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RTTP -- Battlestar Galactica: Razor

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Purple Drazi

Look at that promo pic. Look at that damn promo pic. Roslin, I love you, but you were in this movie for ten goddamn seconds, get the hell outta here.

So today marks the eighth anniversary of Razor, a BSG "telefilm" that premiered on the Sci-Fi Channel during the agonizing wait between the third and fourth seasons. I'm a big Battlestar fan, and yes, I enjoy the latter material just as much as the earlier stuff. I have my reasons, and I'll be glad to get into 'em if requested, but that's not what this is about. This is about serendipity; namely, I rewatch my favorite shows whenever I have the chance to introduce them to local friends who'd never seen 'em, and I've been doing a BSG rewatch with my best friend since July, and we were up to Razor tonight, and we watched it. And then I remembered that today is its anniversary, so my tired mind went, "well then you'd best make a damn NeoGAF topic on it. God has a plan, JeffZero."


Thanks, Gina.

So. Razor. Let me start by acknowledging its fatal flaw, but with a caveat that it was nigh-unavoidable. Razor is a slog. It is an absolute slog. The extended cut improves the film considerably by adding enough weight to scenes which during the broadcast run felt rushed, so it's a bit ironic that no matter how you slice it -- the broadcast version was not exempt from this problem -- it's a slog.

What holds it down so much? Why, the flashbacks, of course. The pacing of this movie is unique across Battlestar history in that every eight to ten minutes, the viewer is treated to another eight to ten minutes of flashbacks. Kendra, the film's newly-introduced main character whose past aboard the Pegasus plays a crucial role in her present, needs all that material for the rest of the picture to work, but to get there, director Felix Enriquez Alcala brings the poor woman to Goku-is-charging levels of ridicule. The most grievous example comes from a scene in which present-day Kendra fiddles with a radio, flashes back, fiddles some more, and then flashes back again.


Remember when all the kids used to collect BSG action figures that looked more like badly-used voodoo dolls than proper figurines? No? Me neither.

We've gotten the elephant in the room locked up tight, so I'll focus on the good parts. Razor does, in fact, have good parts. In fact it has quite a few. For starters, Kendra herself is an interesting character. The directorial decision to plague the pic in flashbacks is not without its boons, and for her, those boons mean we as an audience get to see her develop from a spoiled young woman who regards her upcoming posting on the Pegasus as an unfortunate stepping stone into a capable weapon with a seriously screwed-up past. And we get to see it all over the course of two hours, as the film tries its damnedest to also tell the story we'd previously never gotten but many of us had always wanted -- Lee Adama in full command of his short-lived war-torn state-of-the-art flagship.

It sounds like a messy effort, trying to tie this stuff together, and truth be told it kind of is. Jumping back and forth between Kendra Shaw's first day aboard the Pegasus and the subsequent Cylon surprise attack on Scorpius Shipyards (props to this scene, by the way; everyone knows it's coming, but the abruptness of it got a jolt out of me even now) and Lee speaking with his father about the present-day burdens of command can be jarring. At times, Razor feels like two separate episodes. But sometimes it works, too. Kendra is rediscovering herself; Lee is rediscovering himself. Kendra is reflecting on the Pegasus' dark past; Lee is struggling with the potential for dark decision-making as he steps into shoes that thrice in the span of two months had to be replaced.

And then the plot kicks in midway through the movie and it's a little cumbersome to suddenly, finally have a driving force but you realize who cares because you're treated to this craziness:


Flashback!Adama is wrestling with something while free-falling to a planet's surface! What is he wrestling with?


Why, a 1978-homage Cylon Centurion, that's what! Holy Glen Larson, this is awesome!

Razor then proceeds to establish that William Adama, thanks to what he discovered in that final day of the First Cylon War, has always known the Cylons were committing horrible experiments on human prisoners. I remember having issues with this when the film originally aired, because it made it seem like he'd always been more in-the-know in the first three seasons than I could reasonably believe. But in retrospect I think it's fine. He was never told what was going on; all he saw was a Little Shop of Horrors. If anything it makes his humble "maybe humanity's a pack of demons too" style speech in the miniseries a bit harder to swallow.

About that plot, though. So there's this separate faction of Cylons led by the first hybrid and we as viewers already know what hybrids are thanks to Baltar's third-season escapades but the fleet is pretty new at this (sans Athena!Sharon, obviously, who pops up for even less time than Roslin) and this first hybrid is a particular brand of batshit and they've taken a recon team hostage and a plan is launched to rescue them. Simple stuff, but filled to bursting with fanservice; one of the old Centurion models straight-up says "by your command" and it's like "which version am I even watching here?"

Kendra's flashbacks keep going and going and going. She was there when Cain killed her old XO! Check. She figured out that Gina was a Cylon! Check. She got a crazy Darth-Patton-sounding speech about becoming a razor from Cain! Check. But we see the infamous incident aboard the Silia, too, whereby Cain ordered parts and personnel taken and stripped from a civilian fleet and a riot understandably ensued and families were murdered in cold blood by Pegasus troops. What we don't see 'til near the end is that Kendra fired the first shot, killing a little girl with a point-blank bullet. It's horrifying stuff, and it makes rewatches all the more rewarding when you know the extent of the darkness she's carrying.


And then this old guy in a milky, murky bathtub starts narrating gobbledygook for five minutes about how four will soon awaken and a fifth will seek redemption and the entire fanbase has a eureka moment as they realize he's talking about the third season's shocking Cylon identities twist and we're fangasming over the identity of the fifth and my friend starts shouting at the TV that obviously Kara is the fifth to the point that I have to rewind my Blu-Ray for him because he talks over the battle with the Centurions and this old guy keeps spouting gobbledeygook and aaah. And then Kendra, wounded from the fight, stays behind to manually trigger the nuke that naturally got its automated circuitry fried and this old guy tells her Kara Thrace is the harbinger of your destruction.



Kendra dies and the Adamas have a heart-to-heart about it and we all walk away two hours richer on Cain's greatness/madness duality complex and how incredibly badass William Adama was when he was 23. It's a slog and it's got dire pacing issues and it doesn't really gel with itself. But somehow it's still a good time. When the camera flashes to reveal that Kendra pulled the trigger on a small child -- that's powerful. That's a big, big moment in a series that helped usher in the so-called Golden Age of Television.

I could never recommend Razor to a non-fan, and not just because it's part of a serialized show. To the rest of us, though? To those of us who remember BSG as a flawed gem, a hallmark of good space opera with some real wrinkles, but a gem nonetheless? Well... maybe Razor is a microcosm for all that. Maybe Razor is the ultimate example of the good and the bad of Battlestar Galactica, and maybe, just maybe, I'm not ashamed to say I love it, warts and all.


Au revoir, Kendra. We barely knew ye.
I miss BSG :(

And RIP Stargate Universe
really the franchise in general, but I mention SGU since it is/was most similar to BSG
as well, while we're at it.


Purple Drazi
I miss BSG :(

And RIP Stargate Universe
really the franchise in general, but I mention SGU since it is/was most similar to BSG
as well, while we're at it.

"Battlestargate" Fridays on the Sci-Fi Channel kept me coming home as a 16-year-old. They were the little lamplight shining on for me in the darkness of my angsty and emotionally turbulent adolescence. They were frakking awesome.

We will never see their like again.

But check out the first ep of The Expanse if you haven't already done so; I have a topic up on it, actually. Seems like it might prove a decent successor in its own right.


Ooh, maybe this is a good place to ask. In the series finale,

There was some real weirdness with Gaius's Dad and Six. Was the implication there that she slept with him, or am I just confused because all of her outfits and doublespeak?
This post was fucking rad. I'm coming up on this in my own rewatch/introduction of a friend to the show, and now I'm champing at the bit to get home and keep going. Good job OP.

When I found out that the old guy in the milky, murky bathtub was the narrator of Gundam Wing back in the day.

Blew my mind.

One of my favourite parts of BSG, since it had the old Cylons, Raiders and Baststars, which were superior in every way to the new designs...

I hope in a couple of years BSG gets reimagined with using the 1978 designs.

I liked 2003 BSG, but I miss the old Cylons.. :/


Purple Drazi
Wow, thanks for the compliments, everyone! I had a lot of fun writing this. Glad it drummed up those old... er... Battlestar wardrums in some folks.

Ooh, maybe this is a good place to ask. In the series finale,

There was some real weirdness with Gaius's Dad and Six. Was the implication there that she slept with him, or am I just confused because all of her outfits and doublespeak?

Haha, wow. I literally forgot about that entirely. I liked the two-hour finale ("Daybreak, Parts II and III"), but that introductory hour leading up to it... I wasn't quite as hot on that;
it felt a bit dubious slinging in more backstory on several characters just prior to the endgame, even if that was clearly an act of artistic license, not some bizarre unintentional last-minute rushjob. I'd completely forgotten that Julius Baltar was even a thing in that episode. Right now, cool last few scenes notwithstanding, my memory of "Daybreak, Part I" is largely limited to odd angles of a white pigeon fluttering about whenever Lee coyly smiles at Kara.

When I found out that the old guy in the milky, murky bathtub was the narrator of Gundam Wing back in the day.

Blew my mind.

...holy frak.

One of my favourite parts of BSG, since it had the old Cylons, Raiders and Baststars, which were superior in every way to the new designs...

I hope in a couple of years BSG gets reimagined with using the 1978 designs.

I liked 2003 BSG, but I miss the old Cylons.. :/

I pretty much dig all the ships in both versions, but man... I'd forgotten how great those old Raiders are. It took me a moment to realize what I was looking at, because I was too busy ogling the sleek curvature. I'm honestly not much of a tech guy, at least relative to loads of my fellow space opera fans, but when I think a ship looks cool, yeah, I geek out.

I geeked out.


Haha, wow. I literally forgot about that entirely. I liked the two-hour finale ("Daybreak, Parts II and III"), but that introductory hour leading up to it... I wasn't quite as hot on that;
it felt a bit dubious slinging in more backstory on several characters just prior to the endgame, even if that was clearly an act of artistic license, not some bizarre unintentional last-minute rushjob. I'd completely forgotten that Julius Baltar was even a thing in that episode. Right now, cool last few scenes notwithstanding, my memory of "Daybreak, Part I" is largely limited to odd angles of a white pigeon fluttering about whenever Lee coyly smiles at Kara.

There's that frakkin' *song* again. Great OP, BTW!

Thanks for your reply, and I'll be eager to hear your (and anyone else's) interpretation of whether
Six slept with Balter's father.
That always seemed such an odd development or possible implication to me.


This makes me want to start rewatch of the series (except The Plan... fuck The Plan).
I remember liking razor quite a bit at the time


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I remember liking it, but not thinking it was that great. Seeing classic cylons was cool. I also remember thinking it was funny when there was a flashback, within a flashback.


I'm currently rewatching BSG myself, only a few episodes away from Razor in the timeline.

Such a fantastic series.


Can we talk about the worst BSG eps?

I always think of that Black Market ep.

I love the series, but that was a real downer of an ep for me.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Can we talk about the worst BSG eps?

I always think of that Black Market ep.

I love the series, but that was a real downer of an ep for me.

That black market ep is like universally considered the dog of the series, it aint just you.

Also I wanted to start a rewatch recently but it's not on netflix anymore which is kind of infuriating.


Can we talk about the worst BSG eps?

I always think of that Black Market ep.

I love the series, but that was a real downer of an ep for me.

This was probably the lowest low, made worse because (if I'm remembering correctly) it comes right after the highest high, aka the season 2 mid finale.

The thing that I'll always remember/joke bout Razer is the "It has been revealed!" promos that SciFi ran during the commercial breaks. Apparently they were part of some sweepstakes, but my friends and I weren't aware of it at the time, so it just seemed like some kind of strange sportcaster-style announcements

Off-topic, but can anyone tell me the origin of the exclamation point-style notation (Athena!Sharon) that the OP uses? I see this around every now and then, but I don't get why you'd use an exclamation point when you could use a perfectly good hyphen instead.


Purple Drazi
I'm unfamiliar with its origin offhand. I noted its usage in describing, well, "Special!" variations on established characters in common net slang a few years back. Actually, come to think of it I'd seen it used in the Star Trek fandom as early as a decade ago. Action!Reed. Sad!T'Pol. I think the joke is about how it's a kind of spin on established characters. "Oh, I see this week we're being treated to Bulldog!Sisko. Last week we had an extra helping of Aloof!Sisko, so I wasn't really expecting this."

In that respect, I probably misused it in my review. Oh well.


Purple Drazi
If we're going down this rabbit hole, I'm gonna make my stance clear at the outset: Kara Thrace with a drunken smirk just after blowing several Cylon Raiders to pieces > all.
man I really miss this show. the best soundtrack of all time for a tv series. and even in the later seasons when it got a bit lost in it's big plot there was still some smart writing and subplots. the whole iraq war/invasion arc was so damn good.

unfinished business is one of my favorite character episodes.

there won't be another like this tbh. I'm not seeing it happen, hopefully expanse is half decent though.


Can we talk about the worst BSG eps?

I always think of that Black Market ep.

I love the series, but that was a real downer of an ep for me.

Black Market, followed by The Woman King. It's going to be the standard reply, I bet (those two, in whichever order the poster prefers).

Black Market is literally "let us never speak of this again"-tier.

As for Razor: Kendra Shaw was great. Badass but with a shitload of darkness. At least she went out with a bang. And I saw Razor BEFORE Season 3 but, following a viewing order guide, I muted the parts with the Hybrid. When I finished S3 and went back to Razor and watched the Hybrid scenes unmuted... holy shit. That would've fucked up my entire viewing of Starbuck's arc during that season. Especially Maelstrom.

BTW, Maelstrom is fucking INCREDIBLE.


Purple Drazi
"Sacrifice" gets a great deal of flak too. Its romantic overtones were not written very well and
Billy's death, brought about because his actor was leaving the series,
felt hamfisted.


"Sacrifice" gets a great deal of flak too. Its romantic overtones were not written very well and
Billy's death, brought about because his actor was leaving the series,
felt hamfisted.

well, both romantic triangles (Lee-Dee-Billy and Lee-Kara-Dee) were among my least favorite parts of the series (which I loved), so I kinda see what you mean.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I never saw this but I am currently rewatching BSG. Fuck the season 3/4 haters, the weirdness is the best part :p


Can we talk about the worst BSG eps?

I always think of that Black Market ep.

I love the series, but that was a real downer of an ep for me.

"Black Market" is the worst, followed by "A Day in the Life". The good news with BSG eps is that even at their lowest, they still remain watchable. It's not like the worst Star Trek franchise episodes, for instance.


Purple Drazi
well, both romantic triangles (Lee-Dee-Billy and Lee-Kara-Dee) were among my least favorite parts of the series (which I loved), so I kinda see what you mean.

Yeah, same here. I like those characters fine on their own and some of the individual pairings are decent (even the big one, Lee/Kara; I see it as two lost souls dancing around their fire fatalistically, and that sort of appeals to me) but when it becomes one big square it's just ugh. And Sam is a great dude but he just gets swept up in it too, the poor oaf.

I never saw this but I am currently rewatching BSG. Fuck the season 3/4 haters, the weirdness is the best part :p

You should watch this sometime! It's kinda neat.

"Black Market" is the worst, followed by "A Day in the Life". The good news with BSG eps is that even at their lowest, they still remain watchable. It's not like the worst Star Trek franchise episodes, for instance.


Honestly I've never really seen a unanimous disapproval toward "The Woman King", actually. It's not a particularly well-rated episode, and it has its fair share of naysayers, but it's not like "Black Market" where it'll pop up on almost every list and Ron Moore himself publicly apologized. That second slot is pretty interchangeable.

Although I don't know, "Black Market" is almost on a level with infamously awful Trek eps.


oh, sorry, that too.

EDIT: and, for the record, I had no big problems with either Billy, Dee or Sam as characters at all. I just... disliked the love triangles.

Honestly, I think Dee got the worst of all of it. Sam-Kara-Lee nearly tanked season3 because it dragged on too long.



Honestly I've never really seen a unanimous disapproval toward "The Woman King", actually. It's not a particularly well-rated episode, and it has its fair share of naysayers, but it's not like "Black Market" where it'll pop up on almost every list and Ron Moore himself publicly apologized. That second slot is pretty interchangeable.

Although I don't know, "Black Market" is almost on a level with infamously awful Trek eps.

It's been a while since I've seen "The Woman King" but I don't remember finding it terrible. I'm playing a rewatch next month and will see how it (and the entire show) holds up.
Not gonna lie, I marked the FUCK OUT when I realized the ship chasing Starbuck was a classic Raider, and actually hearing "By your command" before smashing to commercial break got me to say "holy shit" out loud.

edit: wait, why are people asking to talk about fucking Black Market and Woman King in here? Why would you volunteer to talk about that tired garbage in an OP about Razor?

I also see that someone had to watch this with their finger on the mute button because a viewing guide told them to watch it in chronological order instead of release order. Ugh. People need to stop doing that. This shit was made with you expecting to know what happens at the end of Season 3. Nothing is actually improved by slotting it in earlier.

Anyway: Thanks, Jeff, for the OP. Great read.


Purple Drazi
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. <3

It's a bit late now to be doing a full RTTP thread on the series, given how far I am on my rewatch. But maybe I'll throw in some thoughts on the fourth season here and there in order to keep our BSG memories flowing.


edit: wait, why are people asking to talk about fucking Black Market and Woman King in here? Why would you volunteer to talk about that tired garbage in an OP about Razor?

Eh, we were talking about some wonky aspects of BSG, so I thought we might talk about the other disappointments of this wonderful series as well.

Maybe you can shed some light on my Daybreak question....

P.S. Helo is the best person on the show. I don't mean best character per se. Just best person.
I watched Razor as the last piece of BSG story, after the last season and even The Plan actually, and enjoyed it quite a bit. It helped me forgive some of the shit that happened during the last season and the mess that was The Plan. Well, I still haven't watched Caprica, but I don't count it as being the same story really.


I watched Razor as the last piece of BSG story, after the last season and even The Plan actually, and enjoyed it quite a bit. It helped mee to forgive some of the shit that happened during the last season and the mess that was The Plan. Well, I still haven't watched Caprica, but I don't count it as being the same story really.

Caprica mostly feels like a tangential story. It's solid in parts, but overall memorably odd at best, really, and never reaches for the heights of BSG at all. I was disappointed with it overall but it has some interesting moments.

ETA: hmm, I just checked out the Wiki page for the show. The last ep doesn't sound entirely familiar. (And one twist in particular sounds really preposterous.) I wonder if I even finished the show.


BSG fans, are you watching The 100? It's BSG meets Lost and it's way better than I expected after a really rough pilot.
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