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RTTP: Ratatouille (best Pixar movie IMO)

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Just watched this again for the first time in a while, and I still love it. I think it's my favorite Pixar movie. It may not have the merchandising power of something like Toy Story, but Ratatouille is just a really well told story. It helps that I'm a bit of a food nerd, but it's one of those movies where it's hard to look away for me.

The only problem is watching it when you're hungry. Holy shit, for a cartoon, sone of the stuff gets my mouth watering.

Also the ending just gives me the warm and fuzzies. I often don't like the endings to movies/books, but the ending to this one is just great.
I feel like no one ever really mentions this one when talking about Pixar. Maybe it's because oft he lack of toy marketability? I dunno. Stuff like toy story or cars is everywhere...

Maybe it's just because kids aren't in to the whole fine dining thing, heh.
I watched for the first time this year, and I totally agree as well. Their most "complete" work imo - funny, charming, and dramatic, but not too much of any of those components.

leng jai

I've always though it was the best Pixar movie. Unlike a lot of their other efforts it doesn't completely fall apart once the "action" starts.
I liked Ratatoullie as well. It had a pretty interesting story, along with some nice animation.

I think it's pretty high up there with The Incredbles for me when it comes to Pixar films.
I feel like no one ever really mentions this one when talking about Pixar. Maybe it's because oft he lack of toy marketability? I dunno. Stuff like toy story or cars is everywhere...

Maybe it's just because kids aren't in to the whole fine dining thing, heh.

It performed phenomenally well at the B.O., despite being Pixar's most intellectual and least marketable film.

I think it gets plenty of love around GAF. If I had to guess, I'd say The Incredibles is the most beloved Pixar film on GAF, but Ratatouille is definitely near the top.

One of the greatest things about Ratatouille is that I can't see Disney ever pushing for a sequel. It was a big financial success, but not in the way that gets Disney execs frothing for a followup. It's absolutely perfect as a standalone film, and I think it will forever stay that way.


It's probably their most flawless film. Doesn't aim as high as, say, Wall-E, but it's completely solid in everything it does.


Ratatouille is such an amazing film. In the past few years I've watched Ratatouille more than I've watched Toy Story in two decades. And I've watched Toy Story a lot.

There is, perhaps, only a single scene in the entire movie I don't like. And because I'm usually so positive about this film, I'm going to be a piece of shit and talk about the bad thing.


Remy's fuckin' terrible ass monologue to his father. Oh god it's so heavy handed and filled with terrible cliched bullshit. It's so bad. IT'S SO BAD! Every time I see that scene, I'm thrown completely off, because the way those lines are read, the stupid dumb message it's trying to convey behind them, it's just so bad.

But, hey, the movie also has that wonderful ending, which is the entire reason I love watching this film so much. Because through all this buildup, you get this wonderfully emotional payoff at the end with Ego who's been this dark, brooding, looming threat to the story, and unlike every other bad guy in an animated film ever (except for The Grinch I guess?), Ego isn't undone by being evil, he's defeated through what he loves.


I would agree if the Remy and his rat cohorts wasn't in the movie as I wanted the movie to be about Alfredo and Colette and not about a stupid blue rat wanting to be a chief.


Well well well can't argue with that; amazing flick. Speaking of, I have to watch it again as I have seemingly forgotten pretty much everything that happened in the film.
Around 5 years ago, I had an incident with my hand and had to go to the hospital, ended up being in the kids section. Waited for hours to see my doctor and waited so long I saw Ratatouille twice in a row.

They show films in UK hospitals, in the kids section.

At least in Chelsea & Westminster Hospital anyway.


It is pretty good, I think by far Up is the most overrated, besides the beginning everything about the film is forgettable.
Yup. Ratouille is easily the best.

Brad Bird is a really good director. I keep hoping he gets to direct another superhero movie (Fantasic Four?)
I'm quite surprised to see the strong feelings for this film.

Not to say it wasn't a good movie, but it didn't really stand out that much to me. Besides how delicious the food looked of course.


Another +1 from me. That movie is fantastic, and the message is the best they've done.

It got dwarfed by the also amazing Wall-E and Up over the past few years, but Ratatouille is their best in my opinion.
I saw this when I was a substitute teacher with a class of 6-9 year olds. Most of them didn't like it. I think they were too young to understand. The attention to food, the recipes, the feel of paris as well as the interplay between analyzing a review for the sake of it, versus taking things for what they are. Complex subject matters that even a lot of people on GAF here could learn a thing or two from.

The evil food reviewer goes through a character change. And that's what people could learn something from on the gaming side of GAF. This obession over reviews.
Wow I never knew so many people thought it's the best Pixar. I mean I love it a lot, I'm a big Pixar fan but it's not the best for me at all. Maybe the fifth or sixth best.

But still an amazing movie. Pixar movies are hard to rate, they're (almost) all so good.

Son Of D

I'll be honest, I've never seen this film. This and the Cars films are the only Pixar films I haven't watched. I really need to fix that (Ratatouille at least).


I liked it (saw it for my birthday that year, actually), but I can't remember a damn thing about it. You'd really place it above the Incredibles and the Toy Story trilogy? Guess I need to revisit it!


Acceptable answers for favorite Pixar movie: Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles

Ratatouille is my second-favorite movie, maybe even my favorite. It's expertly crafted with a razor-sharp vision. It wasn't created to cash in (Monsters University) and its themes are not often covered in Hollywood. Finding Nemo is beautiful but Ratatouille is more beautiful. Wall-E is like half of a perfect movie, or something. The rest is iffy.

Why not here? Why not now? We're in Paris, the greatest city on Earth!
There are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.
Camille singing "Le Festin"
Remy looking at the Eiffel Tower on a rooftop (is this even in the film? I've seen promo materials for it but can't remember one way or the other)
A thief takes. A chef makes.
Remy doing his own thing while Ego writes his review and Linguini hangs out
Linguini waking up to Remy cooking breakfast for him

I like Remy's monologue too.
Everyone at my film school had the hots out for Wall-E. It really gives you a lot of respect if you can tell a story without much use of dialogue. Wall-E was full of emotion and had all these great storytelling tools that helped sell it's message without shoveling down peoples pieholes.

I can't disagree that Wall-E is not the biggest accomplishment, while Toy Story was the most groundbreaking, Finding Nemo the most cute and Rata the most underrated. That's how I feel.


I was greatly surprised by how good Ratatouille turned out to be.

Before the film I would see the advertising and think how could Pixar make a movie about a rat interesting?

The Incredibles

All four are amazing. The rest of Pixar's movies range from good to great, but those four are in another class.

I would put Toy Story, Ratatoille, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Wall-E in their own amazing category.

Up had a strong opening but I felt the latter half of the film could have been much better.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
This was the movie that got me into Pixar movies. Great movie indeed.
It's the most even and consistent film IMO. Up starts and ends well but kinda has a somewhat average middle section with passable dialogue and gags. Wall-E starts really well but the second half is a huge drop in quality IMO. Ratatouille is great throughout and just utterly charming.


I was actually a little disappointed by it. I liked Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Wall-E a lot better.


My favorite Pixar also! (Though I have not seen Cars 2 or Brave yet, though from what I hear, I'm not missing out on much. Also haven't seen Monsters U.)

Wall-E was most overrated for me. Also maybe Toy Story, I didn't even like Toy Story until the 3rd one, which kind of brought the rest together for me and I appreciated it more.

Poor Bug's Life, no one remembers you.
Crazy that it's one of their director-swap movies. You would never know. The only thing in whole movie that I don't like is the "but change is nature, dad!" exchange.

God, that was such an incredible period for Pixar. You know a one-two shit punch like Brave and Cars 2 had to come eventually, though. Still haven't even seen Monsters University, the first was already one of my least favorite Pixar movies and I just feel down on the studio in general.
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