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Report: PS3, Vita, And PSP Stores To Be Permanently Closed In A Few Months


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If the real life interest in these legacy services was 10% of what you people are projecting, Sony would have financial incentive to keep it going. Why do I get the impression these reactions are just an excuse to bitch?

Because you're right. And the internet gaming community loves to bitch about pointless stuff.


Gold Member
If the real life interest in these legacy services was 10% of what you people are projecting, Sony would have financial incentive to keep it going. Why do I get the impression these reactions are just an excuse to bitch?
You have a point. If they were making as much money as the website noise, they would not shut it off. They're probably losing money on it at this point.

I still don't think they'll axe the download list, as they haven't for the PSP or delisted games. That would open up a can of lawsuit worms.


Gold Member
As someone said in one of the early pages, Sony will probably start promoting PS Now more since it has tons of PS1-PS3 games. So instead of mucking around with your old PS3 and buying $10 games before the cord is cut, sub to PS Now and stream them now on PS4 or PS5.


In Sony's case, it really doesn't matter how "easy" it is for them. We've seen many other marketplaces for digital media (not just games, but also music, movies, and books) that have been able to continue to adapt and evolve with the times.

We're not asking Sony to make a bunch of new games for these systems. We just want them to continue to make these games available.

One of the touted advantages of digital distribution was that these games could continue to be bought and sold for years and decades to come, without regard for availability of resources to manufacture physical materials. I know that other niche game marketplaces have closed previously (as I said in my earlier post in this thread--also PS Mobile from Sony as another example), but this market has matured now compared to where it was several years ago. If Sony isn't willing to keep these games available while their current competitors are able to do so, then it will reflect poorly on their company, and cause consumers to distrust them for future digital software purchases.

Yes to most of that, although the amount of de-listed content in other fields is way more than anybody takes notice of, it's just not as apparent and concentrated as a whole console library going down. Licenses expire all the time, lawsuits of ownership put the sales viability of a product in question, and companies go under. There are notable movies and shows which got VHS or even DVD releases but they're since out of print and nowhere on streaming for one reason or another. Music/movies/books lose product pretty consistently, but the equivalent of a full console delisting doesn't happen all at once; that would be like a Warner Bros going out of business and taking its library offline until being acquired (and even that's temporary) or an HBO failing and all that content not having a future home (granted, the big-ticket items in that library would all be acquired, but you might never see Arliss or The Borgais or Dream On available again, if they even are now?) Disney's purchase of Fox has left a good number of titles in limbo (and even Disney's own transition from physical to digital media has a few questionmarks on some titles' futures,) because if they don't fit on Disney Plus, they might be Hulu fodder but it's not as easy to roll them in or monetize them and so they own the properties and can host or license them as they wish, but they can also just as easily forget they exist and see no significant difference in their bank account.

There are few cases as devastating events of closures of an online marketplace as a video game console eshop closing up because there's just not the concentration and volatility and age of value as in gaming ... but there are lots of little calamities in every other market.

Also, yes, digital distribution did come with the advantage of a longer and easier shelf life of products, but never the promise that everything will be forever.

Going digital erases the burden of carrying physical inventory, so companies can take chances and let a product ride so much easier, but eventually, it may be more hassle and distraction than it's worth to sell legacy titles for legacy platforms instead of concentrating 100% on current products. It may come a time in any product's lifespan where it costs more money in stamps to send out royalty checks for a couple purchases a year than the product actually brings in. Entertainment producers have been able to offset the problem of marketing depreciated titles by putting together packages of media (thus you'll see batches of the same couple dozen movies come and go off Netflix every month,) but that wouldn't work in video games because you can't just take your Wii library over to the PS4 market (and it wouldn't solve this problem anyway since it's not the publishers closing the PS3/Vita store, it's the manufacturer.)

And while I agree that this sucks and makes me think badly of Sony for not putting the effort in to maintain its full platform library, I'm sure they've done the math as part of this decision. Pissing off a number of GAF posters and hardcore PS collectors may still be worth it when the vast majority of PS gamers won't even notice, or will grumble for a few days but eventually forget that there was an old library to go buy. (There are only 5M Vitas in circulation, how worried can they be about making us Vita owners angry?) And as far as distrust, your digital software purchases on every platform are still right there (for now?) (aside from this supposed kernal clock bug,) you just can't go out and purchase new digital software.


Every news from PlayStation these days...

Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
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And just because it's digital doesn't mean it can carry over to all devices even though it seems someone on a PC can still run legacy PC programs from the 90s due to its flexibility.
I would never argue that, just that your purchases be available for re-download (on the device it was purchased for) for atleast 20 years. After all, a physical copy will last atleast that long if taken care of.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Have to remember that when this happened:

They started forcing you to use the practically non-functioning PS3 store. The system is incapable of letting you cleanly browse for games because the store app itself is too demanding. Eliminating sales from the website removed the only convenient way to actually browse and purchase stuff in the PS3 library of games.

That they're shutting down the store entirely less than a year later probably shouldn't be too big of a shock.

It's just disappointing that Sony doesn't really want you playing old games.


So on vita there isn't s section for owned purchases? And or a way to download said owned titles?
Are you being sarcastic or you don't own a vita or a ps3? because if you had, what you quoted would be self explanatory. I would assume your are trying to be sarcastic and condescending(if you aren't, i apologize) in which case i recommend you to stop sucking Sony's dick once in a while, all that dick sucking can't be healthy.

Downloads lists don't allow you to search for content, no filters or real search functions on them. The more content you have, the worst it is to find what you actually want. I have a pretty big memory card on vita and a pretty big HDD in PS3 that allows me to have almost everything downloaded, but since licenses are constantly needing renewal you have to search and redownload some stuff once in a while, and doing it in big batches it's not even an option now since the removal of the items from the web store.

Removing the store fronts from the consoles while having already removed the items from the web pages, it's as bad as it gets before actually removing complete support.


As someone said in one of the early pages, Sony will probably start promoting PS Now more since it has tons of PS1-PS3 games. So instead of mucking around with your old PS3 and buying $10 games before the cord is cut, sub to PS Now and stream them now on PS4 or PS5.

Perhaps, but the PS Now library is small, and concentrated on primarily name-brand titles from publishers (with some indies getting involved as well.) It's nowhere near something like a Netflix, where just mass volumes of licensed titles are included. Unless Sony aims to deliver that type of online service, it's not the same.

(And BTW, that would be a huge change, for them to go back and re-sign huge libraries of old titles to make up for delistings as big as the PS3/PSP/Vita Store closures... plus, are they really going to go get PSP and Vita games to play on a console? And PS Now doesn't work anymore on Vita and I think PS3 might be offline as well, so you can't play these games on the consoles they're made for anyway)

*NOTE: PS Now has no PS1 games. It has a small library of PS2 games, and some PS3 games, essentially titles it has had signed up since the service began, but despite expectations that PS Now would become Sony's defacto solution for backwards-compatibility, it has not yet begun to attempt filling in that archive.
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It stinks but it reminds you to stay current.
No, it reminds me why I moved to PC and why I hacked all the consoles I still own. If Sony doesn't want my money then they won't get my money. Acquiring games completely legitimately officer isn't something that is going to stop me from sleeping well when I couldn't buy them even if I wanted to.


As someone said in one of the early pages, Sony will probably start promoting PS Now more since it has tons of PS1-PS3 games. So instead of mucking around with your old PS3 and buying $10 games before the cord is cut, sub to PS Now and stream them now on PS4 or PS5.
Oh yes, imagine the JOY of playing Virtua Fighter 5 in PSnow, i can't wait! SvC2 with the lag of emulation plus the one of PSnow must feel soo good, i wonder why people are not excited to replace their legacy libraries with PSnow, it just sounds so much better!


RSI Employee of the Year
I guess I better get a backup PS3 and load it up with all my games in the inevitable event my main system dies. This sucks.

You can still download your games you own on all platforms. The storefront going down doesn't mean you can't download the games anymore from your download history.

That wont go well..
What about all those game that were available only digitally ?

Those are still available for you to download.
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Are you being sarcastic or you don't own a vita or a ps3? because if you had, what you quoted would be self explanatory. I would assume your are trying to be sarcastic and condescending(if you aren't, i apologize) in which case i recommend you to stop sucking Sony's dick once in a while, all that dick sucking can't be healthy.

Downloads lists don't allow you to search for content, no filters or real search functions on them. The more content you have, the worst it is to find what you actually want. I have a pretty big memory card on vita and a pretty big HDD in PS3 that allows me to have almost everything downloaded, but since licenses are constantly needing renewal you have to search and redownload some stuff once in a while, and doing it in big batches it's not even an option now since the removal of the items from the web store.

Removing the store fronts from the consoles while having already removed the items from the web pages, it's as bad as it gets before actually removing complete support.

I literally have not had a PS3 since 2013, and owned a PSP for couple years but bought physical. You are seriously triggered or something I was just asking since I didn't know or remember I never bought digital up until PS4.

Like calm down. Not everyone in here has the same amount of investment in digital with older systems.
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Very annoying and disappointing! But the writing was on the wall. More and more games are removed or disabled form purchase. For me all this is coming too early. I still have a lot of unfinished digital games especially the ones that I received as PS Plus membre în the PS3 and PS Vita. The worst is that lot of games are removed even from the download section even if you bought the games (WTF Sony).

Just curious, what games?

That’s really messed up if true. Microsoft is certainly not doing this kind of shit.


Gold Member
The digital future. Some of you are even saying that cloud gaming is the future. Consider emulation dead when that happens.


This might explain why i tried to buy the original ridge racer ps1 game and couldnt find it for love nor money. Or maybe its just not on the pal store lol
It never was on the store, unfortunately. I’ll never understand why classics like this have never even gotten a simple Remaster


Just curious, what games?

That’s really messed up if true. Microsoft is certainly not doing this kind of shit.

Microsoft also never supported failed product lines for this long. Only this past gen had they made the attempt to bring back some of the library. Like I own some obscure games on physical, not all of them are compatible with xbox series/one x. To be honest there are only a handful of games that i would play from my OG xbox collection, same with my physical copy's of PS3 titles I still own which is only a few.

I mean vita was 2012, psp 2005. So for how long did they support the store functions for those devices? What Nintendo console or handheld can you still use the store on thats ben EOL for over 8 years?


You people love to use that quote and to take it out of context.

In 2017 Microsoft already had their backward compatibility program going on with Xbox One, while Sony didn't offer any BC features with their PS4 console. So of course that Jim Ryan would downplay the importance of backwards compatibility in that context. I'd go as far as saying that it was HIS JOB to do so given the circumstances.

But y'all Jim Ryan haters only see what you wanna see, huh?

Sony always had a track record of killing the online support for their games 5 to 10 years after launch, so it was only a matter of time for this to happen. And I'm not defending it, because as I stated earlier in this thread I'm affected by the closure of the PS Store on PS3. All I'm saying is that this is not Jim Ryan's fault.
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Gold Member
Yeah, this sucks. The all digital future is one big fat lie on consoles. Still buying physical when I can.


You people love to use that quote and to take it out of context.

In 2017 Microsoft already had their backward compatibility program going on with Xbox One, while Sony didn't offer any BC features with their PS4 console. So of course that Jim Ryan would downplay the importance of backwards compatibility in that context. I'd go as far as saying that it was HIS JOB to do so given the circumstances.

But y'all Jim Ryan haters only see what you wanna see, huh?
A.K.A Jim Penny Saving Ryan
You people love to use that quote and to take it out of context.

In 2017 Microsoft already had their backward compatibility program going on with Xbox One, while Sony didn't offer any BC features with their PS4 console. So of course that Jim Ryan would downplay the importance of backwards compatibility in that context. I'd go as far as saying that it was HIS JOB to do so given the circumstances.

But y'all Jim Ryan haters only see what you wanna see, huh?

Sony always had a track record of killing the online support for their games 5 to 10 years after launch, so it was only a matter of time for this to happen. And I'm not defending it, because as I stated earlier in this thread I'm affected by the closure of the PS Store on PS3. All I'm saying is that this is not Jim Ryan's fault.

'You people'? What do you mean, 'you people'?
meh, only because Sony does it, doesn’t mean others will do the same.
i can still download my Xbox 360 games and will be able to do it in the future.
you could also download the games and save it on multiple HDD:
I just bought the first 3 Gears of War games physically because I was worried something like this would happen in the future. We can't assume that Microsoft won't do the same for their 360 store. Maybe I'm wrong considering they're heavily invested in backwards combability but is it safe to assume every 360 game that you purchased would be considered?
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Its sad. One of my best games I downloaded for PS3. Depressing to see it gone and we didn't get the end of stick.
Makes me worry if someday they will do this to PS4. I don't think theres much for us to do, thats the price for digital: nothing is yours.

Agent X

Gold Member
As someone said in one of the early pages, Sony will probably start promoting PS Now more since it has tons of PS1-PS3 games. So instead of mucking around with your old PS3 and buying $10 games before the cord is cut, sub to PS Now and stream them now on PS4 or PS5.

As CamHostage CamHostage pointed out, PS Now contains no PS1 games, and only about 21 PS2 games. While PS Now does have 438 PS3 games, they haven't added any new PS3 games to the service in over a year and a half.

I do think Sony should do a better job of adding more PS2 and PS3 games to the service, along with introducing PS1 games (and maybe even PSP and Vita games), but that's an entirely different issue.


Well, I guess I will at least have to replace my PS3s bluray drive since it gave up a while ago. Anyone know how expensive it would be to buy a new disc reader for a CECHH04 model?


As CamHostage CamHostage pointed out, PS Now contains no PS1 games, and only about 21 PS2 games. While PS Now does have 438 PS3 games, they haven't added any new PS3 games to the service in over a year and a half.

I do think Sony should do a better job of adding more PS2 and PS3 games to the service, along with introducing PS1 games (and maybe even PSP and Vita games), but that's an entirely different issue.

Right, the search result for the PS Now webpage specifically reads: "Join PS Now for instant access to a huge library of PS4, PS3 and PS2 games, ready to stream to your PS4 or Windows PC, or download to your PS4 console."

There used to be a little selector in the Games Browser that let you see games specifically made for PS2 or PS3, but now every game is lumped in together. Still, aside from occasional classics like Dark Cloud 1&2, you won't find many games from that far back. (Even PS2 titles that got re-released on PSN for PS3 as downloadable legacy games, like GodHand and Grim Grimoire back when Sony was kind of filling in for lacking backward-compatibility by running games in an emulator shell, most if not all of those PS2 games aren't on PSN either.)

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I just recently replaced my noisy PS3 fan (I think it's some sort of bad bearing - that it was keep making this clicking noise) and replaced the cmos battery, new thermal paste while doing so for my PS3 Slim the other day... Also hooked it up from my pretty horrible LED tv to a CRT Monitor - although much smaller in size, I was having some blast playing SOTN, Persona 3 FE, and Metal Gear Solid 4 on it - as well as some old DVDs that I've not bothered touching for almost a decade. My daughter, who hasn't seen a CRT screen in real life's reaction was quite something. LOL. Played old OG Pokemon episode on that little CRT monitor, and told her that it was just like this, when people were watching the Pokemon anime back in the day.

Sad to see this service to go. I just bought physical copy of Folklore, Puppeteer, ZOE HD Collection for it. Still have a long way to really complete the collection to my likings - but I guess I will just have to stick to the physical copies from Ebay etc...
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What? What games are those? Is there a list?

Just curious, what games?

That’s really messed up if true. Microsoft is certainly not doing this kind of shit.
TMNT Turtles in Time Reshelled, a game that I bought, is missing completely for me. Sleeping Dogs, got it with PS Plus, is not on my download list anymore, but there is a "Digital Edition" in the store with extras but I must buy it. And I suspect that there are more games that disappeared from the list, but it's hard to go through the download list and check everything since it's such a crap without filters.

Fox Mulder

Lol, and a ps5 with a ps3 looked like a solid lineup to have for access to 4 generations of games. It will be bullshit if you can no longer download your purchased ps3 games or even get trophies going forward.

I’m all digital, but Sony is turning me off them with things like this. I recently downloaded shit I bought on the Xbox 360 in 2006 again just fine.
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Gold Member
TMNT Turtles in Time Reshelled, a game that I bought, is missing completely for me. Sleeping Dogs, got it with PS Plus, is not on my download list anymore, but there is a "Digital Edition" in the store with extras but I must buy it. And I suspect that there are more games that disappeared from the list, but it's hard to go through the download list and check everything since it's such a crap without filters.
They're probably there. I notice that shitty list resets orders when you renew PS+ via codes unless you stack them for a few years. They're probably buried in the massive mess of the list.


PSP and PSVita are easy to softmod, like very easy. PS3, I haven't looked that one up in a while but that was easy as well for most Model numbers.

that's all I have to say on this matter... just softmod them, fuck Sony and take your hardware and make it YOURS! Independent of Sony's bullshit.
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Shit like this is why I'm 100% done with console gaming. At least it provides another massive highlight of the important work that emulator developers are doing for game preservation. The PSP is near-perfectly emulated via PPSSPP and the PS3 is coming along nicely via RPCS3. Perhaps this will spark renewed interest in Vita emulation.


Gold Member
You people love to use that quote and to take it out of context.

In 2017 Microsoft already had their backward compatibility program going on with Xbox One, while Sony didn't offer any BC features with their PS4 console. So of course that Jim Ryan would downplay the importance of backwards compatibility in that context. I'd go as far as saying that it was HIS JOB to do so given the circumstances.

But y'all Jim Ryan haters only see what you wanna see, huh?

Sony always had a track record of killing the online support for their games 5 to 10 years after launch, so it was only a matter of time for this to happen. And I'm not defending it, because as I stated earlier in this thread I'm affected by the closure of the PS Store on PS3. All I'm saying is that this is not Jim Ryan's fault.
I mean it sure sounds like you're defending it.

I doubt that the decision to close the storefronts for these systems happened without Jim Ryan's approval somewhere. He's the president and CEO. That's where the buck stops. It's ok to blame him.
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