pressure.

BUT, I think you can do that while also not outright dismissing everything that comes along that doesn't fit that preconcieved notion of how the system should work, or 'Live comparison' inclinations (see: the immediate reaction of some to text-chat vs their impressions after using it). And maybe to have a little bit of recognition for what's there vs constantly looking at the glass half empty (or..maybe now, one quarter empty ;)). That's all I'm saying.


I make my demands on Sony all the time. Doesn't mean text chat is inferior to voice chat. They are 2 different things altogether.


gofreak said:
What you say is absolutely true. And I don't think people should just give up asking Sony for this that and the other, I think they should keep up the pressure.

BUT, I think you can do that while also not outright dismissing everything that comes along that doesn't fit that preconcieved notion of how the system should work, or 'Live comparison' inclinations (see: the immediate reaction of some to text-chat vs their impressions after using it). And maybe to have a little bit of recognition for what's there vs constantly looking at the glass half empty (or..maybe now, one quarter empty ;)). That's all I'm saying.

You're definitely right on that. Better is better regardless of relative comparisons to other consoles. This is better than what was before and hopefully more is already planned.


The chat rooms stay constantly. That's pretty awesome, isn't it? It's like a whole IRC chat system across all games. You can plug in every keyboard and type away (and it's also useful for the web browser). I think it's a very cool feature. I like it more than voice chat but they should add cross game voice chat also for teh whiners.


I think it's hilarious that people are complaining about the 'Stockholm Syndrome' comment in the same thread (and occasionally post) that they fervently claim text is where it's at and having cross-game voice chat would be unnecessarily inconvenient. :lol


GAF's Bob Woodward
Cross game voice chat shouldn't be added for 'the whiners', it should be added because it's useful to many people, and has its place.

I don't know how many people have said voice chat shouldn't be implemented though, Chrange. I've seen preference expressed by some for text chat (including me), but I don't think there's a general sentiment of "x-game voice chat shouldn't be implemented". I think most agree it should, the more features and the more options the better.


Chrange said:
I think it's hilarious that people are complaining about the 'Stockholm Syndrome' comment in the same thread (and occasionally post) that they fervently claim text is where it's at and having cross-game voice chat would be unnecessarily inconvenient. :lol

I only spoke for myself, it's not that I don't acknowledge that a lot of people like voice chat more. But for ME if I meet with people I don't know I prefer the text chat. Use this board as an example, if every post would be a little podcast...there would be less useres I guess? I don't say that text or voice is better than the other, it's different and it's useful for different situations and characters, but it's would be nice to have both. I guess PS3 users will have both in a not to distant future though. ;)


Thrakier said:
I only spoke for myself, it's not that I don't acknowledge that a lot of people like voice chat more. But for ME if I meet with people I don't know I prefer the text chat. Use this board as an example, if every post would be a little podcast...there would be less useres I guess? I don't say that text or voice is better than the other, it's different and it's useful for different situations and characters, but it's would be nice to have both. I guess PS3 users will have both in a not to distant future though. ;)

Great comparison. Really.

If every phone call had to be done via fax... how awesome would that be?


Im wondering when PS3 does get voice chat and cross game invites, will the bitching shift to "why doesnt XBL have the laundry list of things that PSN has and why am I still paying for it"?

I just want the option to send voice messages while I play is all (if it isnt there already Im not even sure). I REALLY dont see the point of voice chat personally. My friends and I used it once and it was useless because we went into COD4 (or gears I forget) and had to leave our party because the rest of the team couldnt hear us talking. The hell is the point of it?

There ARE some fundamental things missing from PSN but a lot of it is about convenience not functionality. Like I have to press an extra button to invite people to RE5 games. Simple stuff like that really.
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