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PSN Content 12/06/07 - Bowling, Wild Arms PS1, GTA4 trailer, MGS4 TGS trailer, themes


Scary Euro Man
Tntnnbltn said:
Even the Euro store has been feeling the love with Destruction Derby, Kula World and a K&L demo.

Do not make me kill you.

The Euro store has been horrible. Just look at all the content the US has seen that the Euro store hasn't had - if you've got time, that is. It's quite a long list.
neorej said:
Wow, the themes offered on PSN from Sony really show the professional quality modus has been deliviring in the custom theme-thread.

I agree, modus' offerings are up there with everything bar the R&CF theme. That thing is killer, and the new sound effects are great, hopefully it'll become more common, only the R&C and HS themes do it so far.

Oh, and K&L sucks so bad, why? Is the new Timeshift demo worth a download? I was not impressed with the first.


I honestly did not find **** and ***** to be too bad, not stellar enough for me to pay 60 bones atleast. The graphics are NOT the worst this gen, they are workman and serviceable. They do enough to get the job done, basically its Blood Money with new tech.

Character models as it seems outside of you and your team, as usual are nonsensical and laughable, especially the non-threat NPCs. The enemies not too bad, not too good either, important thing is you can see them.

The animation aspect of everything outside of **** is poor, although the death animation if that even is an animation when shot is a joke.He just drops to the floor and sprawls out. For a good laugh, through grenades and watch the enemies limbs sprawl.

My first few play throughs I struggled with the interface and overall mechanics of the game, but I slowly began to get a better grip.

The A.I is well.... Does their quota, they have their little routines. Which is to get behind cover, attempt to run when grenades are thrown, or run when attacked from the side. Also they seem to be dead aim cyborgs, because they do not miss and will pick you off if you enter there vision or they aren't preoccupied with you other team mates.

The Team/Order mechanic is rudimentary but serviceable. Simplistic to say the least. You want ***** to run up against a wall in the distance and stay put and hold it down, point the dot reticule at said destination i.e wall/pillar/etc and press the button. The same if you want the guys to take out enemies just point at the enemies and hit triangle.

For me, I found my team mates to be ruthless they took out a good number of guys, I got some kills under my belt as well, but I used them to set up attacks.

The game is slow-paced and it seems its meant to be played that way, definitely not a run and gunner. Its best to move; position your team at points you think are advantageous, you as **** find a good spot and clean out the area. Regroup the team and move out.

Its also nice you can get weapons and give weapons to your team mates.

Destructable environs are wicked.
Running into Smoke grenades ( effect was cool )
***** bringing me back to life with a Syringe is garbage and a cop out to please casuals.
Cover only makes sense at some place in your head you know you can over.
I hate the Camera, but as usual. Its jusy OK.

I liked the atmosphere of the first level. Gritty, hard, realistic and the voice acting is up there. The cursing didn't seem out of place to me. Music is also great, maybe the only stellar aspect of the game is the sound.

Yes the game is very close to Heat ( atleast the only mission available ). I heard some missions are close to Collateral and Miami Vice.

If I can get this for $30.00, it would be a steal.

Demo build score = 7.0. That can either go down or up in the final product, cause I can see it getting repetitive.


there is joy in sucking dick
Hopefully the next PSX game offered is "Beyond the Beyond"





iapetus said:
Do not make me kill you.

The Euro store has been horrible. Just look at all the content the US has seen that the Euro store hasn't had - if you've got time, that is. It's quite a long list.
I know the past year or so it's been crap. Demos and games delayed for weeks (at best) after the US store, etc etc. But they've picked up their game in the last month or so, and thing are (finally) starting to come in.

One thing in particular the Euro store has picked up is their release of PSone games. In the last two months, they've released 7 PSone games onto the store; 4 of which haven't been released in America yet (Crash Team Racing, Syphon Filter 3, Kula World, G-Police). They have another 5 planned for release this year.

This week is also the first time I can remember Euro store getting a demo before the US store.
Pity it wasn't something better than K&L
Oh, and they released Beats for PSP a week before the US got it.

In conclusion: Euro store was crap. Now it's slightly less crap. :)


never played Wild Arms...could someone offer a brief description of what to expect. Also, did it review well? Does it hold up today?


kassatsu said:
Also Remy did you try remote play via the PSP?

I haven't yet, and apparently my PSP isn't up to the current firmware so I can do this properly. Will try it tonight.


Tntnnbltn said:
I know the past year or so it's been crap. Demos and games delayed for weeks (at best) after the US store, etc etc. But they've picked up their game in the last month or so, and thing are (finally) starting to come in.

One thing in particular the Euro store has picked up is their release of PSone games. In the last two months, they've released 7 PSone games onto the store; 4 of which haven't been released in America yet (Crash Team Racing, Syphon Filter 3, Kula World, G-Police). They have another 5 planned for release this year.

This week is also the first time I can remember Euro store getting a demo before the US store.
Pity it wasn't something better than K&L
Oh, and they released Beats for PSP a week before the US got it.

In conclusion: Euro store was crap. Now it's slightly less crap. :)
They should release the same content on both stores end of story. Till that happens it will always to crap.

Edit:How come Monsters isn't released for the PSP? It looks like something it could handle without much trouble and it works over remote play (does games work over the internets? I forget :().
Crisis said:
There's no sense in you keeping your PS3 if by NOW you can't find anything that you want on there aside from Warhawk. There's a lot of good games for the PS3 bucko, if you're willing to actually play them.

I'll have to take your word for it. :lol


Gold Member
Crisis said:
There's no sense in you keeping your PS3 if by NOW you can't find anything that you want on there aside from Warhawk. There's a lot of good games for the PS3 bucko, if you're willing to actually play them. I'm enjoying a lot of them and so is everyone else but you. So why don't you quit coming in here to take a shit on what was a good update simply because you're too busy being a contradictory idiot?

Anyone who owns a PS3 and doesn't have Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank deserves to have it taken away and beaten to death with it for stupidity.
Justin Dailey said:
never played Wild Arms...could someone offer a brief description of what to expect. Also, did it review well? Does it hold up today?
I rented it by chance when it first came out and loved it, played it recently and it hold up ok for a psone game.
Its comparable to Lufia 2 if you've played it. Each of the three main characters has special items they get to solve puzzles in the games dungeons. Fights are random encounters, combat is turned based. The setting and story of the game are really good IMO, and its a fairly long game with extra quests. You start controlling each character on their own until the character meat in the story. Story involves metal demons returning to concur an already dying planet. The blue haired kid has a gun (called an ARM) that can be upgraded over the game, and you find different ARMS as well. When you learn magic you make you spells and fill up a grid or magic.
Oh, I absolutely love the opening movie and song.
Go For it.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'll have to take your word for it. :lol
No you don't, you just need to stop trolling and go buy them. Easy.

ManaByte said:
Anyone who owns a PS3 and doesn't have Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank deserves to have it taken away and beaten to death with it for stupidity.

No money


The Take Out Bandit said:
I'll have to take your word for it. :lol

He's pretty much right, if there aren't any games now that you like, you might as well sell it and buy whatever suits your fancy. There's a good amount of games out right now that fit different tastes, it just seems like a) you're trolling, or b) you're incredibly picky and look at the glass half empty.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Speevy said:
What IS Beats?
I have yet to try it, but it allows you to get any MP3 from your PSP and it generates an Amplitude-like track that you play by rhythmically pressing buttons.


Marconelly said:
I have yet to try it, but it allows you to get any MP3 from your PSP and it generates an Amplitude-like track that you play by rhythmically pressing buttons.
AMPLITUDE!!! I don't want to buy a guitar to play a music game :( Why did they make Guitar Hero :(
ManaByte said:
Well I hated the Uncharted demo. The full game is the best thing on the system.

Fair enough! It's just there are too many good games that I own and need to play through to bother with it.

Metroid 3

I'm swamped!
I just popped in to say that Bowling is a solid game for $10. I will get lots of milliage out of it, without the need for DLC.

DLC doesn't bug me if I feel I got my money's worth *before* the DLC is released. Like Resistance and Motorstorm, I feel that I have gotten plenty of value, so DLC is just extra optional goodies. I don't care about leaderboards and I haven't had issues playing because I lack the content.

If HVB required the DLC to have fun in online games, I would feel differently. But there isn't even an online more, so no problem.


Speevy said:
What IS Beats?

Gameplay wise, Beats is most similar to the button matching parts of Gitaroo Man. Basically you have three spots on the screen, and buttons icons fly at them. When they hit the spot, you press the button. You can only have one spot selected at a time, so part of the challenge is using the d-pad to select the appropriate spot. There's a combo meter, which gives you a score multiplier. Some of the icons glow, which charge an Overdrive bar which you can turn on using the L trigger; this doubles your current multiplier, just like Rock Band/Guitar Hero.

The big appeal is that it'll read your music and generate patterns for you. I tried it with two songs: The Go! Team's "The Power Is On" on Normal difficulty, and LCD Soundsystem's "Us Vs. Them" on Expert difficulty. Normal is pretty easy if you're used to rhythm games, but Expert is pretty brutal.

Brutal being a relative term - there's no life bar, so there's no way to lose a song. It's really a high score grind - but it's a fun score grind. Being able to use your own music is a plus. The backgrounds are customizable - there's an extremely long list of options.

My verdict: I've spent $5 on far worse. (I did buy Rampart, after all.)

I haven't yet touched the "Jamming" mode, which I would assume is some sort of sample/loop tool, nor have I tried anything with the online play.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
deepbrown said:
AMPLITUDE!!! I don't want to buy a guitar to play a music game :( Why did they make Guitar Hero :(
Heh, isn't it crazy what an attitude and presentation can do for a genre?

I can honestly say that despite liking GH a lot, I've enjoyed Amplitude (and Frequency) A WHOLE LOT more than any GH games. Not the least of reasons there being that my fingers didn't feel like a wretched mess after playing Amplitude, like they do after pressing over the completely un-ergonomically positioned buttons on that little plastic guitar.

Amazing how badly those two games sold compared to GH franchise. I mean, I can sort-of see why, but still amazing.

ManaByte said:
Well I hated the Uncharted demo. The full game is the best thing on the system.
How come you changed your mind so much? I thought the demo was pretty representative of the final game (and I agree btw, Uncharted + R&C is something every PS3 owner should buy)


So does the Bowling use the motion control? Might be good for a party game - given the absence of a Wii in the party room/home theater where i tend to have parties.
:( For some reason I can't play the Timeshift MP demo, I choose a server, it loads then it just freezes the PS3 (Home button doesn't even work)
teiresias said:
So does the Bowling use the motion control? Might be good for a party game - given the absence of a Wii in the party room/home theater where i tend to have parties.

Yes it does, although it's less intuitive than Wii bolwing. You need to press a shoulder button for spin, unlike the natural Wii twist of the wrist.

As a fan of Wii Bowling (easily the thing I've spent the most time on, on my Wii) I like this a lot. But I bowled an absolutely miserable first game, *unlike* Wii Bowling, where even a first-timer can do well.


teiresias said:
So does the Bowling use the motion control? Might be good for a party game - given the absence of a Wii in the party room/home theater where i tend to have parties.

It controls pretty damn well, really. The thing that makes me think it'll be worth playing through on your own is probably the thing that makes it less successful as a party game - there's a bit of depth to the controls. It took me about 5 tries to figure out what the wanted me to do, the mini-tutorial it has works well but I was kinda ignoring it at first. Once you grip the controller like the on-screen graphic shows you (basically if you're right handed you'll have your right thumb over X and use index and pinky fingers to controll L2 and R2) it becomes pretty clear.

The motion control part of throwing the ball is fairly simple, you're basically just moving your arm to fill up a power gauge to control how hard you throw. The more important part is using the tilt functions to control where you stand and then where you aim, while using the R2/L2 to put spin on the ball. Like I said it's not as simple as Wii sports bowling, but you get used to it quick and to me at least it felt much more like a game of skill and judgment.

Custom soundtracks help the party game vibe I bet, but the only MP3s I have on my PS3 are podcasts, and bowling to 1Up Yours - while funny at first - doesn't really work. :lol


Scary Euro Man
tanod said:
I used to do this back when I first got it.



                                                       start whistling..      

                                  this measure x2                             

                                  this measure x2                             

                  this measure x2                  this measure x2            

                                  this measure x3                             




calder said:
Custom soundtracks help the party game vibe I bet, but the only MP3s I have on my PS3 are podcasts, and bowling to 1Up Yours - while funny at first - doesn't really work. :lol

Dick Dale, on the other hand, is perfect.


Really liking the official new themes. Did anyone else get the PixelJunk Monsters theme from the JSP store. It's pretty damn cool.

It's also great that you can mix and match the icons from one theme with the BG from another and so on.


nods at old men
Jim said:
Really liking the official new themes. Did anyone else get the PixelJunk Monsters theme from the JSP store. It's pretty damn cool.

It's also great that you can mix and match the icons from one theme with the BG from another and so on.
How do you do this?


dallow_bg said:
LTTP but Pain is so fun!

leather + pain = fun? :D


dallow_bg said:
How do you do this?

Sorry.. I meant the Icons from the themes, with your own backgrounds or the XMB wave. Not sure if you can pull the BGs from the themes seperately.


nods at old men
Jim said:
Sorry.. I meant the Icons from the themes, with your own backgrounds or the XMB wave. Not sure if you can pull the BGs from the themes seperately.
Ah, gotcha, yes, I like this feature as well.
Good when the theme background makes reading difficult.

inner-G said:

leather + pain = fun? :D


Ignatz Mouse said:
Yes it does, although it's less intuitive than Wii bolwing. You need to press a shoulder button for spin, unlike the natural Wii twist of the wrist.

As a fan of Wii Bowling (easily the thing I've spent the most time on, on my Wii) I like this a lot. But I bowled an absolutely miserable first game, *unlike* Wii Bowling, where even a first-timer can do well.

I found in wii bowling what you do with the controller is only marginally related to what happens on the scree. This is why kids and old people love Wii sports. Flail about and you still do well, unlike real games of skill. HVB is real skill, you can get a lucky strike or spare, but you won't get a lucky 200 game.
While I agree with you generally, I have yet to see somebody get a lucky 200 game in Wii Bowling. Luck 100, sure.

Wii Bowling is a fine game, it's just a tad simplistic. That also makes it a good party game. I think HVB is a good party game too, but you will have to do a bit to teach your guests, and letting them practice for 5-10 minutes is a good idea.
bud said:
so i'm guessing the butt & crud demo was pretty bad.

I found it enjoyable. Destructible environments are pretty well done.

I'm also having a blast with Timeshift MP demo :lol The time grenades = genius.

The Chef

I cant decide if I am going to get wildarms or not. Its my one of my favorite games of all time but damn am I really going to play the whole game again on my psp?

Anyone get the game yet?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Metalmurphy said:
I found it enjoyable. Destructible environments are pretty well done.

I'm also having a blast with Timeshift MP demo :lol The time grenades = genius.
horrifically bad taste


Scary Euro Man
The Chef said:
I cant decide if I am going to get wildarms or not. Its my one of my favorite games of all time but damn am I really going to play the whole game again on my psp?

Anyone get the game yet?

No, but the moment it's released over here it will be mine.

Probably some time around 2009.

Or I might just rip it myself from my own copy.
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