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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


I don't know why you'd be disappointed with MS, they're just a company who proposed a deal with SQE very beneficial to them. It is however SQE's fault that they took that deal, alienating a large portion of their audience and potentially damaging long term sustainability of one of their IPs.

because microsoft KNOWS this would upset a great amount of gamers everywhere, yet they only care about their own following.


I did not know that the sequel to a mediocre Uncharted-clone with more more violence has that many fans here. Its kinda sad really, considering that the last game (and probably this game, too) did not set the world on fire at all.
It was a typical third person "cinematic" action game, with the twist that it starred a girl this time. And if it is indeed timed exclusive, what the fuck is the problem?

The problem is that the game was intended and expected to be multiplatform until MS laid a fat check on SE's desk. People placed preorders for the PS4 and PS3 versions for fucks sake. MS basically flat out paid for a significant number of gamers to be denied access to a game they were looking forward to playing AGAIN. So no it's not simply just "another timed exclusive" it's "another giant fuck you from Microsoft."


TR 2013 was a really good game. Just because you weren't so impressed doesn't mean it doesn't have fans.
Of course it does - but looking at the sales splits for TR where are there more (and less) of them?

When you drop the majority of the established fans (PC/PS3/PS4) for the minority of established fans (360/XB1) you are going to get flack, rather a lot of it in fact.


I don't know why you'd be disappointed with MS, they're just a company who proposed a deal with SQE very beneficial to them. It is however SQE's fault that they took that deal, alienating a large portion of their audience and potentially damaging long term sustainability of one of their IPs.

In general I'm finding the hate directed at MS as opposed to SQE really weird.

Oh come on. Both parties are to blame here. MS is proving it's back to their normal anti consumer BS business as usual and SE agreed to it. They both deserve all the shit they get for this deal.


because microsoft KNOWS this would upset a great amount of gamers everywhere, yet they only care about their own following.

Hahaha holy shit. Dude its a multinational, publicly traded corporation that's sort of their purpose. Same with Sony. They exist to make profit for investors, not to advance video games as a form of art.


Gold Member
So it's confirmed now?

I always thought it is a bit fishy how they always had the date when they said it, so obviously yeah it will be exclusive to Xbox when it launched on Holiday 2015, but not forever exclusive.

I am tired of this shit, can't just take their word because their lawyers make extra sure they can spread the bullshit as much as possible whilst being accurate, so we always have to call them out. MS wanted us to believe it was exclusive, but at the same time they didn't lie with their wording. This is not just a MS issue btw, it's the whole industry.

Not a big TR guy anyway, but if it's good, this is good news for me I'll get it on PS4.


I'm going to be honest.

I'm a little salty about this. I'm a PS4 and Gaming PC owner and think it's pretty whack, especially as it was previously announced as a multi-platform title. Especially when the Definitive Edition just released on PS4, and the new Temple of Osiris game incoming, it just seems like a bit of a fuck you from Square Enix to their larger fan base. (I own the game on PS3, PS4 and PC, none of which are receiving the sequel).

Saying that, I already have an XB1 pre-ordered for The Master Chief Collection and Sunset Overdrive, but I will probably pick up Rise of the Tomb Raider used, if at all. I just ask people to vote with their wallets, I personally believe this sets a bad precedent, and I don't really see who benefits from it. Microsoft won't see a huge upsurge in sales, Square Enix will likely see a sharp drop in sales. The only people it screws over are the people who don't have the luxury of owning multiple current-gen systems.

I'd be just as salty if it was Sony who money-hatted the title.
Did you even read his post. That is not what he said at all. He said the fact that this game was bought by MS would encourage more innovation from Sony. Which makes zero sense. Here read it again:

And tell me how that says anything about more cash on hand for Tomb Raider.

You are correct. One doesn't have anything to do with the other and I am mistaken. I believe the exclusivity deal is good for gamers but for none of the reasons he states.


UC4 will destroy RoTR in graphics, in performance (60fps vs 30fps), in sales and most likely the press impressions. If this was a stunt from CD to rival UC then they've done really bad job with risk assessment.

Lump on top of this when Tomb Raider comes to PC and PS4 people already know what they're getting, CD really need to not fuck up. If it turns out mediocre they aren't gonna have the larger install base blindly pre-ordering it like they would with a proper multiplatform release with release day review embargo.
Preventing multiplattform titles from a simultaneos release on all plattforms seems pretty desperate. Also its certainly not beneficial for the consumers.
But its their right to do stuff like that.
On the other hand they are paying money so that ps4 an pc gamers cant play the game so the outrage is someehat understandable.

I also dont think this is the right thing to do for microsoft. They need more iconic 1st party ip. 3rd party wont cut it. Especially not if its a timed excl.


I have bought every Tomb Raider until now, even the abysmal Angel of Darkness.
I guess Rise of the Tomb Raider will be the first one I won´t buy.

Tomb Raider sells best on Playstation and in Europe, so the best decision for the next game is to be exclusive on Xbox One, brilliant move by SE!


but I won't sit here and let them take our Hitman!

Eh, Hitman was already ruined by them. Hey Square - make the next Hitman exclusive to mobile, see if I care.

I'm actually happy that they ruined all sorts of franchises (Tomb Raider, Hitman, etc.) last generation. I would be pissed otherwise, but instead I'm doing the Kermit.

Did you even read his post. That is not what he said at all. He said the fact that this game was bought by MS would encourage more innovation from Sony. Which makes zero sense. Here read it again:

And tell me how that says anything about more cash on hand for Tomb Raider.

Innovation and creativity is boosted by harsh and aggressive competition, the best example I can give you is look at the phone industry, Apple and Samsung need to constantly add more and more features to their handsets to stay competitive or else there will only be one left .. in terms of Sony and MS, MS have just nabbed them selfs an exclusive (rumoured) from under Sony's feet, so Sony can do one of many things some being to fill the gap with another game that's home grown and developed by Sony, buy exclusive rights to another game franchise, invest more money into current games such as the new Uncharted... The list goes on and on


"I know Crystal Dynamics has issued a statement and we're going to stand by that. Xbox fans are going to be able to play Tomb Raider next holiday exclusive on Xbox."

This sentence gets me, even though the reason for wording as such is clear given it is the Xbox boss speaking. The idea that it is 'Xbox fans' who are going to be able to play the next Tomb Raider, and not 'Tomb Raider fans' is an interesting - though necessary - way of saying things.

The alternative of course is that he says something much more cloying, like 'next year Tomb Raider fans will be able to play the next instalment of the rejuvenated franchise exclusively on Xbox systems' which causes my toes to curl, and of course, may not be true in the long run (though I guess that's never stopped such things being said in the past).

Ah well, even though I had serious misgivings with the reboot, I still enjoyed my time with it immensely on PC and was looking forward to the PC sequel. I still think both current gen consoles are overpriced in Australia (the PS4 moreso) though I'm sure some interesting prices will exist by this Christmas.

I guess another facet of the deal is that with both consoles now being so similar to one another, having big exclusives on your platform may actually matter. Which, given the series' historical platform beginnings, is also interesting.
because microsoft KNOWS this would upset a great amount of gamers everywhere, yet they only care about their own following.

if they cared about their own following they'd have used that money to create something with one of the many ips they had, or made a new ip or several depending on budgets, they didnt, this is a terrible deal for xbox one gamers


Oh Microsoft you. Just the latest fuck up. This isn't good for their bad reputation.
I personally don't care much. We do have Uncharted. I did enjoy the first game though.
I have bought every Tomb Raider until now, even the abysmal Angel of Darkness.
I guess Rise of the Tomb Raider will be the first one I won´t buy.

Tomb Raider sells best on Playstation and in Europe, so the best decision for the next game is to be exclusive on Xbox One, brilliant move by SE!

They needed the money clearly. Given the option you can be sure they would've preferred the same deal but with Sony but Sony is the market leader by a wide margin and doesn't need to make deals like that.


Think again, in the last TR SE has invested tons of money, if I'm not wrong, they need to release the remastered just to reach a decent revenue because they have pratically bombed the brand. Probably MS give them so many money to dont' worry more about the sales. But I suspect they have to sent to the dead this series.


They needed the money clearly.

Kigari says otherwise

. Given the option you can be sure they would've preferred the same deal but with Sony but Sony is the market leader by a wide margin and doesn't need to make deals like that
So because they couldn't get a deal with Sony they went "Fuck it, make it xbox exclusive" instead of, you know, releasing it on all the platforms?
Oh Microsoft you. Just the latest fuck up. This isn't good for their bad reputation.
I personally don't care much. We do have Uncharted. I did enjoy the first game though.

For some MS can do nothing right. They can't worry about those types of gamers. They are a waste of time and effort.
If this is timed exclusive, I feel like Square Enix just handed Uncharted 4 holiday 2015 on a silver platter. Maybe that is part of the plan, take MS money, release on a console with no competition from Uncharted, release a few months later on Playstation with less competition...profit?


Because now they can spend more time on a single version, potentially improving performance. Perhaps Microsoft can put some of their own software engineers on the job to help with the optimisation. Multiplayer at launch wouldn't be fragmented, since everyone is on the same system, which means that everyone with that game could play with anyone else with that game. They don't have to be subjected to comparisons to other platforms at launch, trying to discourage people from their potential only available option. They also aren't running the risk any more that another platform holder snags the title away as a (timed) exclusive.

Several of these fuel confirmation bias and platform affinity, rather than a tangible benefit to the game itself, but that is exactly why these deals exist in the free market. It helps validate the investment in the system, since the platform holder is willing to put in time and money to ensure there is value to picking their brand. Time and resources are limited, so a lot of people may have to settle for a single system. It's Microsoft's job to make people feel secure about picking them in that choice. Of course the ideal situation for gamers would be completely DRM- and encryption-free gaming, where everything is playable on anything that has the specs, but the none of the three console manufacturers are actually looking out for what's best for gamers.

Okay this game comes out in a little over a year. So it is already some way along the track development wise. This is kind of a negligible point in this instance.

Fragmentation of what the what? This doesn't even make sense. There is never cross console play. Fragmentation occurs with map packs and the like. You're also saying that competition between different versions of the game is a bad thing because a potential shittier version might get less love. Surely it deserves less love?

I understand why Microsoft think it's good. I want to know what is good for gamers in this. Xbox One owners are not benefitting. They would have got the game anyway. To me all it does is further tarnish a dodgy reputation. Xbox owners should be pissed they aren't creating new IPs with this money. Halo, Fable and Gears need company. This isn't the way to go about getting it.
When/if the game eventually comes to the PS4/PC, I sure as hell won't buy it at a full price due to the later release date. I hope many others do the same, and vote with their wallets against this kind of business practise.

Yeah I think I'll do the same. I liked TR but I didn't buy it at full-price as well. I know it's business but being vague just to fool people to buy into the system because of the word "exclusive" is very shady and shitty practice. They should stick with "play it first on Xbone" or something.

that's suprising. SE didn't want to have a deal for FFXV with Sony but to accept this deal.

It's more like Sony didn't have money to pay.


Innovation and creativity is boosted by harsh and aggressive competition, the best example I can give you is look at the phone industry, Apple and Samsung need to constantly add more and more features to their handsets to stay competitive or else there will only be one left .. in terms of Sony and MS, MS have just nabbed them selfs an exclusive (rumoured) from under Sony's feet, so Sony can do one of many things some being to fill the gap with another game that's home grown and developed by Sony, buy exclusive rights to another game franchise, invest more money into current games such as the new Uncharted... The list goes on and on

That analogy doesn't really work. When Apple and Samsung add new hardware features they don't do it by taking away features from other each other, they do it by innovating their own in-house technologies to differentiate themselves. In this case, all Microsoft's done is taken what should have been a multiplatform title away from PS3, PS4 and PC gamers.


When it comes out on XOne it will be considered by Xbox fans as an uncharted killer. When it comes out on ps4 and PC it will be considered an uncharted tier action game because of all the debate. This move is going to drastically improve the reputation and perceived quality of the franchise.

That already happened with the reboot, which they got rewarded in kind with high sale figures even though it was disappointing by their own expectations, this move is going to do the opposite for it's reputation because now it's Uncharted versus Tomb Raider on the less popular console limiting it's reach out to people even further, essentially cutting its fanbase at the knees.


Oh come on. Both parties are to blame here. MS is proving it's back to their normal anti consumer BS business as usual and SE agreed to it. They both deserve all the shit they get for this deal.

Dude I don't like the move by MS any more than you do, but it makes sense for them as a company. They're not damaging their existing consumer base and they add incentive for people to move to their platform. Getting angry at a company for acting like a company doesn't make any sense.

SQE on the other hand had every right to decline the deal, and in not doing so gave a massive fuck you to a large portion of their current customers, probably went against the wishes of the dev team and potentially damaged a pretty valuable IP in the long run.


I wonder if the game will be any good? Was not that fussed about the first game. Felt way to linear for my tastes and the actual Tomb Raiding was a massive afterthought. Hopefully they focus more around raiding tombs and not QTE stabbing fests.
I loved TR on PS3 and the PS4. This better just be a timed exclusive. While I look forward to the next game; I def. wouldn't by an Xbone just to play it. This kind of bums me out.


Kigari says otherwise

So because they couldn't get a deal with Sony they went "Fuck it, make it xbox exclusive" instead of, you know, releasing it on all the platforms?

Kigari lies without any doubt. There aren't any other reasons to choice xone how exclusive console. Still not sure why MS has wasted their money for a brand which has most of their fan in the others platforms. I don't think they change their idea just for TR exclusivity. To be honest, I think they risk to obtain the exact opposite. You don't gain more simpathy with these kinda of operations.
Dude I don't like the move by MS any more than you do, but it makes sense for them as a company. They're not damaging their existing consumer base and they add incentive for people to move to their platform
Let's see how much will increase their userbase then, after this move. To me, they have wasted their money. A new ip would been tons of times better.


I wonder if the game will be any good? Was not that fussed about the first game. Felt way to linear for my tastes and the actual Tomb Raiding was a massive afterthought. Hopefully they focus more around raiding tombs and not QTE stabbing fests.

there are like 5 or 6 QTEs in the entire game...


Dear lord, this is stupid. Kill off the biggest platforms for the game. It would be like making FF exclusive only to xbox after how long its been associated with the Sony brand. Didn't FFXIII on the PS3 double over X360 sales despite at the time having a lower install base?
It tells a story when a game gets branded to a console for such a long time its going to sell better on said console.

How much money did MS drop.....I mean, holy crap.

It's even worse because I don't even have the option of playing it on the PC this time around either.
The wording alone that this game is exclusive to Xbox holiday 2015, tells me that it's a timed exclusive. We've seen this nonsense so many times before. Sony's done the same thing.
As much I make fun of insane gamer overreactions I really can understand this one to an extent.

This is a sequel to a game that was multiplatform and a majority of its fans were always on the Playstation, i'm sure many TR fans got a PS4 safely thinking that "of course we'll get Tomb Raider". To have it go exclusive despite supporting the franchise the most would feel like a swift kick in the balls.

At least it seems like its a timed exclusive though.


there are like 5 or 6 QTEs in the entire game...

I felt I was QTE stabbing people with pick-axes, way more than I really should have been. Also gunning people down like some standard TPS game. Not what I go to Tomb Raider games for.

Actually, they might be able to make a great game if it does focus on 1 format.


Kigari lies without any doubt. There aren't any other reasons to choice xone how exclusive console. Still not sure why MS has wasted their money for a brand which has most of their fan in the others platforms. I don't think they change their idea just for TR exclusivity. To be honest, I think they risk to obtain the exact opposite. You don't gain more simpathy with these kinda of operations.

Wat? She a mod and a verified insider.

Has this been posted yet?

Obviously it won't do shit.
I have bought every Tomb Raider until now, even the abysmal Angel of Darkness.
I guess Rise of the Tomb Raider will be the first one I won´t buy.

Tomb Raider sells best on Playstation and in Europe, so the best decision for the next game is to be exclusive on Xbox One, brilliant move by SE!

Sense of entitlement, much?


Innovation and creativity is boosted by harsh and aggressive competition, the best example I can give you is look at the phone industry, Apple and Samsung need to constantly add more and more features to their handsets to stay competitive or else there will only be one left .. in terms of Sony and MS, MS have just nabbed them selfs an exclusive (rumoured) from under Sony's feet, so Sony can do one of many things some being to fill the gap with another game that's home grown and developed by Sony, buy exclusive rights to another game franchise, invest more money into current games such as the new Uncharted... The list goes on and on

..., no just no MS did not "nab themselves an exclusive out from under Sony's feet" they bought a multiplatform title and locked it to their platform. That does nothing to encourage innovation or creativity. This will not have any impact whatsoever on Uncharted development and implying if will is just asinine. The thing about the Apple and Samsung analogy is that both of those companies are developing and releasing their own products that are in direct competition. This is equivalent to buying exclusive rights to multitouch technology so the competitor can't use it. All it does is net a short term gain while screwing over everyone else who doesn't want to buy your product.

I just can't even fathom the sort of mental gymnastics it takes to look at this situation and arrive at "this will encourage innovation and creativity." That is just some next level spin right there.
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