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Resident Evil 6 DEMO VER. Thread: Capcom's final chance for redemption

Look at dragons dogma debut videos, notice all the tearing? Still there in the retail version. Don't get your hope up, guys, I seriously doubt it will get fixed.

Dragon's Dogma on the PS3 was v-synced at the expense of a lower framerate so I fully expect Resident Evil 6 will be too (Resident Evil 5 on the PS3 also had zero screen tearing as well). So on the consoles, it looks like it may come down to a choice between a game with bad screen tearing or framerate dips.

I'm waiting for the PC version though. I don't think I could last five minutes playing the 360 version with screen tearing that bad.


First time I played through the demo it was super dark and I couldn't see anything even after turning the brightness all the way up. I then messed with 360s display settings and that fixed it.

None of what I played was the Resident Evil that I love, it was just go from point A to B. Even the Leon section was super linear with no exploration.

I know it's just a demo and a tiny part of thel game. Hopefully there's exploration and an increased FOV in the final game.


i'm having issues with the demo.

i've tried both burning to a disc and injecting to a usb drive.
The 360 recognizes that it's RE6 (The demo dash shows the picture and everything)

But when I click it the screen goes black and then it says the game cannot be started and says to redownload it. Anyway to fix this?
The more I play it the more I like it. Tearing is still awful and capcom needs to fix that shit.

I only noticed the tearing during cutscenes. Didn't see any when I was actually playing, not sure if this is because there isn't any or because I was too busy playing the game to care.

Ein Bear

Dragon's Dogma on the PS3 was v-synced at the expense of a lower framerate so I fully expect Resident Evil 6 will be too (Resident Evil 5 on the PS3 also had zero screen tearing as well). So on the consoles, it looks like it may come down to a choice between a game with bad screen tearing or framerate dips.

I'm waiting for the PC version though. I don't think I could last five minutes playing the 360 version with screen tearing that bad.

RE5 PS3 was far better than the 360 version. I originally played through the 360 version of the original game, then picked up the PS3 version when Gold Edition came out. Never really noticed the difference in frame rates... but that v-synch was a god send. Hoping RE6 turns out the same way!


I'm torn, I think I will probably end up getting this on PS3 now, even though I prefer the 360 gamepad for shooters, that tearing is just too much.


RE5 PS3 was far better than the 360 version. I originally played through the 360 version of the original game, then picked up the PS3 version when Gold Edition came out. Never really noticed the difference in frame rates... but that v-synch was a god send. Hoping RE6 turns out the same way!

25 fps of average, QAA & transparencies cut are far better now? The lagoon water is horribly flat on the ps3....


25 fps of average, QAA & transparencies cut are far better now? The lagoon water is horribly flat on the ps3....

300 hours across the PS3, PC, and 360 release.
I gotta say I never noticed any difference's between them (My pc was crap so I can't judge there).
Guess I was just more concerned playing the game than looking around.


300 hours across the PS3, PC, and 360 release.
I gotta say I never noticed any difference's between them (My pc was crap so I can't judge there).
Guess I was just more concerned playing the game than looking around.

Well, I have played ps3 version too (the whole game) & only 360 demo, I have noticed the difference immediately; honestly I have sold my copy of ps3 after to have finished it because I was really disgusted of performance & water session. In my opinion capcom job on ps3 this generation it's really lacking & I will never buy a capcom game on a ps3 console after RE5 experience. I recall only SF IV SSFIV how good from this company.Oh & DMC 4.


Sorry, don't have the time to read everything. Can someone confirm that your partner is invincible when playing solo and if the camera is not too close to the character (which bothered me a lot in RE5)?

300 hours across the PS3, PC, and 360 release.
I gotta say I never noticed any difference's between them (My pc was crap so I can't judge there).
Guess I was just more concerned playing the game than looking around.

Framerate has a pretty big impact on "playing the game" - pretty crazy I know. Don't buy Capcom games on the PS3 (except DMC4 and fighting games) unless you want to be disappointed - and it seems to be getting worse too (Dragon's Dogma 24 FPS average lol).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Framerate has a pretty big impact on "playing the game" - pretty crazy I know. Don't buy Capcom games on the PS3 (except DMC4 and fighting games) unless you want to be disappointed - and it seems to be getting worse too (Dragon's Dogma 24 FPS average lol).
This time, however, things seem worse for both which is a real issue. In the past you could at least count on a solid 360 version, but RE6 is a technical mess on 360 thus far. :(

Is the PC version confirmed to be day and date with the console version?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Their newer engine does just seem to make things worse for both consoles. 360 tears more and PS3 drops more frames in DD. I don't think RE6 will play very well on PS3.
The music is fantastic. Can't wait for this game.

The tearing in the demo is bad but really guys, something like that bothers you so much that you cant play. When I start playing I dont notice anything, I am too into the action to care that there is quick line on the screen. I have never cared about graphical issues much as long as the game plays fine and this game plays extremely well. Never once in the demo has screen tearing effected my ability to kill enemies.


Is the PC version confirmed to be day and date with the console version?

No, it will be released after the console release. Probably few months later just like every other Capcom's PC game. However, if the port is as awesome as their previous ports (and with added features), I have no problems with waiting.
The music is fantastic. Can't wait for this game.

The tearing in the demo is bad but really guys, something like that bothers you so much that you cant play. When I start playing I dont notice anything, I am too into the action to care that there is quick line on the screen. I have never cared about graphical issues much as long as the game plays fine and this game plays extremely well. Never once in the demo has screen tearing effected my ability to kill enemies.
Some people cant tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps either. All eyes are not the same. Some of us are very sensitive to screen tearing. Me, I found the console versions of Resi 5 nearly unplayable because of it. Dont dismiss the complaint(which is very much legitimate) just because you dont spot it.


The tearing is terrible, just as bad as RE5 1080p on the 360. I guess I will have change the display setting to 720p.
The RE Facebook page is claiming "ammo conservation is key in Resident Evil 6. You'll run out quick if you get trigger happy." Hoping this is true, at least for Leon's scenario.


The RE Facebook page is claiming "ammo conservation is key in Resident Evil 6. You'll run out quick if you get trigger happy." Hoping this is true, at least for Leon's scenario.

I'm probably gonna have too much ammo given that I'm going to have a lot of fun with the melee system.
I'm assuming that the stamina bar drains faster with higher difficulty levels. If the demo is truly set to easy then I can understand being able to spam melee.

Ein Bear


Care to expand on that?

I felt that the slightly lower frame rate was a much better trade-off than constant screen tear. Opinions and all that, but this is a discussion forum, and it'd be nice to have a conversation about it instead of you being flippant Internet cool-guy. You've gone to the effort to quote my post and all...


RE5 PS3 was far better than the 360 version. I originally played through the 360 version of the original game, then picked up the PS3 version when Gold Edition came out. Never really noticed the difference in frame rates... but that v-synch was a god send. Hoping RE6 turns out the same way!
Tearing is solved completely as far as I can tell on 360 if you set the console to 720p. Something odd happens to Capcom's MT Framework games if you let the 360 scale to 1080p.
Care to expand on that?

I felt that the slightly lower frame rate was a much better trade-off than constant screen tear. Opinions and all that, but this is a discussion forum, and it'd be nice to have a conversation about it instead of you being flippant Internet cool-guy. You've gone to the effort to quote my post and all...


Also, either way the PC version of RE5 is the way to go - it performs and looks great (other than the missing DLC, which is a shame but ultimately a small part of the game).


Santa May Claus
I never noticed any screen tearing in RE5 (well, hardly any), but the cutscenes in the RE6 demo made my eyes bleed.
I never noticed any screen tearing in RE5 (well, hardly any), but the cutscenes in the RE6 demo made my eyes bleed.
Thats because the screen tearing in RE5 was mostly isolated to the top of the screen (how devs achieve this, i have no idea) and only occured when the framerate dropped (which didnt happen often at all)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The RE Facebook page is claiming "ammo conservation is key in Resident Evil 6. You'll run out quick if you get trigger happy." Hoping this is true, at least for Leon's scenario.

It seemed like even for Chris ammo could be a problem.


Yep, I do not remember all the tearing that people are talking about when it comes to re5, but ill fair and say that I didn't have a 1080p display at the time. I'll have to pop it in now and see how it is. The problem with MTF now is that even if you switch to 720p, the game still tears a ton. I know that people have said that they notice less tearing in DD when they switch to 720p, but I just don't believe it. I might have seen a video comparison between 720p/1080p and it had the same amount of tearing. I'll try to find it.


The tearing that switching to 720p fixes is a bug. Looks like every frame about a 3rd of the way down. I've had it with Dead Rising and RE5 through HDMI or VGA, but not 1080p component.

Those games keep a very consistent 30fps on 360, so tearing is otherwise not a problem.
Some people cant tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps either. All eyes are not the same. Some of us are very sensitive to screen tearing. Me, I found the console versions of Resi 5 nearly unplayable because of it. Dont dismiss the complaint(which is very much legitimate) just because you dont spot it.

I see it, just explain to me how it effects the play of the game. It doesnt hinder your ability to see anything in the game world, it doesnt hurt the controls, it doesnt slow down the game, its just a slight annoyance.


Found it. Now people can't say that tearing is not noticeable if you set the console to 720p for Dragon's Dogma.

Dragon's Dogma

体験版(720p) Avg:28.014fps Min-Max:23.0-30.0fps Tear:27.391%(27.391%)
製品版(1080p) Avg:28.289fps Min-Max:23.0-30.0fps Tear:29.247%(29.222%)

2 PERCENT DIFFERENCE. That's huge enough that a ton of gaffers suddenly can't notice it anymore. I also feel like people are ignoring the fact that switching to 720p does nothing now, this is not the same MT Framework engine that you used to know.

Resident Evil 6

LEON Avg:28.792fps Min-Max:23.5-30.5fps Tear:46.205%(45.677%)
CHRIS Avg:29.147fps Min-Max:25.0-30.5fps Tear:46.483%(45.933%)
SHERRY Avg:29.545fps Min-Max:22.0-30.5fps Tear:47.285%(46.806%)


Screen tearing easily takes you out of the atmosphere. I wouldn't consider it a minor annoyance at all.

Like framerate it's very much in the eye of the beholder though. Some people barely notice it, others find it super annoying.

Wait the couple of extra months for the PC version if you want solid 60FPS and no screen tearing.


Found it. Now people can't say that tearing is not noticeable if you set the console to 720p for Dragon's Dogma.

Dragon's Dogma

体験版(720p) Avg:28.014fps Min-Max:23.0-30.0fps Tear:27.391%(27.391%)
製品版(1080p) Avg:28.289fps Min-Max:23.0-30.0fps Tear:29.247%(29.222%)

2 PERCENT DIFFERENCE. That's huge enough that a ton of gaffers suddenly can't notice it anymore. I also feel like people are ignoring the fact that switching to 720p does nothing now, this is not the same MT Framework engine that you used to know.

Resident Evil 6

LEON Avg:28.792fps Min-Max:23.5-30.5fps Tear:46.205%(45.677%)
CHRIS Avg:29.147fps Min-Max:25.0-30.5fps Tear:46.483%(45.933%)
SHERRY Avg:29.545fps Min-Max:22.0-30.5fps Tear:47.285%(46.806%)

This is insane. Almost 50%?!


Has anybody tried playing the demo in standard definition? I know it fixed the tearing on Dragon's Dogma, but I can't try it at the moment. If it works does the tearing bother people enough to play it this way?


Despite the initial shock of Capcom's aggressive pursuit of post-Uncharted linearity and cinematic gameplay, I do find myself enjoying the demo a lot, more so as I replay it. And unlike the majority of cinematic games, I feel like I'm in control at all times. I feel like I'm playing a game I can master, as opposed to simply letting the game more or less play itself. While I'll lament the absence of 'pure', gothic, explorative RE, I'm very much looking forward to this.

On PS3, sans tearing, of course.
300 hours across the PS3, PC, and 360 release.
I gotta say I never noticed any difference's between them (My pc was crap so I can't judge there).
Guess I was just more concerned playing the game than looking around.

Just a question... what model xbox are you using?

I noticed I get this same problem on my japanese 2006 model but it works perfectly on my slim.

And what firmware are you using? My 06 xbox isn't fully updated so that might also be the case.
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