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Quantum Suicide Kickstarter (Space Visual Novel, monokuma-dance.gif)



Fulfill your duty. Fall in love. Betray your friends. Get murdered by an A.I. Welcome aboard the Everett.

Quantum Suicide is a Japanese-style Visual Novel set in space.

You play as a researcher aboard a spaceship on an epic mission to find humanity a new home. The mission is jeopardized by a corrupted A.I system that forces you to play "The Deletion Game", a weekly game where you must battle your crew mates for survival.

Prepare to make both friends and enemies of your crew members as you play through a series of puzzles and strategy mini-games. Can you see the Everett's mission through to the end...alive?


  • Play as a Boy or a Girl
  • At least 6 Courtable Options (3 Male, 3 Female)
  • Courtable Options Have Their Own Sexual Preferences
  • 50+ Hours of Gameplay
  • Over 30 Different Endings (Including Good, Bad, and True)
  • Multiple Sprite Poses and Expressions
  • 30+ Background Images
  • Partial Japanese Voice Acting by Professional Voice Actors
  • Original Music Soundtrack
  • Available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Quantum Suicide contains 6 courtable options (3 females, 3 males). With their own hopes, desires, personalities, and sexual preferences, you will have to move carefully to earn each character's affections. Each courtable character has at least three posed sprites, each with multiple facial expressions. In addition, all characters are partially voiced by professional Japanese voice actors. Boasting over 50+ hours of gameplay, you must navigate your way through over 30 different endings, including bad, good, and true endings for all courtable options.

While Quantum Suicide does not contain any adult content, there will be a certain amount of 'ecchi' or suggestible content. Even with all the murder, and betrayal, it is a romantic visual novel, designed to set your heart aflutter.



In the year 2092, people no longer trusted the Earth to sustain their existence. The Earth stood as a husk of its past self. As part of a desperate last attempt to save the human race, the governments of the world joined forces in a secret military project to send the best and brightest of humanity to scout the galaxy for a new home.

The year is now 2117. You are a second generation ship-born researcher studying inter-dimensional travel. Your choices change the fortunes of all aboard the Everett. Friendship and love lay waiting at your feet, but you should be wary. The road to the stars is full of hardship.

A malprogrammed A.I. dedicated to preserving resources pulls you into a twisted, murderous game. When tensions are high, who knows what even the kindest crew member will do? How will you protect those you love? Will you betray friends to save yourself? Will you be slaughtered in cold, empty space? Will you slaughter?

It's time to ask yourself: what would you do to survive?




All goals and tiers are in $AUD. $1USD = $1.4AUD.
All goals and tiers are in $AUD. $1USD = $1.4AUD.
All goals and tiers are in $AUD. $1USD = $1.4AUD.



The writing and coding for Quantum Suicide are done entirely for free by Cotton Candy Cyanide. For us, this game is a labour of love and we would rather spend money on getting art rather than getting paid.

Cotton Candy Cyanide (CCCN-) is made up of two people: Ashley Pearson (Nyx) and Tina Richards (MoltenCherry). We often go by our gamer tags. We created CCCN- to create games that we, ourselves, wanted to play. Both of us greatly enjoy games such as Dangan Ronpa, Virtue's Last Reward, and Persona; games that challenge us, make us fall in love with characters, and then break our hearts.

Unfortunately, we found these sorts of titles scarce in the Western gaming market. While Steam has been exploding with visual novels recently, we wanted to create something a little darker than a slice of life, romantic novel. We've got 'Cyanide' in our name for a reason. Sincerely, we hope that Quantum Suicide is the first of many high quality Original English Language Visual Novels from Cotton Candy Cyanide.


Quantum Suicide will be released in June 2017 on PC (Windows /Mac/ Linux) via Steam. We have already been Greenlit on Steam, thank you for your support!


I may or may not have made this thread to increase the chances of the $50k stretch goal being met.

In before posters mistaking this for a Quantum Break thread.


Party Pooper
Oh, I guess they got funding this time.

edit: for reference, the last time they tried it was $22,851 pledged of $30,000 goal, so it seems like they lowered it a bit.
Yeah, that's my question too. It's hard to tell from the character bios if they're going to be heavy on tropes or if they just seem that way at first.

Also, I had to laugh at the stretch goal of translating the game INTO Japanese. Though maybe there actually is a significant Japanese audience for the game, and it's not just to appeal to that particular subset of the audience that demands Japanese voice/subs for the "original" experience. Who knows?

Wouldn't that be incredibly repetitive?

DanganRonpa was 26 hours and didn't have a ton of variety in locations. Ultimately, if the story draws you in, it won't really matter.
This kind of game, story either breaks/makes the game.

Who's the writer?

Cotton Candy Cyanide, which is made of two people I never heard off. Is their first game, if I'm not wrong.

Is surprising for me at least, just when I thought VN on KS and Steam reached total global saturation (*insert Wesker voice here*) they prove me wrong.


Sounds good on paper. Hopefully it will be good.
Both of us greatly enjoy games such as DanganRonpa, Virtue's Last Reward, and Persona; games that challenge us, make us fall in love with characters, and then break our hearts.
Cotton Candy Cyanide, which is made of two people I never heard off. Is their first game, if I'm not wrong.
Unfortunately, game development is not our full-time job. We are both busy PhD students with articles to read, lives to live, and money to make so we can eat every week. We hope that our backers can understand that we are making this game on our own time, and that we will do our very best to overcome any setbacks thrown at us. Being PhD students, we've picked up good time management skills from our time at University. We're highly motivated individuals who are adept at self-discipline and sticking to the goals and high standards we set for ourselves.
Anyways all the best to them on their first project.

Holy shit, I have this online friend of mine and he just brought to light some stuff that makes me question my $1 pledge.

How silly would it be if we talked about a spaceship all the time and never actually showed you what said spaceship looked like? We'd probably get accused of faking it like the moon landing. As much as everyone knows that Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams, the Dulce Base is where it's at, and Project MK-Ultra is still operating away, we don't want to be part of that saga.

Designed by Shoji Amasawa, the Everett is inspired by Discovery One, the HAL controlled vessel from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. We have no doubt that AI and HAL would be excellent friends.

I mean.



While Quantum Suicide does not contain any adult content, there will be a certain amount of 'ecchi' or suggestible content. Even with all the murder, and betrayal, it is a romantic visual novel, designed to set your heart aflutter.

Sigh. I want a series other than Zero Escape that takes this death game trope and treats it completely seriously for once.

Also apparently they translated 2001's name wrong, a friend of mine (not too good on Japanese) said it should be "2001年宇宙の旅". Not sure.

Also MY SIDES, they have AIR FRESHENERS as a stretch goal.
The air freshners are actually an add-on, that also comes with poster and postcard. Basically the "inexpensive to produce paper stuff" that you can add on to your pledge. A bit unusual as a choice of add-on but not really that strange.


I saw this a while back when i kickstarted another VN and forgot about it. Just backed it for the 25. Hopefully it hits 50k :)


That art/character design is weak as fuck.

For a game based entirely on its art + dialogue, you'd think the only part you can actually show should look good.
I'll keep an eye on it, sounds nice and Zero Escape-y, but the "romance" aspects don't really appeal to me (in this context, at least).
Hmm. Hope it makes the 95,000 goal, then I'd be interested.

Edit - Wow, thought this was new. With only 13 days left, they may not be likely.
Are they trying to sell this in Japan too? Because otherwise I'm puzzled.

There is a weird trend of OELVN's using Japanese voice acting. It's kind of cringe worthy. Even OELVN's giving all of their characters Japanese names is a bit much for me. I get that you're making something in the vein of Japanese visual novels, but just use the format to make something of your own without pretending it's Japanese.
"Jap" ?

Jesus christ.

Yeah... That caused a raised eyebrow over here as well. They're not from the US, I think Australia is where they're at? Not sure what the history is with that truncation there, but it's quite possible they're not aware it's considered a slur in some places.


There is a weird trend of OELVN's using Japanese voice acting. It's kind of cringe worthy. Even OELVN's giving all of their characters Japanese names is a bit much for me. I get that you're making something in the vein of Japanese visual novels, but just use the format to make something of your own without pretending it's Japanese.

Native English speakers writing a game that they want voice-acted in Japanese before English is just weird as hell. All together, yeah, the weeaboo is STRONG with this project.


Those really variable iris sizes in the eyes from one character to the next make the art style look a little weird. Forgivable though.


Yeah... That caused a raised eyebrow over here as well. They're not from the US, I think Australia is where they're at? Not sure what the history is with that truncation there, but it's quite possible they're not aware it's considered a slur in some places.

It's not widely know if you are not American, I think. I never heard about it until until some months ago, if you see some non-US (especially us European) using "Jap" they are most likely just abbreviating Japanese.

Native English speakers writing a game that they want voice-acted in Japanese before English is just weird as hell. All together, yeah, the weeaboo is STRONG with this project.

Quantum Suicide uses a combination of English text and Japanese voice acting to convey its story. As an Original English Language Visual Novel, we do strive to make the novel as accessible as possible to the English speaking population. Nevertheless, we prefer Japanese voice actors so have decided that all voice actors will be native Japanese Voice Actors to give that crisp, natural feeling on the ear.
I wonder if they are going to use honorifics lol.
It's not widely know if you are not American, I think. I never heard about it until until some months ago, if you see some non-US (especially us European) using "Jap" they are most likely just abbreviating Japanese.

It's just a slur in the US/NA as far as I can tell. Everywhere else it's no different than Brit, Scott or Finn.

Same thing with the term Oriental I believe, and the reverse being true for 'Paki'.

I wonder if they are going to use honorifics lol.

Honestly, this whole Japanese voice actors for a non Japanese game is just incredibly cringeworthy, and instantly puts me off the game. Especially their justification for it, I mean come the fuck on.

Which is a shame as otherwise it sounds like my bag.
Quantum Suicide's greatest challenge is that it Cotton Candy Cyanide's first production. While we do not have any previous experience as game developers, we have a lifetime experience as gamers.

I mean...this statement here. Doesn't really fill me with confidence that they'd know how to develop a game.

Unfortunately, game development is not our full-time job. We are both busy PhD students with articles to read, lives to live, and money to make so we can eat every week. We hope that our backers can understand that we are making this game on our own time, and that we will do our very best to overcome any setbacks thrown at us.

And this here, which doesn't give a deliver by date doesn't provide me with a lot of confidence to invest.
I mean...this statement here. Doesn't really fill me with confidence that they'd know how to develop a game.
Judging from the demo, they're making it in Ren'Py, which is apparently very straightforward and easy to work with. Making the game itself shouldn't be that difficult even for first-timers, it's the writing (both its quality and matching the promised length) that's a bigger question mark.

And this here, which doesn't give a deliver by date doesn't provide me with a lot of confidence to invest.
From the OP / Kickstarter page:

Quantum Suicide will be released in June 2017 on PC (Windows /Mac/ Linux) via Steam. We have already been Greenlit on Steam, thank you for your support!
I love the games they listed, but I have no way of knowing if this will be as good. Based on how few people are making this I have to assume it won't be up there with Zero Escape and Danganronpa.

I won't back it, but I'll buy it if it releases and turns out well.
7 hours left until the campaign closes. Assuming the Paypal figure hasn't dropped and there aren't any major last minute withdrawals, the 50k stretch goal should just about be met, so that's good news.
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