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Rebel FM - Episode 10 - 12/03/09


Freelancer Tyler Barber joins with the regular Rebel FM crew to discuss what we’ve been playing. After we discuss a wide array of games, we move on to topics suggested by our audience, and then ending with an interesting batch of letters from our listeners. BALLS.

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Licorice-flavoured booze?
wow episode 10 already, that came around fast, time really is flying, anyway can't wait to hear the podcast this week, I'm going to save it for work when things quieten down later on today.


I think the irritating Euro-dating format for this episode's date killed the thread. "No point in listening to this - it's from December!"

I'm about halfway through this week's episode and it's been pretty good.

I hadn't heard that Warhammer Online just shut down like 60 servers -- that sucks for them.


border said:
I think the irritating Euro-dating format for this episode's date killed the thread. "No point in listening to this - it's from December!"
I'd listen to a podcast from December 2009.


Hey guys, nice episode as usual.

Also - EA is not Valve's publisher. They don't fund Valve at all, which is why they don't have any say whatsoever in what Valve does.

The only thing EA does is distribute retail copies of their games on 360 and PC - as expected, EA doesn't get anything from Valve's games selling on Steam.


border said:
I think the irritating Euro-dating format for this episode's date killed the thread. "No point in listening to this - it's from December!"
Nah, i have been doing these threads for quite some time, it's just people losing interest in the show. None of the recent rebel / giant bomb / any podcast threads have been long. Maybe people have an overload?

Some of the talk is good, but some of it is just bad.

It took me 15 hours playtime to unlock every class in KZ2.

The MP unlocks are actually really easy to get, decent people should be averaging 50 points a game, Phil said he has played 8 hours and is still on first class with 500 points? That is like, not very good at all.

The Rome total war talk, yes, thanks for that, now my wallet will suffer.


Puck said:
Maybe people have an overload?

this. between bombcast, cagcast, and life well wasted, my weekly commute is pretty covered, with a bunch of time left for music.

I get this when there's a good guest, but there's always uncomfortable tension in this show...


Puck said:
Nah, i have been doing these threads for quite some time, it's just people losing interest in the show. None of the recent rebel / giant bomb / any podcast threads have been long. Maybe people have an overload?
It's been that way with me. It doesn't help that the last several Rebel FMs (excluding the Robert Ashley one) have been pretty mediocre. I turned off the last one an hour in because it was ridiculously boring; I tuned out ten or so minutes into the music discussion, and a half-hour later they were still talking about music. And I just don't tune out of podcasts.

The MP unlocks are actually really easy to get, decent people should be averaging 50 points a game, Phil said he has played 8 hours and is still on first class with 500 points? That is like, not very good at all.
I just checked his profile on kz.com and he has 478 points after 5 hours of play, so he has the medic class. His k/d ratio is 0.78, though.


Has no PEINS
I have no idea why you're so insistent on using Euro/Australian time formatting on a US-based forum, we're not going to switch over no matter how many threads you make :p

With regard to the actual podcast, I can only echo the other sentiments about it being pretty boring lately (combined with the still-horrible audio quality). Anthony beats himself up so dang much and tells stories as if he's trying to fill Shawn Elliott's shoes and it just feels weird. I ended up liking Arthur a lot more than I expected, but yeah it's just not working out between us, baby. Similar emotions for Listen Up, but this isn't the place for that


kenta said:
I have no idea why you're so insistent on using Euro/Australian time formatting on a US-based forum, we're not going to switch over no matter how many threads you make :pt
it really doesn't make a difference, i am just used to writing dates like that, ergo that is how titles i make are.
With regard to the actual podcast, I can only echo the other sentiments about it being pretty boring lately (combined with the still-horrible audio quality).
definitely. i miss nick and the insights they had on yet-to-be-released games when they were on 1up fm.
Anthony beats himself up so dang much and tells stories as if he's trying to fill Shawn Elliott's shoes and it just feels weird.
dude sounds depressed
Similar emotions for Listen Up, but this isn't the place for that
kind of is, both shows have had a big drop in quality following the 1up dramas.

if i make the next rebel fm thread i will use the "US" (aka shit) formatting for date, but i don't think it will make a difference. people just don't seem interested in this anymore.
These guys are rebels!!! what the FUCK are they gonna do next? I sure as fuck don't know, but I don't wanna be there because this crazy cast of outlaws is fuckin' dangerous. Ticking time bombs, every last one of them. They don't care what society thinks.

I'm getting the FUCK out of here before they beat the shit out of me.


Confirmed Asshole
Puck said:
Nah, i have been doing these threads for quite some time, it's just people losing interest in the show. None of the recent rebel / giant bomb / any podcast threads have been long. Maybe people have an overload?
I listen to at least Idle Thumbs, ListenUp, GWJ and GiantBomb weekly - doesn't mean I comment in the threads though.

I really only comment when I feel I have something to contribute.


HorribleJames said:
These guys are rebels!!! what the FUCK are they gonna do next? I sure as fuck don't know, but I don't wanna be there because this crazy cast of outlaws is fuckin' dangerous. Ticking time bombs, every last one of them. They don't care what society thinks.

I'm getting the FUCK out of here before they beat the shit out of me.
I ALMOST missed your sarcasm.

And you guys are being tough, the show is only 10 episodes old, give them time to find what they are. Shit, they just lost one of the key components of the show (nick) and rebounded pretty nicely off of it but they still need to find an identity.

If you want some opinons to improve the show, I would suggest the show be shorter, more about current news, and less like that episode of south park where the hybrid car owners begin to enjoy their own farts: some of the topics are a bit too artsy fartsy, and make games too serious and edgy.

And fuck the cats, seriously, they need to stop using that as an off topic crutch considering it is an audio podcast and we can't see what they are talking about.


NYR said:
And you guys are being tough, the show is only 10 episodes old, give them time to find what they are.
eh, maybe so, but they've also been doing this for almost three months now and have released over 20 hours of podcasts. They also have a few experienced podcasters too, so it's not like they're some random amateur gang.

I'm not sure what to suggest, really. When they have good chemistry they're great (see: Robert Ashley episode), but without that it's just drab. And I don't know how to fix that chemistry, but the negative undercurrent certainly doesn't help.
Just getting around to listening to this.....had the exact opposite experience with the KZ2 MP. Leveled up to max way to fast and I'm in no way uber-good at it or anything like that.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I enjoyed listening to this as blasted some infected in RE5 Mercs mode earlier today. :D


mik is unbeatable
I'm still enjoying it, but I think they could benefit from a tighter format that's half as long. Two hour shows should be reserved for special occasions--you know, kind of how fisting is explained in Chasing Amy.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Suburban Cowboy said:
its december already?!

No kidding. That Euro date format totally threw me.

The episode has been good so far. Viva talk, Killzone talk, RE talk. Good stuff.
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