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Resistance Burning Skies |OT| Extinguishing the Flames of Vitality

I honestly enjoyed the demo a lot. Touch controls were indeed forced, but I started to get used to them. A patch to make them optional would be so sweet. I don't think I'd pay $40 though... Would definitely pick up for $20.


Played the demo. Overall I want to say I enjoyed it but I'm not sure that it made me want to buy the game. The storytelling and overall presentation of the story elements (in-game and cutscene) are not really that good. Something about its presentation just doesn't make me feel engaged in the situation. However, I'm the kind of person who doesn't think many FPS games have a good story or a good presentation of story elements, so that isn't enough to push me away. The gunplay is pretty good. That crossbow shotgun really is great.

As far as controls go, they are great with some exceptions. First, the aiming gets way too slow when looking down the sights. The only option I found to customize the aiming sensitivity was the look sensitivity if I remember correctly. I had it up to about 80% and didn't notice any improvement. The second exception to the great controls was the grenade mechanic. When you have to use your thumb on the screen to aim the grenades, you naturally cover up the screen. How are you supposed to aim when you can't see what you're aiming at? I had no issues with the bullseye tags (in fact I like them a lot) because you can just tap exactly what you want to tag and then your screen is no longer covered by a thumb.

Aside from a couple little issues, the game controlled great and it looked decent. I'll definitely keep my eye on this for a sale.


I guess I'm easily impressed. Never played a Resistance game before but I thought it was good for a handheld shooter. Much better than the iphone crap out there lol


PSN Community Mgr.
Shaking my fucking head. I was skimming through comments on the PS Blog and it seems they plan on making things right, but this response is such bullshit that I had to share it.

lol; i have to get to the bottom of whoever's writing these. sorry about that. but I'll be working with the Store team tomorrow to address this issue.


I guess I'm easily impressed. Never played a Resistance game before but I thought it was good for a handheld shooter. Much better than the iphone crap out there lol

I agree with this. It's a solid FPS. I just wish the MP worked.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Yeah I'm really digging the SP. more so than I thought I would after playing the demo.

Really wish I could try out the multi...


As a game it is fine, but the AI is complete shit. Playing on the highest difficulty and the AI is pretty dumb. Biggest positive so far is it serves as a great introduction to FPS for Vita & we know now Bioshock or CoD can work perfect on it.
Biggest positive so far is it serves as a great introduction to FPS for Vita & we know now Bioshock or CoD can work perfect on it.

Call of Duty should be the make or break FPS for the Vita. Bioshock is so far out at this point, the Vita's fate will be sealed one way or another by the time it's out. I would bet 2014 at the earliest.


The Eurogamer review says this game does not have voice chat. I was lead to believe on this forum that the Vita rivalled the 360 in terms of online features by virtue of having universal voice chat. Who is correct?


The Eurogamer review says this game does not have voice chat. I was lead to believe on this forum that the Vita rivalled the 360 in terms of online features by virtue of having universal voice chat. Who is correct?

You can use Vita's party chat app in the game, what it doesn't have (according to Eurogamer) is in-game chat with randoms.


I guess you don't give a struggling franchise a C level developer to push on a new platform. If there is ever another Resistence on the Vita, I want Insomniac to be involved.



(Please don't bother to explain if you're just trolling and that went over my head).

It just seems a bit odd to have no in-game chat; wasn't this a mandatory Xbox (1) feature even prior to party chat? Sony's route to a fully-featured online implementation is at times quite puzzling.


I guess you don't give a struggling franchise a C level developer to push on a new platform. If there is ever another Resistence on the Vita, I want Insomniac to be involved.

I think the Resistance franchise is going to rest for a while after this one.

It just seems a bit odd to have no in-game chat; wasn't this a mandatory Xbox (1) feature even prior to party chat? Sony's route to a fully-featured online implementation is at times quite puzzling.

So a game like Journey on the Xbox would require mandatory voice chat? Not really sure that's for the best.

Anyway, I was lead to believe on this forum that the party chat function offered on the 360 is far superior to in-game chat with strangers that we have to put up with on the PS3. Nihilistic seems to agree with this sentiment.
I think the Resistance franchise is going to rest for a while after this one.

Well Insomniac bailed on it so yeah, this was probably Sony's last ditch effort to bolster the IP

Oke doke wit me, focus on a proper Killzone Singleplayer campaign instead, not that shit that was in KZ3


So a game like Journey on the Xbox would require mandatory voice chat? Not really sure that's for the best.

Anyway, I was lead to believe on this forum that the party chat function offered on the 360 is far superior to in-game chat with strangers that we have to put up with on the PS3. Nihilistic seems to agree with this sentiment.

Well, having the option to be able to do either is clearly best, just as being able to turn off voice chat altogether if you want to is also important.
Those who have finished the game; what's the story with the upgrade pieces you get?

I watched a video where they said you'll have to choose one type of upgrade each time and stick with it, but how does that affect new game +. i.e. Can you add even more upgrades to the weapons each time or does new game + start you off with the basic weapon again with no upgrades and allow you to choose a different upgrade each time?

Otherwise I'm guessing that you would have to start a fresh new game each time to see the effects of alternative upgrades?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Played more last night and I'm actually having a good time. It's pretty fast paced and encourages taking enemies head on rather than sitting back and picking them off one at a time ala Call of Duty. I'm also finding the length of the levels to be rather pleasant. The Insomniac games cut to loading screens/videos FAR too often for my tastes making the games feel rather segmented which is not the case here.

I'm certainly enjoying this more than Resistance 2.
I played through the demo last night and it was more fun than I expected it to be. Nothing about the game is particularly exceptional but it feels like a functional enough shooter. The only aspect of the game that I really found dreadful was the sound (which I know has been mentioned a lot), the guns sound absolutely awful. The music was surprisingly good though, and the game handled well aside from the slightly annoying touch stuff. There is something very cool about playing a "real" FPS on a handheld.

I'm a big fan of the series so my standards are pretty low when it comes to Resistance games (I even loved, yes loved, Resistance 2). That said, I'll probably wait for this one to hit $20 or so before I seriously consider picking it up.


This is the response I got when I asked about a credit for buying before the discount:
Shaking my fucking head. I was skimming through comments on the PS Blog and it seems they plan on making things right, but this response is such bullshit that I had to share it.

lol; i have to get to the bottom of whoever's writing these. sorry about that. but I'll be working with the Store team tomorrow to address this issue.

You've been stalked Dark, they are always watching... LOL.

Any word on why MP doesn't work?

Yeah, I tried last night and got nothing.... Please make this work, That would be grand!


Demo wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, but still felt like a missed opportunity for greatness.

The sound was easily the worst part. I'm surprised Sony allowed this shit to slide.

Anyone else wishing for a little gyro assist aiming?

For those that have both, is this or Unit 13 better?
Other than the controls of the dual sticks, I find the controls absolutely terrible. Ducking hardly works, the dash double tap of the back touch panel is so unresponsive.

Quick tips for maximum game enjoyment:

1) max out the aiming sensitivity
2) put the difficulty on "Hard"

Having to up the difficulty to get better enjoyment out of a game is NOT a good thing.


Other than the controls of the dual sticks, I find the controls absolutely terrible. Ducking hardly works, the dash double tap of the back touch panel is so unresponsive.

Having to up the difficulty to get better enjoyment out of a game is NOT a good thing.

Ducking and sprinting using the back panel work fine for me!


I guess you don't give a struggling franchise a C level developer to push on a new platform. If there is ever another Resistence on the Vita, I want Insomniac to be involved.

In the absence of Insomniac (which is the reality), I think the important thing is just a proven team. Sony Bend already developed a quite good entry in the Resistance series.


Played through the demo twice last night and enjoyed it quite a bit so I'm planning on picking it up around lunchtime today. Does anyone know if the MP is still busted?


Demo wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, but still felt like a missed opportunity for greatness.

The sound was easily the worst part. I'm surprised Sony allowed this shit to slide.

Anyone else wishing for a little gyro assist aiming?

For those that have both, is this or Unit 13 better?

Unit 13 is a better game objectively speaking. But they're very different. Unit 13 places a big emphasis on stealth and tactics. Resistance is a big linear action shooter. They don't scratch the same itch in my opinion.
The sad thing is the odds of Call of Duty vita being full of 'first game on a new platform' jank is pretty high.

I'd be happy if they can get as many features as the wii ones got on here. heck even wii version with higher res visuals would make a solid first attempt.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Other than the controls of the dual sticks, I find the controls absolutely terrible. Ducking hardly works, the dash double tap of the back touch panel is so unresponsive.
Honestly, pressing down on the d-pad works really well for running. It seems strange at first, but it makes a lot of sense.


Unit 13 is a better game objectively speaking. But they're very different. Unit 13 places a big emphasis on stealth and tactics. Resistance is a big linear action shooter. They don't scratch the same itch in my opinion.

I didn't really feel much need for stealth in the Unit 13 demo.

Just played through the Resistance demo again, and it actually makes me want a well designed, AAA, cinematic firefighter game. :)

Oni Jazar

Does this game not use gyro aiming? Why the hell aren't devs getting the point that people love it and it should be standard for vita shooters?


I went ahead and suffered the download size of the demo. I got to the end of some train yard and jumped down some broken stairs to a door that wouldn't open. Said i had reached the checkpoint but the girl wouldn't follow me and i believe it was because she was stuck trying to shoot this chimera who was stuck clipping through a train car. I could see his feet but it wouldn't register a hit and i could see him moving and growling and shooting at me. So, yea.

Also, i'm not a graphics whore but i really thought Vita could do better then this, in fact I know Vita can do better then this because of Uncharted. This was closer to PSP to me. I'm wondering if this didn't start development as a PSP title.


Unit 13 is a better game objectively speaking. But they're very different. Unit 13 places a big emphasis on stealth and tactics. Resistance is a big linear action shooter. They don't scratch the same itch in my opinion.
I thought the demo for Unit 13 was worse than the Resistance one. Don't get me wrong -- Unit 13 is a much more polished and well built game. I just think the shooting and gun play are much weaker in Unit 13. Not to mention Unit 13, for some unGodly reason, doesn't include competitive multiplayer..
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