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Rumor: BioWare Austin now EA Austin, Greg Leaves [Greg: I'm moving back BW Edmonton]


Why do people have this silly notion that changing the name of the one studio that was set up specifically to create SWOTR and has lived most of its life as an EA subsidiary suddenly means BioWare is dead?


I can't work out if it's weirder for Bioware to do a Sonic RPG or for Obsidian to do a South Park RPG.

Imagine if someone told you in 1998 that the developer of Baldur's Gate would make a Sonic RPG exclusively for a Nintendo handheld.


Huh, the part about Greg Zuschek leaving has been debunked by Gamersglobal themselves 3 Days ago, including an english translation. Here's the statement from EA they got:
„When Greg Zeschuk announced the reorganization of BWA in May, he outlined his plan to return to his family in Edmonton for a much deserved vacation. Greg also announced the new GM of BioWare Austin and SWTOR, Matt Bromberg. Greg is still with EA. He’s now back in Canada, taking time off and thinking about new projects. No change with Ray Muzyka.”

(English version at the bottom)

Edit:Ah, that statement is already in the OP my bad.



This makes me laugh and cry.


Well at least now we can finally officially add them to the list. RIP Bioware. I knew this would happen too the day they were bought. :(


Meh it is obious that Bioware went to shit when EA got them. The drop in quality is obvious. Just compare the last games they released that were finnished or under development before EA with the ones that were developed under EA.

Its obvious that EA wanted to broaden the audience of their games and wanted shorter development cycles.


No kidding. Nothing they've ever done after BG2 was remotely as good.

Agreed. I liked ME1 but it was clear that they really wanted to make ME2 and 3 with 1 but they didn't know how yet. But after BG2 it's been a continuous decline in gameplay and story complexity. I'd like to think DA2 and ME2/3 are rock bottom but knowing them they can still surprise me.


Unconfirmed Member
Watching one of my favorite video game companies slowly having the life sucked out of them is so damn depressing.
Watching one of my favorite video game companies slowly having the life sucked out of them is so damn depressing.
Dragon Age II seemed like the tipping point, and Mass Effect 3 was basically a wreak considering how strong ME1 was with story and ambiance. None of that is present in ME3... feels totally sterile (not in the cool, futuristic way, just without emotion).


The actual Ea strategy is self destruction piece by piece.

SWTOR had high chances to fail.

they tried to enlarge the audience of ME with guns and a huge marketing campaign but the failed to create the new big AAA money maker.
These were very funny choices.

I told you that the future of bioware is at risk, and judging from their latest products it's already dead.

C'mon EA, ruin Sim city and the only game left I will think to buy will be Fifa, only once in a generation. lol


In a perfect world they will become a Microsoft Gamestudio again and develop an awesome launch RPG for 720.

Honestly I´m still so mad about the mess that was Mass Effect 3 ( and Dragon Age 2 ) that I´m enjoying the news a little bit.


Well, BioWare has been sliding down the slope for years now, so it's hard for me to get upset. Nothing new under the sun here. That said, I still always tried to believe and would give them the benefit of the doubt. But the ME3 debacle was where I finally just gave in and said, "whatever, it's not BioWare anymore."


It seems like they made a decision that Bioware needs to retrench and go back to it's 'original' size focused on Edmonton. Sounds like the right decision if that's the case.

They can focus on single player RPGs which is not only their core competence but is a pretty damn hot genre at the moment.


BioWare's Star Wars boss takes on broader role

BioWare's Star Wars boss takes on broader role Exclusive

August 10, 2012

Recently, Gamasutra caught wind of a notable change at BioWare -- that Greg Zeschuk, co-founder of the prominent Electronic Arts subsidiary, had stepped down from his role as general manager of Star Wars: The Old Republic studio BioWare Austin.

Now internet rumors are swirling, speculating that Zeschuk has left BioWare completely. That's not the case. Zeschuk confirmed in an email to Gamasutra earlier this month:

"With regard to BioWare Austin, I handed off the leadership of the studio to Matthew Bromberg quite some time ago (back in May). Ray [Muzyka, BioWare co-founder] and I picked Matthew to take over and he’s been doing a great job with the studio.

"My time in Austin was always planned to have a finite endpoint (my family was still living in Edmonton throughout my time in Austin) and now that I’ve handed the baton to Matt I will be able to spend more time on a wider range of BioWare games rather than focusing on just one as I did with SWTOR."


Maybe EA will kill the BioWare name and then insultingly recycle the name 10 years later for a digital distribution system.


I don't think EA deserves the blame here. BG and BG2 two of the greatest games ever made, unrivaled in scope by any other rpg that I know of. After BG2 (and after their brief multiplayer focus on NWN) Bioware took on the goal of making "cinematic" games. In the process, nothing they have released since has come close to BG's greatness. Devs need to stop trying to make movies and get back to making games. Resources are not infinite.

I don't think the Bioware brand was ever comparable to Valve in any way. :p

Right after BG2 I would have put Bioware a notch above Valve tbh.


Oh, this is the same rumor from the other thread, I thought this was some kind of confirmation. Meh.
The cycle has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. It is inevitable.


We are the vanguard of your destruction.

Just kidding, I know it's not this serious.
Mass Effect 2 and 3 were still good enough products for me to believe in Bioware.

The direction of their next big title will show us the future of the team.


When Obsidian made a better game in the sequel of a game that Bioware made, you knew pretty much that the game was up for them. (hope that is not too confusing)

RIP Bioware. BG and BG2 were fantastic.


The Dragon Age 3 team must be feeling a massive amount of pressure at this point. I really think that's going to be the make-or-break title for Bioware in terms of how EA views them.


EA definitely destroyed Bioware. I'm not sure exactly how but the products they started putting out just weren't where they used to be. Too bad.


Meh it is obious that Bioware went to shit when EA got them. The drop in quality is obvious. Just compare the last games they released that were finnished or under development before EA with the ones that were developed under EA.

Its obvious that EA wanted to broaden the audience of their games and wanted shorter development cycles.

Nah, as someone already pointed out, they were already declining around the time of Jade Empire.


Every single person that has participated in competitive CNC and has stuck by the IP over the years will tell you that EA-built CNC games are the epitome of the series.
I'm not sure why you seem to think this would be of any comfort for me.
Westwood for me was Eye of the Beholder, Bladerunner, Nox, Legend of Kyrandia, Lands of Lore, Dune... And under EA they became essentially the Infinity Ward of RTS genre, making just reiterations of CNC.


Black Isle is why BG 1 and 2 were good.

Common misconception. BG1 was 100% Bioware, Black Isle helped with BG2 but it wasn't gamechanging help.

BG1 and BG2 is almost 100% child of Bioware.

Problem is it looks like they were good enginers creating rather good story from rich lore of D&D.

NWN was fuckup in therms of game-play, mainly because D&D3 was clausterfuck to recreate in a game and it was one of the first batch of full 3D games so there was no fluid and it was super clunky in comparition to BG2. Storywise it was alright with excellent second expansion.

When they dropped D&D, they started to write their own lore. Aaand that's when problems started.

Their writers SUCK. Period
ME has pot holes everywhere.
KOTOR1 evil characters have cartoon quality dialogs.
Jade Empire story wasn't exciting.
DA had some nice lore but actuall story and dialogs... were terribad.

In therm of gameplay it depends. ME3 and 2 had good gameplay few good set pieces but actual story in both games were... uhh.

EA is not a problem. Bioware writters mostly suck.

They have many good values like character design (Illusive Man) or level design (Mass Efect 3) but cores of RPG which is story, dialogs and actual rolaplaying is cringe worthy.

If i would be in Bioware i would do everything to buy Obsidian for their writters and designers.

Oh i forgot to mention. In time when they were developing Mass Efect someone probably hired some HArlequin writters to achieve those cringe worthy romances.


Mass Effect died when they took out the Mako as far as I'm concerned.

ME1: "Hey, we've got this great new concept. You'll be able to land on these planets, drive around, get out of the vehicle and take on missions. It will be awesome and immersive."

ME2: "Guys let's broaden the appeal here. Let's create more of a corridor shooter. People like shooting stuff right? Who cares about exploration and feeling like your in a real world. Let's blow off some heads, the kids will love it!"
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