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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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The Amiga Brotherhood

You managed to get the hand reflection on the screen as well - impressed.
Good for you. I won't play either one because Call of Duty is about as fun for me as ripping my toenails off. If I wanted to get embarrassed by 14 year olds I'd go back in time to middle school.

What if a 14 year old was ripping your toe nails off in 2560x1440?
For me it's not so much about brand loyalty, although I like Sony more, I won't buy either of these machines (at all, I guess, certailny not in the forseeable future). It's just that the XB1 as a product fails so hard and is such a rip-off that I just can't get my mind behind someone who is buying that thing. But that's just my personal issue, I guess. :) Although all people around me who are buying that thing are just fanboys in the sense of "new xbox, I'm buying it anyway". They even know about the shortcomings, they just don't bother. It's not great for the industry, just to think about that games are still made with a 1,18TFLOP machine in the mind the next coming years...that's shit. Hopefully it doesn't sell great so that the impact stays minimal.

Really? You think my brother and his buddies give a rat's ass about any of this? XBO is the machine for playing halo online. End of story. That is why they will buy it and all the rest of this - they could care less. I'm getting both systems on launch day because that way I have access to any game I could want. Whether it's underpowered or not, it still offers games you can't get elsewhere. I don't give a shit about specs.
It is 1:1. No overscan or underscan. Maybe you should look at what a 960x540 image looks like versus 1600x900 with both scaled to 1920x1080.

take any image and simply double it in size and it will remain perfectly sharp, this much should be clear as day. I can't speak for whatever your LCD is doing to a plain 540p image but it should simply double every pixel, it should remain so sharp you can cut yourself on it.

take any imperfect scaling and no matter what filter you use, the vaseline effect kicks in, as the scaling algorithm attempts to interpolate what the missing pixels should be.

and this is what we'll see more and more as the generation moves on, vaseline filtered upscaled polygons (with the 1080p GUI overlay they're proud of which proves that scaling is ugly) on the Xbone and crystal clear PS4 versions.

I can pretty much start writing the DF articles already.

Jack cw

Thanks very much for the replies.

Does upscaling in games work similarly to video? The PS3 made some well transfered DVDs pretty watchable sometimes but it really depended on the source. Sometimes the upscaling made things worse.

Basically yes. If the image quality of 720p content is good like god of war 3 for example, the upscale will look solid but if you take something like alan wake with 576p then the result will get horrible.

In the end it will depend on the ability of your TV to upscale. So it is a very individual thing.

Yeah, but not everyone can afford a 2.500$ TV that has decent upscaling tech.
Still, upscaling means producing information that isnt there, so the result will always lack clarity and crispness.


Has Arthur Gies already tied to spin this?

He hasn't directly talked about this news, but, once the thread got going last night, he tried pimping the XB1 controller, and, later tried convincing people Titanfall won't be on PS4 till hoilday 2015.

Gies gonna gies.


Can anyone provide a summary (in regards to this rumor) of the last 115 pages for those of us at work or with other commitments that do not allow us the luxury to read 115 pages?

Still no word one way or the other?


Really? You think my brother and his buddies give a rat's ass about any of this? XBO is the machine for playing halo online. End of story. That is why they will buy it and all the rest of this - they could care less. I'm getting both systems on launch day because that way I have access to any game I could want. Whether it's underpowered or not, it still offers games you can't get elsewhere. I don't give a shit about specs.

So why are you in this thread damage controlling then? Saying it offers Halo to counter the rumored resolution difference in a completely different game is pretty funny man.

Kudos on the username though, it's clever.


The number of CoD copies sold on X360 vs PS3 says otherwise. It would be a bigger blow to MS if CoD wasn't on the downturn like it is. Ghosts just isn't selling as well as CoD should.

That is a pointless and irrelevant metric.

There are far, far more factors involved in that figure, than what console players relate COD too.

I have to assume you know this, because it is fucking obvious in the extreme.


I wonder what resolution 360 CoD: Ghosts runs at? It's going to be pretty damning if the "$500 new console" version runs at the same resolution as the 360 one.
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