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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)

/ Rain

NeoGaf in a nutshell:

PS4 exclusive: "Great move Sony, good on you guys *hugs ps4*

Xbox One exclusive: "Fuck M$$$$$$$, using shitloads of cash again to actually compete in a business world, I'm not buying it! (I own a Xbox One, or at least I'm saying that to seem less biased)."

SE was disappointed with the sales number of their last Tomb Raider game and that sold over 3 million copies when it first came out on the X360, PS3 and PC

What are they expecting to sell with it being an exclusive?!
I mean they could at least release it to PC... wtf...


Junior Member
It was funny reading posts like this about Titanfall a year ago. Then the real story came out that the game almost got cancelled because they ran out of money, and Microsoft stepped in to fund it, thus making it exclusive.

We all heard the reports that Square Enix was disappointed by Tomb Raider's sales last year. We don't know what kind of things were going on behind the scenes with these projects.
This is very very true. Let's not jump the gun (although it really looks like they just paid to keep it off other platforms). Maybe ROTTR was running into late development problems, for the scope they were trying to achieve, and MS offered to foot the bill.


This is crap...

I have both systems, just so I can play exclusives, but there is no way I am buying this.

You have exclusives that are made in house.

You have exclusives, like the recent Sunset Overdrive, where the developer gets to keep control of their product, so staying on one system makes sense.

You have exclusives, like Bayonetta 2, where one of the big companies helps fund the game which would have never been made otherwise.

With all of these I have no problem buying the game and is the reason I own all the major systems.

Then you have crap like this where one company pays to keep the game off other systems. This is complete anti-consumer shit. This is not helping the gamer. This is not creating exciting content for your fans. This is not making me want to support your company by hiring the most talented artist in the industry and giving them a chance to wow me. This is 100% complete mafia bullshit of taking out all competition and leaving me one single choice.

fuck you I am not supporting this...


Comparing a video game console to the mafia



I love all these comments that say "I own an Xbox One, but I AM NOT buying this on it because of principles!!"

Let's see your receipts gentlemen.


Wow, I may need to start trading in shit for the xbox one. No PC release either? Wasn't this suwon to be on all platforms at E3? Either way, fucking megaton. It's an even bigger snare of an exclusive then Bayonetta 2 sales wise.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
It was funny reading posts like this about Titanfall a year ago. Then the real story came out that the game almost got cancelled because they ran out of money, and Microsoft stepped in to fund it, thus making it exclusive.

We all heard the reports that Square Enix was disappointed by Tomb Raider's sales last year. We don't know what kind of things were going on behind the scenes with these projects.

Where is that story? I find it hard to believe EA ran out of money to fund a game created by the makers of Call of Duty.


Not surprising since Microsoft has been "throwing money" at Tomb Raider for some time. Guess is their way to "have an Uncharted", even more with 2015 also bringing a new Uncharted. Kinda weird too after the Definitive Edition selling more on PS4.

i missed this

then its like Splinter Cell Conviction then?


I've not seen such a massive negative reaction to an exclusive announcement. Every Tomb Raider forum is furious and the tumblr post is filled with annoyed people.

Shame it always comes to this. Would love to know the figure MS have paid for this, especially since the reboot "underperformed" and, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the definitive edition sell more on PS4 than XB1 by a considerable margin


Good thing Microsoft is re-committed to PC gaming!

I have no idea who to believe. Microsoft and CD are saying it isn't timed, but any journalist worth their salt wouldn't say it was one without having proof, right?

I'm fairly certainly they don't know any more than anybody else right now. And as it stands right now, it's exclusive exclusive, not timed. There is no wording or phrasing released that indicates otherwise.


The best thing about this is SE releasing the definitive edition on PS4, with the improved Lara model that will be used in the sequel... to only be put on Xbox One. Ha. Fuck you, PlayStation gamers.

It's really incredible. They release the Defitive Version for both consoles (and it sells way more on the PS4) and then "Fuck you the next one is going to be exclusive for XBone!"
I mean, do they really think the fanbase will just nod and say ok?


To be honest if Sony did the same thing with Tomb Raider I would still be complaining. I don't want some dumb downed version when we all know the PC version will be 10x better.
Companies don't just give exclusives out now days without compensation. SE needs money NOW. Ms gave them money NOW.

Well I'm sure Capcom didn't go Nintendo just for fun either, but like the GC, the XB1 will offer no way to make the exclusive version itself very profitable with big junks of the fanbase staying on the Sony console.

So no, I believe it WILL come to other platforms unless MS paid them such a large sum that MS shareholders will soon want to sell off the Xbox division again :p

Still, I'm only baffled at SE. This could even lead to the TR franchise getting killed / needing another reboot.


I'm a little salty. I was looking forward to playing it on PC, as I played Tomb Raider on PC. I'm not quite interested in getting a Xbox One yet, given that the only game I'm remotely interested in is Quantum Break. We'll see how 2015 shapes up.


Wow, completely out of the blue. Won't be supporting this kind of non sense, anti-consumer to the bone.

Exclusives are anti-consumer now? Lmao. Nonsense like this is why I stopped paying attention to this section. You don't see this stuff in Sony threads.
This is a straight up money hat though, it's not the same as something like Bloodborne in which Sony funds/helps development.
There's not many examples of Sony buying a third party title and preventing it from releasing on other consoles.

Are we sure about this though? SE has been under a ton of pressure and keeps flopping around looking for a strategy; SE may have wanted a partner for this title since they considered the last title "not a success." While it does make great sense strategically for MSFT, it also makes sense that SE is looking for more up front money for development these days due to financial reasons.


Huge exclusive, but still a wierd choice. I don't see TR as a system seller, but lots of ppl will be upset by the move.


If you're Microsoft, you have to do something. Every game available both on XB1 and PS4 looks better and is smoother on PS4. To great media and internet nerd attention. They are losing the cross platform title war, and well the war with Sony at the moment, and its getting sensationalized every time Digital Foundry or whatever does a platform comparison. The PS4 version is always superior. No doubt some eager X1 fan will find an exception to jam in here, and that's fine, but Microsoft knows the score.

So this has to suck for MS. Literally the only way to prevent this from happening is to buy off the publisher. Give them piles and piles if cash to NOT release on PS4. So there can be no better version than the Xbox version!! I was marginally interested in the new Tomb Raider, and likely would have picked up on PC instead of PS4.

But moves like this have always had the opposite effect on me. There was little chance I'd ever buy an XB1 before Microsoft paid off Square Enix, and this kind of stinky shit doesn't do anything to change my position. But I get why Microsoft did it. They are in a position of market weakness, they need a win, and the best way to assure a win is to win by default. I just don't think TR matters quite that much. But it's a start I guess.
Where is that story? I find it hard to believe EA ran out of money to fund a game created by the makers of Call of Duty.

The Final Hours, but yea sounds like a PR fluff. Not buying it. Besides even if they did help, we know for a fact it was timed before they went back and full out moneyhatted it
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