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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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You can argue about 1080p / 900p / 720p / upscale...blah...blah...blah. The truth is, RYSE, TitanFall, and Forza-5, all look excellent.

We all know that Forza-5 does 1080 @60 fps, so obviously the X1 is capable. There will be games of various resolutions in the beginning, but 1080p will definitely be the standard during the lifecycle of the console.

the X1 is capable of running a game with pre-baked lighting and a forward renderer at 1080p and 60 fps. I see absolutely no evidence yet that it is capable of running one with deferred rendering at that resolution and framerate... and the vast majority of first and third party games are using deferred rendering.

I would like to be proven wrong.


We all know that Forza-5 does 1080 @60 fps, so obviously the X1 is capable. There will be games of various resolutions in the beginning, but 1080p will definitely be the standard during the lifecycle of the console.

But the question I have is, if Forza 5 can be 1080p @ 60fps, then why can't Ghosts match the same performance? Subjectively, Ghosts looks not much better than BLOPS 2. Yes, Forza and Ghosts are two difference games, pushing the hardware in difference ways etc. But still...

Are we talking about a skills gap @ Infinity Ward? Lack of experience with the XOne SDK? Are we talking about poor support or immature XOne SDK? I refuse to believe that the XOne is incapable of running a Call of Duty game @ 1080p...


Lol it's true!

All I picture is a bunch of guys, exactly like the comic book guy from the simpsons, rubbing themselves with glee as they wait for the next xbox thread to troll.

I really dont understand. I think we all know the PS4 has the advantage but that doesn't make me not want the games and no matter how much half of you love Sony, nothing you say will make me want to play them less.

Good grief man. Did Sony rape your wife and kill your dog? Extreme NaCl coming from you.
You can argue about 1080p / 900p / 720p / upscale...blah...blah...blah. The truth is, RYSE, TitanFall, and Forza-5, all look excellent.

We all know that Forza-5 does 1080 @60 fps, so obviously the X1 is capable. There will be games of various resolutions in the beginning, but 1080p will definitely be the standard during the lifecycle of the console.

I will give you Forza 5. Maybe Ryse (but that's not 1080p).
Titanfall's strong suit is not it's graphics though...


Xbone: 1.18 TF GPU (12 CUs) for games
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues

PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs) for games + 56%
PS4: 1152 Shaders +50%
PS4: 72 Texture units +50%
PS4: 32 ROPS + 100%
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues +400%
Ignoring clockrate is disingenuous. You should be comparing effective performance metrics (pixels/s, texels/s), not the number of physical units (even if it does not make a big difference in the end).

You're absoloutely right.
The PS3 was weaker than the Xbox 360 though, did I still play GTAV on the PS3? Yes.
Did it still look good? Yes.
Was it still amazing, Yep!

People always always focus on the stupid little shit before a console launches and not the games. I know it because I was dopey enough to do this 8 years ago myself. After experiencing 2 full console gens now, I've learnt my lesson. This will be water under the bridge in less than 6 months.
It's not particularly important at the end of the day, but if you don't want to talk about, don't enter such threads, you won't stop other people discussing it. The problem is when this sort of discussion permeates to threads that shouldn't be about it, but here you shouldn't be stopping anyone.


The main issue as of now is not only PS4 being more powerful but having a massive games advantage which some people try to down play.

"Massive games advantage" is all based on opinion of what you are interested in. Both consoles look to have some solid titles. If a person can't get both then he/she will have to choose based on what they are personally interested in.

And if you read the thread there are is some blatant comments trying to even downplay PSN. Something which is irrelevant but reminds me of arguments which end up with insults which have nothing to do with the original matter at hand

I could understand if some people feel more confident deciding to play COD on Live in comparison to PSN. Maybe due to friends or just their preference in the service and the way it performs (at least at the moment).

Not everyone will be deciding what console to play multiplats on based on what looks better.

Off to work. Another 20 100 post pages before I get home?

8-10 hour period? I think so. Should be easy (haha).


are you trying to tell me I imagined the reactions to every head to head comparison where the PS3 fell way behind the Xbox 360? Are you telling me Activision wasted the time and money they spent getting the PS3 versions of COD games up to the same resolution as the 360 ones? That resolution disparity got smaller and smaller until it vanished and it didn't happen magically.

Are you telling me no one cared that RE4 looked worse on PS2 than GameCube?

It's going to matter every time a major release is noticeably inferior on Xbox One. Just as it did between PS3 and 360. And, you know, always.

I'm telling you that not that many people cared, I'm telling you not that many people care now. I'm telling you that in the long run, the only thing that matters is the games within reason. I believe the graphical disparity between the Xbox One and the PS4 is "within reason" and ultimately Fable 4 or Gears 4 or Halo whatever or who knows what other franchise MS fans love - will bring those people back to the Xbox to play the games they like.

and exactly as you yourself pointed out, eventually the difference amounts to nothing as the devs figure out the precise tricks on each system. People losing their shit over a launch title of all things? Crazy talk.


*Incoming salty opinion*

To be honest, as someone who has an XOne pre-ordered with a sizeable quantity of games alongside it (Ghosts and Battlefield 4 being two of them) and has ridden the wave of negative and positive news that has followed the initial reveal, it's starting to become exhausting trying to stay positive now. It just seems to me that whenever the XOne begins to surround itself with a positive buzz, something, like this COD rumour, comes along and bursts the bubble. What's even more infuriating, is that no-one from Microsoft, or even Infinity Ward is attempting to tackle the issue head on.

Non-answers from Phil ('we don't know, because we aren't directly involved in the development') and Albert ('Activision will tell us when they want us to know') serve nothing other than to stir the rumour pot faster and instil even more frustration in those of us who are trying to believe Microsoft haven't produced a lemon. I don't believe for a second that you guys (Phil and Albert) don't know how the final build of Call of Duty will perform on final retail hardware. Considering the Call of Duty series is one of your flagship, third party titles, I doubt very much you guys sit at the sidelines oblivious to how the development of the game is coming along. Considering Microsoft are throwing some of their marketing weight behind the game, you will no doubt have close ties to the development process. And, I assume you will have XOne engineers going back and fourth to Infinity Ward's development team and helping them acclimatise themselves with the XOne hardware and SDK - Just like you have done with, albeit, first party published titles Dead Rising and, probably Ryse - so, you will no doubt be getting first hand, technical updates from those guys. So there is NO WAY Microsoft doesn't know how the game will perform.

Irritatingly, I sort of understand the PR approach they (MS) are taking and why they won't officially comment on this. Call of Duty isn't their product, so, probably for legal reasons, they won't make an official statement about it. So, instead, they dance around the issue. However, I'm sure they could try and at least drop a hint of 'I Wouldn't worry' or 'wait till this date and see for yourselves' to try and at least diffuse the situation a little bit instead of the non-answers they have provided thus far - assuming the rumour turns out to be false. Then we have the stance that Activision may take, assuming it's turns out to be true, then it will most certainly affect pre-orders of the XOne version. And, arguably, affect XOne pre-orders too. So, they would probably take the stance of 'lets say nothing' or the neutral 'we don't comment on rumours or speculation'. But if it's not, and I certainly hope this is the case, just come out and TELL US! Diffuse this shit storm.

Right now, in my eyes at least, the inaction and poor response so far by both Microsoft and Infinity Ward/Activision is seeding the idea deeper that the XOne is severely undercooked. Not to disrespect the dev team at Infinity ward, but if there was one game everyone expected to run @1080p and at 60fps on both XOne and PS4 it was the call of duty series. Now unless there is a legitimate reason for the Ghosts game to be running under par compared to the PS4 version, such as an immature SDK (potentially meaning the game 'could' be 1080p with more dev time and better tools), then it potentially means that we can expect future games to suffer the same treatment.

Now, I know for a fact that graphics + resolution doesn't equate to superior gameplay. But the rational gamer inside me does question my £430 purchase decision to buy a console which may be lame before it even exits the start line.

Microsoft NEED to react to this sooner rather than later.

Good points. I'd already moved my Battlefield and NFS order to PS4, firstly because Driveclub and Watchdogs were delayed so I wanted something to play on PS4, now it seems the right decision perfomance wise as well. I've still got Ghosts on order for X1 at the moment.

However what will happen for me is that third party games will be purchased on PS4 like they were on 360 over PS3 this gen (FFXIII apart). I still want to play Killer Instinct, Forza 5, Dead Rising 3 and Crimson Dragon. I'm going to want to play Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break and Halo 5. So I'll need an X1, Microsoft will just lose my third party business.
It is 100% True! Playing on Live with buddies is a much smoother and faster experience. I hope the Sony improves this with the PS4.

Not it isn't. The only upside is the voice chat (cross game). Aside from that, it's the same thing. But of course you are gonna enjoy it more with your friends.

That's why you should really just go where you think you will have more fun.
The point that people keep forgetting about Ryse is that we're only seeing 1:1 gifs and videos right now. It's only going to get worse from hereon in.

It's going to just look as unsharp as a 360 game once it's put on a 1080p TV.

The Xbone has a slightly more interesting launch lineup (but still pretty uninspiring if you're interested in new gameplay) but I feel that it's just a fart in the wind compared to what the Sony studios and technically accomplished third party developers will bring to the table once the generation is up and running without needing to worry about PS3 and 360 ports.

Nonsense from start to finish. Ryse will look like a 360 game? You're either trying too hard or not trying hard enough, either way it tastes like weak sauce.
I don't know mayne. I'm just looking to pick a fight here. Don't know why, because MS is not even worth defending anymore.

It's best just to shed a tear for what could have been and watch from the sidelines.

For all we know they'll have a rip-roaring 2014 though with games.


You know what I meant.

No I didn't, you described fanboys, shills are marketers and are banned here on GAF calling someone out as a fanboy or a shill are very different things.

I know what you meant about people being pleased that they would be able to gloat, but "shill" is a bit of a no no.


Ignoring clockrate is disingenuous. You should be comparing effective performance metrics (pixels/s, texels/s), not the number of physical units (even if it does not make a big difference in the end).

It's not particularly important at the end of the day, but if you don't want to talk about, don't enter such threads, you won't stop other people discussing it. The problem is when this sort of discussion permeates to threads that shouldn't be about it, but here you shouldn't be stopping anyone.

It's just so silly, developers read these forums, fuck do I feel sorry for those poor assholes seeing shit like this. I think the whole thread is a total clusterfuck. Honestly if it wasn't for the utterly shitty library of games
(for my taste / in my opinion!)
on the Xbox side of things, I'd seriously consider buying one out of sympathy at this point. My PS3 which was apparently a "piece of shit" for 18 months after launch from every goddamn Xbox fan on forums ended up being a sweet as fuck investment. I hope the Xbox One fans in 18 months are rewarded for their patience too, just fun games in the long run.
I'm telling you that not that many people cared, I'm telling you not that many people care now. I'm telling you that in the long run, the only thing that matters is the games within reason. I believe the graphical disparity between the Xbox One and the PS4 is "within reason" and ultimately Fable 4 or Gears 4 or Halo whatever or who knows what other franchise MS fans love - will bring those people back to the Xbox to play the games they like.

and exactly as you yourself pointed out, eventually the difference amounts to nothing as the devs figure out the precise tricks on each system. People losing their shit over a launch title of all things? Crazy talk.

I am not saying that in time we will see parity on Xbox One and PS4 games. it is crazy to think such a thing would happen. it happened last gen because PS3 was more powerful. the gap may close, but it's not going away this time.
No I didn't, you described fanboys, shills are marketers and are banned here on GAF calling someone out as a fanboy or a shill are very different things.

Doesn't seem to make a difference in perception to most based on what I've seen of gaf so far.

Unless you're on a particular "side".

Jack cw

Ignoring clockrate is disingenuous. You should be comparing effective performance metrics (pixels/s, texels/s), not the number of physical units (even if it does not make a big difference in the end).
Why do people in denial tend to be so aggressive against facts?
7770 ca. Xbone
7870 ca. PS4


You're absoloutely right.
The PS3 was weaker than the Xbox 360 though, did I still play GTAV on the PS3? Yes.
Did it still look good? Yes.
Was it still amazing, Yep!

People always always focus on the stupid little shit before a console launches and not the games. I know it because I was dopey enough to do this 8 years ago myself. After experiencing 2 full console gens now, I've learnt my lesson. This will be water under the bridge in less than 6 months.

This, THIS!

People have just stopped actually playing the games. Spend 2000$ on a PC to take screenshots, rave on and on about pixels and shit which they will not enjoy anyway since there clearly is something wrong with the "pacing" or "character development" in the game...

Having a blast trying to solve problems, puzzles and competing with yourself and your friends in a game. That is gaming.

This thread is not.

I've never come across a gaming forum that inhabitant so many members that hates gaming as much as NeoGAF.


Xbone: 1.18 TF GPU (12 CUs) for games
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues

PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs) for games + 56%
PS4: 1152 Shaders +50%
PS4: 72 Texture units +50%
PS4: 32 ROPS + 100%
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues +400%

Someone PLEASE change the original of the list that gets quoted everywhere. 64 queues is 400% of 16 queues or +300%.

No need to accidentally inflate the numbers, the beatdown is severe enough already ;)


This is incredibly false. If the Xbox One can't manage full 1080p in multiplatform games with weak graphics (Call of Duty: Ghosts), then what makes you think they can do it later?

Besides Forza, there isn't a single confirmed 1080p retail game for the Xbox One. They are all either 900p or 720p, based on what information we know.

A couple Microsoft insiders have already said that 900p (or lower) will probably become the standard resolution for Xbox One games from this point moving forward.

To add to that a racing game is much less demanding on resources than something like a cinematic FPS with lots of AI or an open-world RPG.

You and your opponents are basically on rails on a walled off track. You can pipe all the performance into the look of car models around you the track and objects immediately close to you. Lots of tricks can be achieved to have the distant geometry and textures looking good without big performance hits.
Xbone: 1.18 TF GPU (12 CUs) for games
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues

PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs) for games + 56%
PS4: 1152 Shaders +50%
PS4: 72 Texture units +50%
PS4: 32 ROPS + 100%
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues +400%

Why haven't you mentioned the clock speeds? This is what I meant about cherry picked, it's only ever the stats which are a plus for the PS4 which are mentioned, not the whole thing. Yes the PS4 has a more powerful graphics chip, but saying it's 50% better because a couple of statistics suggest so is rubbish.


You can argue about 1080p / 900p / 720p / upscale...blah...blah...blah. The truth is, RYSE, TitanFall, and Forza-5, all look excellent.

We all know that Forza-5 does 1080 @60 fps, so obviously the X1 is capable. There will be games of various resolutions in the beginning, but 1080p will definitely be the standard during the lifecycle of the console.

Hopefully in the future it does but CBOAT said no so.... sad.


If this is esram its probably an unavoidable technical restriction since the 32mb cant grow in size and ms in their defense couldnt increase it any further because of cost and size of the die/yeild increase problems... if you want 60fps you will likely have to get used to 720p, or prob 900p with littlenor no AA.


Why haven't you mentioned the clock speeds? This is what I meant about cherry picked, it's only ever the stats which are a plus for the PS4 which are mentioned, not the whole thing. Yes the PS4 has a more powerful graphics chip, but saying it's 50% better because a couple of statistics suggest so is rubbish.
Clock speeds are already accounted for in the compute power (TFlops) stats.
I'm seriously living in the wrong time zone. Apocalypses like this one always start over night and when I read it, it's almost over. It makes me sad.

Other than that, it looks like I made the right choice for the upcoming years.


Why haven't you mentioned the clock speeds? This is what I meant about cherry picked, it's only ever the stats which are a plus for the PS4 which are mentioned, not the whole thing. Yes the PS4 has a more powerful graphics chip, but saying it's 50% better because a couple of statistics suggest so is rubbish.

The "proof in the pudding" is already here, in the form of many developers outright claiming that games run ~50% faster on the PS4 than the Xbox One.

One developer gave an example, in which the PS4 could handle a full 1920x1080p game at ~30fps, but the Xbox One would only run the same game at "'20-something' FPS in 1600×900p."

Source: http://www.edge-online.com/news/pow...erences-between-ps4-and-xbox-one-performance/
Nonsense from start to finish. Ryse will look like a 360 game? You're either trying too hard or not trying hard enough, either way it tastes like weak sauce.

read what I wrote again: "as unsharp as a 360 game". Scaling is scaling, regardless of how many more polygons or textures and lighting you're shoving around.

I guess you need to actually experience a 1:1 game before you can appreciate it fully.


Why haven't you mentioned the clock speeds? This is what I meant about cherry picked, it's only ever the stats which are a plus for the PS4 which are mentioned, not the whole thing. Yes the PS4 has a more powerful graphics chip, but saying it's 50% better because a couple of statistics suggest so is rubbish.
Lol clock speeds, you really buy into everything Microsoft says don't you. The 6% cpu clock bump was and is insignificant.


It's just so silly, developers read these forums, fuck do I feel sorry for those poor assholes seeing shit like this. I think the whole thread is a total clusterfuck. Honestly if it wasn't for the utterly shitty library of games
(for my taste / in my opinion!)
on the Xbox side of things, I'd seriously consider buying one out of sympathy at this point. My PS3 which was apparently a "piece of shit" for 18 months after launch from every goddamn Xbox fan on forums ended up being a sweet as fuck investment. I hope the Xbox One fans in 18 months are rewarded for their patience too, just fun games in the long run.
I'm happy your PS3 purchase worked out for you.
Why do people in denial tend to be so aggressive against facts?
7770 ca. Xbone
7870 ca. PS4
Who's aggressive against facts? I only asked you to provide comparisons of effective performance metrics, eg. pixel fillrate not the number of rops (which doesn't make much difference but it should be done for accuracy reasons).


Xbone: 1.18 TF GPU (12 CUs) for games
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues

PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs) for games + 56%
PS4: 1152 Shaders +50%
PS4: 72 Texture units +50%
PS4: 32 ROPS + 100%
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues +400%

I shit you not, someone on the gametrailers forums has this listed as the xbone specs:

X1 specs.
Heavily modified R9 280X with various 290X parts
1.3tflop (12CUs)+ GCN 2.0+ & HSA+ = 4.8tf reality
12CUs + 2 dormant CUs + 2 fail-safe CUs for main GPU.
2 parallel render pipes for GPU + 2 parallel quadcore clusters for 8core CPU.

This new gen is making people crazy.


The PS2 is arguably the greatest console that ever has and ever will be made...it broke the mold...it sold so well because it had overwhelming developer/publisher support....the Dreamcast was nearly DOA....and the GameCube and Xbox had no shot once the PS2 had gotten it's hold on the market...

There very well may never be another console like the PS2...it simply can't be used as a reference for anything to do with the upcoming generation

Don't mind him. He likes to pretend that the XB1 will be the Ps2. It's his go to defense for the Xone.
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