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Remember Me 2s Story Has Been Written, But It’s Up To Capcom To Make It


game was a cool attempt to bring something new to the Uncharted forumla. the three or four parts where you manipulate time and space were cool as fuck

graphics were also really nice, especially on PC

i dont see a sequel happening, game didnt sell that well i thought
There were a lot of mixed reviews for this game, but after playing it I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the build your own combo system, and loved the memory remixing. I think this franchise has all the right ingredients for an AC1 -> AC2 jump in quality. I hope Capcom allows a sequel.


Come on Capcom do it!
Or Sony, or Microsoft... or someone!

In before Nintendo stealing our games :p anyways, I haven't played the first game yet
I plan to do so once I manage to clear some space in my steam backlog
but I heard it was flawed and that it didn't sell so well, so I don't think capcom will bother with it


I wish they would do it. I didn't like the 1st one's combat and there were issues but it was fun as a whole. I would buy a sequel.


I like that the Game was ultimately about Family. I find it interesting that the after effects of a tragic Car Crash factors heavily in both this and Life is Strange.
I really liked this game.

Sountrack and visual design was top notch.

I want to explore more of that world and more memory recollections.





Incredibly cool world, so-so story, incredibly poor voice acting and writing, too-linear level design and weak combat (though with interesting ideas).


There aren't many future/sci-fi settings I enjoy, but this game definitely had one I did.

I hope they listen to mister LaBeouf.


Gold Member
The music in that games was some of the best I've ever heard. Combat music was just heart pumping. I'd love a second game. I thought the 'make your own combos' was a great idea and could be developed more and the scope widened for some interesting tactical ideas. I really liked the whole thing, so more of it please.


If they do pull the trigger on 2, I hope it doesn't have generic combat like the first one. Everything else was pretty baller tho
Yeah, good luck with that. Capcom won't even make Street Fighter V without Sony's help let alone fund a sequel to an external game that didn't do so hot to begin with.

Pretty much. Capcom are not in shape to be funding games like this right now. I would say it's a shame, but I never played the original.
I mean, that's... nice?

"Story has been written" is somewhere around concern #421 on a producer's priority list, though. Hell, some producers are probably going to be more worried by the implication that the designers think they can actually plot out a story that won't need massive revisions during production...


Remember Me 2 would be a real step back after Life Is Strange. LiS salvaged the only decent gameplay element from Remember Me and told a story that was actually coherent and full of emotionally rich characters. The only thing Remember Me really had going for it was art design and setting. It would have made a better art book than a game.


Surprisingly before the Humble Bundle, I think remember me was in their top 5 PC sellers. But then again it was heavily discounted early on. Most probably picked up the game at 5 bucks. I would love to see a sequel, but it doesn't look like that'll be the case unless Capcom suddenly becomes insanely rich.


Liked the game, but the combat and the face of the main character needed an improvement. I don't know why but sometimes she felt weird, because his face in certain way sometimes was too "male", reminded me a man. I'd reduce the length of some conversations, too. Many other things like music, game concept, world setting and concept art were amazing.

Hope they have the chance of making a sequel. But seeing that Capcom reduced their amount of western developments to zero I'd say Dontnod may need to find another publisher who wants to buy the IP, which is almost impossible.


Gold Member
O god PLEASE make this happen.

Remember Me's artstyle is second to none, I'd love a sequel.
Just started Remember Me an hour or so ago. Great intro, combat is okay - I quite like the ability to add regen/strength etc to combo hits. Playing about with a memory was cool though!


I went back and played this (after wanting to play it before but didn't end up playing) after playing LiS and really enjoyed it. Near the end things got a little out of hand and sometimes I just couldn't figure out where to go but had fun. I'd play part 2!


Ditch the combat, go full adventure-game mode with it, and have lots more memory-editing.

What? The combat was fantastic in Remember Me.

This game was great and I would absolutely love a sequel. Between this and my love for Life is Strange. DontNod has become one of my favorite developers, I will buy anything they make.


Loved the world, but thought the story and characters were awful, and the actual gameplay felt awful. I don't see Capcom being interested in wasting money on this, and Dontnod should probably stick to more stuff like Life is Strange.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Just a fyi guys this is an old thread, like really really old


Beat the game a few weeks ago. Overall I enjoyed it, but its premise and art direction were let down by the combat mechanics and poor characterization.

Nilin is a strange person. She blindly goes along with a cause she's not even sure she wants to take part in, and shows little to no remorse for the lives she destroys, and people she manipulates along this path. I would be fine with it if they explain how she became that way, or why she's willing to do these horrible things, but she feels like a puppet on a string to me.

It really bothered me that the bounty hunter woman still thinks her husband is dead towards the end of the game. That guy is probably still wasting away in the hospital and will tragically die alone.

Ditch the combat, go full adventure-game mode with it, and have lots more memory-editing.

I like this idea. DontNod has proven they can tell great stories with Life is Strange. If they could focus on the story, and apply what they learned to this universe that would be pretty awesome.
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