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Rumor: Xbox successor codename is "Ten". Expected release Holiday 2012.


Kinyou said:
Those rumors from msnerd.com are also quite interesting (they seemingly have been right about some things in the past):

I could see MS release a low end machine as well as a high end machine. Remember the rumored 'streaming box' like OnLive. A more wide variety of Xbox-branded products wouldn't surprise me given the succes of the brand in the US.
they didn't want the 2nd xbox to appear inferior to the playstation 3 so they called it the xbox 360

they don't want the 3rd xbox to appear inferior to the playstation 4 so they call it the xbox 10

the 4th xbox should be called the xbox 549234


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Kinyou said:
Those rumors from msnerd.com are also quite interesting (they seemingly have been right about some things in the past):


That doesn't sound like a next gen game console. More like a cheap hybrid gaming/multimedia centric device.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Rodney McKay said:
That was a big disappointment to me that Halo 4 is coming to 360. Having played PC games almost exclusively and trying to go back to Reach was quite jarring.

If the "10" gets a port of Halo 4 with 1080p, 60FPS, and AA I would be extremely happy.

It doesn't help that sadly, Reach has significant performance issues in multiplayer. As far as graphics and such for Halo 4, just give me a locked framerate. I don't ask for much lol
pr0cs said:
Unfortunately there is no way they'll announce anything at 2012 E3. 2013 fall release date at the earliest.
And 10 better be an internal product name.
Yes;that's correct.

Epic President said:
On Next-Gen: "I can’t tell you, because I know what’s going on."

(September 6, 2011)

The Telegraph
Cliff Bleszinski said:
I still think there is a huge amount of room for improvement in graphics. We want to get to Avatar-quality and real time and beyond. I think we can absolutey get there, hopefully in the next generation if everybody ponies up and does good hardware.

And how far out is that?

Who knows. I could tell you, but I’d violate an NDA.

(September 19, 2011)

Epic President said:
I think it’s very important that a gamer sees an Xbox Next or PlayStation Next and can clearly see the tech is not possible on current consoles. Otherwise they won’t be a success. And that’s a very tall order. I mean, PS3 is still very bad-ass – Heavy Rain looks great. To blow that away we need the hardware to do it.

(October 26, 2011)

Epic President said:
I'd hate to say that the Wii U is late; in fact, you could almost argue that it's early," Capps began. "They're aiming for a point beyond the current generation – they're just not leapfrogging it. One can certainly envision a future a couple years down the road where we have some significantly leapfrogged generation and then the Wii U again becomes a system that's not easily portable between the other platforms.

(August 4, 2011)

Epic Vice President said:
"I'd rather wait until they can bring out hardware that can do Samaritan affordably than bring out something super high-priced and the market adopts it slowly as they wait for a price drop. Either way I'm confident we'll have a great game engine for it thanks to the efforts we've already got underway like Samaritan.

"In terms of something aimed at running Samaritan, I don't think it would be practical to come out with a new console at that spec right now," Rein added. "I think we're a few years away from that kind of hardware being available at a price consumers would embrace."

"I think we're still getting great value out of the consoles we have today and we can continue to hone our skills with those for a few more years.

(July 20, 2011)


Criminal Upper said:
The very idea Microsoft or Sony would put out a new console with only one E3 behind it is laughable.

The rumor whirlwind for a new Xbox this time around is following the trajectory of 360 rumors/reveal last time around quite nicely.
Criminal Upper said:
The very idea Microsoft or Sony would put out a new console with only one E3 behind it is laughable.

Revealed at E3 '05
Released in November '05


[Nintex] said:
I could see MS release a low end machine as well as a high end machine. Remember the rumored 'streaming box' like OnLive. A more wide variety of Xbox-branded products wouldn't surprise me given the succes of the brand in the US.
Hm, you're right maybe some kind of 'Xbox Kinect'. Could really see this happening.


I wonder when Sony is planning to release their PS4.Will they "allow" MS (and Nintendo) to enjoy another one year head start?

I think it would be interesting if all three would launch their consoles at (roughly) the same time.Has that ever happened before?


Gold Member
sublimit said:
I wonder when Sony is planning to release their PS4.Will they "allow" MS (and Nintendo) to enjoy another one year head start?

I think it would be interesting if all three would launch their consoles at (roughly) the same time.Has that ever happened before?
You can pretty much assume that this will happen when the next gen launches.


sublimit said:
I wonder when Sony is planning to release their PS4.Will they "allow" MS (and Nintendo) to enjoy another one year head start?

I think it would be interesting if all three would launch their consoles at (roughly) the same time.Has that ever happened before?
What the heck is your avatar? :\


Oh God I got it!

Wait for iiiit...

Xbox Reynolds


It just rolls of the tongue!

Jesus, I'm a genius and never realized!


Kinyou said:
Those rumors from msnerd.com are also quite interesting (they seemingly have been right about some things in the past):

I am now stating that Xbox codename “loop” (the erstwhile XboxTV) will indeed debut a modified Win9 core.


Wait, does he mean "Windows 9" core or is Win9 an abbreviation of something else?
Because if this is the former, Windows 8 is being released next year, no way Microsoft is already working on Windows 9.


cyberheater said:
MS are willing to lose money on a console at least initially. So for a given price, their console will have more power/performance. Be it a faster CPU/GPU combination and/or more memory. It all adds up.

Microsoft's new console management isn't as keen on having the same strategy as the previous 2 consoles.

Also, MS have a proven track record for producing powerhouse consoles. Something that Nintendo have shown absolutely no interest in since the Gamecube came out.

The Gamecube was a hair shy of being as powerful as the OG XBox, though it was more difficult to squeeze those results out of it. It was also much smaller and easier to mass produce.

I fully expect that the next gen Xbox and Playstation will deliver a significant and obvious upgrade relative to what the WiiU will offer in terms of graphics and processor speed.

There is no magic technology that will make future consoles (especially those coming out next year) some massive leap in technology over the CPU/GPU/etc parts that are already out there now. Consider typical console wattages when making that statement.

cyberheater said:
I love Nintendo. I've owned all of there consoles but from my point of view they lost touch with the more hardcore gamer when they launched the Wii.

Nintendo's core game output this gen has been their best since the SNES. Some of the best core games across all platforms of this generation have been released on the Wii. Unless your definition of core is the kind of games that appeal to 15 year old boys, vis-a-vis tits and blood.

I haven't seen anything concrete on the WiiU that changes that. And frankly, if I can't buy any of the big multi console games on the WiiU 'cause Nintendo haven't courted the right devs then I'm not interested. It's an irrelevant platform.

What else can you tell us from the future?

The Xbox is another story altogether. With a heady mix of rumors, tips and speculation, I am now stating that Xbox codename “loop” (the erstwhile XboxTV) will indeed debut a modified Win9 core. It will use a Zune HD-like hardware platform—a “main” processor with multiple dedicated assistive cores for graphics, AI, physics, sound, networking, encryption and sensors. It will be custom designed by Microsoft and two partners based on the ARM architecture. It will be cheaper than the 360, further enabling Kinect adoption. And it will be far smaller than the 360. It will also demonstrate how Windows Phone could possible implement Win9’s dev platform on the lower end.

Xbox 10 will be using the Win8 platform, not Win9. That's pretty much a guarantee. The other stuff, though? ARM cores on a console? It would be great for power consumption but would put the console squarely in a Wii-like predicament. If Bulldozer didn't turn out so shitty, those particular rumours (about the AMD Fusion Trinity/bulldozer) console would make much more sense than going to ARM.

Because if this is the former, Windows 8 is being released next year, no way Microsoft is already working on Windows 9.

Windows 9 is already in the planning stages, and Windows 8 is the one getting the biggest dev push. Must be a typo, because Balmer has indicated he wants synergy and simultaneous releases for all Windows 8 products (server OS, tablets, consumer OS, and console, all by the end of 2012) and I believe he will reach that or come close.


Good Art™
I'm always confused by the "it won't be 2012" talk.

Tech is ready, even with a cheap hardware you can create a big graphical difference with this gen, while a more powerful hardware won't show that much better graphics than yours. This gen has been realllly long, with now 3 episodes for every major franchise... having one year advance is the way to go, clearly. I don't even see the cons...
ShockingAlberto said:
How is that not two E3s
there were two E3s in 2005?
Lagspike_exe said:
(Xbox 360) Devkits showed in public @ E3 '03.
And what games were shown? There were no games shown and the console was no shown until E3 '05 and the release date was announced at that E3 as well.


orioto said:
I'm always confused by the "it won't be 2012" talk.
It's the old reverse-jinx trick. People really want it to be in 2012 but to avoid jinxing it, or be disappointed, they say it's never gonna happen.

Next Xbox in 2012? Not gonna happen.

El Sloth

Mr.Green said:
It's the old reverse-jinx trick. People really want it to be in 2012 but to avoid jinxing it, or be disappointed, they say it's never gonna happen.

Next Xbox in 2012? Not gonna happen.
So you're saying Gaffers are actually a bunch of old Italian ladies?
funkystudent said:
but wasnt every rumor up to know for a 2013 release?

No, that's just what they wanted you to think! maybe...

The GAF originating rumour said a console manufacturer was making a new console for 2012, with an AMD cpu. It was posted in a thread about Microsoft's next console, but deliberately avoided naming a company. Nintendo are confirmed to not be using AMD cpu.

Sooo, if it was true and never got delayed, 2012.


I find myself hoping it's 2013 at this point. I don't want it to be one/two tech-years behind the competitor when ps4 launches for many reasons.

it would hold multiplatform games back, for example.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
StevieP said:
Nintendo's core game output this gen has been their best since the SNES. Some of the best core games across all platforms of this generation have been released on the Wii. Unless your definition of core is the kind of games that appeal to 15 year old boys, vis-a-vis tits and blood.

Your a fantasist. Everyone I know. And I mean everyone plays hardcore games on their Xbox 360 or PS3 and when they are fed up with that they play a bit of Wii Sports for a change. No one I know has bought a single game for their Wii since MarioKart.

Nintendo will have to work very hard to change that perception of them.
cyberheater said:
MS are willing to lose money on a console at least initially. So for a given price, their console will have more power/performance. Be it a faster CPU/GPU combination and/or more memory. It all adds up.

Also, MS have a proven track record for producing powerhouse consoles. Something that Nintendo have shown absolutely no interest in since the Gamecube came out.

I fully expect that the next gen Xbox and Playstation will deliver a significant and obvious upgrade relative to what the WiiU will offer in terms of graphics and processor speed.

I was going to dissect this and go over the points...but StevieP beat me to it and said it all perfectly. Read his post.


funkystudent said:
but wasnt every rumor up to know for a 2013 release?

rushing it to beat the wii u to market?

I don't think it's rushed. There have been rumors about AMD working on a console APU for some time time.

Nothing about MS seems rushed to me. I think people should be focusing, instead, on why Nintendo decided to drag their behind so badly with the WiiU reveal.

Should have been released in 2010. Or at the very least 2011. When they got lackadaisical and decided to let it slip to fall 2012, this is what they left themselves open to.

For their sake, the lack of concrete tech specs hopefully means they've gone back to the boardroom and decided to run with their highest spec'd prototype. Although I do find Parmenides' post interesting. Nothing but questions coming from Epic during interviews, and then suddenly, the line changes during the last interview and he brings up an NDA when talking about the real next gen systems. Could be BS, or could be MS has finally let him into the loop.

StevieP said:
If Bulldozer didn't turn out so shitty, those particular rumours (about the AMD Fusion Trinity/bulldozer) console would make much more sense than going to ARM.

It's shitty only with the high end parts (power consumption) when going against the performance Intel parts.

The low end APUs are terrific products. And this is what a Xbox would be built on. WiiU is basically a slightly buffed 360. Even a low end AMD APU is drastically superior to that in a closed architecture.


cyberheater said:
Your a fantasist. Everyone I know. And I mean everyone plays hardcore games on their Xbox 360 or PS3 and when they are fed up with that they play a bit of Wii Sports for a change. No one I know has bought a single game for their Wii since MarioKart.

Nintendo will have to work very hard to change that perception of them.

Call of Duty is just as much of a casual title as Wii Sports. And I wasn't talking about Wii Sports when I mentioned Nintendo's "core" gaming output.

You're a "hyperbolist"

The GAF originating rumour said a console manufacturer was making a new console for 2012, with an AMD cpu. It was posted in a thread about Microsoft's next console, but deliberately avoided naming a company. Nintendo are confirmed to not be using AMD cpu.

Sooo, if it was true and never got delayed, 2012.

That was before bulldozer ended up being shit (especially in power consumption, where it matters most). I still wonder if Microsoft had flip-flopped back to IBM to get their next CPU but then we have this ARM rumour. Hmm.

For their sake, the lack of concrete tech specs hopefully means they've gone back to the boardroom and decided to run with their highest spec'd prototype.


Article said:
Nintendo engineers are working hard to upgrade Wii U so that it can simultaneously support two tablet controllers, Develop understands.

A trusted game development executive has said there are numerous indications within the Wii U codebase that the console is, at the very least, being prepared to operate with two touch-screen pads.

But Develop’s source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, explained that multi-tablet support is one of three remaining variables for the next-gen console. The other two are RAM capacity and processor speed.
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