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#PS4NoDRM #XboxOneNoDRM || Now do you "Believe?"

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That would be too wonderful of course if they didn't intend this in the first place. :D
But this is unclear, and that's why we're doing what we're doing.

Yep, I think it's all a great idea regardless. Too often gamers sit around and accept that stuff or people start calling gamers who stand up for stuff like this 'self-entitled'.

Whenever I see the 'self-entitled' comment, I think of it as those folks defending publishers, which is like, publishers are big boys, they don't need your help.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
My friend: I was a fan long before I ever held a job in this industry. I still spend 20+ hours a week gaming. Believe me, you're being heard. Less than two weeks to E3, keep shouting because we love the passion!

Nice, great to read stuff like this.
Another short exchange between myself and my friend mentioned ealier:

Hard to imagine they'd want us to keep at it if they only had bad news for us. I suspect there must be some kind of talks with publishers that's been ongoing.

To me that's the difference between Sony and MS, the top brass at Sony are gamers at heart, while MS in recent times just seems awash with walking talking management speak suits armed with MBAs and buzzwords. It all started after Ballmer booted Allard.

This is another reason why a campaign aimed at Sony is more likely to work IMO.
I think we should reach out to politicians on the EU level, as well. The European Parliament has looked out for consumer rights several times before, and could possibly be an ally.

With the election for European Parliament coming up next year, I think that some MEPs may be interested in this movement and some may want to support it to position themselves for the upcoming elections. Many of them should be active on Twitter too.

I must admit I don’t know much about different MEPs and who would be sympathetic to this cause. Perhaps other gaffers have more knowledge about this? One possible starting point would be the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Apparently, the chair is on Twitter (@EuroMP_ArleneMc). I don’t know who we should try to contact. I’m busy at work atm so can’t do much more now, but someone with spare time could try going through the list of members of the committee to try and find who would be likely to support us. I would expect PES and Greens-EFA MEPs to be more likely to agree with our cause than for example EPP MEPs, but I may be wrong.

Someone not on that committee who could be helpful is MEP Jan Albrecht (@JanAlbrecht‎). He seems to be big on privacy issues. Always-online DRM could fall under this area.

Another possibility is EDRI (European Digital Rights) Their twitter feed (@EDRI_org) looks fairly active and this would be right up their alley.

Edit: I think we want to avoid Pirate party MEPs though. That's a can of worms we probably don't want to open.
To me that's the difference between Sony and MS, the top brass at Sony are gamers at heart, while MS in recent times just seems awash with walking talking management speak suits armed with MBAs and buzzwords. It all started after Ballmer booted Allard.

This is another reason why a campaign aimed at Sony is more likely to work IMO.

Exactly how I feel. I miss the old xbox team. =(


Just woke up. Had a dream that MS purposely said all those things after the reveal and didn't announce it during the event "officially," The first thing they said during their E3 press conference was "to put your fears to rest, we are not pursuing DRM for retail games and online is not required to play games" and the whole thing turned out to be a publicity stunt so news would be plastered everywhere that published the stories about the DRM stuff in big headlines that MS is not implementing this crap.

I wish this was one of the couple precognitive dreams that I get during the month but it wasn't. It was just wishful thinking leading to a dream rather than dreaming of something that's going to happen in the future.

Side note: In case anyone's wondering, it's largely irrelevant stuff that I see in those dreams as I'm basically seeing things as I would experience them in the day (through my eyes, and I have an irrelevant life LOL). I have seen stuff like word for word news reports sometimes about weird occurances (followed by the exact same reactions/responses of people around me at the time wearing the exact clothes I saw them in etc), never had a dream with Lottery numbers in them though LOL. There is only one instance where I had one of these dreams actually worth something and it may have prevented me from getting randomly shot. But that's a whole other story.


Not Banned from OT
To me that's the difference between Sony and MS, the top brass at Sony are gamers at heart, while MS in recent times just seems awash with walking talking management speak suits armed with MBAs and buzzwords. It all started after Ballmer booted Allard.

This is another reason why a campaign aimed at Sony is more likely to work IMO.

They don't have a heart the company is in trouble and can't afford the PS4 to bomb. IMO this is the first step to show them what we think of this shitty DRM/Anti-used games. Next step will be to not buy it if they go through with it. Then send them a friendly reminder on why we skipped on the PS4/Xbox One. Hope enough people do the same to force them to reverse course.
Dude814 is a dude I've known for years and exists solely to troll people(which is why his first thread called out the 'thread creator'. Don't bother with it. He loves microsoft so whatever MS is doing is right. If it was sony doing this and Microsoft keeping the same policies of last gen he would be arguing completely the opposite.

He's a nice guy in real life but this whole im smarter than you #hashtag #catchphrase persona is tiring.


Another short exchange between myself and my friend mentioned ealier:

Hard to imagine they'd want us to keep at it if they only had bad news for us. I suspect there must be some kind of talks with publishers that's been ongoing.

Yes, i imagine so. If they have something to show publishers - they can show the outcry of fans against DRM - it helps their position.


Well I guess "passionate" is better than "please understand"
Personally I have no problem with developers getting some of the money generated from used games sales, especially when it comes to Gamestop. Though in truth I think that if I paid $60 for a game I should still be able to lend it to a friend or put it on Ebay when I'm done with it.
Well I guess "passionate" is better than "please understand"
Personally I have no problem with developers getting some of the money generated from used games sales, especially when it comes to Gamestop. Though in truth I think that if I paid $60 for a game I should still be able to lend it to a friend or put it on Ebay when I'm done with it.
Well that's the point, if the articles published by edge are true Gamestop gets even more out of this, because they will be one of the few where you can trade your used games.


Another short exchange between myself and my friend mentioned ealier:

Hard to imagine they'd want us to keep at it if they only had bad news for us. I suspect there must be some kind of talks with publishers that's been ongoing.

Great to hear, thanks for sharing Moofers


If anything, i think news sites picking up on it is worth thousands of tweets. Sure it doesn't translate to thousands of tweets, but it sends the message to Sony a hell of a lot better, IMO :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Well I guess "passionate" is better than "please understand"
Personally I have no problem with developers getting some of the money generated from used games sales, especially when it comes to Gamestop. Though in truth I think that if I paid $60 for a game I should still be able to lend it to a friend or put it on Ebay when I'm done with it.

Same here, really.

Ideally there'd be some foolproof way for the platform holders to distinguish between a high volume trader like GameStop and private individuals, and to adjust policy accordingly.

The sort of systems we've heard described, though, for example with Xbox One, limit virtually all private individual control over the disc while giving GameStop et al a discounted trade. It's the total opposite to the ideal if such a system has to be in place.
Maybe I'm getting greedy but I wish that some of these sites covering this would actually talk to some of us. The articles are so same-y without much of the meat of our argument.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I've never used tumbler before so I'm unsure how it works. I submitted my story to the page. I guess it's awaiting moderator approval.

Hopefully I'll make the cut.
Maybe I'm getting greedy but I wish that some of these sites covering this would actually talk to some of us. The articles are so same-y without much of the meat of our argument.

Yeah good idea, maybe if people like Jason Schreier etc. that are lurking here could PM you for some quotes, something to make an article stand out and not just be a rehash of the same points.


Yeah good idea, maybe if people like Jason Schreier etc. that are lurking here could PM you for some quotes, something to make an article stand out and not just be a rehash of the same points.

Even if they just grabbed some things from http://ps4nodrm.tumblr.com/ It would be good :)

Shared the tumblr to twitter, by the way. I made the account especially to post that, so i can't really share any of it to tumblr lol :p
Today I tweeted some more to the *****NEW***** Sony staff.

you think tweeting for 3rd Parties will actually have an effect ?!, if so I may tweet some more to those later today and tomorrow.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Published. Havent seen on that isnt polite enough to put up. The guidelines are pretty simple so I think most will go up without a hitch.

Good deal. It's great to hear that we as a community can provide insightful and meaningful feedback without resorting to overly negative communication. GAF has made me proud with this movement.
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