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RimWorld out today on Steam Early Access - Colony Manager of Love and Life and Death

Anyone know why the 'smoothed floor' gives a +3 and the tiles only give +2? Seems like those should be reversed.

Smoothed floors are all pre-placed, aren't they? I think that plays into it.

Beauty in general is very much an afterthought for my colonies. There's barely time to clean up vomit, blood, and dirt, let alone actually beautifying the place.


I think they really need to add combat medicine to make use of all those pacifists and allow you to quickly stop blood loss without dragging people half way across the map.

Would also be nice if the gun turret was just a base and you could attach any weapons to it.


I think they really need to add combat medicine to make use of all those pacifists and allow you to quickly stop blood loss without dragging people half way across the map.

Would also be nice if the gun turret was just a base and you could attach any weapons to it.

There's a mod for that.


What can I do against a boomrat horde? Melee charcters would burn, and I never have enough ranged weapons to get even 1/4 of them...
I shoot one from maximum distance, and his explosion is generally enough to cause a chain reaction. I wound up with a field full of dead boomrat skeletons.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I really wish this game had a demo cause I find it super interesting but I'm not sure if it's a game for me. I know I could buy it and then request a refund after 90 minutes but that always feels like abusing the system.
I really wish this game had a demo cause I find it super interesting but I'm not sure if it's a game for me. I know I could buy it and then request a refund after 90 minutes but that always feels like abusing the system.
If you like Dwarf Fortress, Prison Architect, emergent gameplay and stories driven by systems, agree with the classic maxim of "Losing is fun", you'll like this


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
If you like Dwarf Fortress, Prison Architect, emergent gameplay and stories driven by systems, agree with the classic maxim of "Losing is fun", you'll like this

See, that's my problem: I didn't like Prison Architect. And I'm so sad I didn't like it cause it seems great. But I just couldn't get into it. Never played Dwarf Fortress cause that game scares me. I should give this game a chance, is there any hint when it will be done? Cause usually with EA games I play them so much when they are "unfinished" that I have no desire to play them ever again when they are finished.
See, that's my problem: I didn't like Prison Architect. And I'm so sad I didn't like it cause it seems great. But I just couldn't get into it. Never played Dwarf Fortress cause that game scares me. I should give this game a chance, is there any hint when it will be done? Cause usually with EA games I play them so much when they are "unfinished" that I have no desire to play them ever again when they are finished.
This isn't like that. This game already has more content and depth than most finished games. And the updates pretty much always add significant mechanics (making and doing drugs, scenario editor, familial and social relationships, etc.), that your strategies and variables to consider will need to adapt.

It's also kind of like Dwarf Fortress' more accessible cousin. If you were interested in Dwaft Fortress, but thought it looked too overwhelming and impenetrable, this game is the more user-friendly alternative. The dev recently added a very helpful guided tutorial to make it easier to get into. As well as the myriad mods available

Also this is a game meant to be played a lot. Your colony will suffer horrible fates. Your people will starve, your people will go insane, they'll burn alive or be overrun by insect hives or rampant mechs or raiders. Each failure is a lesson, and you get better and more efficient as you play. And even if you get good at the main scenario, there are tons of major variations from the scenarios editor and community to master. Being a native tribal village that can't make advanced technology is very different from the basic RimWorld scenario


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Also this is a game meant to be played a lot. Your colony will suffer horrible fates. Your people will starve, your people will go insane, they'll burn alive or be overrun by insect hives or rampant mechs or raiders. Each failure is a lesson, and you get better and more efficient as you play. And even if you get good at the main scenario, there are tons of major variations from the scenarios editor and community to master. Being a native tribal village that can't make technology is very different than the basic RimWorld scenario

I mean, that's what I'm here for. That's what I love about Civ (I do know they are different games, but I like failing in Civ more than I like winning)
Alright, I'm going to try and find a decent video of this game (I only watched the GiantBomb QL so far) and if there isn'T anything that immediately turns me off I'll give it a shot.
I mean, that's what I'm here for. That's what I love about Civ (I do know they are different games, but I like failing in Civ more than I like winning)
Have you read the stories in this thread? One guy's colonist was so hungry from starvation that he ate the arms off a corpse, lapsed into depression about his cannibalism, then suffered a psychotic break and killed everyone. This is the story generator for that kind of stuff
Last night a wanderer joined my fledgling community and my colonists decided that three was a crowd and a dainty can-do-no-hard-labour leech could not possibly be worth the resource drain. So one of them walked the newcomer to the woodshed and summarily executed her. Later on when they got the plague and were shivering in their deathbeds, it was remembered with regret that the newcomer was a highly skilled doctor. There in the wilderness of a rimworld out there, there is a cute little village with two houses, and a skeleton in each bed.
We were subject to a plague of mad squirrels yesterday, forcing all my colonists to stay indoors, unable to mount an assault. Our gardener however was caught outdoors, and was savagely mauled with, uh, tiny scratches and bites. No one could get out to rescue her, so she spent that night and the next morning outdoors, lying on a pile of rubble, bleeding in pain and ignominy. Luckily, she was a masochist, so she loved every minute.
Man, a new recruit started a fight with one of my original colonists. His mistake, she beat him unconscious, and even delivered a meal to our paralyzed husky before checking herself in to the hospital to get patched up.

A few days later they became lovers and demanded to sleep in the same bed.

This game can go places.
Well, I think I can safely say there's nowhere to go but up after my first game. I started out with three colonists and a tame fox, paused the game and went through the steps the game lays out, setting out a room with a few beds, a stockpile and a farm area, and assigning the two weapons I had to the two of my three colonists with the best firearms ability. I also notice that there's some kind of walled-off room on my map and think "hey, I should have a look inside!", so I also queue up a block to be demolished from one of the walls so I can get in there and hopefully find some goodies. When I unpause, one of my settlers starts moving everything to the stockpile, another one just wanders around aimlessly, and the third starts digging their way into the secret room, looking forward to the treasures that might await.

On the plus side, the room had five ancient cryo tubes in it, presumably containing people who would have greatly enlarged my fledgeling community. Unfortunately, it also included a pair of thousand-year-old killer robots, who proceeded to murder all three of my colonists and my pet fox in quick succession.

Total in-game time spent: about two minutes
Lesson learnt: stay clear of walled-off rooms unless you're packing some serious heat


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Have you read the stories in this thread? One guy's colonist was so hungry from starvation that he ate the arms off a corpse, lapsed into depression about his cannibalism, then suffered a psychotic break and killed everyone. This is the story generator for that kind of stuff

I have that's why I'm so interested in this game but people also have amazing stories to tell about Eve Online and I don't think I've ever played a more boring game. But whatever, I'm going in. It's worth a shot.


I have that's why I'm so interested in this game but people also have amazing stories to tell about Eve Online and I don't think I've ever played a more boring game. But whatever, I'm going in. It's worth a shot.

It is alot more hectic than Eve. Game can throw so much at you. If anything play on the Chillax storyteller until you can easily keep people from eating each other.

One more word of advice. Prep for hives. Research stuff so you can unlock better crap. Your first straight out ass whopping will come from those hives and they come pretty early.

They will wreck your shit, trust me.
This isn't like that. This game already has more content and depth than most finished games. And the updates pretty much always add significant mechanics (making and doing drugs, scenario editor, familial and social relationships, etc.), that your strategies and variables to consider will need to adapt.

It's also kind of like Dwarf Fortress' more accessible cousin. If you were interested in Dwaft Fortress, but thought it looked too overwhelming and impenetrable

I'm curious though, as someone who does enjoy Dwarf Fortress and was able to brute force his way through the interface and get pretty decent at the game, does RimWorld offer anything new or interesting that sets itself apart from DF? If you can play Dwarf Fortress is there any incentive in picking up RimWorld?
It is alot more hectic than Eve. Game can throw so much at you. If anything play on the Chillax storyteller until you can easily keep people from eating each other.

One more word of advice. Prep for hives. Research stuff so you can unlock better crap. Your first straight out ass whopping will come from those hives and they come pretty early.

They will wreck your shit, trust me.
I didn't prep for hives. They wrecked my shit.i thought I had things going well until I returned from killing something to see my base overrun.
I'm curious though, as someone who does enjoy Dwarf Fortress and was able to brute force his way through the interface and get pretty decent at the game, does RimWorld offer anything new or interesting that sets itself apart from DF? If you can play Dwarf Fortress is there any incentive in picking up RimWorld?

I haven't played a lot of DF's fortress mode, but the big difference is the AI storyteller. In the Classic mode, it will do what it can to make for progressively 'interesting' (i.e., frantic) situations that can be fatal if you're unprepared. So, an eclipse that stalls crops just before winter season, a wild animal attack, or an enemy raid are some potential outcomes, with the occasional helping hand as well--bonus resources, or even a new colonist wandering in, for instance. Just a lot of stuff to keep players on their toes; and, as the name implies, AI storytellers do manage to give stories to tell.

Another big difference is the colonists. Colonies in Rimworld are much smaller scale than DF--I think it was mentioned somewhere that 12 is the soft limit. Because each colonist is unique, with likes, dislikes, and things they are either skilled, terrible, or incapable of, it leads to situations where you need to plan around the quirks of your colonists. (Such as starting a colony of 3 with only 1 person capable of hauling... that pretty much becomes their only job, if you want it getting done at all. Which becomes tricky when, say, they're the only good builder in the colony as well.) It also means that losing a colonist can be a devastating, mournful loss.

Overall, Rimworld just has a lot of personality, giving a real sense of attachment that makes it hard to put down. If it isn't a Dwarf Fortress players' cup of tea right now, I think it will be eventually.

I should mentiong that I haven't touched Rimworld's mid- or even late-game though. The unlocked techs and different threats might change things considerably. Probably could've reached it by now on chill mode, but I like the pressure of Classic mode.
Guys how do you manage bedrooms? I build "n" slots for "n" people, but if someone join I tend to build another slot next to the old ones. So basically I have a row of bedrooms


See, that's my problem: I didn't like Prison Architect. And I'm so sad I didn't like it cause it seems great. But I just couldn't get into it. Never played Dwarf Fortress cause that game scares me. I should give this game a chance, is there any hint when it will be done? Cause usually with EA games I play them so much when they are "unfinished" that I have no desire to play them ever again when they are finished.

Unlike most EA games, this one has enough depth and content to stand as its own.
I don't get the PA comparisojns, other than some vague artstyle similarities the two games are extremely different.


Guys how do you manage bedrooms? I build "n" slots for "n" people, but if someone join I tend to build another slot next to the old ones. So basically I have a row of bedrooms

Pretty much the same. My current game have 9 people which also have 2 couples that can share a bed, so that helps a bit with rooms. I also have 6 rooms dedicated as hospital rooms/guest/prisoners. I do need to redo how I handle storage though. My fridge area is nice and close to the kitchen, but my general stockpile for everything else is a decent amount away and slows down my crafting a bit.
I make tiny medical rooms. My people will heal quickly or go mad; it's their choice.

For prisons it's more of a toss-up. I've been considering making a prison complex that has multiple prisoners in the same large room, but I'm not sure if that can work--I didn't get a chance to test it. (BOOMRATS!!!)
Guys how do you manage bedrooms? I build "n" slots for "n" people, but if someone join I tend to build another slot next to the old ones. So basically I have a row of bedrooms

My basic design is a 7x7 single-colonist room lined up one beside the other, with wood floors, walls, a bed, and torch in the corner. Other stuff, like vents, coolers, heaters, and beauty stuff, are placed when needed or possible. Then, once my colony is up and running I'll make another row of rooms and use those for medical/prisoner areas until I either get more colonists or get the medical/prisoner areas built.

I'd highly recommend using the planning tool to map out your expansion ideas. It will help you avoid time-consuming and/or expensive changes because of small oversights, and give you the room to prioritise construction based on needs without sacrificing the overall big picture.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Alright, after ~1,5 hours with the game I have a couple of questions:
-How do I make clothes? I built the workstation for it but I guess I need leather but I have no idea how to get that. Some naked dude joined me but he doesn't like being naked.
Edit: Well, I hae Turkey leather in my storage area but that doesn't seem to count?
-How can I get somebody to go to the research table? It seems kinda random so I still haven't researched anything. Which is probably why I'm not quite sure what to do next since I've basically built most stuff available. I know about the "Work" tab and have assigned somebody to do only research but she still just wanders around.

I guess my biggest problem so far is figuring out if I have a somewhat self-sufficient community or if I'm supposed to do something right now.


Alright, after ~1,5 hours with the game I have a couple of questions:
-How do I make clothes? I built the workstation for it but I guess I need leather but I have no idea how to get that. Some naked dude joined me but he doesn't like being naked.
Edit: Well, I hae Turkey leather in my storage area but that doesn't seem to count?
-How can I get somebody to go to the research table? It seems kinda random so I still haven't researched anything. Which is probably why I'm not quite sure what to do next since I've basically built most stuff available. I know about the "Work" tab and have assigned somebody to do only research but she still just wanders around.

I guess my biggest problem so far is figuring out if I have a somewhat self-sufficient community or if I'm supposed to do something right now.

Easiest way to make clothes is to get a tailor loom and some cotton. Then use the sewing table(forgot the name of it). I'm still in the process of learning how to make actual armor. You can also just kill some raiders and use their junk. Strip them after you kill them or be a dick like me. Heal them up, strip em, then release them back to their colony.

For research, you can designate someone to do it by setting their priority to 1 under research. Just use the work tab at the bottom left and click the red x/ green check to switch between manual/auto priorities. It will help you dedicate people to specific things.

Also, make sure you have someone on cleaning. Might sound odd but it is extremely important for the well being of the colony. Keeps people happy!
I make tiny medical rooms. My people will heal quickly or go mad; it's their choice.

For prisons it's more of a toss-up. I've been considering making a prison complex that has multiple prisoners in the same large room, but I'm not sure if that can work--I didn't get a chance to test it. (BOOMRATS!!!)

My basic design is a 7x7 single-colonist room lined up one beside the other, with wood floors, walls, a bed, and torch in the corner. Other stuff, like vents, coolers, heaters, and beauty stuff, are placed when needed or possible. Then, once my colony is up and running I'll make another row of rooms and use those for medical/prisoner areas until I either get more colonists or get the medical/prisoner areas built.

I'd highly recommend using the planning tool to map out your expansion ideas. It will help you avoid time-consuming and/or expensive changes because of small oversights, and give you the room to prioritise construction based on needs without sacrificing the overall big picture.

I've totally missed the planning tool!
You don't realise how important it is to not inhabit rooms covered in filth, blood, and vomit until you're inhabiting rooms filled with filth, blood, and vomit.

Only in Rimworld.
I've totally missed the planning tool!

The one weird quirk about it is that you can't remove plans save for the remove plan tool. Building something/mining on the planned tile will automatically remove it, however.
I haven't played a lot of DF's fortress mode, but the big difference is the AI storyteller. In the Classic mode, it will do what it can to make for progressively 'interesting' (i.e., frantic) situations that can be fatal if you're unprepared. So, an eclipse that stalls crops just before winter season, a wild animal attack, or an enemy raid are some potential outcomes, with the occasional helping hand as well--bonus resources, or even a new colonist wandering in, for instance. Just a lot of stuff to keep players on their toes; and, as the name implies, AI storytellers do manage to give stories to tell.

Another big difference is the colonists. Colonies in Rimworld are much smaller scale than DF--I think it was mentioned somewhere that 12 is the soft limit. Because each colonist is unique, with likes, dislikes, and things they are either skilled, terrible, or incapable of, it leads to situations where you need to plan around the quirks of your colonists. (Such as starting a colony of 3 with only 1 person capable of hauling... that pretty much becomes their only job, if you want it getting done at all. Which becomes tricky when, say, they're the only good builder in the colony as well.) It also means that losing a colonist can be a devastating, mournful loss.

Overall, Rimworld just has a lot of personality, giving a real sense of attachment that makes it hard to put down. If it isn't a Dwarf Fortress players' cup of tea right now, I think it will be eventually.

I should mentiong that I haven't touched Rimworld's mid- or even late-game though. The unlocked techs and different threats might change things considerably. Probably could've reached it by now on chill mode, but I like the pressure of Classic mode.

Thanks for this, I decided to pick up the game pretty much because of this post. While there are certainly some things that I find strange or lacking coming from Dwarf Fortress (not needing seeds to grow crops is weird) I'm actually enjoying the game quite a bit. Right now the only thing really annoying me is the random electrical fires that occur, pretty much all of my settlements up until this point have died due to an inopportune electrical fire happening and burning down most/all of my settlement in one case, or forcing my dudes to go outside to rebuild some key areas of the structure ... during a bout of toxic fallout. That said, really enjoying the game so far. Just finished up a game where all but one of my original colonists died but, because he was an absurdly good shot, was able to survive on his own for a very long time. At a certain point I picked up an anti-social visionary research guy that basically rocketed us through the tech tree. Would've been able to build more were it not for the toxic fallout making me unable to capitalize on all of our newfound knowledge, and then the fire hit and everyone died of infection.
The scariest thing about toxic fallout is the aftermath... a settlement littered with bones.

There should be some kind of crafted material that uses bone corpses. Neolithic-tier weapons or artwork, for instance. (I secretly want tribals to be a viable playstyle.)
Thanks for this, I decided to pick up the game pretty much because of this post. While there are certainly some things that I find strange or lacking coming from Dwarf Fortress (not needing seeds to grow crops is weird) I'm actually enjoying the game quite a bit. Right now the only thing really annoying me is the random electrical fires that occur, pretty much all of my settlements up until this point have died due to an inopportune electrical fire happening and burning down most/all of my settlement in one case, or forcing my dudes to go outside to rebuild some key areas of the structure ... during a bout of toxic fallout. That said, really enjoying the game so far. Just finished up a game where all but one of my original colonists died but, because he was an absurdly good shot, was able to survive on his own for a very long time. At a certain point I picked up an anti-social visionary research guy that basically rocketed us through the tech tree. Would've been able to build more were it not for the toxic fallout making me unable to capitalize on all of our newfound knowledge, and then the fire hit and everyone died of infection.
I personally find not needing water weird. But there's no carp in Rimworld, so, eh, what's even the point I guess.

I'm actually curious if electrical fires are influenced by a builder's skill at all. Either through bad luck or skill, I've had strings of electrical fires on my colony (coincidentally in a game where I only had builders in the 1-5 skill range). If nothing else, the explosions train you to keep wiring away from critical areas, like beds or storage areas. (And FYI, the floor wiring affects beauty, so you'll want it in the wall.)

And yeah, the AI storyteller can be predictable sometimes. I once had 3 separate pod drops of cloth because I never had time to build a warm winter coat for one of my colonists. It's.. trying to help, at least.


Thanks for this, I decided to pick up the game pretty much because of this post. While there are certainly some things that I find strange or lacking coming from Dwarf Fortress (not needing seeds to grow crops is weird) I'm actually enjoying the game quite a bit. Right now the only thing really annoying me is the random electrical fires that occur, pretty much all of my settlements up until this point have died due to an inopportune electrical fire happening and burning down most/all of my settlement in one case, or forcing my dudes to go outside to rebuild some key areas of the structure ... during a bout of toxic fallout. That said, really enjoying the game so far. Just finished up a game where all but one of my original colonists died but, because he was an absurdly good shot, was able to survive on his own for a very long time. At a certain point I picked up an anti-social visionary research guy that basically rocketed us through the tech tree. Would've been able to build more were it not for the toxic fallout making me unable to capitalize on all of our newfound knowledge, and then the fire hit and everyone died of infection.

Be sure to check out mods. I found this mod to be pretty awesome.

RT Fuse
This goddamn game can be pretty depressing. Started playing it a few days ago, trying to learn it I messed up here in there in the first tries but that's fine, the game is pretty fun even if sometimes it feels like my guys and gals ignore or mess up their priorities and everything is a mess for a while.

Anyway, game is depressing, I have a colonist that I adore, the guy is an amazing shooter, researcher, he's always ok with everything that went on the colony. The dude got both feet shot off, I was feeling bad... gave him two peg legs. The champ didn't say anything. A few days later he got his jaw shot off, couldn't eat or talk, I got him a prosthetic jaw, the fucking dude was still ok with his fucking life in the colony. So at this point I'm thinking this goddamn game wants this guy dead for some reason and you know what, they almost succeeded, this incredible man got his right arm destroyed, huge infection, I had to cut it off... the fucking guy still shoots his rifle better than anyone else. But this game man, it just had to kill the dude, but not in a way that I would just think... yea, ok, the dude's gone, he gave it all and died on the field, nah... my colony was (still is anyway) doing pretty well until another raid happened and I don't know what the deal is about the better shooter getting hit 70% of the time, but on this raid I had three losses, two died on the spot, the other one, this incredible dude I've been talking about, got shot in the brain and currently lies on a medical bed in a vegetative state, no coming back... the game wants me to kill my own fucking hero. Fuck this game.
If you save his shooting arm and attached it to someone else, can you transfer his skills?

...No? Dammit.

What about preserving his body until you develop an AI that can be inserted to replace his brain, surely that's a thing? (By then prosthetics will be available for his other bits.)
don't forget to harvest his organs

Good tip.

If you save his shooting arm and attached it to someone else, can you transfer his skills?

...No? Dammit.

What about preserving his body until you develop an AI that can be inserted to replace his brain, surely that's a thing? (By then prosthetics will be available for his other bits.)

I searched around if there was a way to get someone back from an injury like that, people say there isn't, at least for now. Maybe with mods there's a way to get a functional brain again through surgery, but I gotta accept his fate.


I never noticed how quickly colonists with asthma eat through your medicine. They are in the hospital getting treated weekly. Sorry guys, I have to restrict you to herbal medicine until we can harvest you some lungs.

And I just realized one of them has a chemical fascination, that bastard probably doesn't actually even have asthma.


Is it possible to wipe boomalopes off the map. I swear my next game I will focus on just hunting them to extinction.

Manhunter pack of boomalopes sneaked into my base because I forget to fill in a wall some pirates dug into my base. My base was doing so fucking well and now it is all ash.

Would have thought having a base in a mountain would be the most secure. :p
That medieval mod looks pretty good. I think something along the lines of that would be a really good addition to the game officially, it's strange how it goes from tribal-level technology to modern day with only a few things inbetween.
I've never had an issue with the 'lopes. Sniper/ancient survival rifles have the range to incapacitate them at a safe distance, and the explosion usually clears out the rest of the herd.

I'd like future alpha updates to add more dangerous gen-mod animals. Mutated mandrils or something. Oh and new weapon designs. I love a tec9 as much as the next guy, but I don't expect them to be in circulation in 3000 years.
Was checking the Top Sellers to see how Clustertruck was doing and noticed that Rimworld is once again back in the Top 10 (Top 20 for Global).


Was checking the Top Sellers to see how Clustertruck was doing and noticed that Rimworld is once again back in the Top 10 (Top 20 for Global).

Good. Still need to buy Clustertruck also. Love goofy, fast paced games like that.

Also, I think I finally have a colony able to try building a spaceship. My defense is damn near impervious thanks to dealing with the hardship of building my base in a mountain. So deep in that it take sappers ages to burrow through. Only need to worry about infestations because everything outside the base will get shredded.
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