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PSVR Price: $399/399/£349/¥44,980, no camera/move, launching October


So €399 for me... 50 games until end of the year? Thats exciting, day 1 here.

I expected it to be €499, so pricing is great... but most important is availability of games. I think this will make some genres accessible for me again, because right now I find some of them incredibly boring and that will likely change with different immersion method.


CAD $549.



I can understand the argument of people already having the camera, and you are right to not want to pay for it again. But the first bundle you announce is not the one without all the necessary hardware to make the experience work. Today is the day that's getting all the media coverage. Today is the day that's getting all the hype and when all the news articles will be written. You should come out upfront with the full bundle as your main SKU, then later announce options for people who already have Move controllers and a camera. Doing it this way just means that the general consumer will be confused when they hear all about "Playstation VR" and then buy it and get pissed off that it doesn't work. It seems like they willingly are opening themselves up to market confusion just so they could get on stage and say $399.

Judging by the Amazon UK advisement that it will be super limited when pre-orders start at 11am tomorrow, I'm guessing that the likelihood is that these won't be on actual store shelves until 2017 while pre-orders are fufilled. Depends how optimistic they're being on production, or if this is going to be a "sell out" with only 10's of thousands in the first run.

If that is the case, I'm guessing bundles will start existing once they are readily purchasable.
Just as dumb as Nintendo not including chargers needed to make their products work. Eating the minimal cost in order for everyone to be happy would be worth it. Sure, you'll have a few people already owning the camera, but it's not worth making it an inconvenience for everyone else.

A few = 6 million or more,, but yeah needs a bundle with the camera.
Camera apparently has around 15% attachment rate at last report, that what, 5.4m+ worldwide already with a camera

Kinda glass half full, don't you think? I read that as "85% of the world doesn't have the Camera and probably even less have the Move controllers." More than 8 in 10 will need to drop another ~$100 or so for the full VR experience. It is what it is.

If you don't own a camera, it's 450 max in total.

No idea where the fuck people are getting 500 from. If your gonna try and inflate the price, try a bit harder.

Move controllers. So they can...you know...experience VR as it's meant to be, with both hands free and moving?

Can you try a little less hard to make it seem cheaper than it really is? Cost of entry is lower, but there will be software developed that gamers will want to play that is BEST experiences with a pair of Move controllers. And those games will be right there at launch. It's not even reasonable to suggest people should ignore the price of entry for the "full" VR experience just like it isn't reasonable for Oculus purchasers to have no interest in Touch controllers.

Assuming games like Hover Junkers and experiences like Tilt Brush come to PSVR, why would you even want to attempt to experience them with anything but Move? Even if you could (which you probably couldn't) why would you want to? Oh right you wouldn't. Because chances are you either already have Move or are planning to buy it, right?

Just be real about the shit. Price of entry is less but the real experience is going to be about $500, give or take. An okay deal but nothing great by any real stretch of the imagination, especially if it is locked to the PS4 forever (that is, won't work with PC or PS5). If that bothers you, maybe you need to take an internet break for awhile. It's just what it is.


Drunky McMurder
Do people really want move controllers that badly for this? Between them not really being much better than they've ever been (last gen's waggle in other words) I'm perfectly fine with just having a VR display and a regular PS4 controller for my mitts. But then again I'm not a VR true believer, so the full bodied immersion fantasy doesn't fire me up the way it does for some.

I'll worry about arm simulation once the ones that work really well become cheaper

I'm not buying any VR headset with a primary controller of "Fuck it, I dunno, a controller?"

It's half-assed and it means there won't be real support for any kind of specialized controller. At least Sony isn't forcing a pack-in of a normal ass controller that you probably already own though.


I think the price is very reasonable, i just wish they included the camera with the headset. Regardless, it will sell like hotcakes.
As much as I love PlayStation, €399 is a bit heavy to swallow for a piece of hardware that's going to be a gimmick for another two years at the very least.

I'd have gone for it right away if they sold it for €299 though


I can understand the argument of people already having the camera, and you are right to not want to pay for it again. But the first bundle you announce is not the one without all the necessary hardware to make the experience work. Today is the day that's getting all the media coverage. Today is the day that's getting all the hype and when all the news articles will be written. You should come out upfront with the full bundle as your main SKU, then later announce options for people who already have Move controllers and a camera. Doing it this way just means that the general consumer will be confused when they hear all about "Playstation VR" and then buy it and get pissed off that it doesn't work. It seems like they willingly are opening themselves up to market confusion just so they could get on stage and say $399.

It doesn't come out until October. There is plenty of time for practicalities and 'gamer bundles' and clearer communication around what you need to make it work.

This was marketing - emphasise quality, then announce a price significantly lower than your perceived competition. That gets you the headlines and the buzz. In the coming days and weeks people will learn you need a camera and that'll put some off. But for others that have accepted the price as good value, they may still go 'well only another $50 for the camera, I guess thats ok'.

Plus you can spread the cost by buying the camera now. Maybe you'll start streaming via twitch?

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Media Player being updated to support 360 photos and videos


I still think the price is too high. The sweet spot for most consumers is $199 imo but I guess the market analyst know better. I really hope this takes off properly and doesn't become a fad like 3d tv's or something.
So really it is priced at $440 since you need the camera unless you already have one. I can understand not bundling it in the default bundle since some people probably already own one, but it just seems screwy if they're going to go around advertising it at $399 when the bundle with the camera will probably be priced at $450.


Pretty solid price. I already own the camera and 2 Move controllers so their lack of inclusion in the bundle doesn't really bother me. I do think they should have bundled Rigs during the launch since (judging by impressions) that seems to be the killer app for PSVR.

FC Bayern

Don't underestimate the importance to actually hold something in your hand in VR. Yes people will want these Move controllers very quickly when you can simulate a real lightsaber/lasergun with it. Gamepads are sup-optimal for these kinds of experiences. You don't play your typical VR games with two analog sticks and 16+ buttons

Honestly I'd be glad playing normal games that are "VR enhanced" where it's basically using the HMD instead of the TV.

I agree with your main point though, the "real VR games" are 100% going to require move controllers and probably the camera.


And now for a flashback to E3, when Sony was masterful for cutting the camera to come in under the XB1.

I got camera at launch and I have no idea why would Sony add camera to each PS4 package... it is not that useful, until now. So as a bundle, 2 controllers are way better bundle.


$399 + camera not included.

This is going to need some BIG killer apps after 2016 if Sony can't go any cheaper than this. Can't see this doing well after its launch period if it doesn't get enough appealing titles.


So here's a question,

With them selling a mandatory accessory separately which almost certainly has a high mark up price, are they actually selling the headset at a loss using the cameras mark up to even it out, or is this tactic actually a way to profit from each headset sold?
Great price but I am bummed about it not coming first half of this year as originally planned. I guess it's good though, gives people time to save money and devs time to make games.

I'm also pleased that as someone with a camera and two Moves, I don't have to rebuy anything.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I mean they can make 2 bundles or even 3.

Yeah, I think they will have at least one other sku, one with everything. But my point is a headset only sku is needed... It does make sense. But sure, it makes sense to also have a bundle for people who have nothing already.


It'd be more of a scam to jack up the price by the cost of the camera when people already have them.


And i don't even think a bundle is worth it, unless you add the Move that isn't required. You can find the camera for 30-40 bucks.
Should have been the full ensemble for that money. Also should have been open platform instead of a PlayStation niche device. Software support will be severely lacking compared to alternatives IMO.

The 'virtual cinema' sounds cool but the effective resolution will be low. Like standard def low.

It will certainly provide some fun for what it offers but overall, not impressed.
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