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Retro Studios Hires Uncharted 3, Darksiders Artists. Crunch Time "This Year"

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On the Miyamoto thing...

Miyamoto just wants to potter about in his garden shed. He's old. He has the right idea, let the next Shiggies shine brightly. Not enough faith put in youth nowadays. Its sad.

Listen to what the man said; he wants to get back to a simpler life/ideology and he has chosen a perfect way to do it, on the proviso the organisation doesn't keep pulling him back to supervise "franchises".

It gets us more range of output from Nintendo then its a good thing!
There needs to be a new Wave Race that in the same vein as MK7 using the MK64 theme as it's main musical theme, uses the Wave Race 64 main theme music as the direction for the entire game.


It takes about 4 years to make a game.

Just because they'd be entering crunch time doesn't mean we'll see it anytime soon.

Crunch time happens a lot.

Crunch time doesn't officially happen in the beginning of a project, nor would they speak about the project so openly if it was Zelda. But who am I to ruin your day. I'd like to live in dreams where F-Zero isn't dead too.


Crunch time doesn't officially happen in the beginning of a project, nor would they speak about the project so openly if it was Zelda. But who am I to ruin your day. I'd like to live in dreams where F-Zero isn't dead too.
It can happen anytime since it's related to bad management (which yes, even the good companies have).

Also I'd sooner see them do something other than Zelda, so there's nothing to ruin.


It can happen anytime since it's related to bad management (which yes, even the good companies have).

You'd think that the "bad" kind of crunch would be kept in secret, especially if the project was under Nintendo production.


Maturity, bitches.
I predict Monster Games is making a new Wave Race or F-Zero.

They've been busy digging a tunnel underneath Pixar so as to collapse the building. This will allow them to make a Unirally sequel without fear of being sued.


You'd think that the "bad" kind of crunch would be kept in secret, especially if the project was under Nintendo production.
Well his Twitter is gone, either because of GAF or Nintendo.

Please Zelda yes.

With Nintendo's protracted development times for console Zelda titles, the idea of two teams working on the franchise makes perfect sense.

Zelda has always been more popular in the west. I think Nintendo is still trying to figure out why. Putting a top tier western Dev on it with Japanese oversight makes the most sense, especially when the whole company is likely just wrapping their heads around the hardware architecture.

/fanboy dreams
A spin-off would be nice.

A Zelda game which isn't a Zelda game... or StarTropics.

Anyway I'd much rather have main Zelda games still be made by EAD.
Hm. RETRO doing Zelda would be great in some ways... art style would be interesting, it'd be graphically impressive and the environments are sure to be large and detailed.

But the character design will take a blow, and all the charm from the series won't be as evident.

They should stick to futuristic titles, like F-ZERO or Metroid. Or a new IP, but modern still.
Retro Studios really deserves a shot at making their own IP, be it Raven Blade or otherwise. I'm cool with seeing them tackle other Nintendo franchises like Star Fox or F-Zero. I'm very confident in their abilities and I would love to see them work on PC without Nintendo console limitations in the future, their art deserves the best graphics possible.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Retro already had crazy good environment modelers, even after those that left, there are loads of awesome looking locations in MP3 that you can easily imagine how some lesser developers could have the main concept and layout yet end up with far more boring results, regardless of hardware power. But hey, you can't have too many of those so, cool.


Retro Studios really deserves a shot at making their own IP, be it Raven Blade or otherwise. I'm cool with seeing them tackle other Nintendo franchises like Star Fox or F-Zero. I'm very confident in their abilities and I would love to see them work on PC without Nintendo console limitations in the future, their art deserves the best graphics possible.

I wonder why people keep bringing up Raven Blade, they literally burned all the disks.


Unconfirmed Member
F-Zero is easy, just port GX in HD. DONE. And after this long, I don't want anyone other than Miyamoto himself touching StarFox.

Sometimes it's best when Miyamoto does NOT have his hand guiding a game's development.

Starfox and F-Zero are both good examples, since Miyamoto was responsible for Starfox taking the direction it did after SF64, and he wasn't happy with how F-Zero GX turned out (IIRC he has specifically mentioned the difficulty, but I can't find that quote anywhere).

And didn't somebody from Retro say that Raven Blade was terrible, and he couldn't believe they actually worked on a project that bad?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You know what? It would be great if the game Retro is working on were actually a NEW IP of some sort. I think that would bare the most interesting fruits.


And didn't somebody from Retro say that Raven Blade was terrible, and he couldn't believe they actually worked on a project that bad?

It's well-known that Raven Blade's development was an utter catastrophe, just like everything else Retro developed in its early days. It wasn't until Nintendo turned Retro inside out completely that the company actually got its work done.

As promising as the Raven Blade concept might have been, there's no chance whatsoever that it will ever be touched again.


No chance, 0%

Remove Raven Blade from your memory like Retro did.

"I always like reading the posts about Raven Blade. There's this underground mystery about that game. When you start reading the blogs and newsgroups and what have you, there's always this post that says, 'Oh, they're going to work on Raven Blade' or 'I wonder if they're bringing Raven Blade back?' And at one point I went back and had them burn the last copy of Raven Blade -- and this was probably two or three years ago -- and I looked at it," says Michael Kelbaugh, president of Retro Studios. He's a straight shooter who possesses the managerial skills so lacking from Retro in previous years and he's also a collector of fine vodka. "I just couldn't believe that we even came close to making anything like that because it was absolutely horrible."


They need to let Retro do whatever. They were held back by doing do many Metroid Prime titles, Donkey Kong showed they can do many different things well.


as a huge metroid fanboy i'd love to see a new metroid from retro after the "other m incident". but besides i'm just glad they're working on something big, at this poit they have a perfect masterpiece-score as every single game of them was incredible. even the MK7 tracks made by retro looked really awesome. :)


And didn't somebody from Retro say that Raven Blade was terrible, and he couldn't believe they actually worked on a project that bad?

Raven Blade was Steve Barcia's brainchild. Nobody at Retro wanted to work on it but Barcia had a lot of pull in the company. With Barcia gone, it'll never be made.


They're working on an existing Nintendo IP.

I think it's DKCR2 or F-Zero. They've had recent experience creating tracks for Mario Kart 7 so perhaps they have been allowed to take the next step and create a full racing game. Although thinking about this title being a launch (window) title, it makes more sense for the game to be a revamp then a sequel. But then there was Metroid Prime 3 as a launch window title...but I don't think "crowning achievement" qualifies as a sequel to a Donkey Kong game, so with that I predict it is F-Zero. Even if I'm wrong, which I will most likely be, whatever the game is, it will surely be grand.


I really think DKCR2 (or different subtitle than 'returns' and '2', but a 'sequel' nontheless) is definitely in order for 3DS. It makes way too much sense to just build another 60 levels and get it on there. It would look beautiful in 3D, and I'd imagine Retro can now allocate resources to separate projects.
They're working on an existing Nintendo IP.

I think it's DKCR2 or F-Zero. They've had recent experience creating tracks for Mario Kart 7 so perhaps they have been allowed to take the next step and create a full racing game. Although thinking about this title being a launch (window) title, it makes more sense for the game to be a revamp then a sequel. But then there was Metroid Prime 3 as a launch window title...but I don't think "crowning achievement" qualifies as a sequel to a Donkey Kong game, so with that I predict it is F-Zero. Even if I'm wrong, which I will most likely be, whatever the game is, it will surely be grand.

The have had experience making a racing game way back too I believe but I doubt it's F-Zero, not really an IP that will knock anyone's socks off except for the hardest of the hardcore.

I would think it would be something that potentially sells systems unless it's a new IP and then nothing is guaranteed.
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