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ReCore |OT| Rock Your Core for a Prime Bot


This is possibly the first game to ever successfully recreate the feeling I had when I burned through PS2 action adventure games in my spare time. It's feels so old-school and simple. And since that particular era holds a lot of nostalgia for me, this is immense praise.


Im in the Eden place. Am i almost done?

"It's only just begun..." as the reviewers say. This is the part where it becomes tedious and having to complete other dungeons to keep going up the different levels. I'm holding out from there until I find a lot of cores on my own through searching the world and leveling up my characters so I don't feel the tediousness of it. I was doing that even before I knew that was what was happening. Had a good session yesterday just exploring, going to do that today as well.


I'm loving this game so far. I love exploring and finding the trinkets and collectibles in games. To the point that I will totally forget about the mainline game in order to get them all in most cases. So far I'm thoroughly enjoying the traversal and arena dungeons. I'm dreading reaching the "drop off" part of this game. Also using the Elite controller to get the controls exactly how I like them has been a godsend for me. Makes the combat all the more enjoyable. I currently have jump on the lower left paddle, dash on the lower right, charge shot on the upper right and the bot command on the upper left.
Man, the respawning/checkpoints in some of the dungeons is bullshit. I'm doing the repository blitz and there are a couple of points where I respawned at the exact moment you get hit by the big electric ball so it knocks you off the platform to your death again.


Man, the respawning/checkpoints in some of the dungeons is bullshit. I'm doing the repository blitz and there are a couple of points where I respawned at the exact moment you get hit by the big electric ball.

Yeah, that happened to me too. Eventually it dumped me farther back.

Seems to me the load times get rough when there are enemies around. Otherwise it is almost instant for me.


Man, the respawning/checkpoints in some of the dungeons is bullshit. I'm doing the repository blitz and there are a couple of points where I respawned at the exact moment you get hit by the big electric ball so it knocks you off the platform to your death again.

Oh you mean this infinite loop I was stuck in?


lololol. Oh and the load times when you die at a "boss" is ridiculous. Shame that the game is fun but needed like 6 more months in the oven to make it a really great game.
"It's only just begun..." as the reviewers say. This is the part where it becomes tedious and having to complete other dungeons to keep going up the different levels. I'm holding out from there until I find a lot of cores on my own through searching the world and leveling up my characters so I don't feel the tediousness of it. I was doing that even before I knew that was what was happening. Had a good session yesterday just exploring, going to do that today as well.

Ewww you are right! I need 35 dang cores to get to level 4 in this place smh. I only have 25 ughhh


Playing on XBox One... I've died twice, but the load times didn't seem that bad when coming back. Not two minutes. Probably more like 45 - 60 seconds. The performance really took a hit when in the optional dungeon. VERY choppy, but still playable. It only seemed to suffer when running around and not during combat or platforming, so very odd.

So far, I'm glad I picked it up. It was on a complete whim. I went to get Bioshock Collection and saw this and said, "eh, why not".
Was that the
place? Yeah, there was a a room where if you went on the bottom the FPS felt like 15 or something. However, there were no enemies, lol. If you went to the top though jumping on the platforms it was way more stable.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday when I was playing, was scaling the side of the structure in a, let's just say a not so sauve fashion, and I kept saying man this reminds me of traversing the side of a mountain in an open world Bethesda game. Or as you put it, elder scrolls-ing. Which is to say, I enjoy the ability to do so in that manner. Reviews be damned, I'm having a blast playing this game. Sometimes a game doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be fun and certain flaws don't bother me as much because of it. Other than the load times, which just allow me to text or read something on Gaf real quick, I am finding myself enjoying each passing hour more and more.
I am really enjoying it too. It's kind of fun to break the platforming by finding alternate routes.
I have 18 cores and I don't know where all these other 57 cores are gonna come from, lol.

They show up on the map. You also get them from the challenge dungeons. I think most of the fun of the game is in finding the cores. It reminds me of Mario 64 in a lot of ways.


I have 18 cores and I don't know where all these other 57 cores are gonna come from, lol.

I think I'm at like 16, or 17. Just start exploring. I think I'm gonna have to bring K-9 frame out to find some that may be hiding underground. I can only imagine a ReCore 2 with beautiful sand graphics...*sigh*...we shall see. Let me finish this game first.


They show up on the map. You also get them from the challenge dungeons. I think most of the fun of the game is in finding the cores. It reminds me of Mario 64 in a lot of ways.

I must be missing a lot of dungeons because I just hit the 20 core door and I am counting maybe 5 left in the dungeons I have on the map. And I haven't seen many pop up on map in the areas I have been scrounging in.


Apparently you need 45 to beat the story so you might as well keep on going.
Thanks for the heads up. I just started exploring and collecting and have been trying to forget about progressing. Not too tough, as I like playing the game. I would've been pretty upset if I got like 40 and thought that was enough and had to go back out when I had my mind set on actually beating the game.
They show up on the map. You also get them from the challenge dungeons. I think most of the fun of the game is in finding the cores. It reminds me of Mario 64 in a lot of ways.
I'm pretty while I was looking for cores by going to the points on my map, and I found a couple that didn't have icons on my map (one with the dog digging, and one with the ape smashing some rocks). I was surprised because I wasn't expecting a core where I was, just thought it would be junk I could collect on the way to the next point.
Oh you mean this infinite loop I was stuck in?


lololol. Oh and the load times when you die at a "boss" is ridiculous. Shame that the game is fun but needed like 6 more months in the oven to make it a really great game.

Yep, same spot I was in.


Shame because it feels great when everything comes together.


Any idea what level you have to be as well? The first floor of the tower requires level 20.

No. I don't.

Shame that we both caught that bug. BUG BROTHERS. lol. Your second clip is so awesome. That type of platforming feels so good. I hope they don't abandon this IP. So much good stuff in this game, even with its faults.


I just got Seth and I'm feeling the exploration and platforming seem well worth the price of admission. It's just so much fun getting around.

I'm starting to feel a bit upset at the fact MS didn't put more resources behind this to polish it up. If the game does indeed start to drag in the last third or so then maybe they should have cut some stuff out and focused on a tighter, more refined experience.

I'm also baffled as to why they didn't show more sections of the game in screenshots and in previews. While the visuals don't impress all that much just entering a new area and seeing all the platforms puts a smile on my face. I can't be the only one starved for this stuff.


The sheer amount of sloppiness on display in Repository Blitz is mind blowing. Why in the flying fuck would you respawn the player on a platform with the rolling ball only to have them knocked off it immediately. Yes, I did figure out that by luck you MAY be granted an opportunity to jump off it right before it hits you. Still doesn't help that it's by chance. It's all the more infuriating when there's a perfectly good platform just feet away that wouldn't result in a death loop.

On top of that, I couldn't use Seth to get the yellow key because he was preoccupied getting continuously electrocuted by the electric balls. Another time he appeared on a different platform from me and I couldn't use him to attach to the rail.


EDIT: I managed to complete Repository Blitz and get all the objectives with 1 second to spare. Couldn't make a clean run without hitting the energy balls or miss the moving gate at the end and spent about 30 seconds in death loops. I won't be going back in there and I'm not sure I have enough patience for experiences similar to it.

Also, there should be an option to restart a dungeon from the pause menu instead of it making you run the whole thing before you can start over.

EDIT2: Ran into the fast-travel bug that sends you to the very beginning of the game! Fortunately there's an option to fast travel to the Crawler at any time, but how the hell did this make it in the game?
I just got Seth and I'm feeling the exploration and platforming seem well worth the price of admission. It's just so much fun getting around.

I'm starting to feel a bit upset at the fact MS didn't put more resources behind this to polish it up. If the game does indeed start to drag in the last third or so then maybe they should have cut some stuff out and focused on a tighter, more refined experience.

I'm also baffled as to why they didn't show more sections of the game in screenshots and in previews. While the visuals don't impress all that much just entering a new area and seeing all the platforms puts a smile on my face. I can't be the only one starved for this stuff.
Finding Seth is awesome. When I first start platforming with it I had a reaction similar to joule cheering up taking a ride with it.

This game has so much potential that I really hope we get more of it.


Man, the respawning/checkpoints in some of the dungeons is bullshit. I'm doing the repository blitz and there are a couple of points where I respawned at the exact moment you get hit by the big electric ball so it knocks you off the platform to your death again.

LOL, I had the exact same thing happen to me tonight. There were some ways to get out of it if you died enough but it was really annoying. I took a video so I could send it to Armature.

Overall I love the platforming and exploration in the game. Some of the optional runs (especially Repository) can make you tear your hair out, but they are optional so you just need to remind yourself that optional content can be very challenging. I think all the main story dungeons have been a good level of difficulty, though.

The technical issues, primarily the loading in Xbox of course, are a big downer. I don't know why they let the game out the door like that. Lots of other little things like how long it takes to do the core infusion, how you can't see how a blueprint will affect your currently equipped armor, etc. just frustrate things a bit.

But the core platforming and combat is tight and very fun. Maybe I will change my mind after I enter the tower (LOL) but I definitely think the game deserves a sequel. A more polished version of this gameplay would be great. People should definitely give this a shot at this price if they like adventure/platformer games.


I had a really weird bug on the PC in the first level. Mack got carried away by one of these flying things and about 20 seconds later he was with me again all the while Joule was saying stuff like "He must be behind that door" etc. xD The game is cool!


Played about 4 hours so far. Through the second main dungeon I believe. Really enjoying it so far. Load times are kind of rough to go between areas, but falling ones seem pretty quick (I guess that is more of a respawn). I haven't died in combat yet. I'm guessing those are the really bad ones. The game could probably use a little more variety in environments too from what I have seen so far.

The platforming is a lot of fun. Especially with Seth involved. Adds another layer. Some pretty cool side dungeons too. I really enjoy exploring the world for extra stuff. I love both my little robot buddies so far. It's kind of cute that Seth gets scared and the other one is a doggie! I got some cool blueprints I want to use for them, but still need to gather more parts. Combat isn't great, but it is kind of fun when it gets hectic and you are swapping stuff around to get the best combos and dodging and jumping attacks.

Looking forward to playing more tomorrow. Kind of lucked out so far with no big bugs or crashes. Hope it stays that way!


Unconfirmed Member
I got hooked on exploring the world pretty early, so I had all the cores I needed when I reached Eden. Thankfully. It's been a great experience for me, but I might have felt differently if I hadn't taken my time before the end.


The game is fun. Love the exploration and platforming. Just got Seth and it becomes even better. 8/10 for me so far.


Really digging the platforming in this game! This side quest called "Cavern Rush" was a pleasant surprise:


I hope there's more like it!

Yeah, I really liked doing that over and over to tune myself to get it right and get all three at the same time. For some reason, it took me forever to find the yellow key on that one.

late game level (I think):
I loved the beginning platforming section to Eden's Tower, with all the balls and lasers and narrow platforms. It felt great that it wasn't exactly "easy," but still felt good to be able to fly through.
I got hooked on exploring the world pretty early, so I had all the cores I needed when I reached Eden. Thankfully. It's been a great experience for me, but I might have felt differently if I hadn't taken my time before the end.

Strikes me this could be the ultimate conclusion about the game. 'Good, if you play it in a way that isn't quite obvious - i.e. optional stuff isn't really optional.'

Itching to get started, have to wait til tomorrow :(


Yeah, I really liked doing that over and over to tune myself to get it right and get all three at the same time. For some reason, it took me forever to find the yellow key on that one.

The funny thing is that they show the key in the loading screen for the dungeon, that was how I found it.


Achievements have stopped unlocking for me. Major missions achievements are unlocking (complete a level etc.) but any based on a counter are not. Pretty frustrating as I have easily got them a few times over. Playing on both xbox one and Windows 10. Have tried signing in / out but no luck. Not sure what else I can do to get them


The funny thing is that they show the key in the loading screen for the dungeon, that was how I found it.

Yeah, I felt real dumb when I realized what that thing flying around was. I guess I never investigated because of the timer and I was still getting the red switches' locations familiarized while getting there on time.


Yeah, I felt real dumb when I realized what that thing flying around was. I guess I never investigated because of the timer and I was still getting the red switches' locations familiarized while getting there on time.

Yeah, I had no idea what the yellow key was going to look like, but when I saw that loading screen I figured I should check that out :)


Got to the collect stars to proceed bit. I don't think I'll have a problem with that, but I don't really want to grind for XP to level up Joule to proceed.


I'm at
the tower
can't proceed cause I'm "Not ready"
I have cores
but need to work out a little more. I don't feel like the game has tailed off any for me. This is probably one of my favorite games of this current generation. I love hunting and finding things so the requirements you face later were not a problem for me. I didn't run into many bugs on the PC Version (I fell through the map once, and a couple times there were pop in issues). The challenge dungeons are very fun to me but I tend like the trial and error type stuff in games.
Started last night on my PC. Gaming laptop, so performance was just okay. Long loading times. I broke the tutorial by jumping through some rocks that I think were supposed to be blocked off (when Mack gets kidnapped), so I couldn't revive him because I already had <_<

Guess I'll have to restart later lol
Interesting.. hopefully they're going to release a patch to fix a lot of the issues that occur in the latter half of the game..

It would be interesting if what happened is that they literally ran out of time/money to finish the game and this was their solution.

What I'd be happy with is an expansion coupled with a polish patch. Fix up the stuff that made the back chunk of the game drag for free, and offer the frame and a few more dungeons/some story stuff as paid DLC.
Just finished the first objective and I absolutely love it. The two standout things so far are the good feel to the controls and the acting of the main character. I love the auto targeting and the double jump and dash feel just right. Loading is a bit long and the graphics are unpolished, but there's so much to love and I even saw the word "crafting" on the menu screen. Awesome!
I'm really loving the game so far.

My only question: How is it possible to finish the secondary objectives in the allotted time? It seems almost impossible given some of the dungeons and how much exact platforming they require.


I'm really loving the game so far.

My only question: How is it possible to finish the secondary objectives in the allotted time? It seems almost impossible given some of the dungeons and how much exact platforming they require.

Dash off of a ledge first, then you can do the jump, jump, dash afterwards. That's the only tip that matters (twss) when trying to do things fast. One thing I'll say about the platforming, sometimes you gotta just believe in magic and pray that Joule makes it because sometimes she'll surprise you. I love the platforming.


I'm getting a Metroid Prime vibe from this game, the lock-on style combat, the weapon switching/matching, the platforming. I like it.


It would be interesting if what happened is that they literally ran out of time/money to finish the game and this was their solution.

What I'd be happy with is an expansion coupled with a polish patch. Fix up the stuff that made the back chunk of the game drag for free, and offer the frame and a few more dungeons/some story stuff as paid DLC.

Sadly that won't help the game anymore :(
It's not like this is Destiny where you can get back a larger player pool.


Sadly that won't help the game anymore :(
It's not like this is Destiny where you can get back a larger player pool.

It can. The game is still new, depending on the polish and what they give users, it can do something good. Also, it will make customers happy.
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