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RAD hints at unannounced platform being unveiled soon, or poor phrasing? [Up: Oculus]

I don't get it, the wording is fine. If it were coming - for example - to wiiu(lol) and they hadn't yet announced such, it would be an unannounced platform.
I suspect that more devs know details of NX than we're aware of, but I'd be very surprised (and more than a little heartened) to hear that companies like RAD were planning for it.

I suspect it's more a feint towards the Steambox or whatever Amazon's doing worded rather poorly.


Could have something to do with this...

A new PlayStation Portable guys!!!


You see, they're memories. Nothing more.

though a Vita2 would probably be a bad idea considering how poorly the Vita has done since launch. It also hasn't been that long since the Vita's launch.

Big money is on the NX, but we aren't supposed to get any info on that this year.

Morpheus support, yo.

While it is a platform, is it enough of a difference between a PS4 and a PS4 with Morpheus? Besides that's already been announced.


I don't get it, the wording is fine. If it were coming to wiiu(lol) and they hadn't yet announced such, it would be an unannounced platform.


I can't see any way of reading it other than "And one more platform that hasn't been announced yet".

Is Apple doing something at E3? Amazon?

Ugh... makes sense. Way to deflate the hype.

Uh ... that means a new platform, so ... more hype.

Unless you were expecting something on Wii U?


El Capitan Todd
I can't believe that RaD has already access to the Nintendo NX tools, so I'd say that ora they are hinting at a Google console, or they poorly phrased their PR announcement.


Could they be talking about Square Enix's cloud thing?

Also, this sounds a lot like something that will never happen. The studio took 4 years to develop a 6 hour mediocre game and an engine that I would assume Sony owns, as they published it. They'll have to learn a whole new pipeline, and by the time they're ready again, it'll be the next set of systems. They would need pretty significant backing to get out a game any time soon, and with them self publishing, I can't imagine where that would come from, unless the game is very small.


They have a secret wii u game. Actually maybe I'm the crazy one, I don't think they'd previously announced they're working on PC or xbox products either right?

It's an 'unannounced platform' that we will "find out about soon". Which would mean that it's a platform we don't know about currently, and thus their coy.


I cannot tell if the wording suggests a platform they have not accounted to be working on or a platform that has not actually been announced yet.

I hope they learn from The Order and not just focus on flashy graphics at the expense of gameplay and replayability.


not an unannounced platform, but rather an announced port for an existing platform.

It does make more sense. There shouldn't be any actual console announcements at E3 this year. Too early for pretty much everyone to show off or even discuss at length about new hardware.


No way that's the NX: that thing will be announced 2016, release even later and right now is probably still in some early stages, and I don't think it won't have the hardware power to compete with current-gen consoles.

Amazon, Apple or maybe just Steambox shit, or something from NVIDIA again, dunno


While it'd be exciting to have new hardware revealed, if it's something that already exists my first thought was mobile.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Yeah, recently Amazon stated how their focus is to create "great PC games", here's the GAF thread about it


So, yeah, I don't know if the supposed Amazon console is still in their plans...I'd say it depends on what they mean by "soon". Soon could be referred to the next few months, or to next year, when Nintendo will unveil more about NX.

...and then we should remember NX is probably going to be a handheld (going by schedule). And also all their plans to be more like iOS / Android, even to the point of "increasing the number of devices" possibly in the future, thus it'd be a point of how well games scale with their tech. They say it is versatile, though.

With RAD's history on PSP, does the company want to return to handheld gaming? Is mobile/tablet development something RAD is interested in?
Sams: We are platform agnostic at this point. We want to make great games, and I truly believe that every game is not right for every platform. However, if a game that we want to make plays great on mobile, tablet, or some other type of portable or non-traditional device, then I think that we would seriously consider it. Of course, the install base would need to be big enough to justify it, but if it ultimately made sense we would consider it.

Weerasuriya: We have always picked projects that we were passionate about, regardless of the platforms they were targeted for. That mentality won't change. As gamers, we all enjoy different type of games and different experience on a multitude of platforms. That is often what has guided us when pitching certain games. With our technology being very versatile, it allows us to keep our choices open regarding what project we would like to take on next.

But still, maybe Amazon has still plans for their consoles, alongside PC games, and they'll unveil them soon (with soon meaning by the end of the year).

Or they just screwed up the expression and all this speculation is useless :lol
It's an 'unannounced platform' that we will "find out about soon". Which would mean that it's a platform we don't know about currently, and thus their coy.
It could also mean it's a platform that we do know about, but don't know that the game is shipping on yet.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
No way they could slip up so hard and basically announce a new console by accident. Right...?

My guess is bad paraphrasing.



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