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R.I.P. P$3 fund - 10/01/05 - 10/12/06

Death of a Dream!


PS3 savings have been ceased in favor of supporting the retarded amounts of PS2/PSP software coming out this year, and for the foreseeable future.

Thanks in part to this coming generation being a massive hosing across the board. I'd have to invest far too much money to get my investment's worth out of a PS3, hell even Xbox2 developers are jumping on the "Shut up and buy and HDTV" bandwagon; and god knows what Nintendo is trying to do.

No impressive Bladestorm footage.

No impressive Dynasty Warriors PS3 footage.

But what I do know is Sony and company have failed to deliver the goods for this fan.
Hopefully next year we'll see some games that look like what I expected of Future Gaming™! :p

Love is over. Current gen lives on!


Wait a second. You chose to buy a PSP, of your own volition, instead of using your money to be able to game in 4 dimensions?

You, sir, obviously hate fun. And by fun, I mean the DS.


Post Count: 9999
The Take Out Bandit said:
PS3 savings have been ceased in favor of supporting the retarded amounts of PS2/PSP software coming out this year, and for the foreseeable future.

Wait ... you didn't get a second job like the rest of us?

u am fail3d. u have disgraced Ken K
You chose to buy a PSP, of your own volition, instead of using your money to be able to game in 4 dimensions?

The PSP was a leap out of the portable gaming ghetto. And for the price of entry, it's much better and fully functional than a PS3, which is best played with an HDTV, and retarded amounts of money. :p

Wait ... you didn't get a second job like the rest of us?


I was working three jobs last year. Unfortunately spending my money on booze and video games isn't the only thing I have to worry about. :(

So in a year, you saved about $25-$50?

Good job.

See above - but I'll post the tally once I get around to wrapping that shit up. -$17.50 I had to use for bus passes last week. :lol


Gold Member

That's your PS3 fund? :lol You wouldn't even be able to afford the controller. Ken expects you to work harder for your PS3.


Hayami said:

Mr. Brown beats the hell outta Hello Boss.

Huzzah for ethnically offensive brand mascots!

EDIT: Also, don't you mean into the portable gaming ghetto- a world full of crappy PS1 ports and bad controls? So many mistakes today- damn kids.


I feel sad for the dude, he CLEARLY is a PS Fan, and Heartbreak Ken has priced him out of the market, BELIEVE ME he is not alone, I can feel his PAIN and ANGER...Let it flow...

Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hatred leads to power.
Power leads to victory.
Let your anger flow through you.
Your hate will make you strong.
True power is only achieved through
testing the limits of one's anger,
passing through unscathed.
Rage channeled through anger is unstoppable.
The dark side of the Force
offers unimaginable power.
The dark side is stronger than the light.
The weak deserve their fate.


JCBossman said:
I feel sad for the dude, he CLEARLY is a PS Fan, and Heartbreak Ken has priced him out of the market.

True- he is a PS fan, but I haven't seen him explain anywhere why he does not consider the DS a system with actual games. Even I agree that the PSP has legitimate games (to a certain extent).
I feel sad for the dude, he CLEARLY is a PS Fan, and Heartbreak Ken has priced him out of the market, BELIEVE ME he is not alone, I can feel his PAIN and ANGER...Let it flow...

And then he goes on to quote Star Wars?

You sir, fail at mockery. :p

True- he is a PS fan, but I haven't seen him explain anywhere why he does not consider the DS a system with actual games.

Hey, I explained that a year later the DS is more appealing to me now; and even listed some games. However I'm not a fan of Nintendo, their games, or their hare brained theories as to why the market in general is ignoring their console offerings.

I guess you could say the DS library has matured a bit, moving away from shit novelty shovelware at launch and into the realm of some interesting games; but for the most part the sort of games I enjoy playing are available on the GBA and PSP, which is a wonderful one/two punch - and DS fans seem to delight in not providing anything more substantial than me-too soundbites to protect the hive. Way to convince a hater.

Beyond gaming, I also enjoy using my PSP for web browsing on the crapper, and watching TV shows on my lunch break. Oh and eBooks, comics, etc.


I LOVE to see Spray cans with "Nutritional Facts" on the side...I say if you don't get at LEAST 90% of your Life giving sustanance from spray cans, you aren't eating right!


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
There are actually people out there that actually believe PSP>PS3? This is a sad day. :(


The Take Out Bandit said:
Hey, I explained that a year later the DS is more appealing to me now; and even listed some games. However I'm not a fan of Nintendo, their games, or their hare brained theories as to why the market in general is ignoring their console offerings.

I guess you could say the DS library has matured a bit, moving away from shit novelty shovelware at launch and into the realm of some interesting games; but for the most part the sort of games I enjoy playing are available on the GBA and PSP, which is a wonderful one/two punch - and DS fans seem to delight in not providing anything more substantial than me-too soundbites to protect the hive. Way to convince a hater.

Beyond gaming, I also enjoy using my PSP for web browsing on the crapper, and watching TV shows on my lunch break. Oh and eBooks, comics, etc.

What about the games that can only be played on the DS, or games that are extensions of successful GBA franchises? Games like Ouendan, Advance Wars DS, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy III, the Castlevania games- I could go on and on here.

EDIT: And I will- Meteos, Rocket Slime (not an innovative DS game, but awesome nonetheless), Chrono Tri- whoops- Nintendogs, WarioWare. Anything?


JCBossman said:
I LOVE to see Spray cans with "Nutritional Facts" on the side...I say if you don't get at LEAST 90% of your Life giving sustanance from spray cans, you aren't eating right!

yeah, if he'd just kick his spray habit, he'd have mo' money for KenStation 3


599$ is nothing for a videogame system that is so universal as the PS3. Think of it this way ; people will admire you and ask what is the big shiny box in your living room. And it is not just a console - it is a friend, a family, a world.

{Mike} said:
599$ is nothing for a videogame system that is so universal as the PS3. Think of it this way ; people will admire you and ask what is the big shiny box in your living room. And it is not just a console - it is a friend, a family, a world.


play b3yond ~!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
The fact that you have a Carlo Rossi jar in your house has made me a big fan of you TToB.....


Not like you where going to be able to afford one anyway. That looks like maybe $20, so yeah...buy a used PSP or PS2 game.:lol


Has no PEINS
As of 10/12/2006 my PS3 fund is at $1,121.23

Hear that EBGames? It could have all gone to you if you'd only let legitimate buyers pre-order PS3s instead of eBay jockeys


good credit (by proxy)
it's tough to tell how high the coins get in the jar but that could be up to 100 dollars if it's pretty high with the amount of quarters I see in there.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Your money jar isn't next gen enough.

I mean, it's an okay jar, I guess, but I just don't think it's a jar that really represents the future of investment. And until ti does, I'm going to have to disagree with it.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
revenantkioku recently spent all his wii and ps3 money fixing his car. He proceeded to make me swear to him that he wouldn`t need to deal with cars when he moves to japan. :p

My PS3 fund is in a shoebox, btw. **** yes.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
The Take Out Bandit said:
However I'm not a fan of Nintendo, their games, or their hare brained theories as to why the market in general is ignoring their console offerings.
May I know in which alternate reality you're leaving? Cause it sure doesn't sound like mine?
Games like Ouendan, Advance Wars DS, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy III, the Castlevania games- I could go on and on here.

EDIT: And I will- Meteos, Rocket Slime (not an innovative DS game, but awesome nonetheless), Chrono Tri- whoops- Nintendogs, WarioWare. Anything?

Ouendan sounds interesting, but not $130 interesting.

Advanced Wars, Mario Kart, Warioware all fall under the banner of Nintendo games I do not like. I don't care for SRPG games. I've never gotten into the kart game craze, never - not back on the SNES when Mario Kart first came out. Warioware is just a poor man's Bishi Bashi Special 3 - filled to bursting with hideous Nintendo mascots and less fun to play.

Nintendogs is the poster child for everything that's wrong with the DS. I've tried the demo multiple times, and I simply did not get it. I'll take a good Final Fight clone over this crap any day of the week.

I'm not a fan of dull turn based RPG's so that rules out Square across the board. No Rocket Slime, no Valkyrie Profile. None of that crap.

I'm just not a fan of the sort of games Nintendo makes. I prefer strong third party offerings, like on the GBA, PSP, and PS2. Even my GC library is third party wacky games.

I'd be interested in trying out the Castlevania games, but the first one sounds awful; what with having to draw the symbols on the touch screen. That's the sad sort of gimmickry I'm not interested in. From what I've read the sequel ditches that mechanic, but still not something I'm going to run out and blow $130 on.

May I know in which alternate reality you're leaving? Cause it sure doesn't sound like mine?

I'm not talking about the handheld market, and the Wii; regardless of net-nerd hype is still an unproven commodity. Back here in reality, the GC has long since been trampled; and Nintendo clings to life through the DS. Which N-fans seem to think translates to success in the TV console arena.

That looks like maybe $20, so yeah..

I'm sorry you're not at all familiar with saving loose change, but like I said - I've already pulled out $17.50; and I'll post the tally once I wrap the rest. :p


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
adg1034 said:
Just so you know, Rocket Slime is not a turn-based RPG. It's an action-RPG. Carry on.
It isn't even an RPG. It's an action adventure game with no depth when it comes to Rocket's abilities or a difficulty of any kind, it would've been boring if it weren't for the tank battles, which are pretty awesome.


Sorry. I was really, really tired. Yes, it is as much of an RPG as the Zelda games are (though that might be what's keeping him from buying it, as he obviously doesn't like Zelda).


Shoulda bought a 360... then at least you'd get online Musou and AC. ;)

Watch Shantae 2 show up as XBLA only. :lol


jj984jj said:
It isn't even an RPG. It's an action adventure game with no depth when it comes to Rocket's abilities or a difficulty of any kind, it would've been boring if it weren't for the tank battles, which are pretty awesome.
Yeah, but the tanks battles make exploring and doing all the side stuff WORTH doing. It's an incredibly well-designed game, IMO.


Waiting is a good decision. $499 - $599 is too much to drop on a PS3 at launch. If you pick one up later, you'll get: 1)Stabler hardware. 2)Larger selection of cheap games. 3)No pre-order, shortage, launch day bs. 4)The definitive version of MGS4.


Lol at bishi bashi more fun than wario ware.
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