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#PS4NoDRM #XboxOneNoDRM || Now do you "Believe?"

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Got my account approved, hello GAF!

I made this tweet today:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Second-hand media sales lead to further consumer purchases and inspire new generations of creative talent.

And I made this one the other day:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Guess what I do when I sell my games? I buy more new games. Brilliant how that works...


Got my account approved, hello GAF!

I made this tweet today:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Second-hand media sales lead to further consumer purchases and inspire new generations of creative talent.

And I made this one the other day:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Guess what I do when I sell my games? I buy more new games. Brilliant how that works...
Welcome and thanks for joining the cause. :)


Sony/MS aren't going to look at the Wii-U sales and think, "Their sales must be going up because we're considering blocking used games / using restrictive DRM and they aren't going to buy the PS4/Xbone." The only time Sony or MS will notice us voting with our wallets is when it's too late. Right now, this is the best we can do.

I think we should do both. Complain/tweet but also, act, make smart purchases.

If people started buying Wii Us en masse, Sony and MS would take notice. Everyone would, including devs/pubs.
I don't wanna give that stooge or his stooge-owned site hits. Can you summarize?

Used gaming is killing the industry, GameStop are evil, we need to stop being cheap bastards, buy a Wii U, if used gaming was so important then Wii U wouldn't be selling so shit. Rinse repeat. It's just a rehash of his earlier article on Xbone.
Got my account approved, hello GAF!

I made this tweet today:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Second-hand media sales lead to further consumer purchases and inspire new generations of creative talent.

And I made this one the other day:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Guess what I do when I sell my games? I buy more new games. Brilliant how that works...

Great, and welcome to GAF!


i don't like the guy but this is a gross misrepresentation. did you read the article? He says go DO something, like make a purchase of a system that supports what you believe.... i.e. the Wii U.

It's a fair point he makes, there is a difference between talk and action.


sure nintendo fucked up the launch, but I'd rather have a fucked up launch and a drought of games for a little while if it means NO DRM, and used games/trades or ok. Nintendo is going to be the most consumer friendly console this coming gen, if that matters to any of you out there, it'd be nice to see your support. Not on GAF, not on ay message boards, but by actually fucking supporting the console by buying one.

You're right, I should have added the Wii U part. However, his point to buy a Wii U is vulnerable to the same arguments he makes about PS4 sales: no one will know whether it is because of used games or because Nintendo has been announcing more and more great games for the system. There's no clear indications either way.


Got my account approved, hello GAF!

I made this tweet today:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Second-hand media sales lead to further consumer purchases and inspire new generations of creative talent.

And I made this one the other day:

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES Guess what I do when I sell my games? I buy more new games. Brilliant how that works...

Welcome! Hope you enjoy GAF.
Each tweet counts.


The "don't waste your time complaining, speak with your wallet" argument is disheartening. Maybe this campaign won't ultimately do anything but it definitely won't hurt and it's the only thing we as consumers can do prelaunch to try and prevent this from happening.

Especially since it makes no sense. If we have to vote with our wallet it's gonna be to late.
i don't like the guy but this is a gross misrepresentation. did you read the article? He says go DO something, like make a purchase of a system that supports what you believe.... i.e. the Wii U.

It's a fair point he makes, there is a difference between talk and action.


I do plan to act. If Sony follows MS/EA's lead... I will be PC exclusive for a while and then a Wii U when it drops in price to $200 for the premium SKU. I do vote with my wallet.


the guy is an asshat but he makes a good point. Go buy a wii u, which doesn't have any DRM and allows used games, ect.... and show these companies that you are more then just words. use your wallet.

of course most people won't. It's just a twitter-activism. I already have a wii U and from the looks of things it's all i'm going to end up owning this gen.

I'd suggest those who can afford it to get a wii u now, that is the best way of speaking out.

Buying a system because it doesn't have DRM does not directly follow from not buying a system because it has DRM. There are other factors at play, like, you know, games.
I don't wanna give that stooge or his stooge-owned site hits. Can you summarize?

Everyone in this campaign is wasting their time. Sony doesn't a give a shit and isn't listening to any of this. Third party publishers will abandon Sony unless they implement this into the PS4. If you don't like what's happening then go buy something else.


You're right, I should have added the Wii U part. However, his point to buy a Wii U is vulnerable to the same arguments he makes about PS4 sales: no one will know whether it is because of used games or because Nintendo has been announcing more and more great games for the system. There's no clear indications either way.

fair enough. I'm gonna end the conversation here tho. I don't want to derail this thread. I think that the movement, if we can call it that, is a good thing. The DRM issue is bringing gamers together and starting good conversations on the subject.


It doesn't make sense what he writes about the possibility of mega publishers pulling out support from Playstation if there isn't a similar lock on used games system in place. They don't have that sway. Sony also has some leverage and muscle in that relationship. Even more so if the platform succeeds in the market.

I agree with your point about mega publishers as well, though Sony's silence on the topic speaks volumes. I think that that a better solution for consumers/developers would be publisher specific DRM rules, that way I won't have to boycott consoles altogether.


I have a suggestion to make.
Because of the decrease in tweets, we need something new to tweet.
I suggested earlier to make a "Mastercard-Style" video which highlights why DRM would be bad (profits outweighed by losing customers who stop buying used games) and in the end: Having loyal, happy fan-base: priceless". Something like that!?
I just traded in 4 old games at EB Games and got The Last of Us and GTA V pre-paid and ready to pick up on launch. It made me realize that I value the trade in system how it is, and don't want to see it go, or for it to become limited.

So with that said, I threw my hat in the ring and tweeted to my small twitter community to support the #PS4NoDRM movement!


I kinda think the point has been made, and you should let the campaign naturally taper off, while planning your next move in a week or two.

Don't do another Twitter bombing campaign right now, lest you become a nuisance, and force these folks you are tweeting to either abandon twitter or move to a more private account.

These folks give us access to them. Be careful how you use it or you might lose it.

I think the impact was made. Let it breathe a bit now.

Much truth in this. If you become an annoyance all this work to create awareness will be undone.


I dont know how why we would "vote with our wallets" at this stage when the products we would be voting against (the PS4 and XBO) might not even have everything finalized.

The whole point of this campaign is to kill the DRM before it even gets there. If its in the planning stages and they scrap it after seeing the feedback, then thats awesome. I dont know how keeping our mouths shut and buying a WiiU instead will do anything beneficial in the long run.
I suggested earlier to make a "Mastercard-Style" video which highlights why DRM would be bad (profits outweighed by losing customers who stop buying used games) and in the end: Having loyal, happy fan-base: priceless". Something like that!?
That would be pretty cool. Actually get Neogaf's(consumer's) "voice" out. Tho YouTube comments scare me. Lol.
I kinda think the point has been made, and you should let the campaign naturally taper off, while planning your next move in a week or two.

Don't do another Twitter bombing campaign right now, lest you become a nuisance, and force these folks you are tweeting to either abandon twitter or move to a more private account.

These folks give us access to them. Be careful how you use it or you might lose it.

I think the impact was made. Let it breathe a bit now.

I'm in total agreement with this.


Let's keep the thread on target. Kuchera hasn't said anything we haven't already considered or discussed, and is of no help to us. He's not onboard, so let's leave him.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Famousmortimer suggested another twitter push right before E3, and I agree. Things will die down, it's inevitable. We just need to make sure this isn't a 1-3 day thing and then it fades into oblivion never to be heard of again.
We definitely need to continue pushing "mainstream" media outlets though. We've had good coverage in the gaming press, but we need some of the big guns.

Click the 3rd link here if you haven't tweeted these guys already: www.ps4nodrm.com


I agree with your point about mega publishers as well, though Sony's silence on the topic speaks volumes. I think that that a better solution for consumers/developers would be publisher specific DRM rules, that way I won't have to boycott consoles altogether.

Sonys silence does mean anything yet, the last information we had from Fastmortimer is that they had dropped their plans. Is that accurate? Maybe, maybe not, but Sony is not in the same position as Microsoft at this moment, and I would rather they get whatever their statement will be straight, instead of being a flip-floppity pancake like Microsoft has been for the past week.

Sony has a choice to make, and they are probably weighing the options carefully as any large corporation would. If E3 comes and Sony still does not lay their shit out then that will be a different situation, and will likely lean more to the bad side then the good.
Do it for Robin Williams guys

Also, you know what? Fuck letting this taper off. Operation Rainfall didn't succeed by letting things die out, and one day of Twitter bombing won't advance out cause that far either.

That said, don't spam the tweets if you've already tweeted them. What we need are more people to Tweet them. Now that you've done your part, reach out to other GAMERS and encourage them do theirs. It couldn't be any simpler with the websites we have set up now.


Spread it, get people you know tweeting.


If we want this to be a trending topic, it is pretty easy to do if you make a concerted, planned effort.

If many people post a hashtag at the same time (without posts being identical) AND the hashtag has not been used on the same level before (a steady flow cannot trend) then it becomes a trending topic. If it comes from many worldwide IP addresses, it rises in the worldwide trends...


If we choose a tag (preferably a new one, just a few days before the conference) and start tweeting our own messages (no copy pasta!) about it at the same time worldwide, it will very probably be trending!

I am no expert at Twitter trends, so please correct me if something is wrong.

One question left: Can we do this? A big push just a few days before the press conference would give us a high exposure. (Preferably during the week, so the press can pick it up, e.g. Thursday)


We definitely need to continue pushing "mainstream" media outlets though. We've had good coverage in the gaming press, but we need some of the big guns.

Click the 3rd link here if you haven't tweeted these guys already: www.ps4nodrm.com
I saw the website as soon as you put it up last night. Nice improvement you've made, much more professional now.


the guy is an asshat but he makes a good point. Go buy a wii u, which doesn't have any DRM and allows used games, ect.... and show these companies that you are more then just words. use your wallet.

of course most people won't. It's just a twitter-activism. I already have a wii U and from the looks of things it's all i'm going to end up owning this gen.

I'd suggest those who can afford it to get a wii u now, that is the best way of speaking out.

I don't think it's a good point. It's a point, but it's one that misses the point people are making. There are many reasons why people don't buy a Wii U that don't include the ability to buy and sell used games or any kind of always online DRM. If people want to vote with their wallet, vote by not buying any of the consoles that you don't deem worthy of your dollar. There's nothing requiring people to buy something they have yet to find value in just because some other products are doing even worse shit.

The sentiment behind the point he's making and that you're agreeing with it is precisely why these companies feel they can do whatever they want to gamers. These companies have the belief that people will just deal with it and continue on with their hobby.

If it's a game-by-game basis with the PS4 I'll wait on purchasing it to see how often the policy is used. If it's system-wide then I'll skip it altogether. I'm already planning on skipping the Xbox One. Neither of these have compelled me to buy a Wii U. I'm fine with my PS3/360/Vita/3DS/PC.
Dat press coverage... :O

And in re speaking with your wallet: not buying an Xbone or PS4 will do as much to prevent DRM as being a vegetarian does to save cows. If you want to send a message use twitter; so much we should at least be able to conclude from all of this.


Still guys. We also need something like a logo for the campaign. A fighting sigil for consumer rights in the gaming industry. We need a symbol that everyone has to "wear" through all plattforms on all social media channels. Get together people. Xboners and PS4 - unite and form the ultimate consumer protest weapon for standing up for our rights.

Please someone create something better than this, because we have to decide this. We have the power because we decide if we buy this or not.

Sonys silence does mean anything yet, the last information we had from Fastmortimer is that they had dropped their plans. Is that accurate? Maybe, maybe not, but Sony is not in the same position as Microsoft at this moment, and I would rather they get whatever their statement will be straight, instead of being a flip-floppity pancake like Microsoft has been for the past week.

Sony has a choice to make, and they are probably weighing the options carefully as any large corporation would. If E3 comes and Sony still does not lay their shit out then that will be a different situation, and will likely lean more to the bad side then the good.

Realistically, when will we get a statement from them? At E3 or right before E3? Or when?
Still guys. We also need something like a logo for the campaign. A fighting sigil for consumer rights in the gaming industry. We need a symbol that everyone has to "wear" through all plattforms on all social media channels.

This is a really good idea. Someone with artistic talent needs to get on this.


Yeah i definitely don't see anything wrong with the fact that it has slowed down. We've got a bunch of media reports on it, we have gotten the attention of Sony and had our voices heard. It has reached the top brass, and they know what gamers think. Nothing else that can be done, really (in my opinion, of course).

If the flow keeps up slow and steady, then that's all that can be expected. The whole point in the first place was to get their attention, which we did.
(I also got a reply from Ben from PA from tweet ... basically pasted the boycott MW2 picture.) ... to which he made a completely bad retort to my follow-up to his tweet. Just because you have a platform doesn't mean you make sense. Not going to honour him with any more attention or replies, lol

I have to go take care of my little girl keep digging at large news outlets for their technology people.
Realistically, when will we get a statement from them? At E3 or right before E3? Or when?


"We listened to passionate PlayStation fans around the world and have put in place a system where game discs work on any PS4 console without restrictions". Or something along those lines.


Done my part for both Sony and Microsoft. Region Free too!

This is all really great. It might sound corny, but it almost makes me feel proud to be a gamer in how the majority have almost united to do the right thing. I've even seen people who seem anti-Sony in the past and heavily skewed towards either Microsoft, Nintendo or PC join in!

It's nice to see



"We listened to passionate PlayStation fans around the world and have put in place a system where game discs work on any PS4 console without restrictions". Or something along those lines.

If they're going to go that way then that's probably how they'll say it - playing right into their PR mitts.
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