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Resident Evil 6: Bro-Splosion Announced, Nov 20 PS3/360, PC Later, PR/Trailer In OP

it wasn't, no. but now that a bunch of us have played it, and are telling you it's good, it's time to go get that 3DS because it's got a game on it that you really want.
It's time for people to use some common sense when they recommend games to people. I'm not paying for a 3DS and a game(I'd take Mario Kart first, but RE would follow soon afterwards) just to prove a point on NeoGAF.

I'll get it when I'm good and ready(and after I've payed the 1000+ dollars for college this weekend). I can only hope that the revision is announched afterwards. Seriously... are people not thinking things through now? We're not fans because we may not be ready to fork over $200 on short notice for a game that actually delivers when people were expecting it to be a dud?

no. they're weaboos for using 'westernisation' as a straight criticism.
Since when did being critical of the West amount to being a Weaboo? Pretty much everyone here specifically referred to Mikami when they were talking about RE's glory days. It had nothing to do with glorious Nippon or Ramen or whatever constitutes weaboo/otaku behavior.


It just looks silly when you bemoan the lack of actual survivor horror Resident Evil and worry about the future of such games when one will be coming out in a couple weeks and you refuse to get it. There is game that includes what you want, and there is something you can do to increase the chances of getting more--buy it and prove that the audience for it still exists.

So, $220 for one resident evil game when the series is still coming to the systems they own? Thats kind of crazy to even suggest someone to do, or "put up or shut up" thats like the "get a second job" line. Revelations hasn't even gotten impressions by the general public yet.

News Bot

5 bucks bald dude is alex wesker and the virus is based on albert's blood thus through some convenient plot science chicanery bald alex wesker is literally the cure

You're forgetting the fact that Alex developed a virus designed to grant immortality as well. :p Also he was injected with the same virus Wesker was. Nothing to do with Wesker's blood... I hope. Unless he's Wesker's son or something.


I will expel old age and obtain a healthy body worthy of leading humanity.
And the mission to show a new sense of values to humanity will be entrusted to me.
I have it. The key to open the door to immortality.
The virus which Umbrella researched and developed suppresses telomere shortening which negates the function that limits cell division. An endless chain that leads to eternal life, it must be mine.
And I have it. The power to attain it.
After Umbrella's collapse, many talented individuals retired into private life. However, a handful of excellent individuals are available to me. My child, Alex, is one of them.
I believe it.
With Alex, I will find the method to eradicate this disease.
Well, here's two. I'm sure you can find more if you wanna sift through 20 pages of posts.

I don't see "Westernization" in there anywhere. The DudeBro audience is indeed based in the West, and it's because the West is the largest gaming market that it has become such a draw. The phenomenon has been a blight upon franchises both East and West. Look what the poor misguided fools did to Shadowrun.

So, $220 for one resident evil game when the series is still coming to the systems they own? Thats kind of crazy to even suggest someone to do, or "put up or shut up" thats like the "get a second job" line. Revelations hasn't even gotten impressions by the general public yet.

He already said he wants other 3DS games and will eventually get it, I'm pointing out that doing so closer to launch is more likely to impress the bean counters at Capcom.
PC later? *sigh* The following year later? =/

Anyway, I approve of Chris's new 'do. I'm happy to see he's in <3

And, wow, who knew it only took some scruff to make Leon look attractive.

I want to see more.
This thread has been moving faster than a Ferrari but, is it known for sure that you can move and shoot in RE6 now? In the trailer I didn't see strafing/moving while the character was shooting.
At 1:17 in the trailer he's definitely moving and shooting. It also looks that way in this gif.

He already said he wants other 3DS games and will eventually get it, I'm pointing out that doing so closer to launch is more likely to impress the bean counters at Capcom.
Putting it like that would've been way less confrontational. It sounded condescending as hell when you typed it up, bro. I do agree with that point. People need to be realistic though.

I'll be recommending Revelations to my cousin for sure now.

Listen seriously it's just not creative and unique anymore, like it was back when it was an Alone In the Dark clone.

Serious mode: I loved 4 for the polish. It really set standards that were followed through by... Gears of War, while Resident Evil 5 threw in co-op, didn't bring the controls up to the current generation's standards, and utterly failed at being either the best horror or action game it could have been.

Co-op wasn't the problem, though. Anybody thinking co-op games can't be horror games really has no imagination at all.
You can't say stuff like that without giving examples of good horror co-op games, dude. Be especially talkative if they are PC exclusives or PC versions of the game. :3



Listen seriously it's just not creative and unique anymore, like it was back when it was an Alone In the Dark clone.

Serious mode: I loved 4 for the polish. It really set standards that were followed through by... Gears of War, while Resident Evil 5 threw in co-op, didn't bring the controls up to the current generation's standards, and utterly failed at being either the best horror or action game it could have been.

Co-op wasn't the problem, though. Anybody thinking co-op games can't be horror games really has no imagination at all.

I give this poster a 1 out of 10


PC later? *sigh* The following year later? =/

Anyway, I approve of Chris's new 'do. I'm happy to see he's in <3

And, wow, who knew it only took some scruff to make Leon look attractive.

I want to see more.

Announcing the PC version day 1 instead of pretending it doesn't exist for a while is already a step up for Capcom.

The trailer looks really good, although I do feel it might be taking itself a bit too serious like RE5 did. If it's this action focused I feel it works better with the lighter, more DMC3/God Hand tone RE4 had at times.

I love how this will so roflstomp dead space 3

Why is that? Are you only allowed to play one good action horror game a year?
It's time for people to use some common sense when they recommend games to people. I'm not paying for a 3DS and a game(I'd take Mario Kart first, but RE would follow soon afterwards) just to prove a point on NeoGAF.

I'll get it when I'm good and ready(and after I've payed the 1000+ dollars for college this weekend). I can only hope that the revision is announched afterwards. Seriously... are people not thinking things through now? We're not fans because we may not be ready to fork over $200 on short notice for a game that actually delivers when people were expecting it to be a dud?
you are a fan, of course. your ability to afford a system has got nothing to do with how much of a fan you are, but i've been trying to tell you, fan to fan, that you want to get yourself a 3DS and revelations.

because, based on what you've said, i think you'd really like Revelations, and based on what you said, you were planning on getting the system at some point.


I loved the part with the NPC civilians running away and panicking.. this is quite innovative for the RE franchise, isn't it?

I think this is going to be great.


Gold Member
I just checked the trailer again, I think there will be 4 arcs? I'm assuming:

Chris/some dude
New guy/Rebecca?
The last one is probably Ada but there was this half-second segment where an unknown female pushes away a zombie and it's in a third person perspective.

Im assuming the bitch Chris spoke off is Ada. She was working with Wesker anyway.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I love how this will so roflstomp dead space 3

Heh oh you...

If ds 1 -> ds 2 could give an indication of a jump in quality to a potential ds3 then you bet your sweet supple ass that re4 -> 5 -> 6 is going to be anything but "roflstomping"
Also the games aren't even remotely comparable by now, if anything you'd want re6 to roflstomp some other AAA tps.
Putting it like that would've been way less confrontational. It sounded condescending as hell when you typed it up, bro. I do agree with that point. People need to be realistic though.

I'll be recommending Revelations to my cousin for sure now.

Alright maybe I was a bit snippy after seeing God's Beard troll with the baby picture. We're all on the same side here.


Since when did being critical of the West amount to being a Weaboo? Pretty much everyone here specifically referred to Mikami when they were talking about RE's glory days. It had nothing to do with glorious Nippon or Ramen or whatever constitutes weaboo/otaku behavior.
Vilifying the West while praising the East is TOTALLY what a weeaboo does.

Not that this matters, the RE series has always been a very Western-influenced game.


The Leon campaign looks really fucking cool. I hope it's long enough to justify buying the game just for that, my fear is that the good campaign will only be like 5 hours long and they'll go all well there are 2 more campaigns to play! FUCK YOU CAPCOM. I don't want to play Resident Evil Black Ops China.


Pretty much my thought process in seeing the trailer:

1. HOLY SHIT LEON... Wait... he still doesn't have his RE4 and Darkside Chronicles voice?
3. Hunnigan! Maybe this is the sequel to RE4 I always wanted!
4. Chris rappelling from a helicopter? :|
5. Oh... Chris has the Gears of War "shaky cam" sprint... oh man...
6. Did I just see a chest-high wall sandbag?
7. Chris just dove behind a chest-high wall sandbag. Awww hell nawww
7b. Haha, Chris just got ripped out of his chest-high wall cover like a little bitch. YOU BETTER BE TELLING ME SOMETHING CAPCOM
8. WTF Cole MacGrath? They really were trying to appeal to the CoD Audience.
10. Where the fuck is Ada?

While I have no qualms about this turning out to be a good game... yeah. Survival horror is pretty dead unless they make Leon's story a significant part of the game.


Parmesan et Romano
Waiting for complete version

I think this is the only legitimate complaint on my end. If the additions are anything like Gold Edition then I'd rather pick them up all in a complete package. And while that's a huge "if", there has been precedence for a lot of extra content with new releases for the mainline games, so it's something to think about.
I hope they keep the same composers from RE5. RE5's OST was incredible.

Also, I hope the PC version doesn't get screwed over like PC RE5 did =/


At 1:17 in the trailer he's definitely moving and shooting. It also looks that way in this gif.


Oh wow, it does look that way! Thanks for the gif. I know some people prefer the characters planting their feet and not moving while they shoot and I brought myself to get accustomed to RE5's controls but I definitely prefer the ability to move and shoot.

Dead Space has proven to me that you can do a tense atmosphere/horror game while also giving you that option.

I love how this will so roflstomp dead space 3
Hey, not so fast! Having new RE and Dead Space hopefully within months of each other is fine by me. I like both series, probably DS a bit more.


I don't get the RE6 hate... that trailer looked amazing.

it looked like a good mix of survival horror and action... as well as have a darker theme.

I just hope capcom developers played dead space and saw how to keep up the suspense with proper atmosphere.

looking back on RE5... it seemed like a showcase of what their engine can do rather than set the proper atmosphere... this definitely has a survival horror feel to it.

..and what i took from the video... this game might have a "sonic unleashed" reaction by the fans upon playing it... Leon seems to be slower paced... figuring out puzzles and finding clues as to what is going on.. a more traditional feel... while Chris has more of the RE5 action survival feel... bigger weapons, waves of enemies, context situations... like Dead Space's action moments when Isaac is caught in a large section.

The two new characters seem to also suggest more hand to hand combat with a more co-op / NPC assist.

like they're taking what they've introduced and they're throwing everything at the wall with RE6... see what sticks... if nothing does... expect RE7 to be a reboot.


resident evil 4 is one of the greatest games ever... i can't understand why people want a sequel to revelations in the same year. this looks awesome.
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