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Resident Evil: Revelations is headed to 360, PS3, PC and WiiU May 21st, 2013

The graphical improvements look decent enough. I wasn't expecting it to look significantly better than the 3DS version so that's a pleasant surprise. The gameplay additions also sound okay.

The game was merely good though. Certainly a lot better than RE6, but it failed to return to the horror roots that Capcom and the fans promised. I shall probably double dip on this on Steam when it goes on sale and sell the 3DS version since it's now pointless to own.


I don't know if it's better than RE4 but I do feel it's pretty close.

Gotta wonder if the haters have actually tried the game though. Seems like RE6 syndrome all over again ;_;

I played the whole thing (well, OK, didn't spend much time on Raid Mode) and enjoyed it. I don't agree with any of that, unless my memories of RE4 are really, really bad.

(I'll grant that the story may be more "intricate" in Revelations, but I don't think that's a good thing in an RE game.)


3 copies? why?



I don't know if it's better than RE4 but I do feel it's pretty close.

Gotta wonder if the haters have actually tried the game though. Seems like RE6 syndrome all over again ;_;
I don't think RER is "better" than RE4 -- I just said it has a comparable variety of locations, and a bigger cast of characters in a more complex plot with some nice themes. RER is incredible, though.


I really wonder why they didn't take the weapon models from RE6. Laziness? Cheapness? It shouldn't be too hard...

I'm sure modders will do something on PC.

Yeah, the weapon models stick out as being bad. Cacpcom gonna Cacpcom, though.

I'd like to get the superior PC version, but if the PS3 version features remote play I'll go for that. After it goes on sale on PS+, of course.
I don't know if it's better than RE4 but I do feel it's pretty close.

Gotta wonder if the haters have actually tried the game though. Seems like RE6 syndrome all over again ;_;
I really enjoyed the shit out of RE6. However, I recently picked up a 3DS and Revelations, and after about 4 chapters or so, the game isn't grabbing me at all.

News Bot

Then again: Capcom originally tried to sell Revelations at a higher-than-normal 3DS retail price because "it came on a higher capacity SD card" or some reasoning like that.

That was Nintendo if I'm not mistaken. Developers have to pay extra for the larger card.

Game looks fantastic. Very surprised that they decided to do a PC version too, definitely getting that one. Hope the new content is somewhat substantial.


The price for this is hilarious considering it's a port of a 3DS game which was 40$ in the first place. Konami at least included Peace Walker in a package and Sony did the same for the PSP GoW.

Guess they have to make back the money they planned to get with RE6. You can find that game for 20$-30$ in my area so this can't be good.

Revelations is also a flawed game but I enjoyed it more than RE6. It has many dumb designs decisions (the dodge system, all the chapters outside the ship, the plot, the final boss) but at least it was fun for me. It's also a game designed for handeld too much like Peace Walker was.

I just don't see myself paying 50$ for this since I 100% beat the 3DS game.


I already own it on the 3DS, so there is no point of me buying it again, especially at that ridiculous price.

If they priced it at £20, I might have considered it.
LOL, no. The game has more intricate plot, characters and cutscenes than RE4, not to mention a wide variety of locations (derelict ships, coastline, snowy mountains, an aquapolis, etc) across two timelines. It's also very thoughtfully constructed, from RAID on through the episodic framework of the campaign, all threaded together with themes from Dante's Inferno (Divine Comedy). Nothing feels "cheap" about Revelations.

Your summary is tits!


Eh, I'll wait for the inevitable price drop. The game looks great and I enjoyed the demo, but I'm not paying $40+ for a game I can easily get for $20 on the 3DS.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Here, I'll bullet-point it for you:

- Lots of environments
- Lots of characters
- Complex story (by RE terms)
- Polished cutscenes
- Interesting structure
- Light, but appreciated, literary touches

Not cheap. Not low-budget. Hell, it's the first RE with an option for Japanese VA.

I loved this game, but come on- it feels "cheap" compared to RE4, RE5, and RE6. Revelations is very much a portable game in the way they break everything up into multiple stages and the story is absolutely nothing to write home about. The game also suffers from a huge lack of enemy variety.

Fortunately Raid Mode is awesome and at least gives you different enemy size/strength types, plus offers co-op.
I'll get it. I hated the narrative and pretty much every new character, and I thought the game lost most of its atmospheric and slow paced potential, but I'll get it for the collection and to see if I enjoy myself more with this version.


Not sure if double-dip, I have't finished the original (damn ship section with the fishes and the jumping things).


I'll get it. I hated the narrative and pretty much every new character, and I thought the game lost most of its atmospheric and slow paced potential, but I'll get it for the collection and to see if I enjoy myself more with this version.

The story sure is the worst part of the game. I bet that half the people playing won't care or won't understand it anyway since it's more about secret politics between two biohazard agencies than about the outbreak in the game. The bad guy also have a satellite weapon like in 007 Goldeneye. So much for a serious narrative.

Everything related to that artificial island, TERRA GRIGIA(sp?) was awfully boring.


never left the stone age
Looks quite good, to me.


Granted, some low-res textures and some simple geometry here and there' but still darn good.

And this is an up-ressed 3DS port. (Though it most likely has better models, the normal maps look much better too)
They'll price is £20 after 3 months.

Exactly. People seem to ignore how game prices work these days.
Over December I could pick Halo 4 up for £25.

Especially with the Steam version.

People who haven't had a chance to play the game pay the extra money for day 1; and to them its worth as much as any other new game.

Few weeks later price drops a bit for non-day oners.
Then a few months later - price is easy to get and this should be a definite for the Winter sale, and probably some money off in the Summer.

This is just good to have as a historical game more than anything.


This was the game I bought a 3DS for and I would've been completely content with my 3DS if nothing else had come out for it afterwards. Although I've had more than enough to keep me happy afterwards so it's all good.

I'm glad lots more people will be getting to play it as well, wasn't expecting PC and WiiU. I feel that a lot of the 'RESIDENT EVIL IS DEAD I HATE MY LIFE' around RE6's launch could have been prevented if this game had been on XBLA/PSN or whatever from the start. Just don't expect survival horror miracles, a lot of the later half of the game is action-heavy in the form of sections similar to RE4's 'village fight'.

Don't see myself buying it again since I haven't even played all of Raid mode on my own copy yet. 50 bucks for a late port of a handheld game is kind of silly even IF it's well worth that. And Capcom is allergic to Steam sales for anything other than DMC4 so I dunno if it'll end up at a price point where I get it for a quick replay.
Everything related to that artificial island, TERRA GRIGIA(sp?) was awfully boring.

As if that wasn't bad enough, you have the Resident Evil version of the robo twins from Transformers 2, only here the game decides to randomly move away from the ship and make you play as them in these really boring and stupid shoot em up levels. Their theme song, dialogue, and voice acting were created for one thing only: to make you cringe.

So sure, you have some atmospheric, slow moving spots early in the game, and even a few later on here and there, but all of the breaks away from the ship are so incredibly awful because of how bad the characters and scenarios are. I think RE6 is a bit worse, but this isn't lagging too far behind. I will say, at least, some parts of the game are good and a lot of it is enjoyable if you can stomach the stupidity. Which was hard for me.

But like I said, I'll get it, because I'm a bitch.


I loved this game, but come on- it feels "cheap" compared to RE4, RE5, and RE6. Revelations is very much a portable game in the way they break everything up into multiple stages and the story is absolutely nothing to write home about. The game also suffers from a huge lack of enemy variety.

Fortunately Raid Mode is awesome and at least gives you different enemy size/strength types, plus offers co-op.
I felt the campaign was immaculately paced. Each chapter seemed just the right length, and each ended on a cliff-hanger before switching off to different characters in a different place and time, leaving you to wonder what will become of them, while at the same time gaining new insights into another side of the plot. It was a beautiful back and forth, and the gameplay variety was equally well-done. In one part you're stalked by Rachel; in another, the dreaded "May day!" There are surprisingly fun swimming sections, and lots of moody exploration broken up by light hacking and item collection. And then there are the fire-fights against enemies that can pop out of trunks, fall from the ceiling, slide out of vents, etc. The foreshadowing for the bosses was great, and some of the combat situations were hellishly intense (especially on, well, Hell difficulty). And the maritime motif to the main setting and enemies worked so well, not to mention mixing Dante's Inferno themes with the ocean setting, and the superb use of piano and strings in what is the series' best soundtrack. Multiple language tracks, too. Nothing "cheap" about this game.


Would double dip if it had Coop Campaign.
The graphic upgrades do not look that hot, is a stunning game for the 3DS, but for HD consoles the lightning and models are lacking.
Gyro control worked better than frankenstick but on a vehicle or without a Swivel Chair the frankenstick is better, however if t he WiiU supports Gyro or Pointer would buy when cheaper


Would double dip if it had Coop Campaign.
The graphic upgrades do not look that hot, is a stunning game for the 3DS, but for HD consoles the lightning and models are lacking.
Gyro control worked better than frankenstick but on a vehicle or without a Swivel Chair the frankenstick is better, however if t he WiiU supports Gyro or Pointer would buy when cheaper

There's really no reason for there to be co-op for the story, though, with Raid Mode serving as a bit of a "best of" and the campaign being geared entirely for solo play, even with the presence of your partner.


There's really no reason for there to be co-op for the story, though, with Raid Mode serving as a bit of a "best of" and the campaign being geared entirely for solo play, even with the presence of your partner.

Strangely enough you have a partner following you around for like 85% of the game. I guess it was planned in the early stage of development or something but was discarded in favor of raid mode.
I have the 3DS version, will buy it again on PS3. The story mode wasn't anything special, but it was leagues ahead of Resident Evil 6. Raid mode is worth the purchase price by itself. I'll just take the money I would have spent on Resident Evil 6 (had it not been a complete train wreck) and buy this instead.
Oh yeah, man, totally, RE7 looks terrible, didn't expect them to bleach Barry's hair.

After RE6 I can't trust them to make a good RE anymore. They should just drop RE or reboot it at least, I'm tired of seeing the old characters we love progressing through shitty gameplay/storylines.


Those flashback hunter sections were just absolutely awful. I felt like this game was completely boring honestly, the ship sections had SOME potential but the structure and constant zapping back in forth between characters wasn't well handled at all.

Those 2 dumbones dummy dudes were so fucking horrible too, couldn't stand them, just completely worthless.

I did really like the last boss and the music was fantastic, other than that I just didn't like the game at all. RE4 comparisons make me laugh so hard, they're not even in the same galaxy!


You'll probably get about 10-12 hours your first time through, depending on how much you want to explore the ship, as it does have a couple of optional areas that you can visit.
That sounds cool and then there's the raid mode as well,thx.
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