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Rumor: Uncharted 2 has... MULTIPLAYER? Holy. Shit.

Len Dontree

Animator. Respect knuckles.
SolidSnakex said:
Neither of those games are story driven like Uncharted. You can't just drop in "faceless character number 2" and have it work.

I disagree entirely, I'd much rather have "faceless character number 2" than have a shoehorned co-opified story with a forced partner for single player, a separate co-op mode, or no co-op at all. How are those two games not story driven where Uncharted is? Cutscene - run around and shoot shit - cutscene - etc. Pretty standard boilerplate stuff.


This trend that's emerging where every game that features shooting feels the need to include a multiplayer mode is tragic. It's not only due how to how quickly online gaming is growing - I partly blame these checklist reviewers who think every game needs to check every arbitrary box. Games don't lose anything when they don't feature multiplayer. They in fact gain, in both development time and resources.

We've seen tons of devs over the years state that they won't feature MP in a certain game because it would only take away from the single-player, a perfectly logical and understandable position, but this is changing as more are feeling pressured to include it in some form (even if it means completely half-assing it, right Starbreeze?)

I adore multiplayer of all sorts, but it's very far from some required feature that every game needs. Even worse is when a sequel suddenly has MP when its predecessor didn't have it, didn't need it, and it wasn't clamored after (Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2).


I know it's a separate mode, and I probably won't play it. My problem, which I said, was that if the single-player mode is fucked up because of them focusing on bringing multi-player experiences, I will be pissed at ND. I'll still buy Uncharted 2 and play it, but my happiness quotient is going to be tons lower if the single-player isn't good.

Zeliard said:
I adore multiplayer of all sorts, but it's very far from some required feature that every game needs. Even worse is when a sequel suddenly has MP when its predecessor didn't have it, didn't need it, and it wasn't clamored after (Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2).

Exactly. Why do they keep on adding multi-player to single-player experiences that were fine. I bet Tomb Raider this year will have MP too... x_x
HomerSimpson-Man said:
A good chunk of the time Uncharted you had another character with you. Just stream line it and make another character be with you all the time when you are co-op. It doesn't take master literature writing to accomplish something for the sake of gameplay.

Then that would turn it into RE5, where you're having to babysit another character if you're playing through the game. Also as jett said, there's often platforming done in Uncharted where parts of the level fall apart as you move through it. You can even see that in the leaked GDC video.

It's a much better decision to just make a separate mode where they can build those levels around co-op. ND has given me no reason to doubt them so we'll see how things turn out.

Tom Penny

Haunted said:
Very true! That notion that every game needs MP nowadays is fucking sickening, I agree. People should accept that there are games better suited for SP, and others for MP.

You know what's sickening. Thinking that you matter more than the majority of consumers that will buy the game. I bet you more people want mulitplayer than don't that's for sure.


Narcosis said:
I don't necessarily think I'm dead against MP in any good game. What worries me about games like Uncharted 2 and Bioshock 2 is the fact that the first games were so good as a singleplayer experience that there's the inevitable fear of a compromised or uninspired followup. Despite the pedigree of the crew making the game the question arises as to whether they added this stuff because all games seem to get docked in the reviews for not having co-op or some type of fragfest online play these days.
Now yes, I know naughty Dog is a great studio (same with the 2K team making bioshock 2) but I do feel my eyebrows raise a bit because of some other quality developers like Bungie and Insomniac seeming to overextend a product to add in more bulletpoint features and compromising other parts in the process.
I have faith that the end result will be good, but there's always the possibility of something not coming up as intended when you start adding more and more new features, especially if those features aren't really what the fanbase of the franchise view as the most important aspects.

Yep, I agree. I meant to say in my original post that the fears people have are well founded.

Oh well, we'll see soon enough I hope. All I want is something as good as the first (which I loved). Also, as I'm here... bring back Elena!


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Ether_Snake said:
So expect some RE5 in UC2.

Oh well, whatever. At least we'll still be able to shoot while moving.
The first Uncharted even had a trophy called Run-and-Gunner
and an awesome next gen filter


DMeisterJ said:
I know it's a separate mode, and I probably won't play it. My problem, which I said, was that if the single-player mode is fucked up because of them focusing on bringing multi-player experiences, I will be pissed at ND. I'll still buy Uncharted 2 and play it, but my happiness quotient is going to be tons lower if the single-player isn't good.

The thing is, single player'll still be good. Hell, it'll probably be great. But the likelihood is that it comes out, it probably could've been better had they decided not to do multiplayer, and you won't know what could've been.


Does anyone really think the game's single player will be compromised becuase of this? The first game had to have an entirely new engine built, without the help of other studios. This game is apart of a new age where Sony World Wide Studios assist each other and I'm sure if polish / help is needed, it will be offered.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Zeliard said:
This trend that's emerging where every game that features shooting feels the need to include a multiplayer mode is tragic.

It really depends on how it leverages the core game mechanics. If Uncharted 2 MP is just Gears of Wars then yeah, who cares. But if you have to climb a mountain to get a flag, shooting while hanging and stuff, then OMG.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
DMeisterJ said:
Why would you add multi-player now?

Because it's the 'done thing' these days and that pisses me off, and not only that it's hit and miss how reviewers will rate the game for not including what they seem to perceive as a necessary feature in games today, KZ2 no co-op for example, and the better the game is the more I can imagine reviewers coming out with crap like "this is a really good game but if it had......blah blah blah"

raYne said:
Yeah, this isn't jumping the gun at all..

So if the SP is fuck-awesome, you're going to complain that it still could've been better had they not wasted resources? I scoff in your general direction.

Basically yeah, because every game has it faults, and including MP/CO-OP will magnify them, every time you see a poor texture or a small fault in the game your be thinking if they didn't waste their resources on the multi-player aspect of the game would that still be there, could this game of been even better.


I think I will wait for some solid information and game play before I jump to conclusions.

Crazy idea I know, but that's the way I roll...


Tom Penny said:
I bet you more people want mulitplayer than don't that's for sure.
Maybe, maybe not.

For a game like Uncharted, MP is not needed. Period. End of story, that's it. If Bioshock 2 has MP, you bet your ass I'll be there to bitch as well.

thuway said:
The notion that games that have multiplayer like RE5 sell close a million in the US alone in their first month would be something to think about.

Fuck reality.


God, why use that lame as style of co-op R2 used. If your going to make a game co-op do it in the actual story mode.


TTP said:
It really depends on how it leverages the core game mechanics. If Uncharted 2 MP is just Gears of Wars than yeah, who cares. But if you have to climb a mountain to get a flag, shooting while hanging and stuff, then OMG.

See this is the possibilities that makes me interested in the idea.


SolidSnakex said:
They're connected to GameTrailers. And you can see all the exclusives GTTV manages to get their hands on.

We only provide content for Gametrailers. Hard News is just a ScrewAttack only show. I'm just happy to have gotten this little tidbit of info :)
wtf ? no story mode co-op ? are they stupid or what ? to play an haunting game like uncharted with a friend is great.. and it helps to sell the game.

at least there are some co-op missions.. i hope that they are long and difficulty :D And i want a versus mode like resident evil 5.. it is so much fun :D

LOL at resistance 2. The co-op missions were the only good parts of the game, that was bad as its prequel.


Considering that they've had 2 years of development time there shouldn't be any concern. The engine was already there, and very polished at that, which likely means they will have had the extra time to implement more modes. Not to mention the gunplay in the game is, imo, the absolute best over-the-shoulder third person shooting ever made. I wouldn't mind doing a little deathmatch with it.

I for one didn't buy Uncharted day one because I have trouble spending full price for only single-player, especially if its any less than 15 hours. This of course was before I knew how awesome the game was, and I would still buy Uncharted 2 day one with just singleplayer, but still, its rare someone is gonna rush out and spend 60$ on a game with ~8-12 hours of single-player content before having played the actual game.
lets just hope any kind of demo properly shows the game off, unlike the first

EDIT: Also, how do we know whether or not ND hired more/outsourced the multiplayer to another team? Essentially leaving the original team to work on the singleplayer.

We need more details.


90 people and 20 months is not enough to top Uncharted plus deliver a multiplayer component that is comparable to the likes of Killzone 2. Not possible I say.

There are so many games doing mediocre multiplayer, there is no need to do another one. Remember how people bitched about Half-Life 2 lacking multiplayer? Then Valve was all like, no worries, it's coming! It came and nobody played that weak shit.

Uncharted did perfectly fine without multiplayer, so why does Uncharted 2 need multiplayer? Because idiot gamers go on message boards and whine about multiplayer, open worlds and vehicles, like they do with all games?

ND has a fucking MGS-ish franchise on their hands, why would they start to fuck with it? People are buying Uncharted 2 because of the great fucking singleplayer experience in Uncharted, do you think they will buy Uncharted 3 because of the multiplayer experience in Uncharted 2? No.


An blind dancing ho
Spiegel said:
Naughty Dog

200X-2007: Uncharted
2007-2009: Uncharted 2


2005: Resistance
2006: Ratchet & Clank
2007: Resistance 2

I'd not worry about Uncharted 2 becoming a "Resistance 2"

PS3 released in 2005 ?

RFOM : 2006
Ratchet Future : 2007
Ratchet Booty : 2008
COD clone with aliens : 2008

I am worried the quality , they are our ND , dunno about the length Story mode , I hope it's not very short since there are now other modes all games that did separated mode end with very short Sp mode ( CODs , Gears 2 ..ect ) .

EmCeeGramr said:
The makers of the shitty Jak games.



TTP said:
It really depends on how it leverages the core game mechanics. If Uncharted 2 MP is just Gears of Wars than yeah, who cares. But if you have to climb a mountain to get a flag, shooting while hanging and stuff, then OMG.

I agree, if Uncharted 2 has MP that's like gears of war where you just run around on some mostly flat terrain and pop each other then it will be pretty uninspired, but playing to the strengths of the SP gameplay where you're running across walls on vines and doing some jumping across sketchy terrain would make it something totally different and worthwhile.
Zeliard said:
This trend that's emerging where every game that features shooting feels the need to include a multiplayer mode is tragic.

To me, it can definitely be the thing that makes a rental a purchase. I don't think it should have to be a standard in all games, but where it makes sense (as in, say, Uncharted) I definitely want it in.

Personally, I'd love to see Invasion/Horde or other enhanced bot modes become standard.


Make competitive multiplayer vertical.

Take strong use of the athletic ability of the game and it will greatly differ to the competition out there while at the same time looking visually better.


no coop that can screw the SP experience. Multiplayer is welcome as it gives yo much more for your money, an yeah PS3 has many MP games, but NOT a real TPS as GOW.

I really see different teams doing MP and SP . And having the basic game play there, i don't think it is that much work.
lawblob said:
Sweet, pull the devs off the campaign so they can make a shitty deathmatch mode.

That'll likely be a barren wasteland online in a few months as well. Sounds like a terrible idea, playing through the original Uncharted left me with no desire for a multiplayer component.


tfur said:
I think I will wait for some solid information and game play before I jump to conclusions.

Crazy idea I know, but that's the way I roll...

You get that crazy shit out of here.

This thread is for the damnation of features that we know nothing about yet. Get on board or get out!


I loved the first Uncharted..the only thing that disappointed me was that it was too short and ...but a multiplayer mode would be cool, more reasons to jump back into the game.


EmCeeGramr said:
The makers of the shitty Jak games.

That explains perfectly why Uncharted turned out to be a AAA killer IP so far. At least that clears things up.

Anyways, MP "can" be in there, as long as there's considerably more length and effort done to the SP compared to the first one.


Forsete said:
GODDAM, I hope HEAVY RAIN gets TDM, Co-op, CTF and all DAT JAZZ!
Hot damn, yeah! Did you see how much RE5 sold in its first month in the US? That mother totally needs some sweet MP action!


Tom Penny said:
You know what's sickening. Thinking that you matter more than the majority of consumers that will buy the game. I bet you more people want mulitplayer than don't that's for sure.

The average console owner doesn't connect to the internet for any type of multiplayer so I'd bet you are wrong.
Wollan said:
Make competitive multiplayer vertical.

Take strong use of the athletic ability of the game and it will greatly differ to the competition out there while at the same time looking visually better.

Yeah, a straight up shooter wouldn't be terribly interesting. A shooter with a strong cooperative platforming bit, on the other hand, would be quite cool. And which other shooters allow you to shoot while hanging from ledges and ropes? I welcome this. Even more than that, I welcome a co-op mode against A.I. enemies.


Concept17 said:
I for one didn't buy Uncharted day one because I have trouble spending full price for only single-player, especially if its any less than 15 hours. This of course was before I knew how awesome the game was, and I would still buy Uncharted 2 day one with just singleplayer, but still, its rare someone is gonna rush out and spend 60$ on a game with ~8-12 hours of single-player content before having played the actual game.
lets just hope any kind of demo properly shows the game off, unlike the first
Bull. People rushed out to buy MGS4 and 99% of those people gave a shit about the multiplayer component.

Anyone that bought Uncharted and did not put it away after 20 minutes is going to buy Uncharted 2, and it will not be because of the multiplayer component.
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