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Replaying Jak 2, it's apparent Naughty Dog simply got lucky with Uncharted


Oh, i thought it was really great when i played it a long time ago, i really loved stealing those flying cars, i don't know, it was just pure fun to me


Do you like Zelda? Metroid? Pokemon? Smash Bros? Kid Icarus? Donkey Kong?
There's a difference between not liking one piece of a companys work and not liking the majority of it

out of those I like pokemon, but thats gamefreak and not nintendo.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
I don't fancy Jak 2 either but after reading the OP, all I could think about was the Simpsons sour lemon gif. Why some much repressed hate in one post?



You quoted 5 people but there are 6 women in the gif :p
out of those I like pokemon, but thats gamefreak and not nintendo.
Well, Nintendo is a publisher, not a developer. (In-house teams all have unique names and series.) Saying you hate Nintendo because you don't like Mario is like saying you don't like EA because of Madden.

Naughty Dog is a developer, and it's perfectly fair to look at their output and proclaim they make shallow, linear games that just happen to look pretty.


Oh, i thought it was really great when i played it a long time ago, i really loved stealing those flying cars, i don't know, it was just pure fun to me

Yeah I really loved the vehicles, I had a lot of fun just driving from place to place whether I was zipping around the city in one of the fast zoomer cars or using one of the heavier cars to plow through anything that got in my way. Sure beats the crap out of having to walk everywhere in Jak & Daxter!


I don't fancy Jak 2 either but after reading the OP, all I could think about was the Simpsons sour lemon gif. Why some much repressed hate in one post?

You should check out the Max Payne 3 is a Bad Game thread.

Tis the season to be hatin'.
I replayed the HD Trilogy about six months ago, and while Jak 2 is easily my least favourite of the bunch, it's by no means bad. I actually admired the pure gall Naughty Dog had in turning this ambiguously cute yet mysterious world into a dark and cruel world. Truth be told, I don't know how much you could have achieved sticking to the first game's setting. Not enough of the lore was explained, yet a lot was hinted at. That's pretty much the only problem I have with the first game though; otherwise, it's a classic.

Jak 2 is more ambitious than it could live it up to. There's a decent amount of variety, but not enough to make up for the harsh difficulty, nor the basic gunplay not quite being up to scratch, and the game as a whole overstays its welcome because of it. It's definitely got more problems than the first one. It's fun, I really love the setting, but time has not been kind to its mechanics.

And Jak 3 was just...weird. The gameplay is perfectly fine, but they probably went overboard with the variety, leaving the pacing and story a malformed mess. Things really go awry when you
come back to Spargus after leaving for Haven City
. So, I mean, it was very fun, more fun than Jak 2, but the development felt a bit rushed and sloppy all the same. Not bad by any means, just...weirdly made.


Maybe you'll be right. Naughty Dog will make their first ever gameplay-first game. They'll forget Uncharted's shit gameplay. They will get the shooting mechanics right for the first time ever. You'll be engaged in deep gameplay mechanics that build up and unfold naturally throughout the course of the game that go beyond shallow "AAA" cinematic game development and instead rival the best of indie and Japanese development. But I seriously doubt it.
Try playing all of Naughty Dog's games before typing something ridiculous like "first ever gameplay-first game". Crash Bandicoot is currently laughing at you.


By lucky I mean they obviously stumbled into a style of gameplay that they're actually competent at making (excuse me . . . copying). Jak 2 is such a bumbling, poorly designed game that if it weren't for the good will engendered by the first game in the series the company deserved to crash and burn after the offensiveness of Jak 2. It's an incompetently executed knock off of the GTA formula that failed as a game after the the studio was capable of making a competent knock-off of the Mario formula with the first game.

Obviously, with Uncharted, ND discovered that they apparently had the skill set to actually pull off a competent knock off of the third person cover shooter and probably held a party at the office celebrating that they'd found a gameplay mechanic they could execute with some finesse.

Now, following this logic it's quite obvious why "The Last of Us" - judging by all released media to date - seems to play in a highly similar fashion to Uncharted. They're not quite ready to move on to something different for fear of giving up the one game mechanic they've found themselves capable of actually delivering with. Of course, this begs the question . . . how long can Naughty Dog milk this style of gameplay before gamers realize they're a one-trick pony? Will the management actually risk trying something completely different on PS4, and thus exposing the company as incapable of making anything beyond this one style of game in a competent manner?

With the backlog that Naughty Dog has, you should have said:
"Replaying Jak 2, it's apparent Naughty Dog simply got unlucky with it" not the other way around.


ND Gamerankings PS1 era:

Crash Bandicoot = 80 %
Crash Bandicoot 2= 88 %
Crash Bandicoot 3 = 90%
CTR = 92 %

ND Gamerankings PS2 era:

Jak = 90 %
Jak 2 = 88 %
Jak 3 = 86 %
Jak x = 77 %

ND Gamerankings PS3 era:

Uncharted = 90 %
Uncharted 2 = 96%
Uncharted 3 = 92 %

Yes naughtydog surely is one trick pony. after crash naughty dog has only made on average game and that is jak x rest are all good to great games
Terrible fucking thread.

"ND are one-trick ponies because er, um, JAK 2 sucked."

As others have pointed out, ND created two of the best platformers for their respective consoles and the greatest kart racer ever made. They've successfully tackled three completely different genres in three different generations. This is where the OP's argument instantly caves in on itself. That alone already proves that ND has more creative diversity and achieves a higher standard of quality than at least 80% of dev teams out there.

Yes, there are some minor similarities between Uncharted and The Last of Us. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the Uncharted series got some things very, very right. It was a winning formula. Now ND are taking what they learnt from the Uncharted series, they're refining it and making it better. How is this a bad thing?

Oh wait, you want ND to hop from genre to to genre, never allowing them to specialise in something that very clearly works for them. Hell, while you're at it, why don't you make a thread asking ND to switch their name to ADHD Dogs. The whole argument is completely idiotic. It's like questioning the competency of Valve for making first person games all the time, or like criticising Kojima Productions for not making a racing game. Dev teams will hone in on what works for them. It does not mean that if they attempted to create another game in another genre it would somehow fall apart.

You should be thankful that we're getting a new IP this late into the generation. Naughty Dog are actually doing something new, whereas the majoirty of the big development teams are making sequel after sequel.

Lord Phol

This has probably been said a couple of time all ready but Jak 2 is the worst in the series, 3 is far superior. Maybe it's just not ur type of game though, perhaps you should stick to pewpew bangbang games.


All of Naughty Dog's games are shit. They are amazing technical feats, but the game play is always substandard. From Crash to Uncharted, this holds true.

The fact their games are held in such esteem says more about what gamers really care about than anything, and retrospective visits when the graphical wow factor has faded highlights this more than anything.

What is it you found substandard about something like the first Jak? Originality aside, what was fundamentally wrong with its take on the Mario 64 model?
Not particularly liking a game is okay by me. But talking shit about a game developing studio i've loved dearly ever since the original Crash was released? Not cool, dude.


Junior Member
By lucky I mean they obviously stumbled into a style of gameplay that they're actually competent at making (excuse me . . . copying). Jak 2 is such a bumbling, poorly designed game that if it weren't for the good will engendered by the first game in the series the company deserved to crash and burn after the offensiveness of Jak 2. It's an incompetently executed knock off of the GTA formula that failed as a game after the the studio was capable of making a competent knock-off of the Mario formula with the first game.

Obviously, with Uncharted, ND discovered that they apparently had the skill set to actually pull off a competent knock off of the third person cover shooter and probably held a party at the office celebrating that they'd found a gameplay mechanic they could execute with some finesse.

Now, following this logic it's quite obvious why "The Last of Us" - judging by all released media to date - seems to play in a highly similar fashion to Uncharted. They're not quite ready to move on to something different for fear of giving up the one game mechanic they've found themselves capable of actually delivering with. Of course, this begs the question . . . how long can Naughty Dog milk this style of gameplay before gamers realize they're a one-trick pony? Will the management actually risk trying something completely different on PS4, and thus exposing the company as incapable of making anything beyond this one style of game in a competent manner?



The one I'm hating is "Destroy Ship at the Drill Platform" mission. Argh.

This, especially on hero mode. No one tested that shit at naughty dog.

I tried it maybe 50 quadrillion times on hero mode. Never made it. Controls are shit. Had to use a bug to get to a mission after that to finish the game on hero mode :/
I was listening to Tim Rogers chat about this game on Insert Credit last night, 'cause he did a Kotaku piece praising this game. I kind of feel like he chose it because it allows him to simultaneously vote for both Grand Theft Auto III and Jak and Daxter (both of which are superb games). I didn't care for 2. I didn't finish it but I think it's audacious to call Naughty Dog lucky, I'm playing Uncharted 2 for the first time now and it's pretty competent outside the shooting and Crash Bandicoot was a fine series. Jak and Daxter was actually the first game I remember laughing out loud at, I had such a great time with it and I'm actually laughing out loud at Uncharted 2 in places. Naughty Dog do something very right, that few others manage.

One of the things I don't get is people talked about how great Naughty Dog were for introducing variable difficulty, if you suck at the game we'll make it easier? A good concept but they waited too long to make it easier. I heard you have to fail 15 times before they reduce the difficulty in some levels. With those checkpoints why bother?

I can see why people like it on a value proposition, but I can't help but feel Jak got tainted with 2.


From what I remember ctr was more interesting to play than diddy kong racing thanks to shortcuts and the racing closer to mario kart but speaking of shortcuts, it's how you see the tracks were really lacking polish. The amount of sequence break, skipping very large parts of the tracks felt very unbalanced, worst than what you have in f-zero x for example. Also I thought mario kart 64 was glitched but crash is up there.
Still naughty dog nowaday doesn't seem to care about that kind of challenging gameplay, elevating the medium like they say.


That's the thing though, if you think Gears of War and Unreal are bad then you have every right to think of Epic as a crap company. They don't make things you enjoy so why think any different? Nobody is stating Naughty Dog to be a bad company as a fact, it's just an opinion based on the games they've made

I disagree completely. I do not like any Nintedo games does that make Nintedo a shitty company? Hello no. Different tastes and all.

Its not like ND games are unplayable messes with low fps or other technical problems that makes it impossible to play the game after a while (see bethesda).


I'm currently playing through Uncharted Goden Abyss (the Vita one). It plays almost exactly like the PS3 ones, but lacks the jaw dropping visuals.

When stripped of the wow graphics, it becomes obvious just how poor the gameplay actually is in the series. The shooting is fairly dull, platforming devoid of any challenge, and puzzles are laughable. The game is also completely linear with zero room for exploration.

I also just bought and started playing Tomb Raider Underworld during the last Steam sale and have to say that despite it's poor combat mechanics, I find that from an overall gameplay perspective, it compares favourably to any of the Uncharteds.


I wonder how people would react if Uncharted had real platforming sequences. Would they like it? Would they hate it? We'll never know.
I have to admit that this disappointed me about the game; I was expecting much better platforming, which is why the first game left a sour taste in my mouth. I went into Uncharted 2 with a much better idea of what to expect, and enjoyed it significantly more as a result.

Still, I'd love for an Uncharted game to do the sort of platforming I'd like to see. I'm sure they're capable of it, but I'm not entirely sure it's what the mass audience would prefer.
Jak 2 has great platforming, but the rest makes me want to start burning down schools in case the kids within go on to make a game as frustrating as this one.

Uncharted is fucking excellent.


I haven't played Jak 2 but I am wondering if this is a situation similar to what I just experienced.

I recently played F.E.A.R. just to get a feel for the story again. To my surprise.... the game felt and looked much worse than how I remembered it. The game is around 7-8 years old now and I could help but realize that simply all the experiences I have had in gaming now has simply changed my perspective of what is good and what isn't good. In one hand I was probably more forgiving because I was younger but I think it has more to do with points of comparison at that time than anything else.

When you play a game for the first time, you compare it to recent releases. When you compare an older game, the flaws are highlighted because not only can you compare to better tech, but also progressions in game design that you experience makes the relative flaws easier to point out.

I'm very much into the history of gaming, and one skill I've picked up is the ability to enjoy a game played now in the context of when it came out; I'm perfectly content playing games 20+ years old without instantly writing them off compared to modern titles.

I wouldn't completely call it rose-tinted glasses, though, because I try not to be blind to the flaws that still exist; about a year ago I played through The Elder Scrolls: Arena, and was impressed by the sheer size of the game - but also acknowledged that the size sometimes went a bit too far, with the important story quest dungeons being *far* too expansive, even from the very start. Scale purely for the sake of scale, impressive just to impress. And I've still got Daggerfall to come!

My point is that it's not necessarily automatic to have newer titles taint your impression of older ones. Although, as one further aside, I do have a tendency to deliberately play series in order - even if there's little plot continuation - in part to try to see how the mechanics evolve over time.

oh lawdy.
Jak was angsty in 2.
Dark isn't the correct term, guy was just angry. But he was still a good person.

You could describe him as smoldering with generic rage.



Jak 2 is one of my favorite games ever. I've played it about 4 or 5 times total and was so happy with the HD collection released last year. I'd play it over the first one any day. It has its flaws, but I feel so does every game and when all is said and done, I had plenty of fun with it.

I think they're all good though I much prefer the likes of Jak 2 and Jak 3 over Jak & Daxter.


Terrible fucking thread.

"ND are one-trick ponies because er, um, JAK 2 sucked."

As others have pointed out, ND created two of the best platformers for their respective consoles and the greatest kart racer ever made. They've successfully tackled three completely different genres in three different generations. This is where the OP's argument instantly caves in on itself. That alone already proves that ND has more creative diversity and achieves a higher standard of quality than at least 80% of dev teams out there.

Yes, there are some minor similarities between Uncharted and The Last of Us. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the Uncharted series got some things very, very right. It was a winning formula. Now ND are taking what they learnt from the Uncharted series, they're refining it and making it better. How is this a bad thing?

Oh wait, you want ND to hop from genre to to genre, never allowing them to specialise in something that very clearly works for them. Hell, while you're at it, why don't you make a thread asking ND to switch their name to ADHD Dogs. The whole argument is completely idiotic. It's like questioning the competency of Valve for making first person games all the time, or like criticising Kojima Productions for not making a racing game. Dev teams will hone in on what works for them. It does not mean that if they attempted to create another game in another genre it would somehow fall apart.

You should be thankful that we're getting a new IP this late into the generation. Naughty Dog are actually doing something new, whereas the majoirty of the big development teams are making sequel after sequel.

Good post.

Having an opinion is fine, but to outright say something is bad, especially crash freaking bandicoot as a couple people in this thread have had the odacity to say, marks you as someone whos opinion im not interested in even giving the slightest ear to.
What is the decent into anarchy and alternate universe in which crash bandicoot is a bad game?
Are people actually being serious? like when you bought your PS1 and put in crash bandicoot into your console for the first time, started playing one of the more timeless and flawless platformers of all time, you said to yourself "this sucks!" and threw it away with great contempt?

I feel like that cant have happened.
The only logical explination i can think of is that you changed your mind at some point to mark yourself as different than every other person on the planet, so that you could be some weathered critic whos the only person clever enough to see the flaws in this universally praised game.

I go back and play Crash and think "this game STILL looks and plays flawlessly."


lol, I remember being shown (and playing) Crash before it was even mentioned in magazines (a Sony rep paid a visit with a handful of alpha code games and a dev PS1)...one of my greatest gaming memories - f/f to Jak & Daxter and you have my favourite (ok 2nd to MGS3) game on PS2 and forward again to Uncharted 2 (my fave this gen).

I recently started replaying J&D in 3D and I've not had a big smile on my face whilst gaming for such a long time...ND do far too much right for it to be luck...roll on PS4!


I thought the hardest part was getting all of the precursor orbs.

Nah, there's a glitch for cloning them. It's not difficult; just takes a bit of time and repetition.

When someone agrees with someone who posts false things about the game, and claims that the game is drab and they have platformed a game that they didn't like; What am I supposed o think?

That it's your opinion that those observations are incorrect and that they're not objectively false.

"ND are one-trick ponies because er, um, JAK 2 sucked."

>That's not what the OP said at all. They said that if ND keeps making TPCS games and those are the only ones they can competently pull off, they might start to be seen as a one-trick pony, incapable of pulling off other types of games successfully.

As others have pointed out, ND created two of the best platformers for their respective consoles and the greatest kart racer ever made. They've successfully tackled three completely different genres in three different generations. This is where the OP's argument instantly caves in on itself. That alone already proves that ND has more creative diversity and achieves a higher standard of quality than at least 80% of dev teams out there.

>Except that the OP obviously disagrees, so it doesn't "prove" anything. And if Jak 2 is among the best that the PS2 has to offer, I'm glad I only bothered to start playing console games this gen.

Yes, there are some minor similarities between Uncharted and The Last of Us. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the Uncharted series got some things very, very right. It was a winning formula. Now ND are taking what they learnt from the Uncharted series, they're refining it and making it better. How is this a bad thing?

>No-one here suggested it's a bad thing. In fact, the OP said it's the only genre they've successfully and competently executed and so it's logical that they stick to it. Your point?

Oh wait, you want ND to hop from genre to to genre, never allowing them to specialise in something that very clearly works for them. Hell, while you're at it, why don't you make a thread asking ND to switch their name to ADHD Dogs. The whole argument is completely idiotic. It's like questioning the competency of Valve for making first person games all the time, or like criticising Kojima Productions for not making a racing game. Dev teams will hone in on what works for them. It does not mean that if they attempted to create another game in another genre it would somehow fall apart.

>The difference is that, according to the OP, they already did create another game in another genre and it fell apart. And that's what makes this incomparable to Valve and Kojima Productions. The problem isn't that they aren't making games in other genres; it's that they did and it sucked, so maybe that's why they're sticking to TPCS.

You should be thankful that we're getting a new IP this late into the generation.

>I never understood the admonishments to "be grateful!" Oh well, I'll give it a try. Naughty God is my shepherd; I shall not want. Thou hast laid a bounty before me; my cup runneth over. Yea, though I walk through the uncanny valley of the shadow of the PS4, I will fear no sequels, for thou art with me. Surely good games will follow me all the days of my life, and I shall own all the consoles to play the games of Naughty God forever. Amen. Happy now?

Maybe it's just not ur type of game though, perhaps you should stick to pewpew bangbang games.

So...Uncharted then? =P

Ah yes, because if you don't like Jak 2, you must be a dumb dudebro. Solid deduction.

I was listening to Tim Rogers chat about this game on Insert Credit last night, 'cause he did a Kotaku piece praising this game.

Does anyone really need further proof that the game sucks??

BHZ Mayor

This has probably been said a couple of time all ready but Jak 2 is the worst in the series, 3 is far superior. Maybe it's just not ur type of game though, perhaps you should stick to pewpew bangbang games.

Uh, that's exactly what Jak 2 was leaning toward.
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