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Rotten Watch: STAR TREK (Directed by J.J. Abrams) RT says it's better than TDK (96%)

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Here we go, official thread time.
Rotten Tomatoes Score
Current Score: 95%
Fresh: 71
Rotten: 4

The result is a triumph, certain to be regarded as not just one Trek's better moments, but one of the finest films made in the sci-fi genre.

Easily the best Trek movie since The Wrath of Khan, and a veritable feast of sight and sound

A stupendous production, Star Trek goes where no movie sequel or prequel has gone before in bringing intelligence and invention to a peak in cinematic storytelling.

After the painfully stilted "Star Wars" prequels and the last few lackluster 'Trek' films, this 'Trek' at last brings back a sense of fun adventure to the space epic which has not really been seen since the 80's.

Paced at warp speed with spectacular action sequences rendered brilliantly and with a cast so expert that all the familiar characters are instantly identifiable, the film gives Paramount Pictures a new lease of life on its franchise.


Release Date: May 7th, 2009


Directed by: J.J. Abrams
Written By:Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman


Chris Pine as... James T. Kirk
Zachary Qunito as... Spock
Karl Urban as... Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Simon Pegg as... Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Zoe Saldana as... Nyota Uhura
John Cho as.. Hikaru Sulu
Anton Yelchin as... Pavel Chekov
Bruce Greenwood as... Christopher Pike
Eric Bana as... Nero
Leonard Nimoy as... Prime Spock
Jennifer Morrison as... Winona Kirk
Chris Hemsworth as... George Kirk
Winona Ryder as... Amanda Grayson
Ben Cross as... Sarek
Majel Barret Roddenberry as... Computer of U.S.S. Enterprise (voice)


recklessmind said:
I'm actually really excited for this...

so am i! i've never been into star trek, but the trailer looked pretty exciting.

it looks like an entertaining sci-fi action movie.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Nearest IMAX is a two hour drive... into New Jersey.

I'm considering it. :lol


Will do great the first weekend and then fade...like EVERYTHING Star Trek, sorry to say.
Never was big into Star Trek. But things are different now. The names J.J. Abrams and Michael Giacchino are attached to it. This can only result in one thing: ridiculous amounts of holy shit.


My post from the earlier thread:

XiaNaphryz said:
Just came back from seeing it. OMG AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. :D :D :D

I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time.
The movie is totally opening night worthy. I expect to see it at least two more times (the larger company employee screening then opening night). I think it has a good chance to keep going strong throughout the summer with the mainstream. At least compared to past Star Trek films.


brandonh83 said:
Never was big into Star Trek. But things are different now. The names J.J. Abrams and Michael Giacchino are attached to it. This can only result in one thing: ridiculous amounts of holy shit.

Giacc is doing this? Soundtrack bought.


Also from the other thread, in case anyone else managed to get an early screening and wants to discuss plot (and since the older thread will be ignored now):

XiaNaphryz said:
Thinking back about the movie some more, something else just hit me.


So yeah, the film's all about making full use of your potential to control your destiny, and how even in this altered timeline everyone's full potential can only be realized by the characters ending up as crew on the Enterprise like in the original timeline. But there's another, more subtle example of this near the end of the movie.

Some reviews have mentioned how there wasn't a lot of screentime for Sulu and how his only real shining moment was the melee fight near the beginning. Not quite true - he has a moment at the end, but again it's a bit subtle. Before Kirk and Spock sneak onto to Nero's ship, he gives Sulu the conn and tells him to saty undetected. However, he also tells him that if a tactical situation comes up it's up to Sulu's discretion to take action.

I don't really want to give too much detail on the specific way it transpires, but he does that very thing and this little action can easily be lost in the middle of a hectic action scene. In the original timeline Sulu's the first junior officer of the original crew to get their own starship, so it's a nice foreshadowing of his potential command ability and his own destiny.


Gah it's still so far away. Unfortunately I'll be TDY in San Antonio when this hits so I have to see it by myself. Still can't effing wait.


I'm fighting to remain as spoiler free as possible before I see it. I haven't been this hyped to see a movie in...well, a really long time.


I've only watched the Trek films, which I always enjoy, except that 'Insurrection' one which was a bit plain. Never watched TNG or the other shows.

Still, looking forward to this very much.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Bernbaum said:
I've only watched the Trek films, which I always enjoy, except that 'Insurrection' one which was a bit plain. Never watched TNG or the other shows.

Still, looking forward to this very much.

Whatever you do, don't watch Deep Space 9. Also watch out for a poster named Dax01. He will turn this forum into a palace of lies.


Think the only Trek film I liked was Wrath of Khan and the only series I ever cared for was TNG - and I didn't even watch it regularly.

So yeah, I'm not a hardcore fan by any level. I do, however, enjoy Abrams stuff so I'll be watching it.

If I can get my wife to go with me.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Whatever you do, don't watch Deep Space 9. Also watch out for a poster named Dax01. He will turn this forum into a palace of lies.
Oh, he already knows me from a particular BioShock thread. ;)
I can't freaking wait for this movie. I really don't care for any previous Star Trek incarnations but it looks like Abrams has crafted something pretty special. Is the budget really 150 million? Nice!

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Never seen an episode of Star Trek or any of the movies, but I am totally psyched about this film.


Karma Kramer said:
This movie will be forgotten on December 25th 2009.

Get that shit out of here. Ew.

The result is a triumph, certain to be regarded as not just one Trek's better moments, but one of the finest films made in the sci-fi genre.

Holy crap.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
bud said:
so am i! i've never been into star trek, but the trailer looked pretty exciting.

it looks like an entertaining sci-fi action movie.

Me too. This will be the first Star Trek movie I will see in theaters and technically actually watched (one time my stepdad ordered some lame Star Trek moive from PPV like 10 years ago and was passively watching it). I also have never watched a TV episode before either.


very excited for this one. Haven't seriously enjoyed a Star trek movie since VI. (Always flet First Contact was super overrated)

have to admit, though, thread titles that are built to become dated, such as this one kinda bug me.

like, the thread will have hundreds of posts after release and the tomatometer will be entirely different from what's shown on the title yet the title will still be as is, frozen in time.

similarly, it bugs me when I see a thread title like "check this out tomorrow!"

tomorrow? from when? today? 2 days ago?

put a date in there or something!

anyway, I guess I'm just being anal.

Go Trek! Woo!
Scullibundo said:
He can't mean that, considering AVATAR comes out 18th.

Trying to re-capture the Titanic magic?

This is like Jordan coming back to play for the Wizards.

Preserve your legacy, James!

Leave it alone!


Cheebs, make sure the image of the soundtrack tracklisting doesn't have any spoilers on it, because the Lost ones I've been known to in the past. I had to try not to read that. :lol


omg rite said:
Cheebs, make sure the image of the soundtrack tracklisting doesn't have any spoilers on it, because the Lost ones I've been known to in the past. I had to try not to read that. :lol
Nothing in the track listing looks like a spoiler to me, so no worries.


Speevy said:
If it's as good as First Contact I'll go see it.
Personally, I'd consider only Wrath of Khan better than the new Trek film. But that's only after one viewing, I'll likely need to watch it a few more times before finally settling in a proper ranking.


XiaNaphryz said:
Personally, I'd consider only Wrath of Khan better than the new Trek film. But that's only after one viewing, I'll likely need to watch it a few more times before finally settling in a proper ranking.

How do you rank them currently, setting aside this one?


Speevy said:
How do you rank them currently, setting aside this one?
1. Wrath of Khan
2. Undiscovered Country
3. First Contact
4. Voyage Home
5. Generations
6. Motion Picture
7. Search for Spock
8. Insurrection
9. Nemesis
10. Final Frontier


G-Fex said:
I have no idea why everyone dislikes The Motion Picture so much for?
I don't particularly dislike it, I just liked other movies more. Everything under Search for Spock for me though (in my list above) is another story.

Also, has there been any info yet on the running time of the IMAX version? Just want to know if it's different from the regular version at all, as there's not that many scenes I can think of that would be okay to trim out.
G-Fex said:
I have no idea why everyone dislikes The Motion Picture so much for?

It's longer than it needs to be (oddly though the Director's cut actually makes this more tolerable) and is really more of an excuse to put long panning shots of the production team's awesome models to beautiful music.

I don't hate it like others but there is something off-putting about it.

I think Wrath of Khan had a much better, cohesive vision with Nicholas Meyer at the helm and really set the tone for virtually all of Trek after that.

My favorite is Undiscovered Country anyway.


G-Fex said:
I have no idea why everyone dislikes The Motion Picture so much for?
I don't hate it, but it's one of my least favorites Trek movies. It's dull, it's long and the new characters completely suck.
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